The ministries of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Information and Communications want to address issues with Youtube’s advertising.


According to Le Quang Tu Do, deputy head of the Ministry of Information and Communications’ Agency of Broadcasting and Electronic Information, YouTube had allowed videos containing ‘bad content’ to stay online and available to Vietnamese users. 

For instance, the advertisement of brand and products are attached to the videos which have ‘pornographic’ or slanderous content and allegedly ‘distorted historical facts’. 

In many cases, YouTube suggested videos which contained anti-government opinions for users who are watching entertainment videos.

Do said global content providers such as YouTube, Google and Facebook ‘must’ follow Vietnamese laws and ‘protect’ Vietnamese users. 

He added that the Ministry of Information and Communications will work with representatives from these global content providers on advertising regulations. 

The ministry will ask the government to impose penalties and technical measures if these providers do not follow Vietnamese law.

Under Government’s Decree 72/2013/ND-CP, individuals and organisations are forbidden from taking advantage of internet services and websites to spread information that is against the state and does harm to national security and social order and safety; propagandises wars and terrorism; causes hatred and conflicts between peoples and religions; and incites violence. 

Disclose state and military secrets and fake news are also banned. Vietnam has the right to request the removal and directly prevent harmful information in compliance with the current regulations.

Meanwhile, according to the Decree 181/2013/ND-CP issued in 2013, a website of foreign organisations or individuals providing cross-border advertising services and earning revenue from advertising in Vietnam means it has a server located in the foreign country and provides advertising information to users in Vietnam.

 The website must obey to Vietnam's requirements regarding management, supply and use of internet services and network information.

Vietnamese organisations or individuals who want to advertise their goods or services on the website must do it through an advertising service provider. 

The owner of the website must notify in writing to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism the name, address, main business profession of the Vietnamese advertising service provider who is authorised by the website owner to provide advertising services.

However, to date, YouTube has not yet informed the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism for the required information of its authorised advertising service provider in Vietnam.
