Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on August 8 signed a dispatch requesting efforts to prevent, control and mitigate damage from landslides, riverbank and coastal erosion, and flash floods.

In the document, the PM asked ministers, chairpersons of People’s Committees of centrally-run cities and provinces and heads of relevant agencies to fully grasp the situation and proactively take necessary measures within their authority.

In the immediate future, they must take several urgent measures to ensure the safety of residents in areas highly prone to landslides and flash floods, including evacuating them and their assets to safe areas, providing them with food and necessities, and raising public awareness of the effort, especially in remote, mountainous, border, island and ethnic minority areas.

In the long term, localities need to closely control urban planning and construction activities, especially houses and structures in areas with sloping terrain, along rivers, streams, canals, coastal zones, and regions at risk of geological hazards. They were urged to prohibit and strictly deal with violations related to the land use and management, forest protection and construction in protected and special-use forests, and illegal mineral extraction.

The PM ordered building projects and allocating resources for sustainable projects aimed at preventing and mitigating landslides.

The chairpersons of the provincial People's Committees must be held accountable to the PM and the law for any lack of responsibility for leadership and direction that leads to severe loss of lives and property of the people.

Specific tasks were also assigned to ministries, agencies concerned and the press.

Since early July, landslides, flash floods, riverbank and coastal erosion have caused severe damage to human lives, assets and properties, roads and infrastructure facilities, particularly in the Central Highlands, northern mountainous and Mekong Delta localities.

Vietnam treasures friendship, multifaceted ties with Iran: NA Chairman

Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) Vuong Dinh Hue had talks with Speaker of the Iranian Islamic Parliament Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf in Tehran on August 8, affirming that Vietnam always treasures the friendship and multifaceted cooperation with Iran, one of its important partners in the Middle East.

The talks formed part of Hue’s official visit to Iran from August 8 to 10.

Expressing his delight at visiting Iran when the two countries are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic ties, Hue noted with satisfaction the progress in bilateral cooperation over the past years, particularly in politics - diplomacy, culture, and people-to-people exchanges.

Meanwhile, Qalibaf stated the Parliament and people of Iran always attach importance to the further promotion of the friendship and multifaceted ties with Vietnam, an important partner of his country in the Asia-Pacific region.

He voiced his belief that cooperation between the two countries, as well as between the two parliaments, will record development breakthroughs in the coming time.

Discussing measures for improving cooperation effectiveness, both leaders agreed that Vietnam and Iran will continue increasing mutual visits at all levels, especially by senior leaders and officials of economic-related sectors and localities. They also discussed stepping up people-to-people and cultural exchanges to strengthen friendship and mutual understanding.

They will enhance cooperation between their parliamentary agencies, parliamentary friendship groups, female parliamentarians, and young parliamentarians. They also want to promote the role of the two parliaments in supervising and fostering the implementation of their countries’ agreements and commitments. The two countries will continue to coordinate with and support each other at international forums, and well prepare for the 10th meeting of the Vietnam - Iran Inter-Governmental Committee in Hanoi.

In terms of economic affairs, they concurred in holding more events connecting the countries’ localities and enterprises so as to seek opportunities for business and investment partnerships, and create conditions for strong products of each country to enter each other’s markets.

Hue called on Iran to further import Vietnamese farm produce such as rice, tea, peppercorn, coffee, and rubber, and also highlighted the readiness to help facilitate Iran’s export of dried fruit to Vietnam.

Both host and guest agreed to foster cooperation in customs and Halal product manufacturing. They also agreed to resume cooperation mechanisms between the two countries such as the joint working board for banking cooperation and the working group on trade in order to seek breakthrough measures for economic and trade links.

The Speaker of the Iranian Parliament said enterprises of his country are paying more and more attention to the Vietnamese market. He highly valued the political stability and favourable investment and business climate in the Southeast Asian country, saying the Iranian side is ready to create optimal conditions for the countries’ enterprises to partner with each other.

During the talks, the two leaders also looked into measures for augmenting ties in other potential fields like science - technology, digital transformation, education - training, student exchanges, and tourism.

On this occasion, the Vietnamese NA Chairman invited his host to pay an official visit to Vietnam. Qalibaf accepted the invitation with pleasure.

Hue also invited the Iranian Parliament to send a delegation to the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians in Hanoi this September.

Following the talks, the two leaders signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation between the parliaments.

Military officer promoted to Senior Lieutenant General rank

President Vo Van Thuong handed over a decision on promoting member of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission, and Deputy Director of the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) Trinh Van Quyet from the rank of Lieutenant General to Senior Lieutenant General, at a ceremony in Hanoi on August 8.

The State leader praised Quyet for his competence and outstanding achievements in his military career, contributing to building the army and reinforcing national defence.

He asked the officer to continue improving the mettle of a Party member and a military general, and stay absolutely loyal to the Party, State, and people.

The President also urged Quyet to further promote the spirit of solidarity and unity within the Central Military Commission and the VPA's General Department of Politics to lead and direct an effective implementation of the Party's guidelines and orientations and the State's policies and laws on military and national defence tasks, and Party and political works in the army, meeting the requirements of building a revolutionary, regular, elite, and gradually modernised People's Army.

He expressed his belief that the officer will excellently fulfill his missions.

Top Vietnamese, Iranian legislators announce talks outcomes to press

Vietnamese National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf announced the outcomes of their talks to the press in Tehran on August 8 (local time).

NA Chairman Hue said he and the host engaged in extensive and profound discussions on various areas ranging from politics, diplomacy, economy, trade, investment, agriculture to cooperation at multilateral forums.

He said the two sides shared the wish to further promote the friendship and cooperation between the two countries, and pledged to enhance connectivity and partnership between their localities and businesses while also exploring payment mechanisms. He added that the two countries will facilitate trade to lift two-way trade.

According to the Vietnamese legislative leader, the two sides will intensify people-to-people exchanges and collaboration in culture, art, education-training and sci-tech, contributing to strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between the two peoples.

Joint work in other promising areas was also discussed, he said.

The Vietnamese leader revealed that following the press conference, the two sides will sign a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between the two legislatures, which is the first of its kind in the history of their cooperative relationship.

He expressed his belief that the signing and implementation of the MoU and other cooperation agreements in justice, sports, plant and animal quarantine, trade, locality-to-locality and business-to-business cooperation will help push forward not only the collaboration between the two legislatures but also the friendship and efficiency of cooperation between the two countries in the time ahead.

Ghalibaf said during the talks, the two sides agreed to foster bilateral cooperation in economy, trade, banking, and fisheries while stepping up collaboration in customs, double taxation avoidance, and issues related to investment protection encouragement.

Mentioning the Vietnamese NA’s approval of new regulations on e-visa issuance, extension of e-visa duration to facilitate foreigners' entry into Vietnam, the speaker believed that such regulations will also create facilitate Iranians' travel to Vietnam, thus paving the way to promote tourism cooperation and launch direct flights between Tehran and Hanoi.

He also said both sides underlined the need to enhance cooperation and exchanges between friendship parliamentarian groups of the two countries, beef up parliamentary cooperation both bilaterally and multilaterally, including at global and regional parliamentary forums, as well as at the United Nations forums and organisations.

NA Chairman meets Iranian President

National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue met Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in Tehran on August 8 as part of his official visit to Iran.

Chairman Hue affirmed to his host that Vietnam always attaches importance to further promoting the friendship and multifaceted cooperation with Iran.

The Iranian President hailed the visit by the Vietnamese top legislator as a new step forward in the relationship of the two countries in general and the two parliaments in particular.

The two leaders expressed delight at the development of the bilateral ties in the recent past. Based on the traditional friendship and cooperation between the two countries, they discussed and agreed on measures to enhance bilateral collaboration to match both countries’ great potential.

They reached consensus on increasing the exchange of delegations at all levels and on all channels to further strengthen political trust as the basis for developing the Vietnam-Iran relations across the fields.

NA Chairman Hue proposed that the two sides further facilitate market access for each other’s strong products, especially farm produce and fishery products, organize more investment and trade promotion and business matching events, and encourage partnership in education-training, science-technology and culture-arts.
To effectively roll out those measures, the two sides agreed to coordinate to well prepare for the 10th meeting of the Vietnam-Iran Joint Committee and expedite other bilateral cooperative mechanisms to review and seek measures to enhance cooperation efficiency.
The Iranian President hoped that the two parliaments will support and continue to play an active role in reviewing and supervising the implementation of the two countries’ agreements.
NA Chairman Hue conveyed an invitation to visit Vietnam from President Vo Van Thuong to President Raisi. The Iranian President accepted the invitation with pleasure and expressed his hope to early welcome his Vietnamese counterpart on an official visit to Iran.

NA Chairman receives Iranian minister of industry, mine, trade

Vietnamese National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue affirmed that leaders of both Vietnam and Iran pay due attention to bilateral economic and trade ties during a reception in Tehran on August 8 (local time) for Iranian Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Abbas Aliabadi.

He thanked the Iranian Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade and the minister in his capacity as Chairman of the Iranian section of the Vietnam-Iran Joint Committee, for their dedication to bilateral collaboration and trade.

The Vietnamese leader stressed that both sides need to fully tap the potential of cooperation and effectively implement commitments, while creating favourable conditions for the operations of businesses.

The Vietnamese NA will always support and partner with the Government to further deepen Vietnam-Iran economic cooperation, for the benefit of the two peoples and the development of the two regions.

Aliabadi said he rejoiced at the signing of a cooperation agreement between the two parliaments, noting that the two sides are scheduled to sign several important cooperation agreements in trade, agriculture and justice during Hue’s visit.

The minister also informed Chairman Hue about the outcomes of the ninth meeting of the Vietnam-Iran Joint Committee, and wished that the two sides would soon hold the tenth meeting.

Host and guest discussed orientations to intensify bilateral ties across trade, industry, agriculture, tourism and education. They agreed to increase specialised working sessions to explore suitable and effective cooperation mechanisms between the two countries, especially business-to-business and locality-to-locality ones.

The two governments and legislatures should focus on creating a legal corridor and a favourable environment for businesses and localities to strengthen collaboration. Both sides could also act as bridges to facilitate each other's entry into regional markets, they said.

NA Chairman receives Iran-Vietnam Friendship Association President

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue hosted a reception for President of the Iran-Vietnam Friendship Association (IVFA) Seyed Kamal Sajjadi in Tehran on August 8 (local time) as part of his official visit to Iran.

The top Vietnamese legislator highly appreciated contributions to consolidating and strengthening friendship between the two countries’ people by Seyed Kamal Sajjadi, who is also co-founder of the friendship association and former Iranian Ambassador to Vietnam.

Hue highlighted the two countries’ friendship and multifaceted cooperation over the past 50 years, saying the ongoing visit to Iran by the delegation of the Vietnamese National Assembly aims to contribute to strengthening cooperation between Vietnam and Iran across the Party, National Assembly, Government and local channels, especially increasing the people-to-people exchange.

IVFA President Seyed Kamal Sajjadi briefed Chairman Hue about his association’s operations, such as writing, printing and publishing a book on the land and people of Vietnam in Tehran, making a film featuring Vietnam’s land and people, with an aim of encouraging many Iranian people to travel the Southeast Asian nation, and the coordination between the two countries’ friendship associations in sharing their operation experience.

The IVFA President hoped two countries continue increasing economic-commercial and cultural cooperation.

Chairman Hue hailed the IVFA for the association’s overall outcomes, saying that in addition to organising people-to-people exchanges, the association gives advice to both sides’ enterprises, together with the Iranian government, to grant scholarships to Vietnamese students to study in Iran, and send Iranian students to Hanoi.

He hoped that the association continues to increase people-to-people exchanges, contributing to the two countries’ relations.

Highly valuing the initiative to make a film featuring the land and people of Vietnam, Hue said the Vietnamese Embassy in Iran will serve as a bridge connecting relevant Vietnamese agencies to support production of the film.

NA leader meets embassy officials, Vietnamese community in Iran

National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue on August 8 met officials of the Vietnamese Embassy in Tehran and the Vietnamese community in Iran, as part of his ongoing visit to the Middle-East country.

Ambassador Luong Quoc Huy briefed the leader on the operations of the embassy and the situation of the Vietnamese community in Tehran.

He said that currently Iran is in need of agricultural products such as melon, pineapple, coconut, rambutan and sweet potato, which are Vietnamese strong exports.

Representatives from the Vietnamese community affirmed their sentiments towards the homeland, pledging that they will work hard for the development of both Iran and Vietnam, while promoting the image of the nation and people of Vietnam in Iran.

Hue highlighted the sound political and diplomatic relations between the two countries, adding that Iran has always supported Vietnam in both past struggle for national independence and current national construction and defence.

He said that both the Speaker of the Iranian Islamic Parliament and the Iranian President agreed that the two countries should further promote their trade cooperation to match their sound political relations and potential of both countries.

During the visit, ministries and sectors of the two countries will also sign a number of important agreements on citizen protection and the creation of favourable conditions for investors and businesses of the two sides to foster their collaboration, Hue said.

The top legislator underlined that the Party and State always consider the Vietnamese community abroad as an indispensable part of the nation, while prioritising the protection of citizens and focusing on maintaining the Vietnamese language and culture among the Vietnamese community abroad.

The NA has adopted a new visa policy for foreigners, and is considering the adjustments of the Law on Nationality and the Law on Election to create optimal conditions for the community to make contributions to the Fatherland, he noted.

He expressed his belief that the Vietnamese community in Iran will continue to grow stronger and remain united for common development, while maintaining the language and culture of the nation.

