Wartime bombs safely disposed of in Quang Tri hinh anh 1
The Military Command in the central province of Quang Tri defuses two war-time bombs in Huong Lap commune, Huong Hoa mountainous district on November 21 (Photo: VNA)

The Military Command in the central province of Quang Tri, in collaboration with the Golden West Organisation of the US, on November 21 defused two war-time bombs in Huong Lap commune, Huong Hoa mountainous district.

After receiving information from local residents, the command’s combat engineer unit promptly approached the site and isolated the area. They found that one of the bombs is a 340kg M117 and the other is a Mark 82 (MK82) weighing 230 kg.

In a process controlled from afar, combat engineers separated the detonator from the part that contains the explosive of the MK82 bomb. After being removed from the bomb, the detonator was destroyed at the site.

Meanwhile, the M117 bomb were moved to a safe place for later treatment.

Wartime bombs safely disposed of in Quang Tri hinh anh 2
The Military Command in the central province of Quang Tri find that one of the bombs is a 340kg M117 and the other is a Mark 82 (MK82) weighing 230 kg.(Photo: VNA)

Quang Tri is the most polluted locality in Vietnam in terms of UXOs. Landmines and bombs have killed over 3,430 people and injured 5,100 others since the war ended in 1975.

So far, 34 non-governmental and 23 international organisations have joined bomb and mine clearance efforts in the province, which targets becoming the first locality nationwide to be free from wartime bombs, mines and other UXOs by 2025.

Vice President meets with Speaker of Danish Parliament

Vietnam attaches great importance to enhancing the Comprehensive Partnership with Denmark, Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan highlighted while meeting with Speaker of Danish Parliament Soren Gade on November 21 (local time) as part of her official visit to the European country.

Xuan appreciated the Danish Parliament’s support for the development of the Vietnam – Denmark ties, including the approval of the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement in 2021.  

She took the occasion to call on the parliament to support the early removal of the European Commission's IUU yellow card warning on Vietnamese seafood.

Gade, for his part, underscored Xuan’s visit will create new impetus for the Comprehensive Partnership between the two countries, and expressed his impression of Vietnam’s economic achievements and dynamic international integration.

He affirmed Vietnam is a leading partner of Denmark in the Asia-Pacific region, and said he is willing to help Vietnam discuss with competent authorities of the EU the lifting of the yellow card.

He also recognised the positive contributions of the Vietnamese community in Denmark to the host nation, saying they have been a bridge that helps consolidate and strengthen the friendship between the two nations.

At the meeting, the leaders concurred that both sides should maintain exchanges of delegations at all levels to promote political trust, effectively carry out their cooperation frameworks, as well as capitalise on their potential and strengths so as to develop the cooperative relations in a deep and effective fashion, especially in the fields of economy-trade-investment, and new areas such as green transition and renewable energy.

They shared their view on the significance of the early implementation on the joint statement establishing the Vietnam – Denmark Green Strategic Partnership which was freshly approved by the two Prime Ministers, as well as effective cooperation to carry out the Just Energy Transition Partnership between Vietnam and international partners, particularly in the development of institutions and infrastructure, technology transfer and human resources training.

Affirming inter-parliamentary cooperation is important to deepen the Comprehensive Partnership between the two countries, both leaders agreed to continue effective implementation of signed agreements, bolster coordination between the two parliaments, and enhance delegation exchanges to share information and experience in legislation, supervision, and decision-making of the countries’ important issues.

Touching on regional and international issues of mutual concern, Gade agreed with Xuan that all disputes and differences must be handled in accordance with international law.

The two leaders consented that both sides should step up cooperation and support each other at international forums, particularly the UN, as well as in the preparation and organisation of the Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 (P4G) Summit in Vietnam in 2025.

Xuan took the occasion to convey National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue’s invitation to visit Vietnam to the Danish Parliament speaker.

The same day, Xuan had a meeting with executives of Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), during which she affirmed Vietnam always rolls out red carpet for foreign enterprises, including CIP, to land investment in the fields of the country’s priorities such as renewable energy.

