Two scientists were presented with the 2017 Ta Quang Buu Awards at a ceremony held in Hanoi on May 18 by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST).


Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam (first right) and winners of the 2017 Ta Quang Buu awards

The winners were Ass. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Sum from Quy Nhon University in the field of mathematics and Prof. Dr. Phan Thanh Son Nam from the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology in the field of chemistry.

Congratulating the two scientists on their awards, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam expressed his delight at the encouraging progress seen in the development of the country’s science and technology sector.

He stressed that the sector must promote its role as the main driver to advance the national economy in the process of the fourth industrial revolution.

He called on practical actions to inspire passion and creativity among students in studying and conducting scientific research while emphasising the need to build a conducive environment for student start-up activities.

As the ceremony was held to coincide with the Vietnam Science and Technology Day (May 18), the Deputy PM also extended his greetings to the scientific community on the occasion.

Launched by the MOST in 2014, the award is named after famous Vietnamese scientist Professor Ta Quang Buu (1910-1986). 

It honours individuals and groups who have carried out exceptional scientific research and published exemplary scientific research papers in prestigious international journals.

Nhan Dan