Flag hoisting ceremonies mark ASEAN’s 56 founding anniversary

A flag hoisting ceremony took place in New York city on August 8 to mark the 56th founding anniversary of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) (August 8, 1967-2023).

Present at the ceremony included ambassadors from ASEAN member states, heads of the bloc’s delegations, consulate generals of some ASEAN member states in the city, and Mayor of New York city Eric Adams, among others.

In his remarks, Consul General of Indonesia in New York Winanto Adi emphasised significance of the event, presenting the bloc’s growing strength in politics, culture and economy in the city.

He expressed his belief that this will contribute to further fortify the multifaceted bond between ASEAN and New York.

For his part, Mayor Eric Adams expressed his honour as the first leader of the city to co-chair the ASEAN flag hoisting ceremony and spoke highly of the important contributions by the ASEAN community to the city’s socio-economic development.

AIPA-44: Vietnam supports parliamentary actions for green transition

The Vietnamese delegation has expressed support for parliamentary actions aimed at promoting green employment and skills to facilitate the process of transitioning to a green economy.

During the meeting of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Committee on Social Matters in Jakarta, Indonesia on August 8 within the framework of the 44th General Assembly of AIPA, the Vietnamese side offered opinions on a Resolution proposed by Indonesia, reiterating that green growth has been identified as a vital aspect of sustainable development.

They emphasised the need for a well-integrated, rational, and harmonious approach between socio-economic development and environmental protection, thus aiming to address the present needs without impacting future generations.

According to them, Vietnam’s green growth programme has been concretised through the National Green Growth Strategy for the 2011-2020 period with a vision towards 2050. However, it still meets difficulties in the implementation process due to limited awareness of ministries, agencies, local authorities and people as well as the lack of resources.

The Vietnamese delegation encouraged regional countries to establish sets of indicators to measure green growth for each nation, moving towards creating an ASEAN set of indicators for measuring green growth. This involves promoting the widespread adoption of cleaner production methods;minimising, conserving and improving the efficient use of natural resources, while reducing emissions, limiting pollution, and protecting environment quality and human health.

They also called on ASEAN member states to adopt solutions to enhancing labour productivity, reducing unemployment rates, especially among youths; decreasing informal employment, particularly for women, and transitioning the economic structure towards green economic objectives, green employment and sustainability.

Discussing a Resolution on addressing the challenges of youth employment for a secure and prosperous ASEAN, they said the recent pandemic crisis will affect each worker differently while the number of unemployed and untrained young people is expected to rise.

They suggested that particular attention should be given to vulnerable groups at high risk of unemployment.

AIPA-44: Vietnam voices support for stronger role of youngsters

A Vietnamese delegation attended the Young Parliamentarians of AIPA (YPA) Meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia, on August 8 as part of the 44th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA-44).

At the meeting, participating countries discussed an Indonesia-proposed draft resolution on strengthening the youth’s involvement in inclusive development, economic transformation and democratic participation; and a Malaysia-submitted draft resolution on promoting young parliamentarians’ role in governance.

Showing support for the draft resolution of Indonesia, the Vietnamese delegation said young people in Vietnam as well as those in the region and the world are facing fast changes of science - technology and socio-economic conditions.

To successfully grasp the chances generated by the digital economy, science - technology and innovation, youngsters should be fully aware of opportunities and challenges so as to make appropriate plans and actions. They should receive guidance in learning and selecting jobs that suit their capabilities and strengths, the delegation noted.

Discussing the draft resolution of Malaysia, they said young, dynamic, and creative human resources form an important factor for the development of countries. Given this, it is necessary to boost the strong engagement of young parliamentarians in parliamentary activities, particularly building laws and supervising nationally important issues, the policies related to the youth, and issues attracting young voters’ attention.

The Vietnamese delegation’s active contributions to the YPA meeting were also meant to help prepare for the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians in Hanoi from September 14 to 18. The coming event is expected to be participated by hundreds of young parliamentarians from 173 countries.

Fundraising campaign launched to aid disadvantaged children

A fundraising campaign was launched by the Phu nu Viet Nam (Vietnamese Women) newspaper and the menswear brand of Aristino on August 8 to support orphans and children with disadvantages.

The campaign was kicked off on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Mottainai charity programme to call for support for child victims of traffic accidents, those orphaned by COVID-19 and other causes, along with 10 orphanages nationwide.

During the event from August 8 to September 3, Aristino will donate 10,000 VND (0.4 USD) per item sold to the Mottainai fund.

It will also donate another 100 million VND to the fund when the campaign’s message “Wear.Care.Share” and hashtag #ARISTINO10 reach 10,000 shares on the social media.

At the launch, 81 Aristino showrooms nationwide receiving donated old clothes were also publicised.

Data from the Ministry of Public Security show that over the last 10 years, there were about 20,000 traffic accidents annually, killing 7,000 and injuring about 16,000 others. Among them, about 70% are breadwinners.

Meanwhile, 4,461 Vietnamese children were orphaned during the two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, including 193 losing both their parents, according to the Department of Child Affairs at the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.

Nguyen Thi Thuc Hanh, Editor-in-chief of Phu nu Viet Nam and head of the organising committee of the Mottainai programme, said that over the last 10 years, this programme has carried out a number of meaningful activities such as encouraging a green lifestyle and environmental protection, raising donations, and selling/auctioning and reusing millions of items to assist orphans and children with disadvantages across the country.

The Mottainai programme has become the biggest drive to raise donations of old items for humanitarian and environmental protection purposes in Vietnam. It has attracted more than 500,000 participants and benefited nearly 5,000 disadvantaged children so far.

This year, the programme will last through December, she added.

Vietnam contributes to completing draft documents at AIPA meetings

The Vietnamese delegation made important contributions to reviewing and completing draft documents at the meetings of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Committee on Political Matters and AIPA Committee on Economic Matters, within the framework of the 44th General Assembly of AIPA in Jakarta, Indonesia on August 8.

During the meeting of the AIPA Committee on Political Matters, countries considered and adopted a Resolution on the Report of the Meeting between ASEAN-AIPA leaders on the occasion of the 42nd ASEAN Summit, and a Resolution on the Report of the 14th AIPA Advisory Group Meeting (AIPA Caucus).

They also discussed and adopted four draft documents, including a Resolution on sustaining peace, security and stability in the region through dialogue and cooperation which was proposed by Indonesia and co-sponsored by Vietnam. They also reviewed a Resolution proposed by Malaysia on the threat of terrorism, extremist violence and radicalisation, and a Resolution initiated by Malaysia on the role of parliaments in addressing water security, energy security and food security in ASEAN. The final draft document was proposed by Indonesia on parliamentary cooperation contributing to long-term peace in Myanmar.

The Vietnamese delegation presented a report on the outcomes of the AIPA Caucus 14, which was hosted by the Vietnamese National Assembly from July 10-12 in Phu Quoc, the southern province of Kien Giang.

During the discussions on global and regional issues of shared concern, Vietnam reaffirmed its viewpoint and shared stance with ASEAN, emphasising the significance of maintaining peace, security, stability, safety and freedom of navigation and overflight in the East Sea.

The Vietnamese side also highlighted the importance of peacefully settling disputes in accordance with widely recognised principles of international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), fully and effectively implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and working towards the early conclusion of a substantive and effective Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) that is in line with international law, including the 1982 UNCLOS.

Nanning-Hanoi road route resumes operation

A Chinese transport company has moved to reopen the Hanoi-Nanning direct passenger road route with a frequency of one trip per day.

According to details given by the Department for Roads of Vietnam (DRVN), there is one road passenger service from Hanoi to Nanning and vice versa each day, with a single trip lasting about nine hours.

The passenger vehicles will therefore pass through several provinces, including Bac Ninh, Bac Giang, and Lang Son via the Huu Nghi International Border Gate, before directly entering China after finishing customs clearance procedures without changing vehicles for transit.

The route therefore aims to meet the transportation needs of border residents whilst enhancing tourism for both countries.

Local businesswoman to vie for Mrs Classic United Nations 2023

Vuong Thi Kim Hang of Ho Chi Minh City has been selected to represent the nation at the Mrs Classic United Nations 2023 beauty pageant which will be held in the United States this December.      

According to information given by the Ho Chi Minh City’s Department of Culture and Sports, the 35-year-old businesswoman began her career at a very young age and quickly became a success.

She now owns a system of beauty stores throughout both Vietnam and the US.

First held back in 2012, Mrs Classic United Nations has become one of the most prestigious beauty pageants and typically attracts hundreds of contestants from all over the world.

This year the beauty contest is scheduled to take place from December 5 to December 10 in Florida of the US, with the event drawing the participation of representatives from 30 countries around the world.

The pageant therefore aims to honour the beauty and seek talents which will represent the voices of millions of women around the globe to fight for gender equality in society.

This marks the first year that the country has sent a representative to compete in the beauty contest.

Korean NGO support children in Phu Tho

Korean NGO support children in Phu Tho hinh anh 1
Children beneficiaries of the CDP project in Dao Xa commune (Thanh Thuy district) receive eye check (

The Union of Friendship Association of the northern midland province of Phu Tho has actively appealed for foreign aid and implemented many projects support local people and children funded by foreign organisations, helping improve living conditions for the disadvantaged people in Phu Tho.

An example of foreign donors operating in Phu Tho is Korea Food for the Hungry International (KFHI), a non-profit non-government organisation (NGO) of the Republic of Korea.

KFHI has been working in Vietnam since 2006. It is mostly involved in community development, hygiene and safe water, vocational training, support of children in disadvantaged circumstances and improvement of schools through short-term projects or grants in cash and kind.

The NGO made its presence in Phu Tho in 2016, with its first activity presenting scholarships to students from poor families.

In 2018, the Prime Minister requested the educational sector to upgrade toilet quality at schools. Prompted by this, KFHI started a project on improving educational environment and building toilets in Phu Tho.

Under the project, the NGO provided school equipment, including computer sets, installed water supply systems along with water filters, and built toilets at 12 elementary schools in Thanh Thuy, Thanh Son and Tam Nong districts with a total value of over 1.3 billion VND (nearly 55,000 USD).  

Besides, KFHI brought Korean volunteers to the schools to paint the walls of the toilets at Dau Duong elementary school with child-friendly images in Tam Nong.

Under a cooperative deal signed with the Phu Tho Union of Friendship Associations, KFHI also launched a Children Development Project in 2018. The five-year project supports school children in Thanh Son and Thanh Thuy districts with an annual value of 90,000 USD. Accordingly, the organisation, in coordination with the districts’ Departments of Education and Training, selected 600 children from 6-11 years old in disadvantaged areas for the support. Each child was sponsored by a family in the RoK. The children received periodical health checks and textbooks and leaning equipment at the beginning of the school year. Gatherings were held for them on such occasions as festivals and the International Children’s Day.

Vietnam seeks to improve quality of educational testing services

The country is keen to upgrade the general quality of educational testing services in the near future, Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son said at a meeting with Rohit Sharma, senior vice president of Global Higher Education and Workskills at the Educational Testing Service (ETS) on August 7 in Hanoi.
The Education Minister noted that Vietnamese education is currently in a transition period, including in terms of testing and assessment, which plays an important role in the innovation process.

He therefore stressed the overall importance of strengthening ties with ETS in order to develop human resources in this field.

Rohit Sharma, said they would send experts to Vietnam in order to help promote the quality of education in the country with testing and assessments. During the course of the meeting the two sides also discussed future plans to promote educational ties.

Earlier in September, 2022, the Ministry of Education and Training and the ETS signed a memorandum of understanding with ETS with its commitment to promoting equality and the general quality of education in Vietnam.

Vietnam information ministry enhances cooperation with University of Technology Sydney

A delegation from the Ministry of Information and Communication on August 7 visited Techlab at Australia’s University of Technology Sydney (UTS)  to promote cooperation in digital technology and connectivity, and support businesses of the two countries.

At Techlab UTS, the delegation, led by Minister Nguyen Manh Hung, visited digital technology experiment systems and advanced research equipment with high specificity, such as Nokia’s 5G Future Lab, Technology 4.0 laboratory for algae farming, brewing, earthquake-simulating vibrating tables, sealed chambers against echoes and electromagnetics.

Introducing Nokia’s Future of 5G lab, Tristan Lee, a Nokia representative at Techlab, said that this is the convergence of Nokia’s world class 5G technology with Techlab UTS. Nokia’s Future of 5G lab is a place to demonstrate and test the transformative use of 5G’s potential in various industries, he said, adding research at the lab is all practical and marketable as soon as they are completed.

In a cordial exchange with the Vietnamese minister, Iain Watt, Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (International) of UTS, said that the university has chosen Vietnam as a strategic partner for cooperation in technology transfer research and bringing research products to society.

Techlab UTS is a new direction, where there is a large-scale technical infrastructure with specialized laboratories dedicated to enterprises. Partners have access to experts, specialized labs and equipment, funding opportunities, and talented students, he said.

This supports an innovation ecosystem that collaborates with startups, SMEs and large multinational organizations with academic and technical teams, he added.

Iain Watt also gave some examples of recently completed UTS projects in Vietnam that have technical applications. UTS has installed and deployed a coastal water quality monitoring system at Xuan Dai Bay in the south-central province of Phu Yen so that aquaculture farmers can have real-time data.

In collaboration with the Vietnam National Committee for Search and Rescue, UTS has also built a drone-based simulation system to assess risks and offer the safest, fastest and most effective approaches to the scene.

Minister Hung appreciated the cooperation between UTS and Vietnam and suggested further activities, especially cooperation in education.

According to the estimate, Vietnam will lack 60% of human resources in digital technology. As a country with a good education and training system, Australia will meet part of the demand for digital technology training for Vietnam as well as other countries in the ASEAN region.

The Vietnamese official also emphasised the development of Vietnamese digital businesses that are currently providing products and services to many countries around the world.

“This is also an opportunity for UTS to cooperate with Vietnam more,” he noted.

Exhibition unveils the enchanting beauty of silk painting

Silk paintings by members of Sắc Lụa Việt (Vietnamese Silk) are being introduced to the public in an exhibition that is being held at Fine Arts Exhibition Hall, located on 16 Ngô Quyền Street, Hà Nội.

Entitled Hương Lụa Tháng 8 (The Fragrance of August Silk), the exhibition showcase 40 silk artworks by four painters Nguyễn Thị Thiền from Quảng Ninh, Đỗ Thu Hương from Hưng Yên, and Tạ Hùng Việt and Hoàng Quốc Tuấn from Hà Nội.

This is the second exhibition organised by the Sắc Lụa Việt, following the success of the first one – Hương Lụa Tháng 6 (The Fragrance of June Silk) that was held June last year to preserve and extend the passion for silk painting.

"We encountered many difficulties in pursuing this style of painting due to its niche audience and limited sales. As a result, fewer artists are creating works in this genre. The purpose of the Sắc Lụa Việt is to preserve and develop this type of painting,” said painter Đỗ Thu Hương.

Adopting four distinct themes, diverse brushwork and styles, each silk painting conveys delicate and romantic emotions. Altogether they create a distinctiveness and value of the unique art form.

Nguyễn Thị Thiền’s paintings are inspired by the landscape and the images of ethnic communities in her hometown Quảng Ninh. The artist enjoys exploring the cultural festivals of ethnic minorities, wedding ceremonies, and the daily life scenes of fishing villages in the province.

"I have participated in charity work and taught young children in the fishing villages. Witnessing their daily lives, I incorporate those experiences into my paintings. Moreover, Vung Viêng and Cửa Vạn fishing villages have breathtaking scenery, despite the hardships, there is a sense of peace, and the people are incredibly friendly. Their lives have changed now, but I portray them based on the memories I have," she said.

Meanwhile, painter Tạ Hùng Việt introduces a series of silk paintings that explore the theme of family emotions, depicting the natural bonds among family members.

In one of his paintings portrays a father, who is a military officer, combing his daughter's hair before taking her to an event where she will receive an award for academic excellence. In another, a mother meticulously grooms her child on a special occasion, and in another a soldier visits his mother and loved ones during his leave.

Painter Đỗ Thu Hương finds inspiration from her real-life journeys. Impressed by beauty in nature and humanity, she tells the stories of each character in her artworks, which also reflects her inner world. Each piece becomes a window into her thoughts and emotions, capturing the essence of her personal experiences and perspectives.

Hương said she primarily chose women as the main theme of her artwork because the feminine image represents a universal symbol that transcends different age groups, resonating with her personal experiences throughout life.

She also holds a special affinity for depicting the traditional costumes of ethnic minorities as they embody the essence of cultural identity. She deeply admires the simple and humble way of life of ethnic communities, cherishing their unadorned and uncomplicated lifestyles, and the harmonious connection they have with nature.

Meanwhile, painter Hoàng Quốc Tuấn seeks to discover the beauty of purity and innocence through his artwork, focusing on depictions of children and women. In some instances, he pours his heart into portraying the thoughts and contemplations of young girls stepping into adolescence.

"I hope that people will find a piece of themselves in these artworks. It could be a glimpse of carefree innocence from the ages of five to seven, or a reflection on the thoughts of everyday life,” he said.

The exhibition will run until August 14. Entrance is free. 

People’s safety takes priority as central highlands hit by floods, landslides

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyễn Hoàng Hiệp requested Đắk Nông Province to prioritise the safety of people amid the complex and unpredictable developments of flooding and landslides triggered by prolonged heavy rains.

He urged Đắk Nông to urgently implement solutions to ensure the safety of dams and prepare action plans for dam breaches within the next 15 days as this period was crucial before the next predicted round of heavy rains.

Hiệp, who is also the deputy head of the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control, made these remarks during an inspection on the flooding and landslides in Đắk Nông and Lâm Đồng provinces on Monday.

Reports from the Đắk Nông Province’s Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Search and Rescue showed that from July 28 to August 6, the province recorded a total rainfall of approximately 400mm, with some places exceeding 500mm.

Landslides were reported at the Đắk N'ting reservoir in Đắk G'long District, along the Hồ Chí Minh road section passing through Gia Nghĩa City, as well as the bypass road of Gia Nghĩa City, and in Quảng Trực Commune in Tuy Đức District.

The province recorded three deaths due to flash floods. Nearly 200 houses were submerged, over 600 hectares of crops and more than 200 hectares of aquaculture were flooded, resulting in estimated losses of roughly VNĐ250 billion (US$10.5 million).

In response, Đắk Nông has relocated nearly 300 households from areas at risk of landslides to safe places.

Đắk Nông is entering the peak period of heavy rains and floods. The weather, though forecast in advance, may still be unpredictable until the end of the year.

Currently, the province is focusing on the safe operation of over 300 reservoirs, many of which have been deteriorating.

Regarding the landslides at the Đắk N'ting reservoir, the inspection team suggested that immediate measures should be taken to lower the water level in the reservoir. This action was essential to reduce the risk of dam breaches and proactively respond to upcoming rounds of heavy rains and floods.

Moreover, the province needed to promptly carry out monitoring and re-survey the topography, and closely monitor cracks in dams to devise appropriate solutions.

In terms of landslides on the Hồ Chí Minh Road section passing through Gia Nghĩa City, they recommend deploying measures to handle the accumulated water on the left side of the road. The appropriate solutions needed to be calculated before implementing further actions.

Experts also proposed that Đắk Nông should concentrate on ensuring the safety of dams, considering that most reservoirs have reached 70-80 per cent of their capacity, and giving special attention to the nine ongoing reservoir construction projects.

The province should declare an emergency for the Đắk N’ting reservoir and have measures based on the actual conditions.

The National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control emphasised that the province should install additional warning signs and danger alerts in schools and densely populated areas to ensure people’s safety.

During the meeting, Deputy Minister Hiệp pointed out that after a severe and intense drought during the dry season the amount of rainfall this July was nearly double that of the same period in 2022. This presented a significant challenge to the province’s disaster prevention and control.

Hiệp also highlighted the challenges faced by Đắk Nông as well as the Central Highlands as the forest areas continued to grow, and the impacts on hillside areas increased in most localities.

He asked the Water Resources Directorate to review the entire system of dams at reservoirs in the central highlands to implement suitable and timely solutions. He said the ministry had proposed to the Government to revise the survey and adjust design standards for reservoirs in the Central Highlands with a focus on expanding geological surveys and assessments at dam shoulders. 

Tuyền faces challenge in taekwondo ASIAD medal mission

National top taekwondo fighter Trương Thị Kim Tuyền will face a huge challenge to win a medal in the 19th Asian Games (ASIAD) which will be held in September in China.

The former Asia champion Tuyền often competes in the women's and 46kg and 49kg categories, of which the latter is her favourite.

In the upcoming Hangzhou event, Tuyền has no choice as there is only a 49kg class available in which Panipak Wongpattankit of Thailand will be a tough opponent for the Vietnamese fighter to overcome.

The duo have met each other in different competitions but Tuyền has never been a worthy rival to the Olympic champion Wongpattankit.

In the latest event of the 32nd SEA Games, Wongpattankit met no difficulty to beat Tuyền for the gold medal. Earlier, they fought in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics' quarter-finals and Wongpattankit was the winner. She went on to the final and took the top podium.

In their first time at the Furaijah 2018 World Taekwondo Grand Prix in the UAE, the Vietnamese representative lost in the quarter-finals.

The Thai is the world's leading athlete in this category as she has only lost four fights to three rivals in her professional career.

Despite her defeats to Wongpattankit, Tuyền has never been afraid of her Thai archrival and always sets a target of victory.

She said athletes suffer high pressure in every tournament. The coaching board and athletes themselves must work out for the best preparation. Thai martial artists are regular rivals to Việt Nam in all events so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Tuyền, who placed 33 in the world and 14 in Asia, said she is focused and will bring into play her best techniques to have the highest results in all competitions.

Recently, Tuyền took part in an Olympic qualifier which was also an important warm-up for the ASIAD. In the Azerbaijan competition, she defeated 2022 champion Daniela Paola Souza of Mexico in the last eighth round, which was a shock to all participants and a testament to her remarkable improvement.

According to coach Nguyễn Anh Tuấn, Tuyền's achievement was appreciated as it was the best result of Việt Nam at the world event. She made coaches and experts believe in better results in international competitions including the ASIAD.

There will be only four weight categories for women's athletes at the Asian Games. Tuyền is the top hope for Việt Nam to win a medal, said Tuấn.

Minh wins Bonallack Trophy

Teenage Vietnamese golfer Nguyễn Anh Minh played his part in ensuring the Bonallack Trophy remains Asia-Pacific’s property for two more years after his team's victory over Europe at the La Manga Club in Spain at the weekend.

The victory was a strong push for him ahead of his defence of the national title this week.

It was the first time that a Vietnamese athlete was named in the Asia-Pacific team to compete in the tournament which iss organised every two years.

After three days of competitions, there were 32 matches including 10 foursomes, 10 four-balls and 12 single matches.

Each team was made up of 12 players. Captain Rishi Narain of Asia Pacific team called on two players from Australia, Japan, South Korea and New Zealand and one each from China, Chinese Taipei, Malaysia and Việt Nam.

Minh, 16, scored one win, one loss and one draw.

Playing the par-five 18th in the single match series, it was Minh, the youngest member of the team, who ensured the trophy was retained when he halved the last hole and the match with Spaniard Luis Masaveu.

This was just the second time since the event’s inauguration in 1998 that Asia-Pacific has won the Bonallack Trophy on European soil, the only other time was in 2004 at Italy’s Circolo Golf Roma.

Asia-Pacific’s two other successes came at Japan’s Hirono Golf Club in 2002 and Doha Golf Club in 2018, the last time the event was staged.

Oc Eo culture's statue in An Giang recognised as national treasure

The Mekong Delta province of An Giang held a ceremony in Long Xuyen city on August 7 to announce a Prime Minister decision recognising Mukhalinga Ba The, a linga with the head of Hindu god Shivaa as a national treasure.

Mukhalinga Ba The, discovered in Vong The commune, Thoai Son district in 1986, is a typical statue representing the sculpture and religious architecture of the Oc Eo culture, Believed to date back about the 6th century BC, it is 91cm in height and 20-22cm in width, and weighs 90kg.

Speaking at the ceremony, Director of the provincial Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Nguyen Khanh Hiep revealed that Mukhalinga Ba The is the 8th treasure in the province recognised as a national treasure. In particular, all the recognised are of the Oc Eo culture.

Currently, the province’s museum is keeping six national treasures, including the Brahma Giong Xoai statue, dating back the 6th-7th centuries, two sets of Linga and Yoni from the 5th-7th centuries, a Giong Xoai wooden Buddha statue from the 4th-6th centuries, Linga-Yoni Linh Son and Mukhalinga Ba The while the Nandin Giong Cat Ring and a stone carved with a meditating Buddha image are being kept at the Oc Eo Cultural Relic Management Board.

Hiep said the discovered artifacts of the Oc Eo culture contain important cultural, historical, religious, architectural and artistic meanings, contributing to clarifying the process of expanding the southern region of the Vietnamese people.

The Oc Eo culture was first discovered in 1944 via artifacts found in the sites of Ba The Mountain, now in Oc Eo town, Thoai Son district in An Giang province.

Scientific research has unravelled a brilliant culture with a system of dense monuments on a large scale with a variety of artifacts, diverse in types and high levels of technique, aesthetics, arts, and interactivity with major cultural centres at that time.

Artifacts of the Oc Eo Culture are valued as significant historical documents and evidence of a prosperous culture in the history of Vietnam.

An exhibition on introduction the province’s national treasures was opened after the ceremony, which kicked of the An Giang Culture and Tourism Festival 2023, taking place from August 7-10 with various activities such as displaying national treasures, a book fair, a storytelling competition, art performances, among others.

Can Tho: Wild pangolin to be handed over to U Minh Ha national park

A pangolin captured by a local in Cai Rang district of the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho will be handed over to the U Minh Ha National Park in neighbouring Ca Mau province, according to Nguyen Minh Hien, head of the Sub-Department of Rural Development and Forest Protection of Can Tho.

Hien said that the animal is being kept by a local of Can Tho while waiting for officials from U Minh Ha National Park.

Earlier on August 5, Nguyen Van Chien, a local of Phu Thu ward, Cai Rang district, caught an 8-kg pangolin while fishing near his home. He immediately reported the pangolin to the Sub-Department of Rural Development and Forest Protection of Can Tho to hand over it to the sub-department.

Pangolin is a wild, rare and endangered animal species for which hunting, trading and consumption are strictly prohibited. Vietnam is home to two species of pangolin, the Sunda pangolin (Manid javanica) and the Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla). The Sunda pangolin inhabits in the south and the Chinese pangolin in the north.

Leaders of the sub-department said that along with the pangolin, it will hand over a number of wild animals that it has received recently to the U Minh Ha National Park to release to the nature.

Hydroelectric reservoirs nationwide discharge water following prolonged rains

Widespread heavy rains have forced many hydroelectric reservoirs nationwide to discharge water, threatening lives and crops.

The National Power System Dispatching Centre has asked selected hydropower plants to increase hydroelectricity generation and discharge water to ensure the safety of reservoirs. The Lai Chau, Huoi Quang, Trung Son, Khe Bo, Ba Ha River, An Khe, Srepok 3, and Buon Kuop hydroelectric reservoirs started to discharge water on August 7.

