vietnam latest news

Update news vietnam latest news

Vietnamese rush to import bitcoin-mining machines

Though bitcoins are not recognized as legal currency in Vietnam, Vietnamese are still rushing to buy computers with strong configuration to mine bitcoins, leading to a sharp increase in computer imports.

Economists warn about FDI flow into real estate

After 10 years of being left idle, the Vietnam International University Township (VIUT) project proposed by Berjaya is facing closure. Many other foreign invested projects are in the same situation.

FPT students offer suggestions to reduce railway accidents

A group of students from FPT University has suggested using a sensor system which can recognize trains and automatically turn on warning devices at intersections between railways and roads.

Local firms fret over overlapping management of organic products

  Many companies have voiced their concern about a draft Government decree on management of organic produce, as it may make the management of agricultural product chains overlap.

Turning waste into electricity is a quick money-earner for investors

Realizing that waste is a ‘gold mine’ which can be recycled to generate power, one investor has spent tens of millions of dollars to develop projects to turn waste into electricity in HCMC and Tay Ninh and Binh Duong provinces.

As easy as producing theses for graduate programs

Experts believe that the low quality of master’s and PhD theses is the consequence of the training system in which both students and teachers do not strive for genuine academic achievement.

IPO at any cost might risk market manipulation

Throughout the SOE equitisation process, the valuation of enterprises pre-equitisation is a key step. However, the appraisal process of determining an enterprise’s value has shown that there are still many shortcomings.

First Google Hackathon held

 Google Vietnam held the first ever “Mobile Hackathon Vietnam” on September 6 and 7, a training event for more than 25 local businesses in a range of sectors, from e-commerce and travel to publications.

Coal prices: Power generator, coal company reach agreement

The Electricity of Vietnam and its coal supplier Viet Nam National Coal and Mineral Industries Group have finally reached an agreement on coal selling prices for power production.

Out to the world

The potential found in Vietnam’s logistics sector is largely being tapped by foreign providers and investors.

HCM City: Dengue fever cases drop, hand-foot-mouth cases rise

HCM City has seen a downward trend in dengue-fever disease, but a surge in hand-foot-mouth disease since August, particularly in the new school year.

Cambodian leader hails Hanoi’s support for Phnom Penh

 Samdech Say Chhum, acting head of state of Cambodia and President of the Cambodian Senate highly valued the support of Hanoi for Phnom Penh during his meeting with Secretary of the Hanoi Party’s Committee Hoang Trung Hai on September 9. 

Hit & miss

Most efforts by authorities to keep tabs on vendors using social media platforms to sell goods and services have come up short.

Widow struggles to raise 13 children

49-year-old Dang Thi Hai in Ha Dong District, Hanoi, has 14 children and calls them by number as it's easier to remember.

Part 2: Van Don commercial port awakens

Visitors to Van Don will be impressed by the animation in the locality: convoys of trucks laden with building materials, machines and equipment head toward major construction sites. 

Vietnam hi-tech farming needs systemic development

Vietnam has to build on its impressive agricultural successes in the past few decades by deploying advanced technology and building a brand name for every product, Chief Representative of JETRO Hironobu Kitagawa said.

Smart solutions needed for water issues

Ms. Anke Mastenbroek, Water Business Line Director at Royal HaskoningDHV, tells VET about Vietnam's water supply issues and water treatment solutions.

Unknown quantities

Tax authorities are considering taxing business conducted on social media platforms, but further study is needed before this becomes reality.

Driven to despair

The negative effects of social media and the stresses of modern life are leading to higher instances of mental health issues in Vietnam.

Vietnam urged to prepare for no-ODA period

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnam needs to draw up a long-term plan to stop receiving ODA within 15-20 years, experts say. As of June this year, it is no longer receiving preferential loans from WB.