National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue will attend the first Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam (CLV) Parliamentary Summit, pay a working visit to Laos from December 4 - 7, and pay an official visit to Thailand from December 7 - 12, according to the NA Committee for External Relations.

The trip will be made at the invitation of his Lao and Thai counterparts Saysomphone Phomvihane and Wan Muhamad Noor Matha, respectively.

Vietnam supports Cambodia’s national development: Party chief

Vietnam always supports Cambodia’s national construction and development, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong told President of the Cambodian National Assembly Khuon Sudary, who is also member of the Standing Committee of the Cambodian People's Party (CPP), during a reception in Hanoi on December 1.

Party General Secretary Trong congratulated Cambodia on its successful organisation of the seventh NA election, which reflects the public trust on the CPP led by President Hun Sen.

He expressed his belief that under the reign of King Norodom Sihamoni, the leadership of the Senate and the NA, and the direction of the Government with the CPP as the core, the Cambodian people will continue to achieve new and even greater accomplishments, successfully realising the Political Platform of the CPP for the 2023-2028 period and the goals set forth by the seventh-tenure Government.

The CPV and CPP need to keep preserving and nurturing the relationship between Vietnam and Cambodia, ensuring that it continues to grow further, he said.

The host suggested that both sides effectively carry out the contents of the meeting between the two Parties’ leaders and another meeting of leaders of the three Parties of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos across various fields. Emphasis should be placed on enhancing cooperation between the two legislatures, sharing information and experience in law making, and joint supervision over the implementation of agreements and accords signed by the two countries.

He also called for mutual support at multilateral and international inter-parliamentary forums.

Khuon Sudary, for her part, believed that under the leadership of the CPV led by General Secretary Trong, the Vietnamese people will continue reaping new and greater achievements, successfully realising the Resolution adopted by the 13th National Party Congress.

Expressing her profound thanks to Vietnam for providing Cambodia with great and invaluable support throughout the years, she affirmed that Cambodia will, together with Vietnam, safeguard, preserve and develop the relationship between the two countries to new heights and pass it on to future generations.

She briefed the host about the recent developments in Cambodia, including the organisational apparatus and personnel of the NA and Government in the new term, as well as the outcomes of her talks with Vietnamese NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue.

Cambodia will continue working closely with Vietnam to effectively implement the agreements and accords reached by leaders of the two Parties and countries, she said.

Vietnamese Party chief receives Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Nguyen Phu Trong hosted a reception in Hanoi on December 1 for Politburo member, Director of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee’s Commission for Foreign Affairs and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi, who is on a working visit to Vietnam.

The Vietnamese Party chief highlighted the significance of the friendly neighbourliness and comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between Vietnam and China.

He expressed his appreciation for the Chinese people's assistance to Vietnam's revolutionary cause and socialism construction  and national development process, and affirmed that the Vietnamese Party and State always attach great importance and give a top priority to fostering relations with China.

The Party leader congratulated China on its achievements in recent years, expressing his belief that under the leadership of the CPC with General Secretary and President Xi Jinping as its core, China will successfully realise the goals set by the 20th National Congress of the CPC.

Vietnam always supports China’s development and its increasingly important role towards peace, cooperation and development in the region and the world, he said.

The General Secretary highly valued the positive development steps in the relationship between the two Parties and the two countries, especially the outstanding achievements since the two countries established the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership 15 years ago.

Having acknowledged the important results of the 15th Meeting of the Vietnam-China Steering Committee for Bilateral Cooperation, he suggested the two nations, especially their foreign and diplomatic agencies, promote their roles in comprehensively promoting the relations in all fields, focusing on increasing high-level exchanges and meetings in order to create strategic directions for the bilateral relationship and a favourable environment for expanding the ties between the two Parties and two countries.

The Party leader expressed his belief that the Chinese official’s trip will actively contribute to promoting cooperation between the two countries in a more substantive and effective way.

For his part, Wang agreed with the important and strategic orientations of the Vietnamese Party leader on further promoting and deepening the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two Parties and the two countries.

He congratulated Vietnam on great and historical achievements in the past nearly 40 years of its Doi moi (Renewal) process, expressing his belief that under the leadership of the CPV Central Committee led by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, Vietnam will successfully implement the development goals by 2030 and 2045 set by the 13th National Party Congress.

The Chinese official informed the host about the common perceptions and important results that the two sides achieved at the 15th Meeting of the Vietnam - China Steering Committee for Bilateral Cooperation, stressing that the two sides will continue to promote practical and effective cooperation in fields, strengthen political trust, and constantly enrich the content of the China-Vietnam friendly neighbourliness and comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.

President hosts General Secretary of World Federation of Trade Unions

President Vo Van Thuong hosted a reception in Hanoi on December 1 for General Secretary of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) Pambis Kyritsis, who is in Vietnam to attend the 13th National Congress of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL).

President Thuong spoke highly of Kyritsis and the WFTU’s active activities which steadfastly pursue the goals of advancing the working class and the lives of workers, supporting peace and social progress.

He expressed his delight that under the Party leadership and the State management, the VGCL has actively joined with the WFTU to achieve these goals.

Amid complicated and uncertain developments in the region and the world, he affirmed that Vietnam remains consistent with its goal of national independence coupled with socialism, striving to become a developed country with high income by 2045.

The President said since the establishment of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and the formation of the State, Vietnam has remained persistent in building a robust labour organisation that represents the legitimate rights and interests of the working class and labourers.

Vietnam has made efforts to enact numerous policies aimed at developing a working class that is large in quantity, strong in quality, has political will and skills, and becomes an important core force to realise the goal of becoming a high-income developed country by 2045

Throughout this process, the Vietnamese Party and State support and create the most favourable conditions for the VGCL to actively join the WFTU, contributing to building a working class, protecting and improving the quality of workers’ lives, he said.

