VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnam imports 2,000 tons per annum of Carbendazim, a toxic substance believed to cause cancer.


A report from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released in September 2015 showed that Carbendazim is listed in the C group, substances which can cause cancer. In other countries, Carbendazim is prohibited as it is considered plant protection chemical which has latent high risks to the environment and human health. 

In 1992, research found that Carbendazim and its derivative Benomyl have had negative impact on those people who have contact with Benomyl (headache, diarrhea and sexual dysfunction) in Florida in the US.

In 2013, the scientists from California Univesrity found the relation between Parkinson and the pesticide with Benomyl, a derivative of Carbendazim.

In Europe, Carbendazim is found in the list of chemicals which have impacts on human’s endocrine function released by the EC in 1999. It can disrupt the development of sperm and testicular damage in adult mice, thus leading to to infertility.

Carbendazim is a very dangerous chemical which causes cancer and birth defects. The organization always believes that it is necessary to prohibit Carbendazim.

PAN (Pesticide Action Network), a network of 600 non-government organizations, research institutes and individuals from more than 90 countries who work for the purpose of replacing risky pesticides with environmentally friendly substances, also pointed out that Carbendazim is a very dangerous chemical which causes cancer and birth defects. The organization always believes that it is necessary to prohibit Carbendazim.

While Carbendazim is prohibited in many countries in the world, it is still used in Vietnam in a large quantity.

A report from the Plant Protection Agency on the volume of plant protection chemicals with Carbendazim content in the last three years showed that Vietnam imported 2,000 tons of the products each year, mostly from China, India, Thailand and Singapore. 

The list of pesticides allowed to be used in Vietnam released with Circular No 03 dated April 21, 2016 shows 109 commercial names made with Carbendazim an active element and 72 commercial names which are a mixture of Carbendazim and other active elements.

Carbendazim is the major metabolite of Benomyl and Thiophanate-methyl decomposed in plants, water and the environment.

On the list of pesticides allowed to be used in Vietnam, 16 commercial products with Benomyl content, and 90 commercial products with Thiophanate metyl are included. 

Pesticides with Carbendazim are used to prevent about 30 types of diseases affecting plants.

Hoang Trung, head of the Plant Protection Agency, said that of the 385 active elements on the list of substances allowed to be used in Vietnam, 44 belong to the next-generation active elements, which can be used safely and bring equal effects like Carbendazim.

Therefore, he believes that the prohibition of the use of Carbendazim is necessary as it satisfies the requirements of making farm produce safe to human health.

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Mai Thanh