Flight crew required to be fully vaccinated for work starting September 1 hinh anh 1



Only pilots and flight attendants who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 with two jabs are eligible to be onboard starting September 1.

The Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV) informed the policy in its directive on mandatory measures for flight safety amid COVID-19, which was issued on July 14 and freshly amended to intensify the works in the time to come.

The directive requires flight operators to strictly adhere to COVID-19 preventive rules.

Vaccination must be prioritised to frontline workers, including pilots, flight attendants, and technical engineers, who are considered high-risk because of regular contact with passengers, it said.

As part of the directive, the Director of the CAAV also asked airlines to evaluate their compliance with regulations on maintaining the aircraft control ability and skills as prescribed in the code of civil aviation safety regulations./.

Da Nang launches COVID-19 vaccination campaign

The central province of Da Nang launched its COVID-19 vaccination campaign on August 19 for 41,000 local residents.

The 54,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine have been allocated by the Ministry of Health and will be divided into two stages. During the initial stage, a total of 35,000 doses will be administered.

The municipal Department of Health is expected to deliver a total of 41,000 vaccine doses to local people, including 25,000 citizens who will be receiving their second shots.

The remaining vaccine doses will be administered to high-risk workers who are employed at industrial parks in Lien Chieu district, all of whom have yet to receive their first shot of the vaccine.

Market traders, security guards, and on-duty people stationed at quarantine checkpoints, along with COVID-19 control forces and garbage collectors, will also be inoculated.

The central city has established a total of 55 vaccination points along with two mobile stations to serve local residents in isolation areas.

This comes after Da Nang recently issued a decision to ban people from leaving their homes as part of tougher restrictions amid rising COVID-19 infections.

Da Nang has so far recorded a total of 2,894 local infections during the ongoing wave that emerged nationwide in late April.

Vietnamese honorary consul office inaugurated in India’s Bangalore

An honorary consul office of Vietnam was inaugurated in Bangalore in India’s southern state of Karnataka on August 18.

Delegates at the inauguration ceremony for the Vietnamese honorary consul office in Bangalore. (Photo: VNA)

Being appointed as Honorary Consul of Vietnam in Bangalore, Srinivasa Murthy, 71, has become the first Honorary Consul of Vietnam in India, and the third person appointed by Vietnam worldwide in 2021.

He has experience in leading and managing many large enterprises and associations with roles such as Chairman of Karnataka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chairman of All India Incense Manufacturers Association, Chairman of the Cricket Association in Karnataka state and currently Chairman of The Mysore Silk Cloth Merchants' Co-Operative Bank Ltd.

Addressing the inaugural ceremony, Murthy pledged to fulfil his role and roll out relevant activities, including citizen protection, support for the Vietnamese community in India, as well as efforts to promote Vietnam’s image and people to friends in Karnataka in particular and India at large.

He will also work to foster cooperation activities in economy, trade, culture, people-to-people exchange between the Indian state and Vietnamese localities.

At present, many Vietnamese engineers are working at multinational corporations in Bangalore, which is dubbed as the “Silicon Valley” of India and Asia.

The appointment of an honorary consul aims to promptly meet the demand for protection of Vietnamese citizens’ legitimate interests, and bolster the Vietnam-India economic and trade relations.

Vietnam stresses efficiency, security in digital technology application to protect peacekeepers

Vietnam underlined the importance of efficiency and security in digital technology application in peacekeeping activities and the protection of civilians during an open debate of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) held on August 18.

The event was chaired by Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister for External Affairs of India - the Council President for August.

Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, Vietnam's Permanent Representative to the UN, said peacekeeping has been an important tool of the UN in promoting and maintaining international peace and security, creating conditions for peacekeepers to fulfil their duties and reduce risks.

However, the application of digital technology in the field should pay heed to efficiency and security in information sharing and access; compatibility with technological ability of troop countributors, along with choices of methods and suitable and most effective technologies in different contexts.

In his speech, Secretary-General António Guterres said that conflicts that prolong in recent decades become more complicated and see an increased use of advanced weapons, while climate change and socio-economic deprivation have caused more conflicts and casualties among civilians.

“Digital technology represents both one of the greatest opportunities and challenges of our time”, he said.

He added that digital technology plays a key role in connecting communities, fostering healthcare and education in the context of COVID-19, as well as promoting peacekeeping missions in a safer and more effective way, adding that it must be applied in a responsible manner.

The UN Secretary-General informed participants on efforts in boosting digital technology application in peacekeeping, notably the recent adoption of a resolution on the protection of peacekeepers.

At the event, the UNSC adopted the presidential statement on the use of technologies to improve the safety of peacekeepers, and a resolution that promotes accountability for the killing of, and all acts of violence against UN peacekeeping personnel./.

Vietnam promotes safe use of digital platforms

The Ministry of Information and Communications has issued a directive on promoting the development and use of safe and healthy digital platforms.

The directive is also expected to contribute to creating digital trust and ensuring the safety of Vietnam's cyberspace.

Over the past times, digital platforms have made important contributions to the national digital transformation, and the development of the digital economy and digital society. However, information and data leakage on digital platforms still occurs on an increasingly large scale.

The spread of fake news, information that violates the law, especially on cross-border digital platforms, has caused a lot of negative impacts.

Therefore, the ministry requires businesses that manage digital platforms to develop the platforms that are able to protect themselves and have tools to process and remove information that violates the law.

In particular, owners of digital platforms must implement solutions to ensure information security and publicise measures to handle and protect personal information, and collect personal information only with the consent of the users.

These units are not allowed to provide, share or distribute personal information of users, except with their consent or at the request of competent state agencies.

Vietnam to launch pay reform for public employees from July 2022: NA Chairman

The minimum monthly salary of civil servants and public employees should be raised starting July 1, 2022, said National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue at a recent meeting, which discussed on principles, criteria, and norms for the allocation of regular State expenditure estimates for 2022.

The Party Central Committee’s resolution has set July 1, 2022, as the date for salary reform, Hue said, adding that all special wage mechanisms must be removed.

The NA Standing Committee will review and ensure sufficient resources to carry out the salary reforms, Hue noted.

He stressed that many existing criteria and norms on public employee wage have become outdated while many new policies and mechanisms have been issued, thus requiring uniform standards in this regard.