The Vietnam Electricity Group said that heavy rains over the past seven days in the northern region, with rainfall reaching between 150-250mm per day have led to a sharp rise in water level at local hydroelectric reservoirs.

Flash floods and landslides triggered by the prolonged rains have also damaged pylons and cables and affected the operation of some hydropower plants in the northern region.

Some areas in the Mu Cang Chai District in Yen Bai Province suffered power cuts after some facilities of the Ho Bon Hydropower Plant were damaged by flash floods and landslides.

The same problem occurred in some districts of Muong La and Quynh Nhai in Son La Province. Local authorities are trying to fix the situation and expect to supply power again to these areas by August 9.

In the Central Highlands Province of Dak Nong, two hydropower plants in Gia Nghia City, the Dak R’Tih and Dak Nong 2, also faced landslides in some areas. The Dak Nong 2 plant had to temporarily suspend operation for repair work.

Illegal constructions found in Hanoi landslide-affected area

Illegal construction violations have been detected in Hanoi’s outlying district of Soc Son where a serious landslide occurred recently.

The landslide happened in the Ban Tien residential area in Minh Phu Commune, on August 4, following torrential rain, leaving many cars stranded.

The landslide happened in the Ban Tien residential area in Minh Phu Commune, on August 4, following torrential rain, leaving many cars stranded

Pham Quang Ngoc, vice chairman of the Soc Son District People’s Committee, said that the concrete road facing the landslide was built illegally by local residents.

After the landslide, local authorities dismantled the road section, creating cross-cutting points for rainwater drainage.

Two other illegally-built roads in Minh Phu were also dismantled.

Some houses were also illegally-built on Ban Tien’s forestry land. Among those, one was ordered to be dismantled in August last year, but its owners had ignored the decision.

Ngoc added that local authorities would continue directing the enforcement of demolition of illegal construction work.

Soc Son authorities have urged localities to keep a close watch on vulnerable areas for landslide prevention. They also need to tighten control over the supervision to detect illegal land management and construction activities.

Phan Thiet Airport to start operation next year

Phan Thiet Airport in Binh Thuan Province will be put into operation next January initially serving military flights.

Speaking at a Monday meeting, the director of the Binh Thuan Provincial Department of Planning and Investment, Le Ngoc Tien, said that the military side of the airport was being completed to serve training aircraft by January 2024.

Covering 543 hectares, Phan Thiet Airport will be built to serve both civilian and military purposes.

Construction started at the Phan Thiet Airport project in 2015 but was then delayed until 2021. During that time, the government decided to upgrade the civil rating of the planned airport from 4C to 4E as regulated by the International Civil Aviation Organisation. The airport's runway has been extended from 2,400 metres to 3,050 metres to allow it to handle Airbus A320s or equivalent-sized planes and advanced military aircraft.

Vietnam currently has 22 airports. A decision signed by Deputy PM Tran Hong Ha on June 7 said that the country would have 30 airports including 14 international and 16 domestic airports by 2030. 

Hanoi to develop smart city in green, harmonious direction

The Hanoi People’s Committee has approved the adjustments of the detailed planning for the construction of a smart city in the area along the Nhat Tan – Noi Bai road with about 140.23 hectares in the city’s outskirts district of Dong Anh.

The project is implemented by a joint venture between the BRG Group and Japan’s Sumitomo Group.

After the adjustments, the smart city will have a population of 21,110. It is divided into two areas. In Area A, a lake with 54 hectares of water surface is designed to ensure its landscapes. The area is adjusted to become a complete residential area with land space for schools, kindergartens, public activities, green trees, and housing.

Meanwhile, Area B is designed for tall apartment buildings with parking spaces which will be made suitable to the smart urban model and the Transit oriented development (TOD) area basing on its the advantage of being next to the station of Urban Railway Line No.2.

According to the municipal Department of Planning and Architecture, the adjustment of the planning aims to ensure the city becomes a smart and green urban area with harmonious technical and social infrastructure system following the urban model of developed countries.

The management and operation of the city will be conducted with smart and power efficient technologies, thus enhancing the quality of residents.

BRG Group said that the smart city is located on the foot of Nhat Tan Bridge and on the Nhat Tan - Noi Bai development axis of Hanoi.

The project covers 272 hectares and has a total investment of 4.2 billion USD, with a highlight being the 108-storey Phuong Trach financial tower, which is expected to be the largest financial centre of Vietnam and Southeast Asia.

Cham people in Phu Yen keep their culture alive

The central province of Phu Yen is now home to nearly 20,000 Cham people who are mainly living in Dong Xuan, Son Hoa and Song Hinh districts, and have well preserved their culture and customs.

Cham people often live in clans, so each hamlet often has only about 5-7 households. The largest has about 30 households.

While the Cham ethnics in Dong Xuan have a cultural interweavement with the Ba Na people, those in Son Hoa and Song Hinh have a bold cultural interweavement with Ede ethnic minorities. Their most noticeable features are costumes, houses, and gong performances.

The Cham people weave cloth to make their traditional costumes by themselves. They mainly live on rice and maize cultivation.

Each hamlet has its own self-management regime, with its head elected by local people. They are reputable elders who have rich experiences in farming, animal husbandry, and good understanding of the ethnic group’s customary laws.

The Cham believe that humans, like all living beings, have a soul and a reigning genie. However, they have a limit in praying and worshipping, as they only worship and give thanks to the genies who keep peace for their families and communities such as genies of rain, wind, land, river and the forest.

At present, Cham people in Phu Yen have access to new cultural life, so they have abolished customs that are no longer suitable. However, they have preserved and promoted cultural values imbued with their racial identity.

Northwestern localities, HCM City to hold first culture, tourism week in Lao province

A culture and tourism week of Vietnam’s northwestern region and Ho Chi Minh City is scheduled to take place for the first time in the Lao province of Luang Prabang from October 25 to 27.

The week, to be organised under the chair of the People’s Committee of Dien Bien province, will feature a wide range of cultural, sport and tourism activities introducing typical cultural identities and tourism products of the northwestern region, HCM City, and Luang Prabang.

Outstanding activities will include exhibitions of tourism photos of the Vietnamese and Lao localities; displays of tourism and agricultural products; and experience of cultural, sport and tourism activities of the localities.

Farmiliarisation trips, a workshop promoting tourism of the northwest and HCM City, and a cultural exchange programme between northwestern provinces and Luang Prabang will also be held.

The culture and tourism week is part of the 2023 cooperation plan under the agreement on tourism development cooperation between HCM City and eight northwestern provinces for 2020 - 2025.

It is expected to help foster the cooperation, friendship, and cultural, economic, trade and tourism ties between the Vietnamese localities and Luang Prabang, as well as other northern Lao provinces.

