
The project "Preventive health care for the elderly to cope with the problem of population aging using Tsuyama model" for the period of 2022-2024 has been implemented in 5 provinces and cities of Hanoi, Hai Phong, Thai Binh, Phu Tho and Thanh Hoa.

The project aims to implement a sustainable preventive health care program for the elderly in the above provinces and cities through the implementation of Japanese fall prevention exercises, which have been successfully applied in Japan.

Truong Son town in An Lao district is the only locality in the northern port city of Hai Phong that is chosen to pilot the project within the framework of the Development Partnership program funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

The main activities of the project implemented in Truong Son Town include: Strengthening propaganda for elderly health care through direct and indirect communication activities; Instructing and organizing fall prevention exercises for the elderly and expanding preventive care activities for the elderly as well as their relatives to improve the physical and mental health of the elderly.

The local authorities established 4 clubs in 4 residential groups of Truong Son town, which attracted over 200 elderly people to practice Japanese fall prevention exercises.

In April 2023, the An Lao District Medical Center organized health check for 200 members of the four clubs. The clubs have organized regular activities and maintained fall prevention exercises for the elderly twice a week.

Before each practice session, club members are supported by medical staff from the local health stations to check and measure input health indicators. Particularly, they are checked with initial health assessment through exercises and measurements, blood pressure, heart rate, temperature and other unusual symptoms and signs according to the instructions of the health monitoring book. During the exercise, elderly people with health problems are watched and e supported by medical staff.

The An Lao District Medical Center also develops a plan and organizes communication sessions, consultation and guidance on health care for the elderly periodically at least once a month. To date, 6 communication sessions have been organized for 480 elderly people, focusing on the meaningful purpose of the JICA-funded project, the importance of preventive health care measures for elderly people, some common diseases among the elderly and prevention and nutrition measures for the elderly.

The project contributes to raising awareness about population aging, responsibilities and obligations of individuals, families and communities in taking care of the health of the elderly, thereby creating the habit of taking care of the health of the elderly by families, elderly people themselves, the community and society, reducing the burden of society and elderly families for the treatment of diseases among the elderly.

Vinh Bao