He expressed his wish that the WFTU will continue supporting and sharing experience with the VGCL in order to robustly develop together and successfully achieve the goals set by the WFTU.

Kyritsis, for his part, said the WFTU has always stood side by side with the Vietnamese people in their past struggle for independence and freedom and the current national construction and development.

He stressed that the values achieved by Vietnam and its people are also the goals and principles affirmed by the 18th WFTU Congress held in Rome, Italy in 2022. These include opposing colonialism, imperialism and struggling for development, progress, peace and social democracy.

Thanking Vietnam for its invaluable support to the trade union organisation, he affirmed that the VGCL is always an important part of the WFTU.

Vietnamese President receives Cambodian top legislator

President Vo Van Thuong on December 1 hosted a reception for President of the Cambodian National National (NA) Samdech Khuon Sudary, who is on an official visit to Vietnam at the invitation of her Vietnamese counterpart Vuong Dinh Hue.

President Thuong congratulated the Cambodian guest on her election as President of the Cambodian NA, expressing his belief that the ongoing visit will contribute to deepening the traditional relations between Vietnam and Cambodia, and the effective cooperation between the two legislative bodies in particular.

Khuon Sudary said that choosing Vietnam for her first foreign trip since she took office showed that the Cambodian leader has attached importance to the traditional friendship which was set up and nurtured by many generations of leaders and people of the two countries. She suggested the two sides continue to educate young generations about the good friendship between Vietnam and Cambodia so that the bilateral relationship will grow stronger in the future.

The Cambodian top legislator informed the Vietnamese State leader about her talks with NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue, saying that the two sides agreed on cooperation directions in the coming time to further step up cooperative ties between the two NA in particular and between the two countries in general.

While congratulating Vietnam on its impressive development achievements in recent times, Khuon Sudary expressed her hope that Vietnam will continue to cooperate and share experiences with Cambodia so that the two countries can develop together strongly.

President Thuong affirmed that Vietnam's development achievements are partially thanks to the important cooperation, support and encouragement from Cambodia.

The Vietnamese State leader underlined the need for the two countries to increase meetings at all levels, and people-to-people exchange activities, thus promoting the traditional friendship between the two countries.

He hoped that the two nations will continue to unite, share, and cooperate more closely for stable development, expand trade and investment cooperation, and make better use of cooperation opportunities in the context of rapid and complicated changes in the world and the region.

The Vietnamese President agreed with the Cambodian leader on the necessity to promote cooperation in personnel training to improve the quality of human resources, thus meeting the development requirements of each country.

President Thuong also urged the two sides to accelerate the progress of border demarcation and marker planting.

The Vietnamese leader took this occasion to send his regards to Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni and Queen Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk, President of the Cambodian People's Party Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister Hun Manet and other senior leaders of Cambodia.

PM seeks Standard Chartered's support for Vietnam’s climate change commitment

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Group Chief Executive of Standard Chartered Bill Winters co-chaired an event on raising finance to implement Vietnam’s commitment to climate change in Dubai, the UAE, on December 1 (local time).

Speaking at the event, which took place on the sidelines of COP28, PM Chinh said at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), participating countries jointly committed to achieving net-zero emissions, energy transition, reducing methane emissions, protecting forests, and enhancing community and environmental resilience.

With commitments at COP26, Vietnam and international partners adopted the Political Declaration on establishing the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), with the goal and actions to implement green transition, he said.

The PM suggested organisations and businesses establish new visions, adopt new thinking, show greater determination and take more drastic actions to accompany the Vietnamese Government in achieving the climate change response goals.

They were urged to continue assisting Vietnam in perfecting mechanisms and institutions, financial resources, technology, management experience and human resources to realise its desire for open policies and mechanisms, smooth infrastructure, and smart governance to help Vietnam in transition to green energy and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

Winters, for his part, expressed strong support for Vietnam's commitments, steps and actions in the green transition process towards net-zero emissions by 2050.

He said Standard Chartered will increase support for Vietnam in raising funds, attracting green financial resources, and promoting green growth in line with the commitments made at COP26. The bank also aims to contribute to Vietnam's development, including the establishment of a green capital market and carbon credit market.

On this occasion, PM Chinh and representatives of Vietnamese ministries, agencies and international organisations witnessed the exchange of nine cooperation agreements between ministries, agencies, organisations and businesses on supporting Vietnam's green development.

At an earlier reception for Winters and other leaders of the bank, PM Chinh wished that the lender would continue assisting Vietnam with preferential financial sources to promote green growth, digital transformation and sustainable energy transition. He also encouraged investments in strategic infrastructure, including digital and green infrastructure, and key infrastructure projects.

Vietnam will continue creating favourable conditions for Standard Chartered to maintain and expand its operations in the country, in the spirit of “harmonising interests and sharing risks”, he said.

Vietnam, Laos, Cuba promote trade unions relationship

Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL) Nguyen Dinh Khang on December1 received delegations from the Lao Federation of Trade Unions (LFTU) and the Central Union of Cuban Workers (CTC), who are in Hanoi to attend the 13th National Congress of the VGCL.

Welcoming the guests, Khang said that their attendance at the congress is a source of encouragement for delegates to the congress and showed the solidarity of the international trade unions movement with Vietnamese labourers and trade unions.

He expressed his joy with the close relationship between the VGCL and the LFTU as well as between the VGCL and the CTC in recent years. The VLCG attaches great importance to developing traditional friendship and special solidarity with the Lao and Cuba trade unions.

He affirmed the VLCG’s consistent stance on maintaining, consolidating, and further promoting the relationship with the LFTU and the CTC, in the coming term.

Chairman of the LFTU Leth Xayyaphone, and permanent member of the CTC's National Secretariat congratulated the VLCG on its outcomes and successes in the past tenure, while affirming to always stand side by side with the VLCG in the mission of representing and protecting the rights of union members and workers.

Foreign Minister receives former Special Ambassador for Vietnam-Japan

Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son received visiting former Special Ambassador for Vietnam-Japan Sugi Ryotaro in Hanoi on December 1.

At the reception, the FM thanked Sugi for his efforts in promoting Vietnam-Japan friendship, cultural, sport and art exchange activities, Japanese language training, and support for disadvantaged children, as well as urging the Japanese government to have policies creating favourable conditions for Vietnamese people in Japan. The activities have helped improve understanding between the two countries' people and create a solid foundation for the nations' relations in the coming time.

Son hoped that Sugi would continue to promote his valuable experience and understanding of Vietnam and Vietnam-Japan relations to actively contribute to the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries in the time to come.

Sugi expressed his joy to visit Vietnam again on the special occasion of the 50th anniversary of Japan-Vietnam diplomatic ties. 

He briefed the host about activities during his ongoing visit to Vietnam, including an art exchange programme on December 1, part of a series of events marking the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Vietnam and Japan.

Vietnamese, Cambodian NA Secretary Generals hold talks

Secretary General of the Vietnamese National Assembly and Chairman of the NA Office Bui Van Cuong held talks with Secretary General of the Cambodian NA Leng Peng Long in Hanoi on December 1.

Cuong said over the past years, ties between Vietnam and Cambodia, and the two legislatures, have been growing with the exchange of delegations at high level and the sharing of experience through working sessions, workshops and conferences.

In order to continue effectively implementing the memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation between the two NAs’ Secretariats, he proposed that both sides continue working closely together to arrange visits by high-ranking delegations, provide consultancies to serve bilateral and multilateral activities of the legislative bodies as well as monitor and step up the implementation of agreements and cooperation mechanisms between the two countries.

They should share information and experience in building a contingent of officials, civil servants, and workers with sufficient quantity, better quality to meet the requirements of the assigned political tasks, he said.

He urged the two NAs’ Secretariats to facilitate the exchange of information and experience in organising information services, press and publishing work, strengthen digital transformation by establishing an electronic NA Office, an electronic NA, a digital library and museum, ensuring their efficient, safe, and flexible operations.

Within the framework of the MoU valid for three years, Cuong suggested the agencies assisting the Cambodian, Lao and Vietnamese NAs hold a programme to share professional experience combined with cultural and sport exchanges among their staff in Vietnam next year.

Leng Peng Long, for his part, wished that in the coming time, the Vietnamese NA Office would provide training for the Secretariat of the Cambodian Senate in the field of information technology, supply computer equipment to the supporting agency of the Cambodian NA.

Furthermore, there should be increased promotion of exchanges among young parliamentarians with the spirit of solidarity, learning, and mutual development, he said.

He said the programme for the exchange of professional experience combined with cultural and sports exchanges next year will contribute to further nurturing the relationship and solidarity between the supporting agencies of the two NAs.

During a working session with representatives of the Vietnamese Ministry of Finance in the afternoon the same day, Leng Peng Long thanked the Vietnamese Party, State and people for providing Cambodia with the generous gift of 25 billion USD to construct a new NA building in 2017. He said it is a priceless and special symbol of the friendship and solidarity between Vietnam and Cambodia.

He expressed his belief that in the coming time, the Vietnamese Party, State and people will continue supporting Cambodia and the Cambodian People's Party in the national construction and development.

Vietnam, China step up fight against crimes

Deputy Minister of Public Security Sen. Lieut. Gen. Tran Quoc To hosted a reception in Hanoi on December 1 for Vice Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committe Yang Chunlei.

To said at the 8th ministerial conference on crime prevention and control between the two public security ministries held in September, various important agreements were reached, helping to strengthen political trust, promote more comprehensive and practical cooperation in national defence-security in the new period.

To continue bolstering cooperative ties between the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security and the Political and Legal Affairs Commission and Chinese law enforcement agencies, both sides agreed to work closely together and ensure the absolute security and safety of the upcoming official visit to Vietnam by General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and President of China Xi Jinping.

The two sides will continue to thoroughly grasp and effectively deploy the common perceptions between senior leaders of the two Parties and States, the content of Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) and cooperation agreements signed at the ministerial level, including those on enhancing cooperation in preventing and controlling crimes, and trans-national gambling.

They will also enhance the exchange of crime-related information, share experience in fighting and handling crimes using high technologies; coordinate to deploy campaigns to suppress cyber fraud and cross-border gambling crimes; organise training courses for officers, especially in responding to cyber security incidents, cyber attacks and terrorisms, and preventing and combating cyber crimes; and providing equipment and means to serve the fight against crimes using high technology.

The Chinese official highly valued the results of cooperation between Chinese law enforcement agencies and the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security in recent times, expressing his hope that the two sides will continue to bolster cooperation in areas where the they have potential and strengths, especially in combating crimes, towards realising the common perceptions of the two Parties’ top leaders, and further deepening cooperative relations between the Vietnamese ministry and Chinese law enforcement agencies, contributing to lifting the relationship between the two Parties and two States to a new height.

President Vo Van Thuong hosts Chinese Foreign Minister

President Vo Van Thuong hosted a reception in Hanoi on December 1 for Politburo member, Director of the Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee's Commission for Foreign Affairs and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi, who is in Vietnam to attend the 15th meeting of the Vietnam-China Steering Committee for Bilateral Cooperation.

