Dong Thap Province People's Committee has declared a state of emergency in Binh Hoa Hamlet as erosion is threatening hundreds of households.


Erosion in Dong Thap

Between April 7 to 9, three erosion occurred along 200 metres of the Tien River Le Thi Thuy Hang, a local in Binh Hoa Hamlet, Thanh Binh District, said an area of 50 metres long and 15 metres wide was lost to erosion on April 7. A part of her house and two neighbours' houses sank.

Luckily no one was hurt as the incident occurred during daytime. The local authorities asked police and military forces to help the residents relocate to a safer area.

Three households live near the headquarters of Binh Hoa Co-operative were evacuated quickly after the incident which occurred just 50 metres from Highway 30. Five other households are still in danger zone and must be moved out too.

The threat of erosion seems to be worsening. According to the authorities of Dong Thap Province, there are whirlpools at bends in the river.

On April 28, Dong Thap People's Committee declared a state of emergency along Tien River. Erosion is threatening to destroy 210 metres of land, 217 households and Highway 30 that connects Hong Ngu Commune with the Cambodian border. The provincial authorities asked Thanh Binh District to quickly build a resettlement area for the people.

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment were asked to build plans to deal with erosion. The Department of Transport must raise warning signs at dangerous locations and report to the Ministry of Transport about the Highway 30.

On April 22, 14 houses slid into Hau River in An Giang Province because of erosion. The province also evacuated108 households. The estimated damage is over VND9bn(USD396,000).  
