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Dinh Van Son's new works depict his family's life in an 'attic'

Dinh Van Son of HCM City is displaying his latest paintings and sculptures about the life of a young couple at the city’s Fine Arts Museum.

Hanoi looks to become a creative city

In order to develop creativity and international connectivity, Hanoi has completed and submitted its application to become a member of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network in 2019.

HCM City’s lack of automatic air monitoring stations means public knows too late about pollution

A haze has covered HCM City on and off for the last two weeks and air quality has severely deteriorated according to some global weather monitoring websites, but city residents are not getting information about it in time from authorities.

Amazon, Alibaba speed up their race in Vietnam

Giants Amazon and Alibaba both have ambitious plans for the Vietnamese market.

M&As retain promise in Vietnam

Local and foreign insiders are optimistic about the outlook for M&As in Vietnam over the next couple of years.

Vietnam’s banks urged to maintain CASA ratio to control funding costs

While the expansion of asset yields becomes more limited as the transition towards retail lending slows down and competition intensifies, the control of funding costs serves as a driver of interest income growth.

The decline of Vietnam's e-book market

When they debuted, electronic books (e-books) were expected to thrive, but the e-book market in Vietnam has not been successful for a number of reasons.

Tiktok bans political and advocacy advertising from its platform

Political ads clash with its "positive, refreshing environment," says Blake Chandlee, Tiktok's vice president of global business solutions.

Vietnam’s seafood falls in grades because of IUU yellow card

The EU, which was once the second biggest seafood export market for Vietnam, consuming 18 percent of Vietnam’s seafood exports, fell to fifth, with 13 percent, after the EU gave Vietnam the yellow card.

Electronic know your customer/client holds key to digital banking

The banking sector is waiting for the State Bank of Viet Nam to allow the use of electronic know your customer/client (e-KYC).

U.S., U.K. sign deal to access data from tech companies like Facebook and Google

Currently, authorities must go through government agencies to access such evidence from companies, which the officials said can take “years.”

Netanyahu's pretrial corruption hearing begins as unity government talks falter

Following the four-day hearing, Israel's attorney general will decide whether to indict Netanyahu on fraud and bribery charges in three corruption cases.

U.S. hits Europe with tariffs in retaliation over Airbus, Boeing case

American lovers of Scotch whisky, French wine and Italian cheese might have to dig deeper into their pockets after the Trump administration slapped tariffs on $7.5 billion of European consumer products.


At least 18 killed in Iraq protests overnight as government promises reform

Nearly a 100 have died in the protests since Tuesday as Iraqis protests against rampant corruption and wrecked infrastructure.

U.S. says it will stand aside as Turkey moves into Syria

Trump and Erdogan spoke by phone, but the White House didn't confirm Turkey's announcement that they will meet next month.

Prince Harry set to sue British tabloids over alleged hacking of voicemails

The claims against The Sun and the Daily Mirror follow the royal’s announcement earlier this week of a lawsuit against the parent company of the Mail on Sunday.

Six elephants die at Thai waterfall after some tried to save calf that fell

Six elephants died in an accident at a national park in Thailand, officials there said Saturday.


Thousands peacefully protest French IVF law, avoiding repeat of 2013 violence

An estimated 42,000 protesters took to the streets of Paris on Sunday, peacefully demonstrating against a draft law allowing lesbians and single women to conceive children with medical assistance, police said.


Malaysia fines 80 people, companies in 1MDB case: anti-graft chief

Malaysia has fined 80 individuals and entities for allegedly receiving money from state fund 1MDB, the country’s anti-graft chief said on Monday.


Vietnam to top Asia auto sales amid fall of biggest markets

The rising vehicle imports are posing huge competitive pressure on domestically-produced vehicles.