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Meticulous preparation of sour ant nests is essential for the dish’s unique taste.

Mai Chau (Hoa Binh province), is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and a plethora of mouthwatering dishes. Among these culinary delights, the sour ant salad stands out, captivating both locals and tourists with its unique taste and intriguing preparation process.

Mr. Trinh Phuc Man, owner of a resort in Xam Khoe commune, explains that the sour ant salad is a traditional dish of the Thai people, particularly popular from March to August.

“At first, many tourists are taken aback by the sight of ants on their plate,” Mr. Man shared. “But once they taste it, they often praise its unique flavor.”

The ants used in this salad are sourced from nests found on tall trees in the forest. Locals with experience in foraging must carefully locate these nests and climb trees to collect them. Once harvested, the ants are cleaned of leaves and bark, then heated over a small fire to remove them from the nests. The ants are subsequently blanched in boiling water and roasted until golden brown.

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Ingredients laid out for making the sour ant salad, highlighting the balance of flavors.

The key ingredients of the salad include sour ants and banana flowers. The banana flowers are meticulously prepared by washing, soaking in lemon water to prevent discoloration, and chopping into small pieces. The ants are then mixed with the banana flowers and seasoned with MSG, salt, garlic, chili, and fresh lemon juice. To enhance the flavor, crushed roasted peanuts and fresh herbs are added, creating a dish that balances slight astringency, sourness, and spiciness.

“This dish is only available for a few months, so tourists cannot always enjoy it,” Mr. Man noted.

While the dish is celebrated for its flavor, experts caution that ant eggs, bee eggs, and silkworm pupae, which are highly nutritious, can sometimes secrete toxins to protect their young. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that the ants are properly cleaned and prepared to avoid allergic reactions or poisoning.

Linh Trang