“The Covid-19 pandemic may affect all fields, but I think if we are determined, we can do it because the budget still affords us some room for a minimum salary increase,” Hue said.

For his part, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc said that the local under-spent budget currently stands at VND252 trillion (US$10.9 billion), which is sufficient to finance wage reform.

"The source for the salary increase from July 2022 is ready," said the finance minister.

Concluding the meeting, NA Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Hai proposed the NA's Committee on Finance and Budget to evaluate the contents expressed in the Resolution on making certain sources to implement the norm standards and wage reform.

Besides, the Vietnamese Government will also need to adjust pensions, social insurance allowances, prescribed monthly allowances, and preferential allowances for people with meritorious services in accordance with the basic wage increase.

Base wages for civil servants in Vietnam in ten different periods. Source: luatvietnam.vn. Chart: Nguyen Ngan
The basic minimum salary in Vietnam is the reference for calculating the salaries of employees in the State-run sector by multiplying it with a corresponding coefficient.

Public sector employees have complained for years that their earnings are too low. The starting coefficient for a university graduate in the public sector is 2.34.

Currently, Vietnam’s minimum monthly salary is divided into four different levels, depending on location - VND4.18 million (US$179) for region 1 (big cities), VND3.71 million (US$159) for region 2 (provincial capital and towns), VND3.25 million (US$139) for region 3 (rural areas), and VND2.92 million (US$125) for region 4 (backward areas).

The four different minimum wage regions reflect the cost of living in each area. Region 1, including the major cities, including Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Danang, Haiphong, and Cantho, has the highest minimum wage, while region 4 (rural areas) has the lowest.

Businesses will calculate their workers' salaries by multiplying the minimum wage with a coefficient determined by qualification and seniority.

Can Tho begins Covid-19 vaccination for 1,000 pregnant women today

The Can Tho Maternity Hospital in Can Tho City will vaccinate 1,000 women from the 13th week of pregnancy in the city starting today, August 18, until August 23, said the hospital’s representative.

To prepare for this vaccination drive, the hospital earlier announced the inoculation program on its various channels, so that pregnant women can register. The hospital will set up five vaccination tables and use the Moderna vaccine allocated by the municipal Health Department, according to Nguyen Thuy Thuy Ai, deputy director of the hospital.

Expectant women will take medical screening tests and receive medical advice before being vaccinated. Measures to monitor the post-vaccination reactions of pregnant women will be the same as that of other groups of vaccinated people, Ai said.

She recommended that pregnant women should combine routine antenatal check-ups and Covid vaccinations to save costs and reduce the risk of Covid-19 infection. Pregnant women should register for the Covid vaccination on a voluntary basis, after considering the benefits and the risks of vaccination, and get approved for vaccination during their routine antenatal check-ups.

Earlier, the Ministry of Health had issued a decision giving guidelines on conducting medical screening tests before the Covid vaccination, including some adjustments for groups of people that are eligible for vaccination.

Under the decision, expectant women from the 13th week onward will need to be inoculated with caution and have to undergo medical screening tests. Meanwhile, women under 13 weeks pregnant can delay the vaccination.

The ministry noted that the Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine is contraindicated in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Women who are 13 weeks pregnant need to be given a medical explanation about the pros and cons of vaccination and have to sign a pledge before being vaccinated. They have to be inoculated at medical facilities that have the maternity emergency unit.

Covivac vaccine given to volunteers in 2nd phase clinical trials

Vietnam's homegrown Covivac COVID-19 vaccine is being injected to volunteers Thai Binh province’s Vu Thu district from August 18 during its second phase clinical trials.

About 80 volunteers are expected to receive the first shot of Covivac vaccine on August 18. Thai Binh province is the only locality nationwide selected for the second phase trials.

Covivac has been developed and produced by the Institute of Vaccines and Medical Biologicals. It is the second homegrown vaccine approved by the Ministry of Health for clinical trials, after Nanocovax.

The vaccine has been given to 100 volunteers at Hanoi Medical University during the first phase of human trials.

In the second phase, 375 volunteers, aged over 18, have been chosen and classified into three groups for the 3mcg and 6 mcg dosages and a dose of AstraZeneca vaccine.

According to the Institute, AstraZeneca vaccine is being used in place of a placebo, which would compare the immunogenicity of the two vaccines.

Blood samples collected from the second phase will be sent to Canada for an independent evaluation./.

PM asks for people's further engagement in COVID-19 fight

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on August 18 asked the Party Central Committee’s Mass Mobilisation Commission, the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee and relevant organisations to continue to raise awareness of pandemic prevention and control among their members and the people as well as their responsibility in the COVID-19 fight.

He made the statement during a working session with leaders of the Commission of Mass Mobilisation, the VFF Central Committee and relevant agencies regarding COVID-19 prevention and control efforts and care for people during the pandemic.

At the meeting, members of the Government reported and assessed the COVID-19 situations and preventive measures in the coming time.

They also touched on socio-economic development in the first seven months and tasks in the remaining months of 2021, along with current policies aiming to support pandemic-hit people and firms.

The PM affirmed that in the context of COVID-19, the entire political system has exerted efforts in calling for the engagement of people from all walks of life in the fight against the pandemic.

He said as the COVID-19 situation remains complicated and delivers a major blow to all aspects of life in Vietnam and the world, the Party Central Committee’s Mass Mobilisation Commission, the VFF Central Committee and relevant organisations need to uphold their achievements and devise solutions to promote the COVID-19 prevention and control work./.

90 children and 17 staff at Binh Duong orphanage test positive for Covid-19

Up to 90 children and 17 staff at an orphanage in the southern province of Binh Duong have tested positive for Covid-19.

According to the Covid-19 Prevention and Control Steering Board in Di An City, local authorities conducted the quick Covid-19 testing for people at the Que Huong Orphanage in Tan Dong Hiep Ward. 

Le Van Tinh, office manager at the orphanage, said that 90 children and 17 staff have tested positive for the virus. All the infected have so far remained in a stable condition.

The people will be provided with Covid-19 tests using the RT-PCR method for the final conclusion.

Local authorities have provided food and necessities for the orphanage. More assistance will be offered to the facility in necessary cases.

