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Vietnamese and the ‘becoming old before getting rich’ fear

The long queues of people waiting for their turn to get lump sum benefits at social insurance agencies since 2021 reflects the situation of many laborers two years after the pandemic outbreak.

Development pace picking up in energy

Wealthy foreign investors in energy are expanding their long-term strategies in Vietnam while many ongoing projects that missed the feed-in tariff deadline are struggling to find a revenue balance.

Van Phong EZ to become high-end tourism-entertainment center

Van Phong Economic Zone (EZ) in the central province of Khanh Hoa will be developed into a high-end tourism and entertainment service center and be internationally competitive.

Landslides in Mekong Delta increasingly serious

Landslides in many localities in the Mekong Delta have been increasingly serious in recent years, occuring all year round.

Kinks to iron out to prepare for British involvement in trans-pacific agreement

The United Kingdom’s efforts to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership are being seconded by Vietnam, but various issues persist involving other members.

Vietnam's seafood exports hardest hit amid reduced global demand

While Vietnam’s export of several key agro-forestry-aquatic products endured a sharp drop of 14.40 percent on-year in the first quarter of 2023, seafood exports were hardest hit with the on-year fall of 29 percent.

VN must clearly determine pharmaceutical sector’s goals for the future

The pharmaceutical sector plays an important role in healthcare, meaning development goals must be established.

1.8 mln mobile subscribers with incorrect personal information to be locked

Mobile service providers will block incoming calls for about 1.8 million subscribers with personal information failing to match the national population database beginning on April 1.

British national museum, library introduce items on Vietnam

Speakers from the British Museum and Library have introduced documents on Vietnam’s culture and its long-standing ties with the UK, at a discovering-Vietnam event held at the D-Contemporary in central London.

Vietnam objects to Taiwan’s live-fire drills in Ba Binh

Vietnam resolutely opposes to and demands Taiwan (China) to cancel live-fire drills in the waters around Ba Binh (Itu Aba) belonging to Vietnam’s Truong Sa (Spratly), vice spokesperson of the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pham Thu Hang said.

Renewable power developed at lightning speed but has slowed down

In 2017-2021, Vietnam saw a boom in solar and wind power development. After 2021, development, however,  slowed down as the pricing policy remained unclear.

Mortgaged assets of enterprise whose owners fled the country are up for sale

Agribank’s Bac Hai Phong Branch has announced the auction of assets used as collateral for a loan provided to Kai Yang Vietnam Co Ltd.

VN-China's Taiwan coordinate in verifying identity of victims drifting at sea

After receiving information from Taiwanese authorities on the case, the Foreign Ministry directed the Taipei office to urgently work with Taiwanese authorities on the matter.

Over 3,200 phishing pages detected in Q1

Phishing attacks have been on the rise in the first months of the year. Chong lua dao, a not-for-profit cybersecurity project, reported that it has discovered 3,271 websites scamming Vietnamese users over the last three months.


SBV's draft regulations encourage banks to support corporate bond market


First-ever baguette festival honours national delicacy

1.6 mobile subscribers in danger of service termination after March 31

The Authority of Telecommunications (under the Information & Communications Ministry) yesterday announced that 1.9 million mobile subscribers successfully certify personal information with their carriers.

Case of four flight attendants carrying drugs remains under investigation

Regarding the case of the four Vietnam Airlines flight attendants who transport drugs from France to Tan Son Nhat Airport, the police have initiated an investigation and will provide updates on the results.

Foreign ownership at some local banks may rise to 49%

The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has proposed increasing the foreign ownership cap at some commercial banks from 30% to 49%.

Chinese manager arrested for murdering staff member in Binh Duong

A Chinese director of a company in the southern province of Binh Duong was arrested on Thursday after allegedly murdering a female staff member.