The kindergarten where the boy was sent to.

At the police station, Nguyen Thi An, 30, and Nguyen Thi Lanh, 31, admitted hitting the boy several times.

The case started on February 23 when the boy did not nap after lunch and cried. Lanh felt angry and slapped him. Meanwhile, An kicked his stomach, chest and head. After that, the two told the boy’s parents that he had fallen by himself.

On February 24-26, the child was still taken to the class and cared for by An. On February 26, An continued kicking him in the stomach. When he cried loudly, An kicked hard in his stomach again, leaving him unconscious. She then called his parents to come to take him to hospital.

Despite being given intensive treatment at the Vietnam National Children’s Hospital, the boy’s condition did not improve and returned home on March 1. He died on the following day.

According to the autopsy result, he suffered from severe brain injuries.

Initially, An and Lanh insisted that the boy fell on his own, leading to the injuries. Then, they changed their confession, saying that they collided with the boy when he moved around the class and fell. However, this did not match the boy’s injuries. A day later, they both confessed their violent behaviour to the child.

Source: Dtinews