Japanese organisation aims to support more children with cancer in Vietnam

Vietnamese Ambassador to Japan Vu Hong Nam met Watanabe Kazuyo, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Asian Children's Care League (ACCL) on August 18.

At the meeting, the Vietnamese Ambassador spoke highly of support by Watanabe and the ACCL in general for child patients with cancer in Vietnam in the past 16 years, pledging to assist the organisation’s charitable activities in the country in the future.

For her part, Watanabe rejoiced at the recovery of many children with cancer who had received support. She voiced a hope to help patients not only in the central region but also other areas of Vietnam.

She also expressed her wish that Vietnam will soon bring COVID-19 under control so that socio-economic activities will return to normal and travel between Japan and Vietnam will resume.

Established in 2005, ACCL is a certified non-profit organisation that works in Asia to support childhood cancer sufferers. Since then, the organisation has helped more than 600 child patients in Vietnam’s central region gain access to medical treatment.

In an interview with the Vietnam News Agency’s correspondent, Watanable said that her organisation will continue to work with partners to provide children in Vietnam and Japan with timely treatment, as well as exert efforts to expand its activities in other Asian nations and across the globe.

More than 13,000 healthcare workers join COVID-19 fight in the south

As many as 13,145 healthcare workers from northern and central provinces have volunteered to join frontline forces in the south to combat COVID-19, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH).

Medical students have volunteered to join COVID-19 frontline forces in the south.
The MoH alone deployed more than 11,400 doctors, nurses, and orderlies of hospitals, as well as lecturers and students of medical schools to Ho Chi Minh City and other southern localities that are currently coronavirus hotspots.

Meanwhile, northern and central provinces sent 1,734 healthcare workers, comprising doctors, nurses, and volunteers, to join the forces.

In addition, the MoH dispatched directors of the five centrally run hospitals to head intensive care unit (ICU) centres in the south to treat critically ill patients.

Along with human resources support, the MoH also supplied southern provinces with medical supplies including respirators, RT-PCR testing machines, ECMO machines, test kits, face masks and chemicals for disinfection.

The MoH coordinated closely with big businesses to purchase and import COVID-19 drugs, including Remdesivir, to support treatment.   

Vietnam has recorded approximately 9,000 new coronavirus cases daily during the past few days, mostly in the south. On August 17 alone an additional 9,605 infections were recorded, with Ho Chi Minh City and Binh Duong registering 3,559, and 3,332, respectively.

Unitel helps Nguyen Du bilingual school improve quality

Star Telecom (Unitel), a joint venture between Viettel Global and Lao Asia Telecom in Laos, presented an aid package worth over 48,000 USD to Lao – Vietnam Nguyen Du Bilingual School in Vientiane on August 18.

Speaking at the event, General Director of Unitel Luu Manh Ha said the assistance comprises an information technology classroom with over 30 sets of computers, tables and chairs, IT solution and two high-speed Internet connection cable lines.

It will be the first pilot model to improve teaching quality amid the fourth industrial revolution. If successful, it will be spread to other schools.

Rector of the school Sivanheuang Phengkhammay pledged to use the aid to the right purpose. She also expressed determination to turn Nguyen Du into a quality school.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Laos Nguyen Ba Hung believed that with the support of Unitel, the school will improve its management and teaching quality, deserving a model representing the Vietnamese culture in Laos./.

Van Lam called up for national team ahead of World Cup qualifiers

Vietnam national team head coach Park Hang-seo has decided to select goalkeeper Dang Van Lam for the country’s upcoming World Cup qualifiers.

Goalkeeper Dang Van Lam has been called up for national team ahead of World Cup qualifiers
According to the schedule moving forward, the Vietnamese goalkeeper, who is currently playing for Cerezo Osaka in Japan, will fly to Saudi Arabia to meet up with the rest of the team on August 29.

Van Lam will then have three days to prove himself as the team’s number one choice in the goalkeeper position before Hang-seo names his 23-man squad for the Asian World Cup qualifiers.

This comes after Van Lam was also called up to the previous round of World Cup qualifiers which were held in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in June. However, he never made the squad after coming into contact with a COVID-19 case during training at Cerezo Osaka.

The Vietnamese team are currently training hard in preparation the final round of World Cup qualifiers, the first time in the country’s history that the national team have reached this stage. Moving forward, they will face Saudi Arabia away on September 3 followed by a home game against Australia on September 7.

Two Vietnamese universities named in world top 1,000


Ton Duc Thang University and Duy Tan University in Ho Chi Minh City have broken into the ShanghaiRanking Consultancy’s Academic Ranking of World Universities in 2021.

Both universities are both placed in the 601-700 band in the rankings.

The universities made their names for the first time in this reputable ranking in 2019.

Together with Vietnam, Singapore has four universities in the ranking, Malaysia five and Thailand four.

Harvard University of the US continues to stand atop the 2021 rankings, a position it has secured 19 years in a row./.

Over 2,000 children infected with COVID-19 in HCM City

Ho Chi Minh City is currently treating 2,090 children under the age of 16 who have been infected with COVID-19, according to the southern city’s Center for Disease Control (HCDC) on August 18.

A fully recovered COVID-19 girl prepares to be discharged from hospital. (Photo: Children's Hospital)
All of the cases have mild or no symptoms and are receiving treatment at several hospitals across the city.

The Department of Health has issued an urgent document regarding COVID-19 treatment for children. Accordingly, all relevant patients will be isolated at home in the event that they show mild or no symptoms of COVID-19.

If infected children fail to meet the criteria set by the Ministry of Health for home isolation, they will subsequently be transferred to field hospitals No.4 and No.11, along with Cu Chi field hospital.

All F0 cases will be monitored by local health authorities whilst following safety measures regarding infection prevention and control.

Most notably, any cases which turn critical will be transferred to the Children's Hospital and Children's Hospital 2 in the city order to receive special treatment.

According to HCDC, as of 6.a.m. on August 18 the southern metropolis has recorded 158,499 COVID-19 cases, mostly locally acquired.

HCM City opens ‘three-level’ field hospital for COVID-19 patients

Thống Nhất Hospital in HCM City’s Tân Bình District yesterday opened a field hospital to provide prompt treatment for mild, moderate and severe COVID-19 cases.

The 1,000-bed hospital, which was set up in the Tân Bình Exhibition and Convention Centre, will admit COVID-19 patients beginning this weekend.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Lê Đình Thanh, director of Thống Nhất Hospital, said the COVID-19 outbreak had overwhelmed the city's healthcare system, making it unsafe to transfer patients from one hospital to another.

The field hospital will adopt a three-level treatment model with 300 beds for patients with mild symptoms, 650 beds for patients with moderate symptoms and 50 beds for severe cases, said Thanh, who was assigned to be the director of the field hospital.

A total of 139 doctors and nurses, including retired staff, will offer treatment for COVID-19 patients. Health staff from different medical facilities will also be assigned to work at the field hospital.

Deputy Minister of Health Nguyễn Trường Sơn asked local authorites to ensure stable medical supplies for the hospital and put the safety of health staff as a priority.

People with COVID-19 should be able to access primary medical support in a timely manner, which will help reduce the number of critically ill patients and death rates caused by late access to treatment, he said.

More than 32,660 COVID-19 patients are under treatment at medical facilities in the city, including 1,978 children, according to the city’s Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.

Of the figure, more than 2,200 severe cases need a ventilator and 16 critically ill patients need extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).

As of Wednesday morning, the city had recorded a total of 158,499 COVID-19 cases in the fourth wave that began in late April, including 403 imported cases and the remaining community-acquired infections.

Thanh Hoa works to promote e-commerce, digital transformation

The central province of Thanh Hoa are applying measures to boost the development of e-commerce and speed up digital transformation to catch up with the current trend of the domestic and global economy.

With the outbreak of COVID-19 and the implementation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Vietnamese and global economies are growing towards digital economy.

Experts held that digital transformation and e-commerce will boom in 2021, creating a new momentum for economic growth.

E-commerce in Vietnam reached a value of over 3 billion USD in 2015, with average annual growth of 38 percent. In 2019, the retail sales of goods and consumer service revenue via e-commerce hit 12 billion USD.

An average growth rate of 29 percent is forecast for the 2015 - 2025 period, according to surveys by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and international organisations.

However, most of e-commerce activities still take place in the two biggest cities, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, which account for 18 percent of Vietnam’s population but more than 70 percent of e-commerce transactions in the country. The 70-percent proportion stayed stable throughout the 2016 - 2019 period. That means the 61 remaining localities, making up 82 percent of the population, contribute to less than 30 percent of the local e-commerce market,

In Thanh Hoa, e-commerce has expanded fast with 70 percent of local firms using email for information exchange and transactions, 50 percent of companies having their own websites, 35 percent engaging in e-commerce activities, and 10 percent applying professional software in their governance and business activities.

Online payment has become more popular among local firms with rising number of company applying e-payment methods.

Being aware of the economic trend, many local firms have pioneered in updating and applying e-commerce platforms, which has given them prominent advantages in production and business, especially in import and export activities.

According to Nguyen Xuan Thang, head of the Import and Export Division of the Thanh Hoa Department of Industry and Trade, the province defines e-commerce as one of the key part of the digital economy. Over the years, the province’s industry and trade sector has increased activities to support enterprises to apply e-commerce platforms.

The sector has assisted local firms to build websites that are suitable to their products and services and conduct marketing activities on the websites, while creating optimal conditions for them to join e-commerce platforms and implement online marketing activities.

In order to create favourable conditions for e-commerce activities in the future, Thanh Hoa has built a provincial digital transformation project for the 2021-2025 period with a vision to 2030.

The project defines the need to develop infrastructure as well as mechanisms and policies to create resources and ecology system for the sustainable development of e-commerce.

Under the project, Thanh Hoa will build its system of personal identity  and a digital database on local residents and businesses which is connected with the provincial online portal for public services as well as other online service supply systems.

Thanh Hoa will complete its online payment platform, while diversifying payment partners and multiplying the model for public services. It will promote the growth of e-commerce and logistics in the provincial scale.

Meanwhile, Thanh Hoa will build its own e-commerce platforms and develop infrastructure for online payment without using cash to serve e-commerce activities.

At the same time, digital postal infrastructure will be expanded to become a part of the logistics system for e-commerce activities. Thanh Hoa will assist local firms to sell handicraft and agricultural products, thus developing traditional craft villages and agricultural sector, turning every new-style rural area into an online farm produce supermarket./.

Hai Phong: 10 ship sailors infected with SARS-CoV-2

Ten crewmen on aboard D.P ship anchored at Lan Ha bay of Hai Phong city have tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, according to the Hai Phong Department of Health.

The Vietnamese flagged D.P left Obi Island port of Indonesia on July 29 and arrived at Kaohsiung, Taiwan (China), on August 8. While the ship was anchored there, a crewman tested positive and is currently receiving treatment in Kaohsiung.

On August 18, the ship arrived and docked at Lan Ha bay of Hai Phong port city. Through testing, the International Health Quarantine Centre of Hai Phong found another 10 crewmen were infected with the virus.

The 10 positive patients were transferred to a local quarantine facility for treatment, and the remaining 10 crewmen who tested negative were taken to Vietnam-Czechoslovakia Hospital for medical surveillance.

The International Health Quarantine Centre disinfected the ship shortly afterwards.    

Vietjet Air flight transports relief goods from Germany to HCM City

A Vietjet Air flight carrying 10 tonnes of relief goods worth 616,100 EUR (720,000 USD), donated by German friends and Vietnamese people living in the country, is scheduled to depart from Hamburg for Ho Chi Minh City on August 19.

The relief goods, mainly medical face masks and COVID-19 quick test kits, are expected to arrive in Tan Son Nhat International Airport of HCM City – Vietnam’s current largest pandemic hotspot – on August 20.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Germany Nguyen Minh Vu appreciated the valuable assistance from Germany’s local authorities, organisations and businesses as well as the Vietnamese community in the European country, which demonstrates the solidarity and friendship between the two countries, especially during the current difficult times.

The diplomat also thanked the support of Airbus Group and Vietjet Air for promptly transporting the relief to Vietnam.

Vu Thuy Linh, a representative of Leipzig city, said that HCM City and Leipzig have a sustainable and fine parternship. When the pandemic worsened in Vietnam, the municipal authorities and hospitals quickly raised funds in support of Vietnam’s fight against the pandemic in order to express their sympathy with the Vietnamese people, as well as respond to Vietnam's valuable support for Leipzig in particular and Germany in general in this fight last year.

Doctors as well as the city's authorities are discussing the next support measures for Vietnam, she added./.

Health ministry tells HCM City to focus on care for COVID patients isolated at home

Minister of Health Nguyễn Thanh Long has instructed HCM City to strengthen care for COVID-19 patients isolated at home to ease the burden on designated hospitals.

He told a meeting with city People’s Committee and Party Committee officials on Tuesday that if a new COVID patient is found, local officials should isolate their house and hand over medicines and daily necessities such as rice, cooking oil, vegetables, and others to the household.

Timely tests, treatment and provision of daily necessities are imperative for reducing transmission, he said.   

The city should increase task forces in communes and wards, and set up oxygen stations at all residential quarters to cope with emergencies, he said.   

Health facilities should not turn away any patient, including those with COVID-19, he said, warning any violation would see them fined and have their licence withdrawn.  

Patients isolated and treated at home are immediately shifted to designated hospitals for treatment if their condition deteriorates.

Field hospitals and other designated facilities treat mild and moderate cases, and their number of beds with oxygen cylinders and other medical equipment have been increased.

There are 74 such hospitals with 49,392 beds.

Eight resuscitation hospitals and five intensive care centres treat patients with life-threatening conditions.

All hospitals use Remdisivir for treatment.

Long said the city authorities should ensure the public strictly complies with social distancing regulations, a very important and decisive factor in containing the disease.

They should ensure people have all essential items they need, especially daily necessities, so that they do not need to go outside, which would prevent transmission, he said.

They should conduct early tests to detect transmission sources and isolate patients, he said.

They could allow the self-use of rapid tests, with health officials later doing PCR tests if someone tests positive, and use pooled tests in high-risk zones, he said.

They should focus on reducing deaths and increasing vaccination, he added.

On August 20 the ministry will send 10 testing vehicles to the city, each capable of sampling 2,000-3,000 people a day. 

The community infection rate in the city increased to 72 per cent of the total incidence of 3,540 on August 17 from less than 20 per cent earlier.

There are 158,499 cases in all.

Thus, while earlier most of the new patients were foreigners and others who entered the country for various reasons, now locals are the main victims.

Districts 3, Bình Thạnh, Tân Bình, and Hóc Môn have the high rates.

Nguyễn Thành Phong, chairman of the People’s Committee, has instructed local government to strictly comply with the social distancing regulations mandated by the Government’s Directive 16. 



Minister of Public Security receives new Russian Ambassador

Minister of Public Security Gen. To Lam hosted a reception in Hanoi on August 18 for new Russian Ambassador to Vietnam Bezdetko Gennady Stepanovich.

Lam expressed his belief that the ambassador will reap important successes during his tenure, contributing to fostering Vietnam - Russia ties.

According to the minister, security relationship has become one of the pillars in bilateral ties. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security and Russian security and law enforcement agencies still carried out important cooperation activities with encouraging results.

Stepanovich, for his part, vowed that in his new position, he will pay further attention to promoting bilatreal comprehensive strategic partnership, and ties between the Russian security and law enforcement agencies and the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security, for the benefit of the two peoples, and for peace and stability in the region and the world./.

How COVID-19 affects human trafficking in Viet Nam

COVID-19 has changed everyday life as we know it.

The pandemic, which has raged to new levels in Việt Nam in the past four months, has crippled the economy, caused thousands of deaths, and brought the country to a standstill.

It has also had a serious impact on human trafficking.

On one hand, tightened security at border gates has restricted the illegal smuggling of people to neighbouring countries.

But it has also drastically limited opportunities for already impoverished people, causing many to look elsewhere to make a living.

This has led to heartless criminals targeting the most vulnerable with false promises of employment and wealth outside of Việt Nam.

For Blue Dragon’s dedicated team of people rescuers, accessing those trafficked abroad has been challenging due to travel restrictions.

Watch our video on human trafficking situation in Việt Nam
Lê Thị Hồng Lương of Blue Dragon said: “Border closures and travel restrictions make it more difficult for Blue Dragon to rescue the victims.

“Those being rescued are often supported to go to school but due to dire economic situations, they cannot return to school, or attend vocational courses.

“Many victims that we have supported to go to work or study in restaurants and hotels, have also lost their jobs, affecting their social reintegration process.

“These, of course, also lead to the possibility of more human trafficking cases.”

Lieutenant Colonel Khổng Ngọc Oanh of the Ministry of Public Security said when restrictions are lifted, and travelling becomes easier, law enforcement agencies need to be on their guard against trafficking.

“Since the end of 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic has made the management and control of border crossings between countries more strict,” he said.

“The management of immigration has also been tightly controlled. Therefore, human trafficking crimes tend to cluster and have less favourable conditions to occur.

“On the other hand, it also shows that once the borders are reopened, regulations for immigration are more relaxed, and activities and entertainment establishments are reopened at home and abroad, human trafficking will easily reemerge in a more complex manner.

“Recently, there have been some cases of domestic human trafficking, but it is not enough to say that this number has increased.”

New medical establishments for COVID-19 treatment open in HCM City

A new intensive care unit (ICU) and a hospital for COVID-19 treatment were inaugurated in Ho Chi Minh City on August 18 to meet demand for treatment in the country’s largest hotspot.

The ICU at the COVID-19 treatment hospital No.14 managed by the Hue Central Hospital has more than 300 medical workers. There are 500 beds and the number can be raised to 600 if necessary.

With support from Novaland Group, the construction of the centre was finished in a short time and it may receive patients in the next few days, according to Director of the Hue Central Hospital Dr Pham Nhu Hiep.

The Tan Binh COVID-19 treatment hospital managed by Thong Nhat Hospital opened in HCM City’s Tan Binh district on the same day.

This is the first hospital for COVID-19 treatment in the city to provide treatment for all three kinds of COVID-19 patients – those with mild, medium or serious illness. Others of its kind in the city are usually specialised in one of the three patient groups.

With a total of 1,000 beds, the hospital arranged 50 beds for patients who need intensive care, 150 beds for patients who are in critical health conditions, 500 beds for patients with medium illness and 300 beds for patients with mild illness.

Le Dinh Thanh, Director of Thong Nhat Hospital and Tan Binh COVID-19 treatment hospital, said that as existing hospitals across the city were all overloaded due to increasing COVID-19 infections, it was difficult to transfer COVID-19 patients between facilities.

Thanh said that the newly established hospital for COVID-19 treatment would help patients reduce travel time and access proper medical care as soon as they were taken to the hospital.

The hospital would make necessary adjustments to match practical demand and ensure effective treatment, he added.

Deputy Health Minister Nguyen Truong Son, who is leading the ministry’s task force to support HCM City in COVID-19 prevention and control, said that together with existing facilities in the city, the Tan Binh hospital would create convenience for COVID-19 patients in accessing medical care quickly and effectively./

Indian scholar hails Vietnam’s initiative in maritime security

The newswire Modern Diplomacy on August 17 published an article by Director of the India’s Jindal School of International Affairs Prof. Pankaj Jha commenting on Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh’s speech at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC)’s open debate on strengthening maritime security held online on August 9.

The article said in his speech, which was a little more than seven minutes, PM Chinh raised very pertinent questions about creating maritime awareness and consciousness at international level. He stated that with increasing maritime tensions and new kind of challenges, there is a need for building trust and concerted efforts to resolve long impending maritime disputes. He stated that there is a need for ensuring peace and tranquillity in maritime domain and developing architecture for exploitation of marine resources in a sustainable manner. 

One of the important aspects he raised during his speech was related to the fusion of international mechanisms and initiatives to promote regional maritime security architecture under the auspices of UN and developing structures for sharing of information and experience. He alluded to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and stated that all those maritime disputes should be resolved in accordance with the provisions of the international law, the article said.

Vietnam worked assiduously during its chairmanship of ASEAN in 2020 when it pushed the agenda under the auspices of the regional organisation and tried to bring together ASEAN nations and China to consider implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DoC) as well as finalising negotiations with regards to adoption of a draft Code of Conduct (COC) in the East Sea. Prime Minister Chinh’s lucid representation of facts and the pressing demands has been much appreciated, given the fact that maritime security has been discussed as a serious agenda item, the author wrote.

The August meeting of the UNSC outrightly stated in the presidential statement calling for stronger regional and international cooperation to promote maritime cooperation and develop security architecture for promoting trade and commerce in maritime domain and ensuring maritime security and safety. Interestingly, most of the participants in the open high-level dialogue accepted the fact that for maritime trade and commerce as well as development of blue economy, and sustainable exploitation of resources, it is pertinent to promote security and cooperation in this domain.

The Vietnamese PM also resonated India’s five ‘S’ approach at the UNSC. He stated that in the maritime domain, countries are facing both traditional and non-traditional security challenges, including terrorism and transnational crime. Sea level rise, increasing marine pollution, and climate change would be the long-term challenges which need to be addressed on a priority. He also stated that increasing tensions and major power rivalry would also impede on the security and safety as well as freedom of navigation in these contested maritime routes. He continuously stressed on the fact that Vietnam, as a littoral state, need to exploit resources for sustainable development of its marine economy and develop a secure maritime environment for the betterment of the people, the article wrote.

According to the article, PM Chinh stated that there is need for maritime domain awareness and acknowledged the threats to maritime security. He also alluded to resources and capabilities enhancement for implementing national maritime strategies and protocols to meet the objectives. He stated that it is under obligation of all the UN members to uphold their legal obligations while respecting the sovereignty, and legitimate interests of the littoral states The recognition of due diplomatic and legal processes to resolve disputes is also required.

The PM emphasised the need to ensure the freedom, and security of navigation and overflight without any military threats or acts which can vitiate the atmosphere. As a true statesman and a mature politician, he outlined how Vietnam would stand up to join the international community to achieve these objectives and promote maritime security at all levels. The most important aspect of his speech was that he used the right words and a mature approach to address all the challenges in the maritime domain without naming or shaming any country or power as such, the article said.

As Vietnam has taken the lead in addressing challenges regarding the East Sea, expectations have risen regarding Vietnam’s constructive role in the overall dispute settlement in the area, it added.

President attends gathering marking Day of People’s Public Security Forces

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc attended a gathering in Hanoi on August 18 on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of Traditional Day of People’s Public Security Forces (August 19) and a ceremony to present 40-year, 30-year Party membership badges to officers from the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security.

Speaking at the event, Phuc said over the past years, the public security forces have closely grasped the situation, offered advices to the Party and State about important measures and strategies to protect national security, ensure social safety and order, defeat plots sabotaging the Party and State by hostile and reactionary forces, and crack down on crimes and legal violations.

He hailed them for taking vanguard in Party building and rectification, as well as playing an active role as one of the frontline forces in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic.

During the cause of national construction and defence in the new period, the President suggested the Central Public Security Party Committee effectively follow the Party policies and State laws regarding the task of protecting national security and social safety and order, thus laying a solid foundation to build a revolutionary, regular, elite and modern people’s public security sector.

Secretary of the Central Public Security Party Committee and Minister of Public Security Gen. To Lam affirmed that the forces will seriously and fully realise Resolution adopted by the 13th Party Central Committee and conclusions of the Party Central Committee's Resolutions, and continue with building the Party and people’s public security forces in the new period./.

Vietnam committed to supporting Myanmar: Foreign Minister

Vietnam shares the difficulties that the country and people of Myanmar are facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic and hopes that ASEAN countries, partners and the international community will join hands to help Myanmar and its people overcome the challenges.

Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son made the statement at a pledging conference to promote humanitarian assistance to Myanmar held virtually on August 18.

Son welcomed the timely organisation of this event, affirming that this is an important step in implementing the five-point consensus reached at a meeting of ASEAN leaders in April this year.

The Foreign Minister appreciated the contributions of ASEAN Secretary-General Dato Lim Jock Hoi, Coordinator for Humanitarian Assistance of ASEAN and the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance (AHA) relating to the issue.

Vietnam is committed to providing initial support to Myanmar with medical supplies worth 100,000 USD, he said.

ASEAN countries and partners also pledged about 9 million USD to assist the country.

At the conference, the ASEAN Secretariat and AHA Centre presented a humanitarian assistance strategy for Myanmar. It is divided into two phases including "lifesaving" humanitarian assistance, focusing on COVID-19 pandemic response, and implementing humanitarian assistance measures to "stabilise life".

Humanitarian support activities for Myanmar will be led by ASEAN. The ASEAN Secretary-General and the AHA Centre will be responsible for receiving and coordinating assistance from ASEAN countries, partners and the international community, ensuring that these aids are distributed in a timely, efficient and transparent manner to the people of Myanmar.

In the near future, ASEAN will focus on the first phase. Specifically, it will mobilise supplies of vaccines, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and related items for Myanmar. The first aid shipment is expected to arrive in the country before August 31.

An ASEAN Coordinating Group will be set up and stationed in Yangon to supervise and assist in the effective coordination and transfer of medical support to the local people. 

ASEAN will also survey real demand to promptly make appropriate adjustments in the implementation of the following steps, as well as preparing for the second phase of the strategy, which is expected to be conducted next year.

New environmental standards to better protect the environment: Deputy minister

The Vietnam Environment Administration under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has compiled 15 draft regulations on environment-related standards which will be promulgated this year as a foundation for the implementation of the 2020 Law on Environmental Protection that takes effect from the beginning of 2022.

It includes five sets of standards on environmental quality, four on waste, and six on imported scrap as raw materials for production.

According to Vo Tuan Nhan, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, the standards are built based on a new approach, which will act as a driving force for businesses to modernise technology and help the country develop sustainably.

He said the compiling teams have researched experience and standards of developed countries and those of countries at the same development level as Vietnam to devise regulations suitable for the country.

The ministry aims to issue 31 sets of national technical standards related to the environment during the period 2020-2022, with 25 sets of standards replacing the current 48, and six new ones as stipulated in the 2020 Law on Environmental Protection./.

FDI firms join Vietnam’s COVID-19 response efforts

FDI enterprises in Vietnam are joining hands with local counterparts to deliver much-needed reliefs to frontline medical workers and people hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The European Chamber of Commerce (EuroCham) on August 17 launched a fundraising campaign named “Breathe Again” to call for donations from its members to aid Vietnam’s response to the current fourth coronavirus wave.

All the donations will be used to purchase European medical devices and equipment for hospitals in Vietnam’s hardest-hit areas, the chamber said in a statement.

EuroCham vowed to work with the health authorities to make sure that the equipment goes to where it is needed and will have the greatest impact. The chamber will also be flexible, working with donors to ensure that wherever possible their donation goes to a particular province or community.

It will work with suppliers to procure the equipment and ensure their quick and transparent delivery to hospitals in these areas within a few days of sufficient donations being received.

“European business stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Vietnam during these difficult times,” said Alain Cany, Chairman of EuroCham. “The current outbreak is putting unprecedented pressure on healthcare facilities and hardworking medical staff, and this new fundraising campaign is something practical that our members can do to support.”

“I am confident that the government will repeat its success of previous waves and contain this new, more infectious strain.”

Giorgio Aliberti, EU Ambassador to Vietnam said “Europe has a large and longstanding presence in Vietnam, so when our companies and citizens join together in this effort we have the size and scale to make a real difference. Therefore, I encourage European enterprises to contribute whatever they can to this important initiative.”

Additionally, a new charity project called “Vong tay Viet – Sai Gon” (Reaching out Vietnam – Saigon) has been launched in Ho Chi Minh City, engaging foreign invested corporations in the country’s southern economic hub and neighbouring provinces.

From now until mid-September, the project pledges to offer 1 million meals to needy people who are struggling to make ends meet as HCM City is under social distancing measures with surging COVID-19 cases.

It has an estimated fund of 25 billion VND (1.09 million USD), donated by many individuals, businesses and business associations./.

Japanese Communist Party's chief hails Vietnam’s concerted efforts against COVID-19

Chairman of the Japanese Communist Party (JCP) Kazuo Shii praised the concerted efforts of the Vietnamese Party, Government and people in coping with the COVID-19 pandemic during a meeting with Vietnamese Ambassador to Japan Vu Hong Nam on August 17.

Directly handing thank-you letters from Vietnamese President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh to the JCP chief, Nam said Vietnam – Japan ties have continued growing strongly and comprehensively with a high level of mutual political trust.

The two countries have worked together and actively supported each other in COVID-19 prevention and control, he said, adding that the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) highly valued its cooperation and traditional friendship with the JCP.

The diplomat took this occasion to briefed Kazuo on the outcomes of the CPV’s 13th National Congress and Vietnam’s development targets toward the celebration of the 100th founding anniversaries of the CPV (1930-2030) and the nation (1945-2045).

He believed that in the coming time, the traditional ties between the two Parties will be fortified and deepened, contributing to the enhancement of the Vietnam - Japan extensive strategic partnership for the sake of their people and for peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the region and the world.

For his part, Shii thanked leaders of the Vietnamese Party, State, and Government for their attention to boosting cooperative relations between the two Parties and countries.

He also commended Vietnam’s active participation in international efforts to promote non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.

The official hoped the two Parties to soon resume the exchange of high-level visits and theoretical discussions when the pandemic is put under control.

President inspects implementation of amnesty decision in Bac Giang

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc on August 18 inspected the implementation of the amnesty decision in 2021 at Ngoc Ly prison in the northern province of Bac Giang.

The decision manifests the humanitarian policy of the Party and State towards prisoners who show good behavior and high determination to rehabilitate themselves, reintegrate into the society and become good citizens, he said.

The State leader noted that between 2009 and 2016, seven amnesty decisions were implemented, allowing more than 87,000 prisoners to go free before their due release date. He stressed that despite the high number of benefited prisoners, the ratio of recidivism was low. Local administrations and communities have offered great help to the released prisoners during the reintegration progress, he added.

President Phuc requested prisons and detention centres to ensure that the amnesty benefits the right persons, and allow no wrongdoings, mistakes or violations of regulations during the process, thus ensuring the humanitarian meaning of the policy.

Meanwhile, it is necessary to organise courses for prisoners eligible for amnesty on regulations on community reintegration, he stressed.

The President expressed his hope that ministries, sectors and localities will support released prisoners so that they can quickly reintegrate into society, especially amid COVID-19 situation.

Earlier, on June 30, the President issued the decision on amnesty on the occasion of the National Day./.

Upcoming second session of 15th NA prepared carefully: NA Standing Committee

The preparations for the second session of the 15th National Assembly (NA) will be conducted thoroughly in terms of contents, organisation method and necessary conditions to ensure that it will open as scheduled on October 20, the NA Standing Committee affirmed at its ongoing second meeting on August 18.

NA Secretary-General and Chairman of the NA Office Bui Van Cuong said that during the second session, the legislature will discuss and approve several draft laws; evaluate the results of the implementation of the socio-economic development plan and the state budget estimate in 2021; and decide on the socio-economic development plan, the state budget estimate and the central budget allocation plan in 2022.

It will consider and decide on the economic restructuring plan for the 2021 – 2025 period, the national land use planning scheme for the 2021 - 2030 period and the national land use plan for 2021 - 2025.

Reports on the performance of the Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court and the Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuracy; and the Government's reports on anti-corruption, crime and law violation prevention and control, and judgment enforcement in 2021 will also be put on table for discussion.

In addition, the legislative body will also discuss and approve a draft resolution on financial settlement for the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group; and conduct question and answer sessions of NA deputies.

Vietnam will come out victorious against COVID-19 with compassion and unity

Vietnam will come out victorious in the battle against COVID-19 with compassion and unity, Aaron Johnson, an American freelance filmmaker and Youtuber who has resided in Vietnam since 2013, told the Vietnam News Agency.

Johson got married to a Vietnamese woman and the couple is living in the central coastal city of Da Nang. He is renowned on Youtube for his video clips sharing interesting facts about Vietnam. He is also very active on Twitter and Facebook with thousands of followers.

He said he feels lucky to live in Vietnam during this time and always believes Vietnamese people will soon defeat the coronavirus.

Johnson was particularly impressed with the way the Vietnamese government and people are doing together to make sure that “no one is left behind” during the fight against the pandemic. He was surprised by the way the entire society, from each citizen to local administrations and top governmental bodies, stays united and adhere to COVID-19 rules.

Speaking from his experience, he said a hotline has been set up to help affected people in accessing food and other necessities; there are “rice” ATMs and “zero Dong” shops; and volunteers are making face masks and offering medical supplies for those in need.

The government has redoubled efforts to combat scammers and prevent price gougers from attempting to profiteer off the pandemic.

This makes him believe that no one is truly left behind in the pandemic and as long as Vietnamese people keep staying united, they would overcome all difficulties ahead to win the COVID-19 fight.

Johnson went on to say that as a foreigner, he has been receiving the same treatment as the locals, no priority nor discrimination, during the pandemic; and he feels lucky to be in Vietnam, a great place to go through the coronavirus crisis.

He said many of his foreign friends are interested in the life in Vietnam, so he tries his best to talk about Vietnam’s success stories via his Youtube video clips, to let them know that a developing, war-torn country like Vietnam can also create a good life for its people.

Vietnam’s fighting spirit has been on for generations. If Vietnam can win this battle, it will come out stronger than ever, he said.

He also revealed his plans to make a documentary about Vietnam’s effective COVID-19 fight, saying he was upset to read misleading information about it online. He hoped that via his social media channels, people from around the world will know Vietnam’s stories – fighting the pandemic by compassion and the power of unity.

The world must know about amazing things Vietnam is doing in this pandemic, he said./.

South Africa’s Honorary Consul assists military hospitals in COVID-19 combat

The first batch of aid from the Honorary Consul of South Africa in Ho Chi Minh City was delivered to two military-run temporary COVID-19 hospitals based in nearby Binh Duong province on August 17.

The aid includes canned food, noodle, sugar, milk, beverages, medical supplies, and many other essential goods worth about 800 million VND (35,000 USD) in total, the Quan doi Nhan dan (People's Army) newspaper reported.

South Africa’s Honorary Consul Do Thi Kim Lien said she appreciates the enormous efforts by tens of thousands of medical workers in the army to help with the battle against COVID-19, adding that with her modest contribution, she wishes to support those in the frontline.

After Hospital 5B and 5D, next batches of the aid will be delivered to temporary hospital No 5A, 5C, and the Mien Dong (Eastern) Military - Civil Hospital, which has also been transformed into a facility for COVID-19 treatment, on August 18, according to Col. Le Anh Tuan, Deputy Director of the Mass Mobilisation Department of the army’s General Department of Politics./.

Bac Giang honoured with Labour Order for anti-pandemic achievements

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc on August 18 paid a working visit to the northern province of Bac Giang and presented a third-class Labour Order to the provincial Party Organisation, administration and people, making it the first locality in the country to be awarded by the State leader for achievements in COVID-19 prevention and control.

In early May, Bac Giang faced unprecedented difficulties and challenges when the new strain of SARS-CoV-2 rapidly spread in local industrial zones. The pandemic seriously affected all aspects of life, economy and society of the province with production and business activities suspended and the safety, health and life of local people, especially workers, seriously influenced.

Thanks to the high determination and joint efforts of the entire political system and people from all walks of life, the pandemic has been put under complete control in the province.

Businesses and industrial parks have restored normal production and business activities. In addition, the province also sent six delegations with a total of 258 health workers to assist southern provinces in the fight against the pandemic.

President Phuc said that many effective anti-pandemic models initiated by Bac Giang are valuable experience lessons in COVID-19 prevention and control that can be standardised to apply in other localities.

He asked the province to stay vigilant to protect the achieved results and prevent the pandemic from breaking out again.

It is necessary to support and create all favourable conditions for enterprises to access loans and expand production, create a favourable business environment to attract more investment, and focus on unlocking all resources, removing difficulties and obstacles, boosting economic development and soon becoming a budget-autonomy province.

Bac Giang also needs to quickly complete its development planning scheme in the context of the new normal so as to soon become a major production centre of the region, the President stressed.

Source: VNA/VNS/VOV/VIR/SGT/SGGP/Nhan Dan/Hanoitimes 



Ministry suggests 23 localities cut water, electricity prices for pandemic-hit workers