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Licensing Made-in-Vietnam Covid-19 vaccine to resume

According to the Department of Science, Technology and Training of the Ministry of Health, a meeting to consider licensing the locally-made Covid-19 vaccine Nano Covax will be held this week.


COVID sends increasing number of children to hospital

The number of children under 16 hospitalised with COVID-19 in HCM City has risen recently, with many unaware of the infection until visits to doctors with flu-like symptoms such as cough and fever, according to the Department of Health.

Transport ministry proposes restarting regular international flights, airlines want quarantine rules eased

After nearly two years of suspended international flights, with exceptions only for returning citizens and foreign experts coming to work, the Ministry of Transport has requested the resumption of regular international flights to Vietnam. 

Hanoi considers prohibiting motorbikes in inner city districts

Motorbikes in the future may be stopped from entering Hanoi inner city districts at Belt Road 3, Truong Sa and Hoang Sa Roads and Highway No 5.

To recover tourism, policies must be consistent

Travel firms are concerned about the inconsistency of policies. The unpredictability makes it impossible to plan their business, they say.

Documentary to be screened at US film festival

India, Bhutan, Singapore, and now the US. A documentary produced by Vietnam News is receiving acclaim on a global scale.


Apartment lessors earning below VND100 million not subject to VAT, PIT

Hanoi's 12th graders back to school as several provinces also re-opened school

Hanoi's 12th graders returned to school on Monday after seven months of online learning in the capital, joining their peers in many other provinces around the country. 


PMs of Vietnam-Netherlands hold phone talks



Full financial reports of SoEs not submitted: Finance Ministry

According to experts, many SoEs which used to make significant profits and contributed to the State budget, have become burdens on the economy when their investments caused losses of trillions of dong.


Vietnam's aviation enterprises again seek preferential loans

Local aviation enterprises have again asked for preferential loans to overcome difficulties caused by the pandemic.

Vietnam specialties: rare bougainvillea offered for VND7 billion

It is common to see Bougainvilleas in Vietnam at inexpensive prices. However, due to their scarcity, some kinds of bougainvillea trees fetch VND hundreds of millions or even billions.

COVID-19 deaths hit two-month record high in HCM City

As many as 94 COVID-19 patients in Ho Chi Minh City died on December 6, the highest figure recorded in the city over two months, according to the municipal Committee on COVID-19 Prevention and Control.

Vietnam's top leaders welcome Lao National Assembly President

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc affirmed Vietnam’s consistent policy of prioritising and developing special solidarity with Laos while receiving President of the Lao National Assembly Saysomphone Phomvihane in Hanoi on Monday.

First Vietnamese receives IMO bravery award

Tran Van Khoi, a member of Regional Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Centre No.II, has been honoured with the 2021 International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea.

Hanoi considers non-essential services ban as COVID-19 cases surge

The Hanoi municipal administration is considering restrictions on non-essential services amid a skyrocketing number of coronavirus infections in the community.

Vietnam start AFF Suzuki Cup 2020 with 2-0 win over Laos

Two goals scored by Nguyen Cong Phuong and Phan Van Duc helped Vietnam secure their first win in the opening match of Group B at the AFF Suzuki Cup 2020 in Singapore on December 6 night.

People is the target of development: Prime Minister

Vietnam has regarded people as the centre, subject and driving force and target of development, PM Pham Minh Chinh told a plenary session of the third annual high-level forum on the fourth industrial revolution in Hanoi on December 6.


Gap between domestic and global gold prices hits record high

The gap between the gold price in the domestic and global market has hit the highest level in years due to a restricted supply and rising local demand.


9 million farming households and a digital ‘revolution’ on 7 million fields

Vietnamese farmers need to conduct a ‘revolution’ by going digital and creating a data store to do business.