Vietnam, Malaysia promote local cooperation model

The first Vietnam-Malaysia local cooperation model between Ho Chi Minh City and Ipoh city of Malaysia was launched by Malaysia-Vietnam Friendship Association (MVFA) at a ceremony held in Kuala Lumpur on August 8 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic ties.

Speaking at the event, MVFA President Tran Thi Chang said that the model "Twin City Cooperation" not only helps promote cultural exchange but also enhances economic development and diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Malaysia. She held that this collaboration will also pave the way for mutual understanding and build a lasting bond between the two peoples.

According to Chang, the model will be a milestone in strengthening the ties between the two countries, and at the same time offer an opportunity to narrow the gap between the two cultures, contributing to promoting tourism and economic development.

Hambali Mukhlas, Chairman of the International Business Committee of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia and Chairman of the Business Council for the MVFA, highlighted the goals of the model, saying it aims to promote cultural and economic, social and diplomatic cooperation between Vietnam and Malaysia, including facilitating cultural exchange, economic and education cooperation as well as promoting tourism and regular diplomatic consultations. The cooperation will focus on mutual benefits, promote strong bilateral relations, and boost people-to-people exchanges at the local level, he noted.

The official also said that a similar cooperation model called the Vietnam House in Malaysia is expected to be completed by the end of this year which serves as a cultural hub to showcase the rich history, art, tourism, cuisine, traditional crafts and art performances of Vietnam in Malaysia. It will act as a venue to facilitate exchanges between Vietnamese diplomatic officials and representatives of other countries as well as promote trade, investment and economic cooperation through the organisation of trade fairs, investment seminars and B2B events to introduce Vietnam's economic potential and attract foreign investors.

According to Chang, the Vietnam House will help popularise Vietnam's culture, heritage, trade and investment opportunities in Malaysia, adding that it enables Malaysians and visitors to experience the rich traditions, arts and cuisine of Vietnam and encourage bilateral business projects.

Workshop discusses attraction of OV resources for tourism development

A hybrid workshop was held in Hanoi on August 8 to discuss how to attract resources from overseas Vietnamese (OV) to support tourism development.

Ambassador Ngo Huong Nam, Vice Chairman of the State Committee for OV Affairs under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said OVs have become an important resource contributing to tourism development over the past years.

Since 2009, about 700,000 - 1 million OVs have returned to the homeland each year, equivalent to the number of visitors from Japan – the third largest source of foreign tourists to Vietnam. Therefore, the more than 5.3 million OVs form a highly potential market for the domestic tourism sector, he noted.

The official cited the Vietnam Summer Camp, which has been held for young OVs for 20 years, as an example, suggesting similar programmes be organised to draw OV visitors.

Noting the great demand and potential of the OV tourist market, the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism said OVs can contribute to the domestic tourism sector by returning to visit their relatives, learn about traditions, and explore investment opportunities.

Domestic businesses are also implementing many creative ideas to attract OV travellers, it added.

At the workshop, OV representatives talked about how to bring into play Vietnamese expatriates’ role in drawing tourists to the country, the demand of OVs in the US and Europe to go back to the homeland to spend their holidays, and some countries’ experience in this regard.

Some travel companies highlighted the prospect of tourism combined with family visit and investment chance exploration, as well as medical tourism for OVs.

Meanwhile, officials of Dien Bien and Phu Tho provinces presented their localities’ tourism potential and incentives for OV visitors.

On this occasion, the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism and the State Committee for OV Affairs signed a cooperation deal to attract OV resources for tourism development.

Vietnam-RoK youth exchange held in Ha Nam

An exchange between young people from the Republic of Korea (RoK) and Vietnam took place in the northern province of Ha Nam on August 8.

The event aimed to raise mutual understanding, cooperation and friendship between Vietnam and the RoK, step up bilateral relationship as a model in international relations, while striving for peace, cooperation and prosperity.

Participants engaged in cultural and music performances, visited facilities and explored smart classroom models and creative clubs at the Bien Hoa High School for the Gifted. They also took part in games to learn about Vietnamese culture, traditional festivals and landmark destinations.

The Korean delegation will also visit local tourist destinations and KMW factory – a member of the Korean Business Association - at Dong Van industrial park.

Lee Wonseok, deputy head of the Family Support Division at the RoK's Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, hoped that in the future, both sides will enhance youth exchange activities to gain a deeper understanding of the culture, economy, history and people of each country.

He expected them to increase the sharing of experience in youth development and entrepreneurship among the youth.

Deputy PM urges listening to children’s feedback

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha has asked ministries, agencies, localities and socio-political mass organisations to continue listening to children’s feedback to meet their aspirations.

Addressing the seventh national children’s forum in Hanoi on August 8, the Deputy PM hailed the spread of child participation rights models, including children's forum at all levels, the provincial and district-level children's councils, core children's groups at residential areas, and children's rights clubs, contributing to educating confident and responsible citizens who are ready to dedicate their physical efforts and brainpower from a young age.

In order to create a safe and healthy living environment for all children, he called for further attention to nurturing soft and life skills, thus helping them cope with violence, physical abuse and drowning.

He said efforts must be made to create rules of cultural and safe conduct on cyber space while initiatives aimed at protecting a clean, green, and beautiful environment should be encouraged, adding that relevant agencies should launch more channels and forums through which children could voice their wishes and engage in shaping and fine-tuning policies specifically designed for them.

More practical actions must be taken to care for children, especially those in difficult circumstances, remote, border and island areas, so that all of them could fully grow up and live in an environment of love, safety and healthiness, he urged.

Officials at the event also answered questions regarding child abuse, psychological support for children who have experienced violence or abuse. They also discussed the offering of free swimming lessons, particularly for underprivileged children, and online safety for children and improving the quality of psychological counselling services at schools.

As many as 188 children representing over 25 million others nationwide conveyed 13 messages and recommendations to various agencies and organisations at the event.

Diplomats join walking event in Singapore on ASEAN founding anniversary

More than 100 diplomatic officials and their spouses from ASEAN member countries in Singapore, along with ASEAN observer of Timor Leste, joined a walking event on August 8 to celebrate the 56th founding anniversary of the regional bloc.

This is the first outdoor activities jointly held by ASEAN member states’ embassies in Singapore after the COVID-19 pandemic, aiming to offer a chance for the officials and their spouses to meet, thus strengthening their solidarity and promoting the image of the association to Singaporean and international friends.
Speaking to Vietnam News Agency, Ambassador Suryo Pratomo of Indonesia, the ASEAN Chair in 2023, said that the idea of organising the event received strong support of all ambassadors from ASEAN member countries to celebrate the special occasion.

Meanwhile, Vietnamese Ambassador Mai Phuoc Dung highlighted the meaning of the event, saying it shows that ASEAN is a family in Southeast Asia, and hailed the idea of Indonesia in organising the event

Following the event, participants enjoyed special dishes of Singapore, while engaging in an outdoor dancing activity.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes