Kim HyeonggWon, 38, was apprehended in Hanoi’s Dong Da District after being identified as a suspect with an international arrest warrant for his role in a brutal murder in Pattaya, Thailand.

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International fugitive Kim HyeonggWon was arrested by Dong Da District Police.
Photo credit: Provided by the Police.

The crime, which took place on May 3, involved Kim and two accomplices. The trio allegedly murdered their victim in Pattaya before hiding the body in a plastic container and dumping it in a lake to conceal the evidence.

After committing the crime, Kim fled Thailand, traveling through Laos and entering Vietnam illegally via land routes. He made his way to Da Nang and then to Hanoi, where he continued to evade capture by moving between small hotels.

Authorities in Dong Da District became suspicious after noticing Kim's behavior, and upon investigation, confirmed his identity as the internationally wanted fugitive. In coordination with the Ministry of Public Security’s Foreign Affairs Department, the police quickly moved to arrest him.

Kim was found guilty of illegally entering Vietnam and was fined 4 million VND ($170). However, his greater crime of murder meant he was handed over to South Korean authorities on September 23 for further prosecution.

Tien Dung