Both sides agreed that following the highly successful visit to China by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in October 2022, the relations between the two Parties and countries have maintained development momentum and achieved many new accomplishments, with high-level exchanges and meetings, growth in economic and trade ties, and increasingly vibrant people-to-people and locality-to-locality exchanges.

President Thuong said the Vietnamese Party, State and people always consider the relationship with China a strategic choice and a top priority in its foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralisation and diversification of ties.

Wang affirmed that the Chinese Party, Government and people attach great importance to the friendly neighbourliness and comprehensive cooperation with the Party, State and people of Vietnam, and consider this a priority direction in the foreign policy of China.

China always supports Vietnam to successfully implement its industrialisation and modernisation goal, towards realising the vision and development aspiration set by the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), he said.

Thuong suggested the two sides increase high-level exchange activities and meetings, and effectively deploy cooperation mechanisms between the two Parties, and between the Vietnamese National Assembly and the National People's Congress (NPC) of China, as well as between the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), thus deepening the Vietnam - China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in the coming time.

He also suggested the two sides to continue promoting the role of the Vietnam - China Steering Committee for Bilateral Cooperation, enhance cooperation in important fields such as diplomacy, defence, and security, improve the quality and effectiveness of cooperation in fields, especially economics - trade, investment, and transportation, and boost people-to-people exchange.

Regarding the East Sea issue, President Thuong urged the two sides to well implement high-level common perceptions, better control and address disagreements at sea, put themselves in each other's position, and respect each other's legitimate and legal interests in line with international law and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), thus jointly building the East Sea into a sea of peace, friendship, cooperation and development.

Thanking the Vietnamese President for his attention and opinions on developing relations between the two Parties and two countries, the Chinese official agreed that the two sides will continue to well implement high-level common perceptions, well implement specific cooperation measures put forth at the 15th Meeting of the China-Vietnam Steering Committee for Bilateral Cooperation; further deepen cooperation in all fields between the two countries; properly control and handle disagreements at sea, and make the China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership to develop healthily and stably, bringing practical benefits to the people of the two countries.

Hanoi – attractive city for startup and innovation

Hanoi – attractive city for startup and innovation hinh anh 1

Hanoi has been honoured for its attractiveness in startup and innovation under the Vietnam Smart City Award 2023 programme series.

Launched on July 20, 2023, the award aims to honour provinces, cities, real estate investors, and technology businesses that feature urban development solutions. The award promotes cooperation in building appropriate models and the development of smart cities in Vietnam, said President of the Vietnam Software and IT Services Association (VINASA) Nguyen Van Khoa at an award ceremony held by the association on November 30.

A total of 32 units and businesses were honoured in the categories of urban management, industry real estate, and technology services and solutions.

Nguyen Nhat Quang, Director of VINASA Institute of Science and Technology, pointed to the urgent need to build unified data infrastructure to serve the development of smart cities.

Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Huy Dung also held that smart urban development should go in tandem with digital transformation, with people put at the centre.

The award ceremony took place within the framework of the Vietnam - Asia Smart City Summit 2023, which is taking place from November 29-30 under the theme of “Data Mining – Building Smart Cities for Sustainable Development”.

Action month calls for entire community’s engagement in HIV/AIDS fight

The ongoing National Action Month for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control 2023 is themed “Creative community - Determination to end the AIDS pandemic by 2030”, which stresses the need for the entire community’s engagement in the work.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phan Thi Thu Huong, Director of the Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control under the Ministry of Health, said the country is assessed by international organisations as a bright spot in the global map of the HIV/AIDS fight. However, there remain challenges as HIV is transmitted mostly by sexual contact, more popular among men who have sex with men (MSM), in recent years.

Elaborating the theme of this year’s National Action Month, she said the community mentioned here covers ministries, sectors, and organisations from central to local levels, the private sector, and social organisations. It especially targets communities, including HIV patients and those with high-risk behaviours such as MSM, transgender women, drug users, sex workers, and sex partners of those persons.

The theme aims to remind that HIV/AIDS prevention and control require the engagement of the political system from central to local levels and the entire community, along with creative methods since the understanding about HIV/AIDS has changed much, she noted.

The HIV situation has changed while the approach to and interventions related to HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment have also changed. More effective tools are now available to control this pandemic by 2030, Huong went on.

There are currently 534 HIV/AIDS treatment establishments nationwide, including 506 supplying the antiretroviral (ARV) therapy covered by health insurance. As of September 14, there were 177,009 patients receiving ARV therapy, including 2,748 children and 174,261 adults, statistics show.

Efforts are being made to expand this therapy under the health insurance coverage and raise the rate of patients on ARV therapy achieving viral suppression to at least 95%.

To ensure financial self-sufficiency, the country has been working to switch funding for the ARV therapy from assistance sources to health insurance. It has also been mobilising the provision of anti-AIDS services by private health facilities. Technology application is also being boosted to manage and monitor the pandemic, Huong said.
Among the 250,000 people living with HIV in Vietnam at present, 88% know their status, 80% who know their status are on ARV therapy, and 98.4% of those on ARV therapy has achieved viral suppression.

Vietnam, France share experience in modernising public services

Representatives from the Vietnamese Ministry of Home Affairs and the French Ministry of Public Transformation and Service exchanged experience in modernising public services, reforming administrative procedures, and raising digital transformation capacity, at a symposium in Hanoi on November 30.

The event formed part of the cooperation activities between the two ministries to mark the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam-France diplomatic relations and the 10 years of the bilateral strategic partnership.

In her opening remarks, Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra stressed that Vietnam always advocates accelerating administrative reform and the modernisation of public services, considering this a breakthrough for national development.

Administrative reform must serve the interests of people and businesses, placing their legal and legitimate rights and interests at the centre, and promoting innovation, for rapid, sustainable national development, the official stressed.

Tra expressed her belief that the symposium will contribute to tightening the friendship and cooperation between the two countries, saying the two ministries will carry forward their cooperation outcomes and enhance experience sharing in the time ahead.

French Minister of Public Transformation and Service Stanislas Guérini pointed to challenges regarding demography, digital transformation and ecology, noting that both France and Vietnam face demography-related issues given their declining birth rates and aging populations, which requires the sector to take suitable changes.

For digital transformation, the minister said that it has brought about great opportunities to French administrative agencies in particular and others around the world.

Participating experts, scientists, and managers from Vietnam and France evaluated achievements, as well as challenges in public service modernisation, administrative reform, and digital transformation capacity improvement in both nations.

They shared experiences, new models and policy orientations to work towards building a professional, modern, streamlined, effective, and efficient administrative sector.

Vietnam ensures rights to equality for ethnic groups: Official

The principle of non-discrimination and equality among all members of the community is the core of the Vietnam’s constitutional system, and is concretised through various legislative reforms, Y Thong, Deputy Minister and Vice Chairman of the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs, has reaffirmed.

He was defending the combined 15th to 17th national periodic report on the implementation of the International Convention on the CERD during 2013-2019, at the 111th session of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) which is taking place from November 20 to December 8.

Thong highlighted that the right to equality of the Vietnamese ethnic groups in the period is guaranteed by the Constitution and law.

As the majority of Vietnam’s ethnic minority groups reside in mountainous, highland and remote areas with difficulties in socio-economic development, the State prioritises support to them to unleash their potential and helps them better integrate into the overall development.

Since 2013, Vietnam has worked to complete its legal system to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of the ethnic minorities, he said, elaborating that the National Assembly has issued 125 laws with 352 articles that stipulate the rights and obligations of the ethnic people in the past decade.

During the period, Vietnam affirmed its steadfast stance against the incitement to division and hatred between ethnic groups and races, thus any acts of discrimination and support for activities that cause division and discrimination among ethnic groups are prohibited and strictly punished under the Vietnamese laws, he stressed.

He went on to say that Vietnam made significant progress in promoting the rights for its ethnic minorities, including that to freedom of movement within the national territory, that to enter and exit the country, that to freedom of state and social management rights, that to freedom of speech or press, and that to freedom of religion and belief.

Along with outlining criteria for the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals, and Sustainable Development Goals for ethnic minority groups until 2030, Vietnam has introduced an array of programmes and policies for ethnic people, he said, adding they have enjoyed preferential policies in education, healthcare, vocational training, employment, land, credit access, among others.

Joining the CERD convention in 1982, Vietnam has successfully defended its national reports on the convention implementation in 1983, 1993, 2000, and 2012.

According to the national periodic report, Vietnam is a unified country consisting of 54 ethnic groups, 53 of them minority with a combined population of over 14 million people and accounting for 14.7% of the country's total population.

Belgian parliamentarian André Flahaut presents gifts to AO victims in Vietnam

Belgian parliamentarian André Flahaut on November 30 handed over to the Vietnamese Embassy in Brussels four wheelchairs and four walkers as gifts to Agent Orange/dioxin (AO) victims in the central province of Quang Tri.

Ambassador Nguyen Van Thao thanked Flahaut for the warm sentiments that he and the group of Belgian parliamentarians sponsoring a resolution on support for Vietnamese AO victims approved by the Belgian parliament in October, have shown towards Vietnamese AO victims.

The diplomat highly appreciated the efforts and contributions that Flahaut has made, together with other parliamentarians, organisations and individuals in Belgium as well as international friends, to assist AO victims in Vietnam.

For his part, Flahaut affirmed that he will exert every effort to bring good things to AO victims in Vietnam with the hope that they will have a better life.

The Belgian lawmaker showed his delight at the growing ties between Belgium and Vietnam over the years with many high-ranking visits, most recently the Belgium visit by Vietnamese National Assembly Vice Chairman Tran Thanh Man.

Flahaut used to be President of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives. In December 2021, he submitted to the Belgian parliament a resolution on supporting AO victims in Vietnam, which was approved by the Belgian Chamber of Representatives on October 5 with 100% approval votes. The Belgian parliament is the first parliament in the world to adopt a resolution supporting AO victims.

Robber dies in police chase

A man died in a traffic accident while being chased by the police after robbing a gold shop in the southern province of Tra Vinh on Thursday. 

The two robbers at the gold shop. Photo taken from a security camera. According to a report from Tra Vinh Police Department, two men carrying guns came to a gold shop in Chau Thanh District in the late afternoon of November 30. 

The gun used by the robbers.

After taking some money and gold from the shop, the two ran out to two motorbikes and then took off in different directions. Local police quickly arrived to chase them. One of the robbers shot at the police while driving his motorbike at high speed. He then crashed and fell onto the road near the Co Chien Bridge and died from serious injuries.

The other man was arrested while fleeing in the neighbouring province of Tien Giang in the evening of the same day. The second robber is arrested by the police.  Police are further investigating the case.

France to step up cooperation with Vietnam in public service transparency, anti-corruption: Minister

France will step up cooperation with Vietnam in ensuring public service transparency and anti-corruption works, affirmed visiting French Minister of Public Transformation and Service Stanislas Guérini at his meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai in Hanoi on December 1.

Welcoming his guest, Khai stated the two nations have deep connections ranging from history, culture, and people to political relations and economic cooperation. Their strategic partnership is developing effectively and substantively across all fields, characterised by high political trust.

Commending joint works between the French ministry and the Vietnam Ministry of Home Affairs, the Deputy PM described them as practical activities that have helped translate statements by high-level leaders of the countries into reality, particularly in the field of administration and public service.

Khai recommended that the two ministries continue to expand their cooperation through high-level delegation exchanges, workshops, and dialogues in areas where France excels such as administrative reform, apparatus organisation and personnel streamlining, salary policies, public servant management, gender equality policies, and the development of young public servants.

Underscoring the importance of accountability in public service activities for tackling corruption and negativity, he suggested France send experienced experts to share their knowledge to help Vietnam apply related practices more effectively. Khai also proposed French assistance for Vietnam regarding the digital transformation, e-government, and digital document storage domains.

For his part, Guérini stressed the long-running and increasingly fortified collaboration between the two ministries. Recalling that France sent an expert delegation to Vietnam this year to share insights on ensuring ethical conduct in public service, the minister said such activity is expected to continue in the upcoming period.

Furthermore, France places importance on bilateral cooperation in training talented young public servants for Vietnam, he went on, noting that this workforce will assist both sides in addressing common challenges and implementing digital transformation.

Forum seeks to enhance youth’s awareness about cybersecurity

The Vietnam Youth Federation (VYF) Central Committee and Google jointly organised a forum on information safety on cyberspace for young people and the elderly in Hanoi on November 30.

In his remarks at the forum, Nguyen Huu Tu, standing member of the Presidium of the VYF Central Committee, said the emergence of digital platforms has greatly facilitated youth work, citing examples like the use of such apps as Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom and Google Meet, youth unions and associations can easily manage their activities and hold regular online meetings.

Moreover, social media platform like Facebook, Zalo, Youtube, Tiktok have become familiar for all people, especially young people, who use them to socialise, entertain, do business and seek jobs.

However, social networks also contain potential risks of insecurity, he said, adding that if users are not vigilant to fake news and toxic information, it is easy for bad people to take advantage of them to commit crimes, affecting the safety of individuals and families.

Le Binh Duong, Deputy Secretary of the National Centre for Technological Progress Youth Union under the Ministry of Science and Technology advised internet users to refrain from sharing personal information and only provide information to trusted individuals and organisations. 

Participants at the event were given advice on how to protect personal information in cyberspace, and engaged in discussions on the role of young people in preventing and combating toxic information and in instructing other people, including the elderly, to use the internet in a safe manner.

They also had chances to experience interacting with cyber security tools provided by Google, thereby guiding users to practice security testing skills, avoid being scammed and browse safely.

On this occasion, Google offered 500 scholarships for Vietnamese youths to attend a training course in how to interact more safely and proactively in cyberspace, identify common cyber risks, threats and vulnerabilities. They will also be equipped with knowledge to prepare for the CompTIA Security exam which enables them to earn a global certification that validates the baseline skills necessary to perform core security functions and pursue an IT security career.

Since August, the VYF Central Commitee and Google have organised training courses on cyber security for more than 9,000 young people nationwide. After that, young people in 10 provinces and cities have imparted knowledge on information safety in cyberspace to more than 6,700 elderly people through community activities.

World Vision International helps fight human trafficking in Quang Binh

The People's Committee of central Quang Binh province has recently received a non-refundable aid of more than 79,000 USD from the World Vision International in Vietnam (WVI-V) for a project on fighting human trafficking targeting trafficked persons and vulnerable migrants in the province.

The funding will be used for the project's component on helping human trafficking victims and vulnerable migrants, to be implemented in Dong Hoi city and Bo Trach district from now until the end of March 2025.

It includes activities such as conducting surveys to understand the needs and aspirations of human trafficking victims and migrants in vulnerable situations, and organising workshops to guide business planning for target persons, aiming to support at least 30 - 35 cases.

Human trafficking is currently an urgent problem in many countries, including Vietnam.

Quang Binh has not detected any human trafficking crime, but there are still many cases of people being lured to work in sensitive facilities abroad, illegally get married with foreigners or illegally work in such countries as China, the Republic of Korea and Australia. This situation tends to increase and become complicated, drawing special attention from the province.

Vietnam, France share experience in modernising public services

Representatives from the Vietnamese Ministry of Home Affairs and the French Ministry of Public Transformation and Service exchanged experience in modernising public services, reforming administrative procedures, and raising digital transformation capacity, at a symposium in Hanoi on November 30.

The event formed part of the cooperation activities between the two ministries to mark the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam-France diplomatic relations and the 10 years of the bilateral strategic partnership.

In her opening remarks, Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra stressed that Vietnam always advocates accelerating administrative reform and the modernisation of public services, considering this a breakthrough for national development.

Administrative reform must serve the interests of people and businesses, placing their legal and legitimate rights and interests at the centre, and promoting innovation, for rapid, sustainable national development, the official stressed.

Tra expressed her belief that the symposium will contribute to tightening the friendship and cooperation between the two countries, saying the two ministries will carry forward their cooperation outcomes and enhance experience sharing in the time ahead.

French Minister of Public Transformation and Service Stanislas Guérini pointed to challenges regarding demography, digital transformation and ecology, noting that both France and Vietnam face demography-related issues given their declining birth rates and aging populations, which requires the sector to take suitable changes.

For digital transformation, the minister said that it has brought about great opportunities to French administrative agencies in particular and others around the world.

Participating experts, scientists, and managers from Vietnam and France evaluated achievements, as well as challenges in public service modernisation, administrative reform, and digital transformation capacity improvement in both nations.

They shared experiences, new models and policy orientations to work towards building a professional, modern, streamlined, effective, and efficient administrative sector.

Vietnam ensures rights to equality for ethnic groups: Official

The principle of non-discrimination and equality among all members of the community is the core of the Vietnam’s constitutional system, and is concretised through various legislative reforms, Y Thong, Deputy Minister and Vice Chairman of the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs, has reaffirmed.

He was defending the combined 15th to 17th national periodic report on the implementation of the International Convention on the CERD during 2013-2019, at the 111th session of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) which is taking place from November 20 to December 8.

Thong highlighted that the right to equality of the Vietnamese ethnic groups in the period is guaranteed by the Constitution and law.

As the majority of Vietnam’s ethnic minority groups reside in mountainous, highland and remote areas with difficulties in socio-economic development, the State prioritises support to them to unleash their potential and helps them better integrate into the overall development.

Since 2013, Vietnam has worked to complete its legal system to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of the ethnic minorities, he said, elaborating that the National Assembly has issued 125 laws with 352 articles that stipulate the rights and obligations of the ethnic people in the past decade.

During the period, Vietnam affirmed its steadfast stance against the incitement to division and hatred between ethnic groups and races, thus any acts of discrimination and support for activities that cause division and discrimination among ethnic groups are prohibited and strictly punished under the Vietnamese laws, he stressed.

He went on to say that Vietnam made significant progress in promoting the rights for its ethnic minorities, including that to freedom of movement within the national territory, that to enter and exit the country, that to freedom of state and social management rights, that to freedom of speech or press, and that to freedom of religion and belief.

Along with outlining criteria for the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals, and Sustainable Development Goals for ethnic minority groups until 2030, Vietnam has introduced an array of programmes and policies for ethnic people, he said, adding they have enjoyed preferential policies in education, healthcare, vocational training, employment, land, credit access, among others.

Joining the CERD convention in 1982, Vietnam has successfully defended its national reports on the convention implementation in 1983, 1993, 2000, and 2012.

According to the national periodic report, Vietnam is a unified country consisting of 54 ethnic groups, 53 of them minority with a combined population of over 14 million people and accounting for 14.7% of the country's total population.

Chinese travel firms explore tourism products in Khanh Hoa province

Representatives from around 100 Chinese travel firms from Chengdu city made a Famtrip to the southcentral coastal province of Khanh Hoa from November 30 in order to explore the province’s tourism products.

During their one-week stay, the Chinese travel firms will tour major local destinations such as Vinpearl Nha Trang, Hon Tam, and Pax Ana Doc Let tourist sites, to learn about Khanh Hoa’s tourism development model.

They will also experience tourism products at night and conduct surveys on several major shopping centres in Nha Trang city.

Travel firms from both countries will meet on December 4 to seek measures aimed at attracting more tourists from Chengdu to Khanh Hoa and vice versa.

Welcoming the delegation on November 30, Cung Quynh Anh, deputy director of the Khanh Hoa Department of Tourism, said that the local tourism industry has built new tourism products to attract an increasing number of Chinese travelers.

Along with the reopening of the Chengdu-Cam Ranh air route by Sichuan Airlines, the Chinese delegation’s Farmtrip is expected to open up fresh opportunities for Khanh Hoa to receive a large number of Chinese visitors moving forward, he noted.

China is the second largest international tourist market of Khanh Hoa after the Republic of Korea. Over the past 11 months, the locality has welcomed nearly 240,000 Chinese arrivals.

Korean Gastronomy Week kicks off in Hanoi

Hanoi on November 30 kicked off the start of the 10-day Korean Gastronomy Week at InterContinental Hanoi Landmark72, featuring exclusive recipes from two-star Michelin chef Lee Jun.

The annual event themed “Autumn Forest” aims to bring Korean culinary culture to international friends.
According to Choi Young-sam, ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Vietnam, the main menus primarily focus on Korean forest products, a key category in the Korean food exports.

The Korean Gastronomy Week 2023 will further contribute to promoting Korean cuisine to Vietnamese people, as well as enhancing cultural exchanges between the two countries, said the diplomat.

Visitors will also have the chance to take part in a number of culinary and cultural exchanges, along with workshops conducted by well-acclaimed chefs and mixologists present at the function.

Cuc Phuong Tourist Centre inaugurated in Ninh Binh province

The Cuc Phuong National Park and the French Embassy in Vietnam inaugurated Cuc Phuong Tourist Centre at the park on December 1.

Sophie Maysonnave, Counsellor for Cultural Cooperation and Activities at the French Embassy in Vietnam, said the centre is one of three pilot projects under a project named “Share and protect Vietnam’s heritage” which aims to celebrate 50 years of Vietnam-France diplomatic relations and 10 years of their strategic partnership.

The project is like an invitation to explore the Cuc Phuong National Park and is a typical example of shared culture between Vietnam and France, she said.

Nguyen Van Chinh, Director of the Cuc Phuong National Park, said with the support of the French Embassy in Vietnam and leading experts in the field of museum and international media, the centre will become an attractive destination and ideal classroom about nature that attracts the interest of visitors and communities.

Visitors can learn about the rich ecosystem, flora and fauna; unique cultural features and traditions of indigenous people, he said, adding that items displayed at the centre are designed with the maximum use of local materials such as stone, wood and bamboo.

The “Share and protect Vietnam’s heritage” project was initiated by the French Embassy in Vietnam and sponsored by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, has a total funding of 18 billion VND (742,230 USD) for activities during 2022-2024 from the French Government and partners.

The project focuses on training museum staff, building training programmes on museum-related professions for Vietnamese universities, and helping develop pilot projects on heritage conservation in three regions of Vietnam. Specifically, the project will renovate the Tourist Centre of Cuc Phuong National Park in the northern province of Ninh Binh, support the Environmental Education and Communication Centre in Cu Lao Cham Marine Protected Area in the central province of Quang Nam, and design and implement “Story Boxes” for museums in Ho Chi Minh City in the South.

Situated 120 kilometres from Hanoi, Cuc Phuong is Vietnam’s first national park, founded on July 7, 1962.

Covering 22,000 hectares of land in 14 communes of four districts in the three provinces of Ninh Binh, Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa, the national park boasts enchanting scenery and offers a stunning range of biodiversity.

It has long served as a research centre for many conservation organisations, both national and international.

According to surveys, Cuc Phuong has 2,234 floral species of 931 genera and 231 families. They include 430 species of medicinal plants and 229 species of edible plants as well as 57 species which are listed in the Vietnam Red Book of endangered species.

The Cuc Phuong National Park has been named “Asia’s Leading National Park” by the World Travel Awards for the fifth consecutive year in 2023.

MacKenzie makes hole-in-one at Vinpearl DIC Legends Việt Nam

Malcolm MacKenzie secured a hole-in-one on the second day of the Vinpearl DIC Legends Việt Nam 2023 on December 1 in Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa Province.

At the par 3 13th hole of Vinpearl Golf Nha Trang, the legendary British golfer made a beautiful swing that took the ball over a distance of more than 170m to go straight into the hole.

Hole 13 is considered the visual representation of Vinpearl Golf Nha Trang, with brilliant sea views alongside forests. At the same time, it creates many challenges for golfers due to wind, undulating terrain and deep bunkers.

As per rules, the HIO prizes of the DIC Legends event is located at holes 3 and 16, applicable to both professional and amateur athletes.

Hole 13 is not applied for the special prize so MacKenzie could not bring home a VinFast VF9 car but he received many other valuable rewards including a vacation at Vinpearl for the whole family valued at VNĐ350 million (US$14,400).

In addition, DIC Group also awarded golfer MacKenzie a vacation worth VNĐ100 million at Pullman Vũng Tàu Hotel, part of DIC Group's resort system.

During his career, MacKenzie mainly played on the European Tour and won at the Novotel Perrier Open de France 2002.

At the DIC Legends, MacKenzie scored seven-over-par after eight bogeys and one birdie on November 30.

A day later, the 62-year-old golfer had seven bogeys after the first 12 holes before achieving the HIO on hole 13, where he took four strokes to complete the previous day.

The DIC Legends features 60 legendary golfers and 30 amateur players in 30 teams.

The 15 amateur players with the best gross will be selected to compete for the prestigious Best Amateur prize on December 2.

At the same time, the golf legends will compete to take the coveted Vinpearl DIC Legends Vietnam 2023 trophy.

The top three will receive a share of $200,000 worth of prizes and the tournament champion will walk away with the prestigious cup was designed to resemble a traditional Vietnamese bronze drum.

Vinpearl DIC Legends makes Việt Nam the first country in Southeast Asia to participate in a series of prestigious and large-scale tournaments of the European Legends Tour.

The tournament is expected to push the development of the national tourism industry and lift the images of Việt Nam internationally.

It is also an important activity to strengthen the trade cooperation and friendship between Việt Nam and UK when the two countries are celebrating 50 years of diplomatic relations. 

Hải Phòng draw but out of AFC Cup

A 1-1 between Hải Phòng FC and PSM Makassar helped neither team, with both crashing out of the AFC Cup.

In Bali, Indonesia on Thursday, Lucao opened the score for Hải Phòng in the 74th minute but Yakob Sayuri levelled for the hosts three minutes later at the Capt I Wayan Dipta Stadium.

Both sides stayed second and third in Group H after Sabah FC of Malaysia trounced Singaporean Hougang United 4-1.

"I am sorry that Hải Phòng could not win this rematch. The draw result closes the door for us to the next stage," said coach Chu Đình Nghiêm.

The top team in each group and one second-placed team with the best results qualified for the knockout round.

With seven points after five matches, Hải Phòng are at the bottom of the second-placed team ranking. Phnom Penh Crown of Cambodia are on top with 12 points.

The hosts had the first meaningful chance on goal after nine minutes when Adilson narrowly fired wide after receiving the ball from Makassar star midfielder Sayuri.

Hải Phòng however took charge of the play. Striker Lucao was crowded out five minutes later, before the Brazilian teed up Nguyễn Hữu Sơn who fired narrowly over on 23 minutes.

Despite their possession, the Vietnamese side were unable to carve out a clear-cut opportunity until the final move of the first half.

The ball broke to Lương Hoàng Nam and allowed him a clean run on goal, but the midfielder could only steer his shot wide with just goalkeeper Reza Arya to beat.

The second half also saw Hải Phòng controlling play and setting the tempo but unable to carve out any clear opportunities on goal.

Nam and Joseph Mpande both had efforts off-target for Hải Phòng, before a rare opening at the other end saw Yuran Fernandes send a free-kick well wide.

Lucao finally broke the deadlock on 74 minutes after Hoang Nam slipped in the number nine with a clever reverse pass and the forward adeptly clipped the ball past the on-rushing Arya.

With the stalemate finally ended, a second goal came shortly after and, against the run of play, it was for the home side as Sayuri fired home a fine free-kick from distance that Nguyễn Đình Triều got a hand to but was unable to keep out.

The Vietnamese side will play a domestic match against defending champions Hà Nội Police on December 4 at home.

They then host Hougang for the AFC Cup's last group tie, while Makassar visit Sabah FC on December 14. 

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes