It's essential to control the small, multi-storey, and multi-apartment housing types owned by individuals, commonly referred to as mini apartment blocks, to reduce the risk of fires and explosions.

When obtaining construction permits, these mini apartment blocks are categorised as individual properties, exempting them from the pre-and post-construction inspection procedures mandated by the Department of Construction for standard apartment buildings.

This situation serves as a stark warning, requiring immediate and decisive action from management agencies to effectively avert fires and explosions, thereby safeguarding the safety, health, and property of the public.

Hoàng Văn Cường, a member of the National Assembly (NA) Finance and Budget Committee, highlighted that no current laws specifically regulate "mini apartment blocks.”

This is a "loophole" in the law, Cường said.

"First, the responsibility belongs to the investors for the construction and operation of ‘mini apartments’, then to the State management agencies approving housing projects,” said Cường.

“Agencies need to review current ‘mini-apartments’ which do not meet standards to request investors to repair and build escape routes, and places for entertainment and public activities," he said.

NA Chairman Vương Đình Huệ, in a recent meeting of the National Assembly Standing Committee, stated clearly: "Definitely do not legalise 'mini apartments' in the Housing Law."

At the same time, he assigned the NA Law Committee to review the amended Housing Law to ensure this type of housing is not legalised.

In recent years, there has been ambiguity and a lack of clarity about the legal nature of "mini apartments".

The question arises: Is this a single house or an apartment block?

With current regulations, if a household has a plot of land of several hundred square metres, the owner only needs to apply for a construction permit for a regular individual house. And the licensing authority is the district People's Committee, taking about two months.

Meanwhile, a real estate business wanting to invest in and trade apartment products must establish a project and carry out investment procedures according to the Investment Law, Land Law, Housing Law, and Real Estate Law, along with completing several procedures of approval of investment policy, land allocation, land lease, land valuation and implementation of land financial obligations, feasibility study report appraisal, basic design, approval of fire prevention and fighting, issuance of construction permits, acceptance of fire protection, and acceptance of works eligible for operation by competent authorities.

In fact, an apartment project usually takes at least two years to complete legal procedures.

The "unfair competition" in legal procedures leads to households investing in "mini apartments" having an advantage over real estate businesses.

After the "mini apartment" fire in Hà Nội’s Thanh Xuân District in September, which claimed the lives of 56 people and injured 37, many believed that it is necessary to tighten the management of small multi-storey and multi-apartment housing.

Chairman of the NA Law Committee Hoàng Thanh Tùng said that the committee has received many comments suggesting the need for stricter regulations on the development, management, and use of multi-storey and multi-apartment housing by individuals, especially requirements on construction standards and fire prevention.

To overcome shortcomings, the NA Law Committee proposed to revise Article 57 of the draft amended Housing Law more strictly, Tùng said.

In particular, multi-storey houses and multi-apartment buildings owned by individuals must comply with construction standards set by the Minister of Construction if they have two or more floors and fewer than 20 apartments for rent. These buildings must be designed with a fire protection system approved by competent authorities, and their owners are required to implement proper management measures for fire prevention.

If an individual builds a house with two floors or more and 20 apartments for sale or rent, they must establish a business, set up an investment project, and qualify as an investor in a housing construction investment project.

NA Deputy Hoàng Đức Thắng expressed concern that overly stringent management could force poor workers and students onto the streets if they cannot afford apartments that meet high standards. He noted that despite the Government's efforts to design policies supporting social housing investment, few businesses are interested and potential buyers find it difficult to access due to high prices and cumbersome procedures.

NA Deputy Lê Thị Lịch highlighted the importance of providing low-income people with housing while maintaining strict management of infrastructure construction and urban housing management for houses, dormitories, and mini apartment blocks. She observed that most rental facilities do not meet fire prevention standards, calling for stricter management regulations and amendments to the Law.

Deputy Nguyễn Thị Thuý emphasised that while the demand for social housing needs to be met, "mini apartments" should not be legalised in the Housing Law. She urged the Government to continue implementing preferential solutions to increase the supply of social and affordable commercial housing and to inspect "mini apartments" for violations, guiding investors to implement necessary fire and explosion prevention and safety measures. 

Disputes should be addressed through peaceful means: Defence Minister at ADMM+

Minister of National Defence General Phan Van Giang on November 16 suggested countries continue promoting ASEAN’s centrality, and step up the building and consolidation of strategic trust in the spirit of respect for law, mutual respect, equality and mutual benefits.

Addressing the 10th ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting Plus (ADMM+) in Jakarta, the minister called on countries to persistently resolve disputes by peaceful means, through open and substantive dialogue so that the ADMM+  is always a bridge between parties.

Giang expressed his wish for further cohesion between ADMM+  and other cooperation frameworks the three pillars of the ASEAN Community, which are the ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC), the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC).

He also called for favourable environment creation to fully and stringently implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC).

He said that a practical and effective Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) would soon be achieved in alignment with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982 UNCLOS), contributing to maintaining peace, stability, security, and freedom of navigation and overflight in the East Sea.

The Vietnamese Ministry of National Defence is committed to actively and responsibly participating in cooperation initiatives and mechanisms in ADMM+, and other mechanisms within defence and military framework in order create a constructive, comprehensive and effective security architecture, he affirmed.

Minister Giang used the occasion to invite defense leaders, and industry enterprises from other ASEAN members and partner countries to attend the second Vietnam International Defence Expo in December 2024.

The General used the occasion to invite defence leaders, and defence industry enterprises from other ASEAN members and partner countries to attend the second Vietnam International Defence Expo in December 2024.

At the meeting, the delegates emphasised the importance of observing the basic principles and goals stated in the United Nations Charter, the ASEAN Charter, the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC), the Bali Process, as well as international law, and maintaining peace, prosperity and security in the region.

They also stressed the importance of maritime security, including the East Sea, to regional and global security.

The partner countries affirmed their support for ASEAN's centrality in regional cooperation mechanisms. 

The list of countries participating in the 2024-2027 ADMM+ Experts Working Group was also announced at the event.

The meeting also issued a joint declaration of the ADMM+ on women, peace and security.

A handover ceremony for the ADMM and ADMM+ chairmanship was also held on the same day, officially announcing Lao Ministry of National Defence as the chair for the two meetings in 2024.

Prime Minister chairs government meeting on law-building

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired a thematic Government session on law-building in Hanoi on November 17 to discuss three draft law proposals concerning goods quality, water supply and drainage, and electricity (revised).

In his opening remarks, the Government leader affirmed that the building and completion of institutions, one of the three strategic breakthroughs that the Party has set for the 2021-2026 tenure, is a key task to create a foundation and legal framework to mobilise and capitalise on all resources for rapid and sustainable socio-economic development.  

To this end, since the beginning of the year, the government has held eight sessions exclusively dealing with law building and submitted a host of key draft laws to the National Assembly, he noted. In addition, the government and the PM have issued 100 legal documents.

Chinh went on repeating a number of requirements for the law-building process, which include strengthening discipline, ensuring progress and quality, minimising administrative procedures, reducing compliance costs for citizens and businesses, controlling power and addressing emerging issues to mobilise maximum resources for development.

At the same time, he pointed to outstanding shortcomings and limitations that must be promptly tackled, particularly the delay in drafting process, poor quality of some draft laws, and delay in issuing documents guiding the implementation of laws.

During the session, participants will listen to reports on amendments and supplements made to the draft laws under discussion and give opinions on matters of differences.

Conference boosts sharing of correctional administration experience

The 41st Asian and Pacific Conference of Correctional Administrators (APCCA 41) concluded in Hanoi on November 16 after five working days.

During the event, six sessions and five panel discussions were held so that participants worked out measures to improve the effectiveness of prison management and education.

They also participated in some fringe activities, including fact-finding trips to the Quang Ninh and Thanh Xuan prisons.

Highly valuing Vietnam’s organisation of the APCCA 41, Prof. Neil Morgan and Irene Morgan, rapporteurs at the APCCA, said the conference was a chance for countries to learn prison management and education experiences from one another.

Chair of the APCCA 41 Lt. Gen. Le Minh Hung said the international and regional economic, political, and security situations are still witnessing complex developments that affect prison management, requiring the APCCA to actively devise strategic cooperation measures so as to ensure effective prison management, correctional activities, and social reintegration for ex-inmates.

He noted that at the event, participants pledged to continue increasing cooperation, exchanges, experience sharing, and joint dialogues to further improve prison management and education to help offenders become good citizens and create a healthy social environment for the development of countries and territories in the region.

This year’s event brought together more than 200 delegates from 25 countries, three international organisations, and 18 diplomatic agencies. This was the second time the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security had hosted the rotating conference.

At the closing ceremony, Hung handed over the APCCA flag to Wang Kwok-Hing, head of the delegation of Hong Kong (China), which will host the 42nd APCCA in November 2024.

Việt Nam takes measures to reduce thalassemia affected children

More than 8,000 children are born with thalassemia disease in Việt Nam every year, including approximately 2,000 with severe conditions, Dr Nguyễn Thị Thu Hà, director of the Thalassemia Centre under the Central Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, has said.

Notably, the risk of having severely affected children is higher in northern mountainous provinces such as Hòa Bình, Sơn La, Bắc Kạn and Tuyên Quang, and among ethnic minorities such as the Mường, Thái, Tày, Nùng and Dao.

Hà revealed the case numbers of the congenital blood disorder in Việt Nam during a training conference to enhance awareness of congenital thalassemia for health workers at hospitals and health centres in northern Hà Giang Province.

Dr Vũ Đức Bình, deputy director of the Central Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, said that congenital thalassemia is the most common genetic disorder globally, affecting an estimated 7 per cent of the world's population. The disease has caused serious consequences for population quality and lineage, imposing a significant burden on families and society.

In 2017, the institute conducted an epidemiological and genetic study of congenital thalassemia nationwide. The results showed that carriers of the disease gene were present in all ethnic groups, in all localities, with an estimated 14 million people carrying the gene for congenital thalassemia.

The prevalence of the disease gene among the Mông ethnic group was 6.72 per cent, the Tày ethnic group was 26.11 per cent, and the Dao ethnic group was 25.46 per cent.

From November 7-10, the institute collaborated with the Department of Health, the Department of Education and Training, and boarding schools for ethnic minorities in northern Hà Giang Province to conduct blood tests screening 1,300 students for congenital thalassemia.

Disease prevention activities included training on diagnosis, treatment and prevention of congenital thalassemia for healthcare professionals; communication and dissemination of knowledge about congenital thalassemia for educators; and blood tests screening nearly 1,400 participants for congenital thalassemia, including healthcare professionals and educators participating in training, as well as students in boarding schools.

This is part of the project to improve the health and nutrition status of ethnic minorities, and prevent malnutrition in children under the National Target Programme for Socio-Economic Development in Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Areas for the 2021-30 period. The programme was approved by the Prime Minister on October 14, 2021.

In the first phase of 2021-2025, thalassemia prevention and control activities are carried out in five provinces of Hà Giang, Yên Bái, Bắc Giang, Thanh Hóa and Nghệ An. The targets include reducing the number of thalassemia carriers, reducing the number of newborns with the disease, gradually improving the quality of treatment at healthcare facilities for ethnic minorities, and gradually extending the life expectancy of current patients.

Dr Đỗ Thị Mỹ, deputy director of Hà Giang Province’s Department of Health, stated that with a population of 935,700 people, including 19 ethnic groups, of which over 87 per cent are ethnic minorities, the implementation of thalassemia prevention in Hà Giang Province is crucial for the healthcare of the local population.

Mỹ said the programme would contribute to improving the quality of life and stature of ethnic minorities, reducing costs for medical examinations and treatment. Initially, the programme has received the involvement of healthcare units at all levels since 2022.

Phạm Thị Hà, deputy principal of the Boarding High School for Ethnic Minorities in Hà Giang Province, said this is a meaningful opportunity for students as they are approaching adulthood, gaining awareness before marriage for disease prevention and spreading information to their families and communities.

“Teachers will also acquire additional knowledge to educate students and prevent diseases within the community," she said.

Hà said that many had some anxiety about being tested for the first time, but were then enthusiastic after receiving encouragement and explanations from teachers and healthcare staff.

Currently, the school has 527 students representing all 19 ethnic groups in the province.

Hà, director of the Thalassemia Centre, emphasised the overarching goals of the congenital thalassemia prevention and control programme, which are to improve the quality of the population and enhance the quality of life for patients.

To achieve the goal of gradually reducing and ending the births of children with the disease or carrying the disease gene, Hà suggested some solutions, including screening to identify thalassemia carriers among high school students, encouraging thalassemia screening for couples before marriage, especially in high-risk areas, and giving screening and thalassemia counselling for pregnant women in the first three months of pregnancy.

She also stressed the need for clinics and thalassemia counselling in all obstetrics departments of district-level hospitals, combining health examinations with thalassemia counselling for young workers, students and university students. 

Việt Nam expected to reach record number of workers sent abroad this year: Ministry

The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) expects that this year, Việt Nam can again reach a record number of workers being sent to work abroad, which was 153,000 set in 2009.

In the first ten months this year, the total number of Vietnamese people being sent to work abroad is 132,600, reaching 120.59 per cent of the yearly plan, and 117.40 per cent compared to the same period last year.

Japan is the leading market receiving Vietnamese labourers, with more than 67,500. Following it is Taiwan (China) with more than 50,800 labourers, and South Korea with nearly 6,000. Next are China, Hungary, Singapore, Romania, Poland, Saudi Arabia and other markets.

Nguyễn Gia Liêm, deputy director of the Department of Overseas Labour Management under the MoLISA, said: "We have achieved and exceeded the planned target. We hope that in the last months and in the following years, we can maintain the number."

He said that after the COVID-19 pandemic was controlled, many countries wanted to receive Vietnamese workers under new agreements.

​“Developed countries are in population declining and aging, and in addition, after the COVID-19 pandemic their need for economic recovery is very strong but they lack human resources. This is an opportunity for us to maintain and stabilise the foreign labour market,” said Liêm.

“Currently, some countries are changing their policies, so they ask us to sign new cooperation agreements. European countries such as Romania, Germany, Russia, Bulgaria and Czech; and Middle Eastern countries such as Qatar, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates are also offering to sign cooperation agreements with us," he said.

Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Đào Ngọc Dung in the questioning session in front of the National Assembly stated that labourers abroad on average bring US$3.5-4 billion to the country on a daily basis.

On average each year, Việt Nam has about 120,000-143,000 people going to work in foreign countries.

This year alone, as many as 112,000 people work abroad, mainly in Japan and Taiwan (China).

Answering questions from National Assembly deputies last Wednesday, Dung said that promoting the overseas workforce was directed in the Government's resolutions.

The MoLISA has been focusing on a number of solutions for the labourers after returning from abroad.

The first is building a website and holding job exchange sessions for those workers.

The second is connecting Vietnamese workers with foreign businesses so that when workers return home, they can find work. For instance, workers returning home from Japan should continue to work for Japanese businesses in Việt Nam.

Another solution is applying different models such as short-term and seasonal labour to take advantage of the workers' abilities and strengths.

Another choice is lending capital to those workers to help them set up their own business.

Each year, about 1.6 to 1.7 million workers are given jobs, according to the MoLISA.

Sóc Trăng Province works hard to improve ethnic boarding schools

Sóc Trăng Province is increasing its spending on boarding schools for ethnic students to improve education quality in minority areas.

The Cửu Long (Mekong) Delta province has a population of 1.3 million with ethnic people, mostly Khmer and Hoa, accounting for 35 per cent.

But it has only 10 boarding schools for ethnic students with 3,352 students, according to its Department of Education and Training.

The Kế Sách District Ethnic Boarding High School has 270 students, 260 of them ethnic minorities.

It has recently built two new classrooms, a dining room and other facilities at a cost of VNĐ7 billion (US$290,000).

Ngô Vân, a teacher there, said the school lacked facilities in the past, limiting the education quality.

But now things have improved and education quality is ensured, he said.

Kim Ngọc Nhi, an ethnic student at the school, said with the improved facilities her learning has improved.

In Châu Thành District, 49 per cent of the population is Khmer, and the district has invested in its ethnic boarding school.

Đỗ Văn Nôl, head of the Châu Thành District Ethnic Boarding High School, said VNĐ10 billion ($410,000) has been spent to upgrade 50 boarding rooms for students, five working rooms, a gym, a dining room, and seven classrooms.

With the investment, the school has improved its education quality to meet level 1 national education standard and targets level 2 by the end of next year, he said.

The provincial People’s Committee plans to invest in facilities for boarding schools.

The Department of Education and Training has been instructed to renovate and upgrade a school each in Châu Thành, Kế Sách, Mỹ Xuyên, Long Phú, and Thạnh Trị districts starting last year at a cost of VNĐ54 billion ($2.2 million).

Danh Hoàng Nguyên, deputy director of the department, said boarding schools are steadily improving, and ethnic students and those in remote and rural areas and special economic difficulty areas have conducive conditions for studying, which would help develop human resources for socio-economic development.

The department would invest an estimated VNĐ15 billion ($620,000) to improve boarding schools next year, he added.

MoCST supports development with emphasis on heritage conservation

In response to the recent public criticisms surrounding a land reclamation project in Cẩm Phả City, the northern province of Quảng Ninh, the director of the Cultural Heritage Department under the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism (MoCST) reassured the public that the implementation must comply with legal regulations.

Director Lê Thị Thu Hiền said that although the project area is situated in the mountainous zone, swamps, and uninhabited lands, without cultural or historical heritage, tourism planning, and situated at the end of Bái Tử Long Bay, legal regulations still must adhere to.

"We need to preserve the original elements of heritage as well as the values that contribute to its beauty. Regardless of how development proceeds, it is crucial to uphold these principles, especially for heritage sites recognised by UNESCO," she told Vietnam News Agency.

MoCST provided written feedback on the project's implementation, flagging concerns about environmental pollution, including not only waste but also issues impacting the ecosystem of Hạ Long Bay.

After that, the Quảng Ninh Province People's Committee promptly instructed relevant agencies to halt the 10B urban project in Quang Hanh Ward, Cẩm Phả City.

While expressing the ministry's continual support for developmental initiatives, director Lê Thị Thu Hiền emphasised the need to base it on heritage conservation, ensuring the original elements and ecological landscape of the heritage.

Her affirmation was made on the sidelines of the consultation conference on the draft amended Cultural Heritage Law on Monday.

The director said that cultural heritage is an asset, making a positive contribution to becoming an endless resource in sustainable socio-economic and tourism development.

Earlier, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Hoàng Đạo Cương issued a document, requesting the Quảng Ninh Province People's Committee to instruct relevant agencies in coordination with local authorities and investors to promptly investigate the on-site situation of the project and suggest timely measures for addressing and safeguarding the heritage values.

According to the feasibility study report approved by the provincial People's Committee, the project has a total area of 31.82 hectares, with 12.19 per cent of the area situated within the buffer zone of the world natural heritage site, Hạ Long Bay.

The proposed project area, located in the downstream of the Lô Phong Stream, bordering Hạ Long City, experiences recurrent mud deposition during storms, leading to the deterioration of the landscape bordering Bái Tử Long and Hạ Long bays.

The project is expected to contribute to improving the life of the local residents, creating green landscapes in the urban environment. This also aims to extend the influx of tourists beyond the current focus areas of Hạ Long Bay, Tuần Châu, Bãi Cháy.

To minimise adverse impacts on heritage, the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism recommends that the Quảng Ninh People's Committee instruct relevant agencies to guide the investor in strictly implementing the outlined measures, particularly emphasising the need for thorough environmental impact assessments in accordance with the guidelines of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). 

15,000 runners to join Techcombank HCM City Int'l Marathon

Some 15,000 runners will participate in the 6th Techcombank Ho Chi Minh City International Marathon which will take place in the city of same name from December 8-12.

Entitled “Run for an outstanding Vietnam”, the tournament attracts the participation of about 1,500 foreign runners and 30 Key Opinion Leaders (KOL).

The event is organised by the Vietnam Technological and Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Techcombank) and Sunrise Events Vietnam.   

Nguyen Thi Anh Hoa, Director of the municipal Department of Tourism, said that the marathon will lead runners through 17 sites of five districts along the Sai Gon river. The international tournament is recognised in the national competition system and suitable for athletes aged from 40 to earn points on the Wanda Abbott Marathon Major International Age Group World Ranking System.

The event is also under the umbrella of the third Ho Chi Minh City Tourism Week themed “Green on every journey” which is slated to take place next month in the locality, she added.

Onslo Carrington, Director of Sunrise Events Vietnam, said that the organisers will also hold a KIDS RUN marathon for children from 5-14 years old, Corporate Challenge and Run Club Challenge programmes and other sideline events to create a playground for runners.

Thai Minh Dien Tu, Marketing Director of Techcombank, said the tournament is expected to inspire a healthy spirit, positive and proactive lifestyle.

Hanoi says no to single-use plastic bags

"Banning single-use plastics will certainly be disruptive, but nothing can disrupt the human ability to adapt."

Dang Quoc Trong, 44, a local teacher in Hanoi's Nam Tu Liem district, told The Hanoi Times he agrees with Hanoi's plan to phase out single-use plastic bags by the end of 2024.

Trong said a sticky rice stall outside a secondary school near his home sells up to 200 servings in a single morning, and "everything they use is made of disposable plastic, from the container to the spoon to the plastic bag used to carry it."

"About 200 plastic bags, spoons, and containers go into the trash every morning. I am talking about a single breakfast stall in an ordinary school. Imagine how many stalls there are in a city or country. Plastic waste can now be found in every corner of the world. Everyone can see the damage it does to the environment," Trong said nervously.

"In big cities like Hanoi, as long as we do not have good enough solutions to deal with plastic waste, we should move forward with a ban on such products. Banning single-use plastics will certainly be disruptive, but nothing can disrupt the human ability to adapt," he added.

"We can still enjoy our sticky rice breakfasts wrapped in banana leaves, something we did for years before the advent of plastic. Who needs plastic straws when there are bamboo alternatives? At the very least, each of us can do our part by simply using less single-use plastic. We can use recyclables or opt for a cloth bag when we go to the supermarket," Trong suggested.

Such an expectation is in line with the city's plan. Hanoi has set a target for all supermarkets and 60-70% of the city's wet markets to stop using single-use plastic bags by the end of 2024 in an effort to change people's habits and raise their awareness of environmental protection, according to a plan just released by the municipal People's Committee.

The plan aims to realize the National Sustainable Production and Consumption Program by 2025, which emphasizes raising awareness and strengthening the social responsibility of individuals and organizations for sustainable production and consumption. Under the new plan, all single-use plastic bags commonly used for packaging will be replaced with eco-friendly alternatives.

According to Nguyen Minh Tan, Deputy Director of Hanoi's Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam has issued many legal documents on the issue, recognizing plastic waste's serious risks to the environment.

"The country aims to have all shopping malls and supermarkets using eco-friendly bags by 2025. The project's communication activities have been widely rolled out in various forms, urging customers to reduce the amount of plastic bags they use," Tan talked to The Hanoi Times.

Citing a survey by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Tan said supermarkets in Hanoi use an average of 104,000 single-use plastic bags a day, or 38 million bags a year. Of the 48 supermarkets surveyed, 46 offer free plastic bags, resulting in each supermarket distributing more than 1,400 nylon bags per day.

"The city government has intensified communication among retailers to change consumers' mindset towards moderating the use of single-use plastic bags and plastic products. However, single-use plastic bags are still popular at the moment," Tan added.

Nguyen Trong Tuan, general director of WinMart Supermarket System, told The Hanoi Times that his group is gradually creating a single-use plastic bag-free community by promoting the habit of rejecting and minimizing the use of these bags. 

"We plan to set up a counter just for customers who say no to plastic bags, improve the packaging process at the checkout counter to reduce the average number of bags per transaction from five to three, display eco-bags in areas where there is demand, and offer free eco-bags to customers with a bill of more than VND300,000 (US$12)," Tuan said.

He added that his group will launch some initiatives to discourage the use of single-use plastic bags, such as the "one day without using plastic bags" campaign, and customers who choose not to use plastic bags will also receive discounts or refunds.

"We hope these activities will help reduce the number of plastic bags in Hanoi and throughout the country," Tuan said.

In recent years, many retailers, such as WinCommerce and BRG Retail, have offered free eco-bags to customers, contributing to the national goal of banning single-use plastic bags in supermarkets and shopping malls by 2025.

Nguyen Thi Anh Phuong, 39, a resident of Cau Giay District, told The Hanoi Times that she often brings a bamboo and rattan basket with her when she goes to the market, saying, "I use this basket to store food, vegetables, and fruits. I try to minimize the use of plastic bags because they are harmful to our living environment."

She went on to say that when buying ready-to-eat food, she prefers glass containers to plastic boxes or bags because they are better for the environment and her health.

"When I order drinks online, I choose the stores that use eco-friendly or reusable utensils like paper cups or bamboo straws," Phuong said.

Tran Dinh Diep, owner of a grocery store on Ho Tung Mau Street in Nam Tu Liem District, said more people are using reusable boxes and bags to store their goods. "I am very happy to see this action by my customers, which saves money and contributes to environmental protection," Diep said.

HCM City, US partners promote cooperation in smart urban development

The People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City and the US Consulate General in the city on November 15 held a meeting to promote their cooperation in smart urban development.

Speaking at the event, Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Vo Van Hoan said that Vietnam – US relations are developing strongly in many fields, especially after the two countries upgraded their relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership. Meanwhile, HCM City has established friendship and cooperative relations with San Francisco and New York city and wishes to further promote cooperation with other US localities.

Hoan said that digital transformation, smart urban development, and green and sustainable growth are not only the city's desires but also the world's trends and they requires specific actions of the government, businesses and people.

The city highly appreciates US technology enterprises that have been investing and doing business in Vietnam, particularly those that have supported the city in implementing its smart urban development programme.

He emphasised that in the coming time, more coordination and cooperation are needed between US partners, technology enterprises and the city to exchange information and seek cooperation opportunities.

For her part, US Consul General in HCM City Susan Burns said that the two countries agreed to promote coordination in finding directions to expand the bilateral relations in fields, particularly economic development and innovation.

At the meeting, representatives of the city’s departments and agencies reported the results of the implementation of the cooperation programmes between the city and the US through the United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA)’s projects. They also presented the city’s orientations in developing smart urban areas.

Representatives from the USTAD and US enterprises introduced their advantages and strengths, affirming their desires to support and cooperate with the city in developing smart urban areas.

STEM Festival 2023 opens in Bac Ninh province

As many as 300 students from 10 secondary schools in the northern province of Bac Ninh joined the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) Festival 2023 which was organised in Tu Son city on November 15 by the provincial Department of Education and Training and Kenan Foundation Asia (Kenan). 

The festival is part of a cooperation project between the Ministry of Education and Training’s Secondary Education Department and Kenan, and has been held in Hanoi since 2018. 

Organised for Bac Ninh students for the first time, the festival served as a playground where students had opportunities to experience various STEM activities, helping them improve soft skills such as leadership, cooperation, communications and counterargument, while nurturing their STEM passion.

Besides, the festival offered a chance for teachers and students to exchange experience to improve the quality of STEM learning and teaching.

As for Vu Duc Hoang, a student from Tien An Secondary School in Bac Ninh city, the festival was special as it encouraged him to create more useful products for life.  

Meanwhile, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diep from Quang Phu Secondary School in Luong Tai district, said she hoped similar STEM festivals will be organised to equip students with necessary soft skills.

Steering Committee for External Information Service delegation visits Qatar, Egypt, Tanzania

A delegation of the Steering Committee for External Information Service led by its permanent deputy head Le Hai Binh visited Qatar, Egypt and Tanzania from November 6-15.

While in Qatar, Binh, who is also Vice Chairman of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education, had working sessions with Minister of Culture Sheikh Abdulrahman, Director-General of the Qatar News Agency (QNA) Ahmed bin Saeed Al Rumaihi and the President of the Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA).

The official affirmed that Vietnam attaches importance to cooperation with Qatar, and wishes to enhance the relationship across areas, including information, communications and cultural exchanges.  
The Qatar officials praised Vietnam’s role in the region, especially in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

The Qatar Government always wants to strengthen relations with Vietnam, especially cultural exchanges and tourism promotion, said Abdulrahman.

Meanwhile, Rumaihi agreed to continue cooperation with the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) and other media agencies of the Southeast Asian nation.

The two sides shared a view that the two countries boast substantial cooperation potential and they should increase delegation exchanges as well as experience sharing in media management and science-technology application.

During his stay in Egypt, Binh met with General Secretary of the Egyptian Communist Party Salah Adly Abdelhafiz, Secretary General of the Egyptian Socialist Party (ESP) Ahmed Bahaa El Din Shaaban Mohamed El Shafey, and worked with Deputy Minister of Communications and Information Technology Khaled Al-Attar, Executive President of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) Hossam El-Gamal, Chairman of the Supreme Council for Media Regulation (SCMR) Karam Gabr, Deputy Assistant Foreign Minister for Asian Affairs Hazem El-Tahry, and representatives of the Middle East News Agency.

Binh affirmed that Vietnam-Egypt relations have experienced marked development steps, especially after high-level visits by their leaders in 2017 and 2018, and expressed his hope that the ties between the (CPV) and parties in Egypt will grow more sustainably.

The official suggested the two sides enhance their coordination and mutual support for the cause of development in each country.

Binh and representatives of the Egyptian agencies shared the wish for stronger collaboration in all fields, including communications, and consented to push ahead with the signing of cooperation agreements between press agencies of the two countries.

While in Tanzania, Binh held meetings with the Secretary-General of the Party of the Revolution of Tanzania and representatives of its commissions, and leaders of the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA).

The official emphasised that Vietnam treasures and wishes to promote the friendship and traditional relations between the two Parties, and suggested leaders of the Tanzania Party and Government to foster the close ties with their Vietnamese counterparts.

The Tanzanian officials also noted their hope for further collaboration with Vietnam, and increased experience sharing in Party building, and delegation exchanges.

Kanagawa Festival to be staged in Da Nang
The authority of Kanagawa Prefecture in co-operation with Da Nang City’s foreign affairs department will host the Kanagawa Festival 2023 at the Da Nang Mikazuki Japanese Resort & Spa on November 16, promoting the connection between the two localities on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Vietnam-Japan diplomatic ties.

The department said about 400 Vietnamese students from six universities and colleges in central Vietnam will take the opportunity to exchange opinions and feelings about Japanese culture, study, and job recruitment in Japan at the festival.
A speaking contest in Japanese entitled: ‘Our Dream on the Vietnam-Japanese connection’ will be organised at the festival among Vietnamese students, along with a Japanese job fair as well as experience-sharing sessions with current students in Japan.

Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture Yuji Kuroiwa and representatives of Japanese businesses in Da Nang will talk about the relationship between Japan and Vietnam, and the co-operation and investment from the two localities.

According to the department, the festival is one in a series of activities in the anniversary year of Vietnam-Japan diplomatic ties, from early 2023.

Da Nang has inked friendship and co-operation agreements with Kisarazu, Kawasaki, Sakai, and Yokohama localities in Japan, and it has hosted the annual Vietnam-Japan Cultural Exchange Day since 2014.

Japan upgraded its Consular Office in Da Nang City to the General Consulate just a year after it was established.

The city-based Dong A University, which is the only high-quality human resource training centre for the Japanese market, established the first Japanese language studies and culture research faculty in central Vietnam.

Da Nang has been calling for stronger and deeper investment from Japanese businesses in Kisarazu, Yokohama, Osaka, Chiba, and Kanagawa.

Japanese investors have poured US$1.04 billion into 228 projects in Da Nang, creating 40,000 jobs for provinces in central Vietnam.

The Kanagawa Festival will help promote friendship between the two localities and other cities in Japan in the coming years, the department said. 

Vietnam fosters parliamentary cooperation with European Union

Vietnam wishes to increase cooperation with the European Parliament to further develop the comprehensive partnership between Vietnam and the European Union, said Vice Chairman of the National Assembly of Vietnam Tran Thanh Man.   
Vice Chairman of the National Assembly of Vietnam Tran Thanh Man and Chairman of the European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade (INTA) Bernd Lange at a working session in Brussels on November 15.
Man was speaking during a working session with Bernd Lange, chairman of the European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade (INTA) in Brussels on November 15 upon his arrival for an official visit to Belgium.

He said the two sides have maintained substantive and effective inter-parliamentary dialogues through the exchange of high-level delegations. In addition, they have worked out cooperation mechanisms to implement the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), helping to promote priorities and resolve pending issues in Vietnam - EU relations.

Vietnam considers the EU one of its most important trade, investment and development aid partners, he affirmed.

He underscored the importance of fully implementing the EVFTA to ramp up trade exchanges between the two sides, saying two-way trade turnover last year reaching US$62.4 billion, an increase of 14% year on year.

Vietnam will seriously and fully implement EVFTA commitments, continue to improve legislation on labour, and meet other international commitments, Man assured his host.

He suggested that the European Parliament support the strengthening of comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and the EU and member countries in all fields, including inter-parliamentary cooperation. He also asked the EP to encourage the parliaments of the remaining 10 EU countries to quickly ratify the Vietnam - EU Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) so that the agreement would soon take effect to bring benefits to both sides, as well as to all EU member countries.

Man also requested that the EP encourage the European Commission to soon remove the illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing warnings against Vietnamese seafood to ensure fishermen’s livelihood and a sufficient supply of seafood to the EU.

He expressed hope that the EU and its member countries would continue to have a strong voice, supporting the stance of Vietnam and ASEAN on the peaceful resolution of disputes in the East Sea in line with international law, especially the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

On this occasion, he invited the INTA leader to visit Vietnam again at an appropriate time.

INTA chairman Bernd Lange for his part hailed Vietnam’s green transition efforts toward sustainable development, saying green transition is a major global concern nowadays and there is much room for Vietnam to develop in the European market.

Talking about the implementation of the EVFTA, Lange said the two sides should continue to promote exchanges and increase information on cooperation and openness in the pharmaceutical sector. He expected that the two sides would continue to discuss and coordinate closely to resolve outstanding issues, including those in the field of agriculture.

Acknowledging Vietnam’s important role in ASEAN’s security landscape, the INTA leader voiced his support for freedom of navigation and aviation in the East Sea in line with international law.

He said he was looking forward to returning to Vietnam on a visit in January 2024.

HCM City strengthens ties with Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Vo Van Hoa met with visiting Vice Chairwoman of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Hui Guo Hua on November 16.

The municipal leader stated that the southern metropolis is ready to cooperate with Chinese localities to enhance the healthy, stable, and sustainable growth of the Vietnam-China relationship for the sake of both peoples and for peace, stability, and development of each country, the region, and the world.

Hoan noted that cooperation proposals by the region are highly suitable to the need of HCM City.

He suggested the two sides further strengthen exchange activities in the field of urban management and culture, while stepping up joint works in tourism and trade to realise and maximise the effectiveness of their agreement on establishing a friendly cooperation.

For her part, Hui expressed her wish to boost economy-trade engagements and port development collaboration between the two localities, as well as to fortify partnerships between their business communities.

She asked the HCM City authorities to pay attention to and create favourable conditions for enterprises from Guangxi province to invest and do business in the city.

PM hails elderly people’s efforts in boosting economic development

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh praised the efforts by senior citizens across the country in overcoming difficulties and promoting economic production during a conference in Hanoi on November 16 to honour 273 elderly people with outstanding performance the field of economy nationwide.

PM Chinh underlined that along with their important role in families, the elderly are priceless resources thanks to their life experience and knowledge.

He said that in order to promote the good national tradition of respecting the elderly and give better care for the group, the Party and State have issued various policies and mechanisms to support them, including the Law on the Elderly 2009 and a programme on caring for senior citizens’ health until 2030 as well as a national action plan on the elderly in the 2021-2030 period.

Currently, 3 million senior citizens have had health records, while nearly 4 million older people receive regular health check-ups, and over 95% of the elderly have enjoyed health insurance, noted the PM, adding that more than 77,000 cultural, art and sports clubs have been established for the elderly, drawing more than 2.5 million people from the group.

At the same time, senior citizens have actively responded to emulation movements in various fields, including economy, said PM Chinh, highlighting that each year, tens of thousands of elderly people with successful business activities are honoured.

The Government leader said that Vietnam is experiencing fast population aging, prompting the country to give better care for the elderly and optimise their role, experience and knowledge for socio-economic development as well as national defence.

He asked ministries, sectors, and localities to continue to effectively implement the Party and State’s policies and laws regarding the elderly, while strengthening communications on the role and contributions of the elderly, and diversify measures to care for them.

President of the Vietnam Association of the Elderly (AVE) Central Committee Nguyen Thanh Binh said that currently, Vietnam has nearly 17 million elderly people, 7 million of whom are still engaging in production and business activities, and nearly 750,000 others working in Party, administration agencies and the Vietnam Fatherland Front as well as local organisations.

Binh said that the movement of “elder people showing strong performance in economic development” launched by the association has spread in both depth and width, creating jobs for nearly 9 million labourers, with many role models discovered across the country.

Vietnamese, Cambodian provinces work to build shared border of peace, friendship

The Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Committee of Kien Giang province and the Committee of the Solidarity Front for the Development of Cambodian Motherland of Kampot province on November 16 organsied a conference to review the one-year implementation of the emulation plan to build a shared border of peace, friendship, cooperation and development in the 2023-2025 period.

Speaking at the event, Chairwoman of the Kien Giang provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee Le Thi Ve said over the past year, front leaders of Kien Giang and Kampot provinces have well implemented the signed contents and promoted the communication work for people to join hands to build a shared border of peace, friendship, cooperation and mutual development.

She acknowledged that the two units have coordinated with sectors of both sides to expand people-to-people exchanges, organised delegations to visit and congratulate each other during special occasions such as festivals and traditional New Year festivals, detected and prevented cross-border smuggling and sabotage activities that aim to divide the traditional ties between the their people.

Ve said that people’s awareness of building a shared border of peace and friendship as well as their sense of law observance have been enhanced, particularly people who are living along the shared border while cooperation in the fields of economy, tourism, culture, education and heath care have also been strengthened.

Competent sectors of Kien Giang and Kampot provinces have coordinated to create favourable conditions for the border demarcation and marker planting work to achieve good results. During the dry season of 2022 - 2023, Team K92 of Kien Giang province gathered and repatriated six sets of remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts who laid down their lives in Kampot province during wartime.

On this occasion, the two front committees agreed to continue to carry out the communication work to help people of both sides to have a better understanding about the significance of building a shared border of peace and friendship; increase meetings and information exchanges; actively prevent and promptly handle incidents occurring in border areas while creating favourable conditions for border demarcation and marker construction activities.

President meets with Vietnamese expats living in the US

President Vo Van Thuong met with Vietnamese expats on November 15 (local time) as part of his trip to attend the APEC Economic Leaders’ Week in San Francisco.

He briefed the overseas Vietnamese about the country’s socio-economic development as well as its strong diplomatic ties with 193 countries and territories all over the world, with the highlight being the upgrade of the Vietnam – US relations to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership which, he said, helps improve the position of the Vietnamese people who are living and working in the US.

The Party and State always bear in mind the contributions made by the expats as well as US friends to the struggle for national independence and reunification, he said, recognising expat contributions to the development of the Permanent Delegation of Vietnam to the UN.

He said he hopes that the Vietnamese expats will continue promoting patriotism and popularising the Party and State’s great national unity policy among young people.

The overseas Vietnamese community, including those in the US, is an inseparable part of the nation, he affirmed, hoping that the Vietnamese in the US will strengthen solidarity, comply with the regulations of the host nation, and make further contributions to the local development, as well as the fatherland’s protection, construction and development cause.

Earlier, President Thuong visited Stanford University’s hospital and medical centre.

As cooperation in health care is part of the essence of the Vietnam - US Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, Thuong expressed his hope that the hospital will cooperate with Vietnamese side in this regard.

Vietnam, Singapore combine forces to fight transnational crime

Politburo member and Minister of Public Security To Lam held talks with visiting Minister for National Security of Singapore Teo Chee Hean in Hanoi on November 16.

Cooperation between the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security and Singapore’s law enforcement agencies has been sustained, Lam said, noting that the ties have made progress across such areas as all-level delegation exchange, crime prevention and control, fire prevention, search and rescue, digital transformation, and the building of the national population data centre.

The sides have coordinated to effectively implement outcomes of ASEAN ministerial meetings on cybersecurity, built related legal documents, and signed a memorandum of understanding on collaboration regarding cyber safety, cybercrime prevention, and personal data protection.

To further develop the teamwork, the two ministers agreed to sign agreements on extradition, the transfer of sentenced persons, and mutual legal assistance concerning criminal matters, and a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in digital transformation and the construction of the national population data centre between the Vietnamese ministry and the Prime Minister's Office of Singapore. The stage is set to combine forces in combating transnational crimes, and to enhance bilateral engagements in the field of national security and crime prevention.

The officials discussed cyber safety, administrative management, non-traditional security, and e-governance. The Vietnamese side hoped the Singaporean side would share experiences and offer it advanced equipment to fight crime and develop a big data platform.

Vietnamese President hosts reception for Govenor of the State of California

President Vo Van Thuong hosted a reception for Governor of California Gavin Newsom on November 15 (local time) as part of the Vietnamese leader's trip to attend the APEC Economic Leaders’ Week and bilateral activities in the US.

During the meeting, Newsom said California is committed to building long-term and sustainable relationships with Asia, including Vietnam.

According to him, California is the state with the largest number of Vietnamese people in the US, and its San Francisco has established a twining relationship with Ho Chi Minh City.

President Thuong praised the Governor, and generations of leaders in California for prioritising promoting relations with Vietnam in accordance with the demand, potential, and advantages of both sides. He said he believes that as the two countries have just upgraded their relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership for peace, cooperation, and sustainable development, California will be the pioneer in enhancing bilateral relations with Vietnam.

The President called for the Governor's support to have more pairs of twining cities, firstly Hanoi and Los Angeles.

Newsom affirmed that California values and is willing to further strengthen friendship and effective and practical cooperation with Vietnam, thus contributing to further intensifying the bilateral relations between the two countries.

The two sides acknowledged with pleasure that California has effective cooperation with Vietnam, especially in economy and trade, as many large corporations and businesses of the state have invested in Vietnam and vice versa.
Newsom also affirmed that establishing a direct flight between Hanoi and San Francisco offers a great opportunity for people-to-people exchanges.

President Vo Van Thuong suggested the US State's administration continue to create favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community to do business in the state, thus contributing to enhancing the relationship between the two countries.

While receiving Deputy Mayor of Los Angeles Erin Bromaghim on the same day, President Thuong applauded the potential and development achievements of Los Angeles, the famous technology and seaport hub of the US and the world.

The President said he was pleased to witness the signing of cooperation agreements between businesses and localities of the two countries to develop seaports in Hai Phong city. He expressed his belief that cooperation between the Port of Los Angeles and Vietnamese businesses and localities will create a premise for other cooperation activities between the two sides.

Bromaghim said a US business delegation will visit Vietnam to explore investment cooperation opportunities in the Southeast Asian nation, adding that the US city has also welcomed many delegations of Vietnamese businesses and localities to seek partnerships here.

Disputes should be addressed through peaceful means: Defence Minister at ADMM+

Minister of National Defence General Phan Van Giang on November 16 suggested countries continue promoting ASEAN’s centrality, and step up the building and consolidation of strategic trust in the spirit of respect for law, mutual respect, equality and mutual benefits.

Addressing the 10th ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting Plus (ADMM+) in Jakarta, the minister called on countries to persistently resolve disputes by peaceful means, through open and substantive dialogue so that the ADMM+  is always a bridge between parties.

Giang expressed his wish for further cohesion between ADMM+  and other cooperation frameworks the three pillars of the ASEAN Community, which are the ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC), the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC).

He also called for favourable environment creation to fully and stringently implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC).

He said that a practical and effective Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) would soon be achieved in alignment with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982 UNCLOS), contributing to maintaining peace, stability, security, and freedom of navigation and overflight in the East Sea.

The Vietnamese Ministry of National Defence is committed to actively and responsibly participating in cooperation initiatives and mechanisms in ADMM+, and other mechanisms within defence and military framework in order create a constructive, comprehensive and effective security architecture, he affirmed.

Minister Giang used the occasion to invite defense leaders, and industry enterprises from other ASEAN members and partner countries to attend the second Vietnam International Defence Expo in December 2024.

The General used the occasion to invite defence leaders, and defence industry enterprises from other ASEAN members and partner countries to attend the second Vietnam International Defence Expo in December 2024.

At the meeting, the delegates emphasised the importance of observing the basic principles and goals stated in the United Nations Charter, the ASEAN Charter, the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC), the Bali Process, as well as international law, and maintaining peace, prosperity and security in the region.

They also stressed the importance of maritime security, including the East Sea, to regional and global security.

The partner countries affirmed their support for ASEAN's centrality in regional cooperation mechanisms. 

The list of countries participating in the 2024-2027 ADMM+ Experts Working Group was also announced at the event.

The meeting also issued a joint declaration of the ADMM+ on women, peace and security.

A handover ceremony for the ADMM and ADMM+ chairmanship was also held on the same day, officially announcing Lao Ministry of National Defence as the chair for the two meetings in 2024.

Running event slated for December to protect endangered turtles

The "Run for Turtles" 2023 is scheduled to take place in Bac Tu Liem district, Hanoi on December 3, according to the Environmental Education Centre (ENV).

The event is expected to draw more than 400 people from conservation organisations and businesses across the distances of 21km, 10km, 5km and 1km.

It aims to raise public awareness of the captivity, trade and release of Vietnamese freshwater and terrestrial turtles. Additionally, there is a commitment to refrain from engaging in illegal turtle trading and consumption, contributing to the protection of endangered and rare species that are currently on the brink of extinction.

Apart from five species of sea turtles, Vietnam is also home to 26 species of freshwater and terrestrial turtles, 23 of which are listed as endangered or critically endangered in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)’s Red List of Threatened Species. Among them, eight are strictly prohibited from exploitation and use for commercial purpose.

Proceeds from the event will be used to support conservation activities for freshwater and terrestrial turtles in Vietnam. Various interactive activities and exhibition will also transmit the message of protecting freshwater and terrestrial turtles.

Vietnamese, Cambodian Youth Unions maintain close coordination

Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU) Central Committee Nguyen Tuong Lam received in Hanoi on November 16 a delegation of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP)’s Youth Wing, who attended the 2023 Vietnam-Cambodia youth friendship meeting, led by its vice president Sean Borath.

Lam, who is the Permanent Vice Chairman of the National Committee on Youth of Vietnam, expressed his belief that young generations of Vietnam and Cambodia will continue to expand cooperation and exchange, contributing to fostering sustainable and long-lasting solidarity and friendship between the people and youth of the two countries.

Agencies and youth organisations of the two countries, including the HCYU Central Committee and CPP Central Commitee’s Youth Wing, as well as the Vietnam Youth Federation and the Union of Youth Federation of Cambodia will continue to promote cooperation to further enhance the relationship, he said.

For his part, Sean Borath, who is also Secretary of State of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, suggested that in the coming time, the youth organisations of the two countries will continue to actively strengthen education for young people on good neighbourly relations and traditional friendship. The two sides should effectively deploy the contents of the cooperation agreement between the HCYU Central Committee and the CPP Central Commitee’s Youth Wing for 2023-2025 period.

The same day, Secretary of HCYU Central Committee Lam also received a delegation of the Union of Youth Federation of Cambodia to the 2023 Vietnam - Cambodia Youth Friendship Meeting, led by its Vice President Dam Dariny, who is also Secretary of State of the Ministry of National Defence.

Da Nang, China’s Guangdong province step up cooperation

The central city of Da Nang attaches importance to cooperation with Chinese localities, Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Tran Chi Cuong has said.

Hosting a reception for a working delegation from Guangdong province’s Zhanjang city led by Deputy Mayor He Jiamin, Cuong highlighted Da Nang's socio-economic development, with key products being seafood, garment and textiles, leather shoes and building materials.

The city, seen as the nucleus for growth of Vietnam’s central key economic region, is home to four industrial parks. Da Nang has received an array of awards such as Best Vietnam Smart City in the category of Attractive City of Startups and Innovation in 2022, and Seoul Smart City Prize in the category of Human Centricity in 2023.

Cuong expressed his hope that following the visit of the Zhanjang delegation, both sides will bolster cooperation in areas of their strengths like tourism, trade and high technology.

Meanwhile, He Jiamin said that Zhanjang city boasts a well-developed transport system, and is housing many foreign production establishments, adding its close distance with Vietnam will facilitate trade activities between the two sides.

He wished that Da Nang and Zhanjang will enjoy sound economic ties, and enterprises from the Chinese city who land investment in Da Nang will receive support from the local authorities.

Over the past years, Da Nang has set up official friendship and cooperation with several Chinese localities, including Shandong province, Jiangsu province, Macau Special Administrative Region, and Yunnan province’s Kunming city.

China has registered 93 projects worth 118 million USD in Da Nang city, in the fields of hospitality, silicon production, electronic equipment import consultancy, among others.

PM attends opening of new academic year at HCM City-based national university

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on November 16 attended a ceremony to launch the new academic year at the Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM), which is Vietnam’s leading centre of higher education and scientific research.

Speaking at the event, PM Chinh emphasised the role of higher education and innovation in driving growth, saying that human resources, especially high-quality personnel, play a decisive role in the development of each country.

Education and training in general, and higher education in particular, play an important role in promoting development, contributing to improving people's knowledge, especially providing highly qualified human resources to meet the requirements of socio-economic development.

He said along with digital transformation and the fourth industrial revolution, higher education is changing and developing diversely. The trend of global cooperation and transnational learning widens people's access to higher education, he said, adding that higher education increasingly promotes creative thinking, equips skills, increases proactiveness, and creates an interactive learning environment, aiming to train global citizens. 

He said higher education focuses on encouraging research, innovation, and technology application, contributing to solving not only national but also global problems.

Emphasising the role of higher education in driving growth, the PM requested higher education institutions, including the VNU-HCM, to make greater efforts in training and finding talents, and promoting sustainable economic development.

At a working session with leaders of the VNU-HCM later the same day, PM Chinh asked the university to closely follow the development requirements of the southern region and the country to provide suitable training.

He also urged the VNU-HCM to keep promoting research, especially to solve current and emerging problems.

The VNU-HCM was also asked to effectively utilise human resources; commercialise its research results; organise school governance scientifically, effectively, economically, and appropriately.

On this occasion, representatives from the VNU-HCM proposed the Government and Prime Minister facilitate the university's activities so that it will become one of 100 leading higher education institutions in Asia by 2030.

The VNU-HCM is one of the largest educational institutions in Vietnam with eight member universities, 28 units, and over 6,100 staff members, including 1,100 doctorate holders, nearly 400 professors, and associate professors. Each year, it trains more than 95,000 undergraduate students, and more than 8,000 graduate students.

Quang Ninh, Japan’s Hokkaido prefecture boost cooperation

Secretary of the Quang Ninh provincial Party Committee Nguyen Xuan Ky and Governor of Japan’s Hokkaido prefecture Suzuki Naomichi held talks and signed a cooperation agreement between the two localities, in the northeastern province's Ha Long city on November 16.

The activity was held on the occasion of the Hokkaido delegation attending the Hokkaido Festival 2023 in Ha Long and activities celebrating the 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Japan diplomatic ties in Quang Ninh. It was also first official exchange among leaders, local representatives and businesses of the two provinces.

Ky said Quang Ninh has consistently consolidated and developed cooperative and friendly relations with Japanese investors, partners and localities; paid special attention to and actively contributed to traditional cooperation between the two countries.

Quang Ninh expects and stays ready to work with Hokkaido to effectively concretise the agreements and common perceptions reached by the two countries’ leaders, he said, adding that the two localities should actively seize new opportunities to enhance collaboration in culture, tourism, education and training while exploring potential cooperation areas such as modern integrated services, manufacturing and processing, advanced and smart technology, marine economy, logistics, seaports and port services, eco-agriculture, digital transformation, green transformation, climate change response, food and water security.

Suzuki, for his part, highlighted closer ties between Vietnam and Hokkaido in the fields of agriculture, aquaculture, environment and information technology. Hokkaido and numerous Vietnamese ministries and agencies already signed multiple cooperation agreements to boost economic exchange and tourism.

He said the organisation of the Vietnam festivals in Hokkaido has played a significant role in the extensive and effective development of Vietnam-Hokkaido relationship, thus making important contributions to raising mutual understanding and trust between the two nations.

Currently, Japan is a strategic investor of Quang Ninh with a total of 12 projects valued at over 2.3 billion USD, ranking third among partner countries. In terms of trade, Japan is the second largest importer of Quang Ninh.

This year's Hokkaido Festival and the opening of the Japanese Cultural and Language Centre at Ha Long University will open up new opportunities to increase cultural exchanges between the two countries, laying the groundwork for stronger collaboration in various fields.

On the occasion, Quang Ninh and Hokkaido, Ha Long University and Asahikawa University signed cooperation agreements.

NA Vice Chairman hosts Singaporean Senior Minister

National Assembly Vice Chairman Sen. Lieut. Gen Tran Quang Phuong hosted visiting Singaporean Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security Teo Chee Hean in Hanoi on November 16, saying that his visit is a practical activity marking the 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Singapore diplomatic ties and the 10th anniversary of bilateral strategic partnership.

Describing Singapore as one of the most important economic partners of Vietnam in the region, Phuong said apart from traditional cooperation areas, both countries need to continue expanding ties to new areas such as clean energy, just energy transition, digital transformation, exchange of talents, and innovation.

Regarding parliamentary cooperation, he suggested both legislatures actively work together for the effective implementation of bilateral cooperation agreement, including the exchange of visits by their leaders, committees and legislators to share experience in lawmaking as well as global and regional issues of shared concern.

The two sides should offer mutual support at multilateral parliamentary forums in the region and the world, such as the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), and the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF).

He wished that the Singaporean minister would continue supporting the strengthening of bilateral ties across various areas, further deepening bilateral strategic partnership to bring practical benefits to the people of both countries.

Teo, for his part, said Singapore wants to enhance coordination with Vietnam in developing green, clean and renewable energy.

With ample room for green and clean energy development, Singaporean investors are eager to collaborate with Vietnamese partners to fully tap the potential in this field, he said, affirming that he will continue supporting and playing a role in advancing the increasingly practical and effective strategic partnership between the two countries.

Vietnamese defence minister meets Indian, Japanese, Philippine counterparts

Vietnamese Minister of Defence Gen. Phan Van Giang held bilateral meetings with defence leaders from India, Japan and the Philippines on the sidelines of the 17th ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting (ADMM) and the 10th ADMM-Plus in Jakarta, Indonesia on November 16.

In their meeting, Giang and Indian Defence Minister Shri Rajnath Singh shared the view that the former's official visit to India in June has generated a driving force for the effective and practical development of bilateral defence ties.

Both sides agreed to facilitate the exchange of delegations at all levels, particularly high-level visits and meetings, as well as maintain and improve the effectiveness of dialogue and consultation mechanisms, including the 14th deputy ministerial-level defence policy dialogue in India and the fourth joint field exercise on maintaining peace in Vietnam next month.

Hosting his Japanese counterpart Minoru Kihara, Giang noted that bilateral defence cooperation has achieved significant progresses recently. In September, the two sides successfully coordinated the Competency Evaluation Programme for Prospective United Nations Peacekeepers (CEPPP) in Vietnam. They also effectively fulfilled the co-chairmanship of the ADMM Experts' Working Groups for the 2021-2023 period.

In the coming time, they agreed to enhance the exchange of delegations and meetings between defence leaders and roll out cooperation between armed forces, and collaboration in personnel training, cybersecurity, and effective settlement of post-war consequences.

Gen. Giang and his Philippine counterpart Gilberto Teodoro promised to actively coordinate and effectively implement the contents specified in the signed bilateral defence cooperation agreement. They also committed to consulting and supporting each other at multilateral military-defence forums and adhering to the common stance of ASEAN on regional issues.

National Assembly not to approve revised Land Law this year

The revised Land Law will not be passed at the ongoing sixth session of the National Assembly due to pending issues that need to be addressed before submission to the legislature at next year’s session, said National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue.

There are different opinions when the bill is debated, and the National Assembly’s Economic Committee should make clear these pending issues before submission to the National Assembly’s Standing Committee and then the legislature for consideration, said Hue at the 27th session of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee in Hanoi on November 16.

Relevant agencies and the Government also agreed not to endorse the bill this time, added the chairman.

As this is an important bill, he said ‘the quality should be given the top priority’ to ensure the bill, after promulgation, will not cause consequences on socio-economic activities and people’s lives.

According to Vu Hong Thanh, head of the National Assembly’s Economic Committee, members of the committee have yet to reach consensus on arguments. Eleven out of 22 deputies proposed spending more time making clear contentious issues.

The revised Land Law was debated by National Assembly deputies at the fourth, fifth and sixth sessions. It was originally expected to get the nod from the deputies at the ongoing sixth session due to be wrapped up on November 29.

Floods claim two lives, three reported missing in central Vietnam

Heavy rains and floods hitting the central region over the past few days have killed two residents and left three others in Quang Tri and Thua Thien-Hue provinces.

Heavy rains, combined with floodwaters from the upstream Huong and Bon rivers, caused severe flooding in Hue city. Several main streets such as Truong Chinh, Han Dinh Phung, Hai Trieu, and Ben Nghe were surrounded by water over a metre deep in some places.

The North-South railway running through the Hien Sy-Huong Thuy section was also left submerged, prompting express trains to grind to a halt.

Furthermore, rock and soil triggered by a landslide in Binh Tien commune of Huong Tra Town fell down on house, leaving a couple stuck inside. Luckily, they were rescued by local people and rescue forces.

In Quang Tri, torrential rain also inundated more than 1,300 houses in Cam Lo district and Dong Ha city, forcing many families to evacuate to safe places. Heavy downpour also isolated and disrupted traffic on several key roads throughout the area.

In the cities of Hue and Hoi An, streets were inundated by up to 500 to 800mm of flooding due to the downpour coupled with water discharged from hydropower plants.

In Quang Ngai province, post-rain landslides occurred across Huong Tra commune of Tra Bong district, making roads impassable.

The National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control asked regional cities and provinces to adopt measures to ensure local residents’ safety amid complicated developments of flooding.   

The committee also requested the localities to closely monitor weather patterns and come up with prompt actions.

Exhibition spotlights French-style hallmarks in Hai Phong

The “Hai Phong – France Heritage” exhibition opened in the northern port city of Hai Phong on November 15, highlighting the city’s buildings bearing hallmarks of the French architecture.

The week-long event, jointly held by the municipal People’s Committee and the French Embassy, is part of the activities to mark the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations and the 10 years of the strategic partnership between the two nations.

On show are 684 maps, documents, and images featuring the city’s architectural landmarks, expansion and planning until 2030 with a vision to 2050, as well as standout achievements in recent years.

Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Tho said that Hai Phong’s distinctive charm is shaped up by an array of buildings with a touch of French architecture which have remained intact and boasted cultural values over the past 100 years.

The works reflect the blend of the Vietnamese and French culture in the city, he said, adding local authorities have paid due attention to preserving and promoting the values of the heritage.

Former President of the French Academy of Architecture, and President of the France-Vietnam academy of architecture Thierry Van De Wyngaert said that the exhibits provide an insight into the buildings designed by French architects during the 19th and 20th century in Hai Phong city.

He expressed his hope that similar exhibitions will be held in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Paris.

Transport firm in HCM City has business license revoked indefinitely following deadly incident

Thành Bưởi Transport Company, a major transport company in HCM City, has had its transport business license revoked indefinitely due to “irregularities in the license application process”.

Initially, the HCM City Department of Transport announced a three-month revocation of the company’s license for “mismanagement that resulted in a fatal accident”. 

However, a new decision from the department stated that it will lose its license indefinitely.

According to the department, Thành Bưởi “provided a copy that is inconsistent with the original documents or false information in its application for a business license.”

Previously, the company was fined VNĐ91 million (US$3,705) for eight violations following a deadly bus accident in September. The violations included insufficient health checks for drivers, resulting in a VNĐ22 million fine.

Both the company’s deputy director and his son, the company’s director, have been detained by the police for investigation.

The fatal accident occurred in late September when a Thành Bưởi bus was involved in an accident in the southern province of Đồng Nai, resulting in the deaths of five people. 

Subsequent investigations revealed that the company’s driver was speeding and had his driving license revoked before the accident, also for speeding.

The city Department of Transport’s inspection uncovered other violations that are beyond its jurisdiction and will be handled by the HCM City Police and related agencies.

Established in 2000, Thành Bưởi is a major transport service provider in southern Việt Nam with more than 1,300 employees. 

The company serves a large number of passengers on routes between HCM City, Cần Thơ, and the Central Highlands city of Đà Lạt.

VN upholds peaceful resolution principle of international disputes

Việt Nam upholds basic principles of international law, especially the principle of peaceful resolution of international disputes while the world is facing instability, conflict and confrontation.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyễn Minh Vũ made the statement at the opening session of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) Việt Nam conference on Wednesday in Hà Nội.

The conference was co-organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Việt Nam, the Permanent Court of Arbitration and the Việt Nam International Law Association.

The conference was attended by more than 100 delegates representing Việt Nam’s ministries, agencies and sectors, as well as foreign diplomatic representative agencies in Hà Nội, representatives of law firms, and domestic and foreign experts operating in the field of international law.

Vũ also said the policy of perfecting the socialist rule-of-law state was requiring Việt Nam to build an effective legal system with a team of qualified lawyers and extensive international integration, as well as a dynamic legal environment.

On that basis, Vũ said that the conference was expected to be an opportunity for Vietnamese agencies, organisations, arbitrators and lawyers to gain more experience in preventing and handling international disputes.

The conference was expected to be a forum to effectively connect the Vietnamese legal community with the international legal community, contributing to making Việt Nam the selected location for countries and corporations when resolving disputes in the future, he said.

Speaking at the conference, PCA Secretary General Marcin Czepelak thanked the Vietnamese Government, ministries and sectors for the support and companionship during the operation of the PCA Office in Hà Nội over the past time; especially the visits of senior leaders to the PCA headquarters at the Peace Palace in the Netherlands.

He also added that the conference reflected the basic values of the PCA which were peace, legal principles and prosperity, creating opportunities for policymakers, experts and legal practitioners as well as businesses discussing deeper recent developments in conciliation procedures between countries, arbitration dispute resolution procedures between countries and investors, as well as between businesses.

He announced the PCA Office in Hà Nội has handled nearly 30 dispute resolution cases; and organised activities connecting with the lawyer and arbitrator community in Việt Nam, and training activities on dispute resolution for ministries, sectors and State corporations this year.

He hoped to turn the PCA – Việt Nam Conference into an annual event, aiming to turn Việt Nam into a location to deal with cases handled by the PCA.

PCA, through its office in Hà Nội, wanted to coordinate with Vietnamese agencies to continue perfecting regulations on arbitration proceedings, meeting international standards, creating a favourable environment for international arbitration in Việt Nam in the future, he said.

Vietnamese wushu martial artists to feature at world championship

Vietnamese athletes will compete at the World Wushu Championships from November 16-20 in Texas, the US.

This signature event, held every two years, is expected to attract  up to 800 athletes from more than 80 countries and territories from Asia, Europe, Africa, Pan America and Oceania and around 30,000 spectators.

It will showcase the world’s top champions displaying a wide range of wushu disciplines, from dazzling swordplay, ethereal tai chi and bone-crunching full-contact sanda fighting in the Fort Worth Convention Centre. 

Việt Nam's 13 strong team will compete in both taolu (performance) and sanda (combat) events.

Among them Dương Thúy Vi and Hoàng  Thị Phương Giang are the most experienced who are expected to bring the best results.

Vi has world titles twice in 2013 and 2017 along with six silver and three bronze medals. She has also topped podiums at various international competitions such as World Games, Asian Games, Asian Championship and SEA Games.

Giang has performed wushu internationally for more than a decade. She is a four-time medallist in the World Wushu Championships, double bronze medallist in the Taolu World Cup, and double silver medallist in the Asian Wushu Championships. Giang is also a regular top-three finisher at the Asian Games and SEA Games.

Other medal hopes are Nguyễn Thị Lan in the women's sanda 48kg and Nông Văn Hữu in the men's taolu who are 32nd SEA Games champions.

The rest of the team are young talents who will gain more experience from the world highest level of wushu.

The world tournament returns after five years. The previous event was held in Shanghai, China in October 2019. 

In China, Việt Nam won one gold through Nguyễn Thị Chinh in the women's sanda 48kg and two silver medals for Vi in her qiangshu (spear) and jianshu (sword) performance. 

Landslides block Nha Trang-Dalat road

A huge amount of rock and soil have fallen on the Khanh Le Hill, blocking the road from Nha Trang to Dalat cities.

The landslides occurred on Thursday morning on the hill, which is part of the National Road 27C, following a flash flood.

Running 33 km, Khanh Le Hill belongs to the 120-km National Road 27C which connects Nha Trang and Dalat cities. This is a dangerous section with winding roads through high cliffs, and deep valleys, which often see landslides during flooding seasons.

Khanh Hoa Provincial Transport Department has sent workers to repair the road.

North-south railway resumes operations

Trains running on the north-south routes have been able to run through Thua Thien-Hue Province since Thursday morning as flood waters have receded. 

Trains running on the north-south routes have been able to run through Thua Thien-Hue Province since November 16.

As of 10 am on November 16, trains were allowed to run at 5 kilometres per hour through Thua Thien-Hue while some rail sections were being repaired following the flood.A representative from the Vietnam Railway Corporation said that six trains that had been stopped in Thua Thien-Hue due to flooding since Wednesday morning were allowed to continue their trips on Thursday morning as the flood water receded. Meanwhile, the SE3, SE5, and SE2 train services were still suspended from Hanoi and Saigon stations today.

The central region has faced heavy downpours between November 13-15, with Thua Thien-Hue among the hardest hit. The railway section running through Van Xa Station in Huong Tra Town was deeply submerged on November 15, forcing authorities to block the route to ensure safety. Heavy rains have also damaged some other railway sections in the province.

More than 1,000 passengers on six trains had been provided free meals while being stranded on the trains for a day.

Nguyen Hue Street firms encouraged to provide food services

HCM City’s District 1 authorities have recommended piloting food business activities on Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street.

Under the proposal sent to the municipal people’s committee, hotels, restaurants and food establishments on Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street should be allowed to offer food and drinks services on the street.  

HCM City intends to hold more events on Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street in the coming time. Therefore, there will be more demand for food services. This is also expected to help boost the city’s night economy and curb illegal vendors.

The proposal also mentions dividing the street into different zones for holding cultural, artistic and sports activities.

District 1 has also suggested using part of six roads adjacent to Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street as parking space. 

Vietnam calls for strict sanctions on brokerage for IUU fishing

The Government has proposed strict sanctions against brokers involved in facilitating Vietnamese fishing boats’ Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing activities in foreign waters.

The Government Office has issued Notice No. 468 indicating the conclusion of a deputy prime minister at a recent meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on addressing urgent challenges in the fishery and agriculture sectors, according to the Government’s news site at

The notice said the Ministry of Public Security is tasked with expediting prosecutions related to these brokerage activities. They are currently gathering evidence and collaborating with relevant agencies to remove any obstacles hindering the investigation and prosecution of individuals and organizations involved in IUU fishing.

Coastal province chairpersons have been instructed to take immediate measures to halt IUU fishing operations in anticipation of the European Commission’s site inspection scheduled for April 2024. Additionally, authorities are required to impose penalties for violations that occurred during the past year, including IUU fishing in foreign waters and the failure to maintain an active video management system (VMS), by December 30, 2023.

The deputy prime minister also emphasized the need for close coordination between local authorities and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to ensure stringent monitoring of fishing boats, thereby preventing any violations of IUU fishing practices.

Inspections will also be carried out on aqua-product exporters to identify organizations involved in the illegal validation of certification documents for exported products.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes