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Prime Minister establishes working group to assist pandemic-hit people and businesses

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh signed a decision to establish the Prime Minister’s special working group to remove difficulties for businesses and people affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Overseas arrivals at airports confused about quarantine rules

A few days ago, Chien Nguyen took a commercial flight from the US to Vietnam with transit in South Korea.

Saigonese organize parties online during pandemic

To satisfy the desire of meeting friends during the social distancing time, many Saigonese have organized online parties, clinking glasses together from the safety of their homes.


Education Ministry creates lesson plans for common use at all schools

A representative of MOET disagrees with the opinion that online teaching is not suited to first graders. The ministry said it will design a section ‘Cung em hoc lop 1’ (let’s go to first grade’).


Pandemic continues to put hardship on enterprises in the Mekong Delta

Businesses are suffering from both the impact of the pandemic and the government’s control measures and policies to repel the former.

National COVID-19 caseload increases by additional 12,607 cases

An additional 12,607 COVID-19 infections, including 16 imported cases, were added to the national caseload in the past 24 hours to 5pm on August 31, the Ministry of Health announced.

Book on Vietnamese clothes included in Australian university library

A bilingual book about Vietnamese costumes in the 15th century has been included in the library of the National Australian University. 

HCM City announces vaccination plan against Covid-19 from now to year-end

According to Vice Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Duong Anh Duc, the city will need about 8,145,900 doses of Covid-19 vaccine to vaccinate people aged 18 and above from now until the end of 2021.

PM requests stronger fight against COVID-19 during National Day holiday

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on August 31 signed official dispatch No. 1108/CD-TTg on strengthening COVID-19 prevention and control during the country's National Day holiday (September 2).

RoK city to launch special publication in Vietnamese language

A special publication in Vietnamese language will be launched in Busan city of the Republic of Korea (RoK) on September 1, authorities of the city announced on August 31.

Enterprising leaders need to be protected by the law

More than 87,000 Party members have been disciplined over the last five years, possibly the highest number of violations committed by Party members through the Party’s tenures.

HCM City includes school textbooks on list of essential items for transport during social distancing

HCM City has created favorable conditions for the transport and supply of textbooks for the upcoming academic year 2021-22.

New general education programme needs further assessment

Teachers and schools were still confused and lacked confidence when first given autonomy in building a specific curriculum suitable for each student. 


Vietnam grants amnesty to 21 foreign prisoners

The 2021 amnesty decision of the Vietnamese President was announced at a press conference held in Hanoi on August 31.

Should private hospitals be allowed to provide treatment to Covid-19 patients?

HCM City authorities have recently asked the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance to consider permitting private healthcare facilities to provide Covid-19 treatment services to patients on demand. 

Renewable energy companies thrive on rising demand

In the first half of 2021, renewable energy projects, especially solar power, brought great profits to investors, boosting the sector's stocks.

Contests of Army Games 2021 kicks off in Vietnam

The Military Medical Relay Race and Sniper Frontier contests of the International Army Games 2021 started at National Military Training Centre No 4 in Hanoi on August 31.

HCM City completes Covid-19 testing in orange and red zones

Testing for Covid-19 for people in orange (high risk) and red (very high risk) zones in HCM City was completed on August 27.


Vietnam forecasted to see severe cold weather early this year

Vietnam calls for restraint, negotiations to solve Israel-Palestine conflict

Vietnam called on parties involved to exercise maximum restraint; protect civilians and focus on dialogues and negotiations, during a meeting of the UN Security Council on August 30 regarding the situation in the Middle East.