Meanwhile, CIP leaders expressed their belief that CIP’s offshore wind power projects will contribute to promoting Vietnam’s energy transition process, and hoped that Vietnam will soon complete policy frames, creating favourable conditions for foreign firms to invest in the country’s energy sector.

Established in 2012, CIP has mobilised some 25 billion EUR (USD), managed 11 funds, and invested in an array of green energy infrastructure projects. In Vietnam, CIP is developing the La Gan offshore wind farm in Binh Thuan province.

ASEAN foreign ministers stress regional architecture anchored in international law

Foreign ministers of ASEAN countries on November 21 issued a joint statement welcoming the recent summit between US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping and stressing the importance of a regional architecture anchored in international law.

In their statement, they said they were encouraged by the continued commitment of the US and Chinese leaders, who met in California on November 15, 2023, to maintain open lines of communication and manage the two countries’ relationship responsibly by building on the November 2022 meeting in Bali.

Both China and the US are comprehensive strategic partners of ASEAN. The ASEAN foreign ministers welcomed the two countries’ commitments to the key principles, shared values, and norms enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC), the Declaration of the East Asia Summit (EAS) on the Principles for Mutually Beneficial Relations (Bali Principles), and the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP).

They affirmed the sharing of the common interest to reinforce an open, transparent, resilient, and inclusive regional architecture anchored in international law, with ASEAN at the centre as guided by the purposes and principles of ASEAN and ASEAN-led mechanisms, and to build trust and confidence among all countries in the region.

The statement said ASEAN encourages China and the US, as long-standing partners of ASEAN, to continuing supporting the ASEAN Community building process and peace, stability, and prosperity of the Southeast Asian region, based on mutual interests and mutual benefits.

ASEAN stands ready to work together with China and the US in maintaining and promoting the region as an epicentrum of growth by building resilience against emerging challenges and future shocks through engagement and cooperation, and safeguarding peace, security and development in the region and the world at large, according to the statement.

Russian researcher honoured for contributing to Vietnamese literature

Russian researcher Associate Professor and Dr Anatoly Sokolov of the Oriental Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences has been given an insignia  “For the cause of literature and arts of Vietnam” for his Vietnamese studies.

Speaking at the awarding ceremony held at the Vietnamese Embassy in Russia on November 21, Chairman of the Union of Arts and Literature Associations of Vietnam (VULA) Do Hong Quan said that the researcher is among the first scholars and translators who brought Russian literature works to Vietnamese readers and vice versa.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Russia Dang Minh Khoi affirmed that the insignia is a recognition of VULA in particular and Vietnam in general for the Russian scholar’s efforts in researching, introducing and promoting Vietnamese literature and art to the Russian public and international friends. They also contribute to building and strengthening friendship relationships and comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

The ambassador also suggested VULA, Russian researchers organise activities to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on Principles of Friendly Relations between Vietnam and Russia next year.

Sokolov has long been well known to many Vietnamese people as the editor of the "Vietnamese-Russian Dictionary". He is also the author of more than 100 articles and research projects about Vietnam in different fields, particularly literature and art.

With extensive knowledge of Vietnamese, Anatoly Sokolov is also a reputable translator, having participated in translating many Vietnamese literary works into Russian.

Vice President’s visit hoped to promote ties with Norway: Ambassador

Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan’s visit to Norway is expected to create a new momentum for the development of bilateral relations, Vietnamese Ambassador Dinh Nho Hung told Vietnam News Agency.

The diplomat said that the relationship between Vietnam and Norway is developing positively with increased cooperation activities in both quantity and quality. The two sides have strengthened meetings and delegation exchanges at all levels and in various fields.

The two countries as well as the International Partners Group (IPG) adopted a political declaration on the establishment of the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP). All the plans postponed in two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic have been resumed, including the deputy ministerial-level Political Consultation in March 2023, he noted.

The two sides have worked on the negotiation of a number of agreements, the ambassador said, adding that the visa exemption policy for Norwegian citizens entering Vietnam has been expanded, with the temporary stay period increased from 15 days to 45 days.

For many years, Norway has been an important partner of Vietnam, said Ambassador Hung, noting that the European country has provided Vietnam with active support in implementing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the past and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at present.

Norway has offered about 320 million USD to Vietnam, while many Norwegian firms have effectively operated in Vietnam, he said, adding that tourism activities between the two sides have bustled.

Ambassador Hung underlined that businesses of both sides have shown increasing interest in cooperating with each other, while more opportunities are being seen in bilateral partnership in the fields of green economy, circular economy, sustainable development, renewable energy, and marine economy, which are expected to contribute to the growth of both countries, matching the major trends of the world in the next 1-2 decades.

The diplomat pointed to three foundations that enable Vietnam and Norway to be optimistic about their relations in the future. Firstly, despite fluctuations in the world, Vietnam has remained stabled growth and made active and positive contributions to the joint efforts in the region and the world for peace and development. Secondly, Norway is a leading country in green industries with its strengths in technology solutions, finance and experience, providing effective support to developing countries in SDG realisation and climate change response. And thirdly, the world is facing many great challenges, evolving at a faster pace than previously forecast, requiring countries regardless of their sizes to increase cooperation.

Regarding the significance of Vice President Xuan’s upcoming visit to Norway at the invitation of Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre, Ambassador Hung said that the visit will be a highlight of the Vietnam-Norway relations.

This will be the first visit to Norway by the Vietnamese Vice President, which is expected to create a new momentum for the growth of the relations between the two countries, contributing to increasing the cooperation efficiency and optimising collaboration potential, while implementing Vietnam’s external policy of independence, self-reliance, cooperation, development, multilateralisation and diversification, active and positive international integration, being friend, trustworthy partner, positive and responsible member of the international community, he said.

Vice President Xuan’s visit is also expected to contribute to implementing important development strategies, planning and programmes of the countries, while promoting the realisation of national targets in SDGs implementation and commitments given at the UN Climate Change Conference.

Activities that the Vice President will conduct in Norway are hoped to help expand bilateral cooperation opportunities in trade, investment, education, science-technology and culture, mobilising resources for national development, said the ambassador.

He said that during the visit, Vice President Xuan is scheduled to mention many important cooperation areas, including sustainable and green development, as well as solutions to support the development of circular economy, marine economy, green agriculture, sustainable aquatic farming, and plastic waste treatment.

Particularly, the two sides will discuss cooperation and support to Vietnam in realising the JETP and the implementation of Vietnam’s energy development plans, as well as solutions to promote efficient energy use, contributing to the achievement of Vietnam’s net-zero emission commitment by 2050 and ensuring the national energy security and equality in energy transition.

The two sides will also discuss the speeding up of the negotiations on a free trade agreement between Vietnam and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) states which comprises Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, and Liechtenstein and has a total GDP of 1.2 trillion USD, said Ambassador Hung.

Vietnam, Denmark agree to soon implement green strategic partnership

Vietnamese Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan and Prime Minister of Denmark Mette Frederiksen held talks in Copenhagen on November 21, during which they agreed on the need to soon carry out the joint statement on establishing the green strategic partnership.

Vice President Xuan, who is paying an official visit to Denmark at the invitation of PM Frederiksen, affirmed that Vietnam always attaches importance to and wants to enhance the friendship, cooperation, and comprehensive partnership with the European country.

She expressed her belief that the trip will help strengthen the comprehensive partnership and implement the freshly-established green strategic partnership for the sake of the two nations' people.

Welcoming the Vietnamese delegation, PM Frederiksen stated the Danish Government treasures the friendship, cooperation, and comprehensive partnership with Vietnam – an important partner of Denmark in the Asia-Pacific region, especially in terms of trade and investment, and that it hopes to further reinforce the bilateral relations in economy, environment - climate - energy, and green development.

The host leader said she believed the recently-established green strategic partnership will provide new impetus for the bilateral comprehensive partnership, particularly in the fields of sustainable development and green transition.

To foster the bilateral ties in the time ahead, both sides agreed to continue increasing high-level delegation exchanges, and coordinate with and support each other at multilateral forums.

Vice President Xuan thanked the Danish Government for advocating Vietnam’s hosting of the Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 (P4G) summit in 2025.

With regard to trade and investment, the two leaders agreed that their countries’ governments, ministries, and sectors need to encourage Vietnamese and Danish enterprises to implement investment projects in the fields matching Denmark’s strengths and Vietnam’s development orientations in the time ahead such as renewable energy, marine economy, food processing, and green growth.

Vice President Xuan called on the Danish Government to raise voice to prompt the parliaments of the remaining EU countries to ratify the EU - Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA), support the European Commission (EC)’s removal of its “yellow card” warning on illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing against Vietnam’s seafood exports, and help the Southeast Asian country develop aquaculture towards sustainability.

PM Frederiksen affirmed that she has always paid attention to this issue and supports the EC and Vietnam’s discussions on the removal of the “yellow card”.

At the talks, the two leaders emphasised the need to expand green growth-oriented economic relations and bolster cooperation in green transition and climate change response, thus helping with the two governments’ efforts to realise the commitments to net zero emissions, made at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), and the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Danish PM stated that Denmark is ready to work with Vietnam in the new areas of green transition and just energy transition, especially renewable energy that the European country has rich experience in and financial capacity for.

Appreciating Denmark’s important assistance to Vietnam to reach socio-economic development targets and the Sustainable Development Goals, Vice President Xuan stressed that the two sides should keep cooperation to effectively implement projects on energy, sustainable development, and vocational training, including the Vietnam - Denmark Energy Partnership Programme for 2020 - 2025.

PM Frederiksen spoke highly of the Vietnamese community’s integration into the local economy and society as well as their substantial contributions to the bilateral relations. She agreed with her guest’s proposal on continuing to give favourable conditions for Vietnamese people in Denmark to act as a friendship bridge between the two countries.
Talking about regional and international issues of shared concern, Vice President Xuan highly valued Denmark’s role and voice in the international arena.

PM Frederiksen noted she was particularly impressed with Vietnam’s strong commitments and role at multilateral forums, and that Denmark hoped to join hands with Vietnam to realise the Sustainable Development Goals.

Both host and guest reaffirmed the importance of peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the world as well as peace, stability, safety, security and freedom of navigation in the East Sea. They voiced their support for international law and the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Vice President Xuan said she hoped PM Frederiksen will pay a visit to Vietnam soon at the invitation of PM Pham Minh Chinh. The Danish PM agreed with pleasure.

Vietnam Film Festival opens in Da Lat city

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha on November 21 night beat the gong to open the 23rd Vietnam Film Festival at a ceremony held in Da Lat city in the Central Highlands province of Lam Dong.

Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Ta Quang Dong said that since the 22nd edition, Vietnamese cinema has made remarkable development steps, affirming professionalism and innovation efforts of managers and artists.

The cinema has made an important contribution to promote the image of Vietnam and its people, culture and tourism to international friends, he said.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Pham S assessed that the film festival is one of the practical and meaningful activities to celebrate the 130th founding anniversary of Da Lat city, and also offers an opportunity to promote and introduce the culture, people, and landscapes of Lam Dong to a large number of domestic and foreign visitors.

During the festival, Da Lat city expects to welcome some 190,000 visitors, including 8,000 foreigners.

The event, which aims to honour outstanding cinematographic works, film makers, and artists in the industry, features an array of activities such as an exhibition entitled “Da Lat – a source of inspiration for cinema” on November 21 and a series of cinematic conferences on November 22 and 23.

As many as 147 films are expected to be screened for free on this occasion, including movies Nha Ba Nu (The House of No Man), Em va Trinh (Trinh and his muses), Nguoi Vo Cuoi Cung (The Last Wife), and Tro Tan Ruc Ro (Glorious Ash).

Ninety-one best films have been chosen to vie for the Lotus Awards held within the film festival, comprising 16 feature films, 31 documentaries, 19 science films and 25 cartoons.

2026 FIFA World Cup qualifier: Vietnam lose 0-1 to Iraq in injury time

Vietnam lost 0-1 to Iraq at the dying minutes in a Group F match of the second qualification round of the 2026 FIFA World Cup at Hanoi’s My Dinh National Stadium on November 21 evening.

The Iraqi team dominated the match right from the start of the match and kept Vietnamese defenders on alert almost all the time. In the first half, no less than three times Vietnam goalkeeper Van Lam faced high-risk finishing situations as his opponents were in convenient positions to score.

The excellence of goalkeeper Van Lam and the concentration of the defenders helped Vietnam maintain a draw throughout the 90 minutes of official time.

Vietnamese players created difficulties for Iraq during the match. However, a goal for Iraq was scored by Mohanad Ali at 90+6 when the match was only seconds from the final whistle.

Before the match, the head coach of Vietnam's national football team Philippe Troussier, experts and fans expected a draw with the strongest team in Group F.

Despite the defeat, Vietnam is still temporarily ranked 2nd in the group with three points.

In the group, Vietnam will have two matches against Indonesia on March 21 and 26, 2023, one against the Philippines on June 6, 2024, and another against Iraq on June 11, 2024.

Progenitor of Vietnamese traditional medicine honoured by UNESCO

Progenitor of Vietnamese traditional medicine Hai Thuong Lan Ong Le Huu Trac has been honoured as an eminent personality by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).

The UNESCO General Conference on November 21 passed a resolution on the list of eminent personalities and historical events commemorated in 2023 - 2024 at its 42nd session in Paris, France.

The year 2024 will mark the 300th birth anniversary of the Vietnamese talented medic. To honour his contributions and merits to Vietnam’s medicine, culture, and folklore, Vietnam prepared a dossier and submitted it to UNESCO for recognition, which was highly evaluated by international experts.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ha Kim Ngoc, who is also Chairman of the Vietnam National Commission for UNESCO and head of the Vietnamese delegation to the 42nd session of the UNESCO General Conference, said that the UNESCO's recognition of Hai Thuong Lan Ong Le Huu Trac is the acknowledgement and appreciation of the international community for the famous physician's contributions to society and the community, especially the humanistic ideology of "living for everyone" and the spirit of "life-time learning” which are the values that the organisation is promoting.

The resolution was passed by all UNESCO members, showing the clearest affirmation of the great contributions of Vietnamese people in the fields of education, health, culture, and society, and demonstrating their spread of talent and intelligence in the international arena, he said.

Deputy Minister of Health Do Xuan Tuyen, who was also present at the event, emphasised that famous physician Le Huu Trac was a historical figure who left a treasure of great values in the fields of medicine, culture, and education.

Ambassador Le Thi Hong Van, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to UNESCO, said that Vietnam's nomination dossier was carefully prepared and highly appreciated by international experts, met the standards and criteria set by UNESCO, especially following the organisation's ideals and missions in the fields of education, science, culture, and information - communications, contributing to promoting peace, cultural dialogue, and mutual understanding among nations.

Le Huu Trac (1724 - 1791), alias Hai Thuong Lan Ong, hailed from the northern province of Hung Yen. 

He was not only a great physician and pharmacist but also an excellent poet and writer, and a thinker with progressive thought and profound humanitarian spirit. After passing away, he was honoured as the “Saint of medicine of Vietnam”. 
He left a large number of works, which reflect his deep knowledge, progressive thought, and pure morality, and set a bright example of medical ethics, principles, and practices for following generations. For those reasons, he was considered the progenitor of Vietnam's traditional medicine. 

As the year 2024 will mark the 300th birth anniversary of Le Huu Trac, UNESCO’s decision to commemorate the great physician is a recognition of his dedications to the medicine, literature, and culture of Vietnam and the world.

At the session, aside from the dossier on the Vietnamese figure, UNESCO also approved 52 others.

So far, UNESCO has approved resolutions honouring and commemorating the birth/death anniversaries of several Vietnamese figures, namely the 600th birth anniversary of Nguyen Trai (approved in 1980), the 100th birth anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh (1990), the 250th birth anniversary of Nguyen Du (2015), the 650th death anniversary of Chu Van An (2019), the 200th birth anniversary of Nguyen Dinh Chieu (2021), the 250th birth and 200th death anniversaries of Ho Xuan Huong (2021), and the 300th birth anniversary of Hai Thuong Lan Ong Le Huu Trac (2023).

President welcomes IFRC delegates

President Vo Van Thuong hosted a reception on November 21 for leaders of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) who are in Hanoi to attend the IFRC’s 11th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference.

The President thanked the IFRC, the International Committee of the Red Cross, Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of countries and international organisations for their cooperation and effective support for Vietnam over the past years, especially in times of natural disasters and diseases.  

He said upholding the fine compassionate tradition of the nation, the Party and State of Vietnam pay great attention to humanitarian activities in the country and in the world. Vietnam considers humanitarian work a regular task of the entire political system, the State leader said.

He pointed out that as climate change has brought about increasing extreme weather phenomena all over the world, the Asia-Pacific region is facing great challenges as one of the regions most vulnerable to climate change. Climate change-related threats to humans’ survival are forecast to have serious impacts on efforts to improve the life of people in the region.

President Thuong strongly believed that international cooperation and solidarity have decisive significance to enhancing the capacity of conducting humanitarian activities and responding to disasters.  

With the theme "Asia-Pacific: Preparedness for Disasters", the IFRC’s 11th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference provides a good opportunity for the region to share experience and enhance capacity to build a humanitarian network for the region and the world, he said.

The IFRC delegates remarked that the Red Cross Society of Vietnam has operated dynamically and strongly, contributing greatly to the international Red Cross movement.

Many delegates expressed the hope to continue coordinating with the Vietnam Red Cross Society to further expand international humanitarian activities.

Drug, wildlife crime crackdown operation successful: conference

Operation Mekong Dragon V (OMD V), a programme cracking down on drug and wildlife trafficking in Asia-Pacific, was successful, heard a conference held by the General Department of Vietnam Customs in Hanoi on November 21.

OMD is a joint action programme of customs agencies and other law enforcement bodies in the Asia-Pacific region to fight the illegal trading in drugs, wild animals and plants, and products from the species in the list of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

Co-initiated by the customs authorities of Vietnam and China, it was launched in 2018 with technical support from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Regional Intelligence Liaison Office for Asia and the Pacific (RILO AP). Five phases of the programme have been carried out so far.

OMD V was implemented from April 15 to November 16, 2023 with the participation of 25 customs agencies, law enforcement bodies, and international organisations. As many as 1,715 cases were uncovered during the period as reported by member countries, surging 111% from the fourth phase, statistics showed.

Addressing the event, representatives of the Vietnamese and Chinese customs forces and international organisations affirmed that OMD V was successful.

They said the operation’s success showed the activeness of Vietnam Customs, whose cooperation quality, seriousness, and sense of responsibility were highly valued by international customs and law enforcement agencies.

During the operation, the police departments for drug crime investigation and environmental crime combat under the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security also coordinated with the customs force to investigate and uncover many drug and wildlife trafficking cases. They also contributed many ideas to the operation.

Kim Hyeon Seok, Head of RILO AP, said drug trafficking is the main source of revenue for organised crime gangs, and fighting drug crimes is always one of the top priorities of RILO AP member customs agencies. Besides, illegal wildlife trading is also often supported by organised crimes and big resources to be carried out on a large scale.

Therefore, OMD is a practical and effective move in international cooperation in crime prevention and control, he noted.

OMD is assessed as one of the most successful crackdown operations in the Asia-Pacific in terms of the numbers of members (nearly 30) and the cases updated on its information system. Intelligence information has been shared among countries to help deal with many major drug and wildlife trafficking cases.

Ministry of Public Security strengthens cooperation with Chinese People's Armed Police

Vietnamese Minister of Public Security General To Lam received Chief of Staff of the Chinese People's Armed Police Zhou Jianguo in Hanoi on November 21.

Lam said that the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership has been developing fruitfully and effectively thanks to trusted cooperation in politics, economy, defence, security, culture, social affairs and people-to-people exchanges.

Defence and security cooperation is the pillar and a "bright spot" in the overall relationship between the two countries, making an important contribution to peace, prosperity, and development in the world and the region, he said.

To further develop the cooperation between the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security and the Chinese People's Armed Police, Lam proposed the two sides promote the exchange of delegations at all levels, and study, build, and soon sign a cooperation agreement in fields where the two sides have the same functions and tasks to create a legal framework to implement specific cooperation activities.

He also suggested the two sides study and support the organisation of training courses for officers in areas, including counterterrorism, anti-protest, and anti-riot; share experience; hold joint exercises; coordinate to solve common problems such as search and rescue; and organise cultural exchanges, martial arts performances, or sports activities.

On this occasion, Lam asked Zhou to convey his sincere regards and invitation to Commander of the Chinese People's Armed Police Sen. Lt. Gen. Wang Chunning to visit Vietnam at an appropriate time.

For his part, Zhou affirmed that China attaches great importance to the long-standing traditional friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

He expressed his hope that the relationship between the two Parties, two countries, and two agencies will develop stably and effectively, particularly the cooperation between the Chinese People's Armed Police and the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security.

Party leader’s book on Vietnam’s diplomacy launched

A book of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on the building and development of Vietnam’s diplomacy deeply imbued with the characteristics of “Vietnamese bamboo” made debut at a ceremony held in Hanoi on November 21.

The book is divided into three parts, with the first focusing on the important role of and major contributions by diplomacy to national construction and defence. It consists of an overview article and seven speeches the Party leader delivered at meetings of the Party Central Committee and national diplomatic and foreign affairs conferences.

The second part – Vietnam’s foreign affairs for independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, cooperation, and development – gathers 78 speeches, writings, interviews, letters, and messages of the General Secretary at bilateral and multilateral diplomatic activities and forums, showing the close and harmonious coordination among the diplomatic pillars of Party-to-Party, State-to-State, and people-to-people diplomacy.

The third part is about the hallmarks of the country’s foreign affairs and diplomacy. It features 52 opinions of international experts, politicians, diplomats, researchers, and friends about General Secretary Trong’s role and contributions to the formation and development of Vietnam’s comprehensive and modern foreign policy. It also includes the memories, impressions, and stories shared by Vietnamese diplomats, journalists, and expatriates who used to accompany or meet the leader during his visits and working trips in the country and abroad, reflecting their sentiment towards, respect for, and trust in the Party and the General Secretary’s leadership.

Addressing the launch, Truong Thi Mai, Politburo member, Permanent member of the Party Central Committee Secretariat and Chairwoman of the Party Central Committee’s Organisation Commission, said the publication of the book demonstrates that the Party always views foreign affairs as an essential, constant, and important task of the entire political system and a major contributor to the national construction and defence.

She noted the book is the biggest and most meticulous and vivid demonstration of that unique and consistent characteristic of Vietnam’s diplomacy, she continued.

Mai held that it is a valuable reference book for those wishing to learn about the country’s foreign policy and also a clear illustration of the Party and State’s consistent foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, cooperation, development, diversification, and multilateralisation. It also reflects international experts, politicians, diplomats, and friends’ support for the Party leader’s role and contributions to foreign affairs over the past years.

Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son said the book shows the General Secretary’s strategic vision, wisdom, and clear-sighted leadership and directions over foreign affairs and diplomacy.

Holding theoretical and practical values, it is a precious handbook on diplomacy for those working on foreign affairs of sectors, all-level authorities, and the entire political system, he added.

Vietnam gains major successes thanks to ‘bamboo diplomacy’: Indonesian researcher

Vietnam has obtained major successes in the international arena thanks to its “bamboo diplomacy” policy, an Indonesian scholar has said.

Talking to the Vietnam News Agency (VNA)'s resident correspondent in Indonesia, Veeramalla Anjaiah, a senior researcher at the Jakarta-based Centre for Southeast Asia Studies (CSEAS), highly evaluated Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s contributions to Vietnam’s diplomacy through the introduction of the term “bamboo diplomacy” in 2016.

Bamboo is important to the history, culture, and daily life of the Vietnamese people, and it symbolises strength, durability, and resilience. General Secretary Trong introduced the term of “bamboo diplomacy” based on those characteristics of the plant to imply that independence, self-reliance, diversification and multilateralisation form the lodestar of the country’s foreign policy.

The former senior editor at The Jakarta Post held that the “bamboo diplomacy” aims to respond to the shift of power of major countries in the region; promote trade and the culture and identity of Vietnam; and emphasise the foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, activeness, and non-intervention.

The country’s “bamboo diplomacy” has succeeded in maintaining relations with big countries while ensuring that national interests are protected, he said, adding Vietnam is currently one of the countries with considerable diplomatic influence in Southeast Asia.

With this special foreign policy, Vietnam has obtained major successes in the international arena. It now has diplomatic relations with more than 190 countries, and comprehensive strategic partnerships (CSP) with the US, China, Russia, India, and the Republic of Korea. It has also laid the foundation for setting up the CSPs with Japan, Australia, Indonesia, and Singapore.

Veeramalla noted that the country has become an active and responsible member of over 70 important international organisations and forums such as the United Nations, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), and the World Trade Organisation (WTO). It has become a country friendly to all.

In 2019, the S-shaped nation made strong impression when it was elected as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the 2020 - 2021 term with 192 approval votes out of the total 193. It has also gained considerable economic and trade achievements, the researcher went on.

He said through the “bamboo diplomacy” policy, Vietnam has helped promote a rules-based regional security architecture, peacefully resolve international disputes, and maintain the strategic balance in its relations with major countries.

It has committed to stepping up the building and consolidation of the strategic trust in the region and expressed its wish that all disputes, including those in the East Sea, must be settled peacefully on the basis of international law such as the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The country has also called for an effective code of conduct in the East Sea to be achieved to sustain peace, stability, security, and freedom of navigation and overflight in the region, according to the researcher.

Minister applauds results of defence cooperation with EU

Minister of National Defence Gen. Phan Van Giang received Ambassador Julien Guerrier, Head of the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Vietnam, in Hanoi on November 21.

The minister said Vietnam - EU relations have been growing well in the recent past with both sides’ leaders paying attention to promoting the bilateral strategic partnership, including defence cooperation.

He spoke highly of the recent defence cooperation results, which match the EU - Vietnam Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) and the two sides’ Framework Participation Agreement (FPA). These agreements have enabled Vietnam to take part in crisis management activities of the EU. Positive results have been recorded in multiple areas such as security dialogue, training, UN peacekeeping operations, and war aftermath settlement.

Giang proposed both sides keep enhancing fruitful cooperation with a focus on holding all-level mutual visits, maintaining the effectiveness of the annual security dialogue, and addressing war consequences.

With regard to UN peacekeeping operations, the minister suggested the EU continue sending experts to Vietnam to share experience and train the personnel about to assume duties, especially at the missions of the EU.

He expressed his hope that the ambassador will make active contributions to promoting the Vietnam - EU relations, including defence ties, for the sake of peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the regions and the world.

For his part, Guerrier said he treasured the bilateral relations, and highly valued Vietnam’s efforts in defence cooperation activities with the EU, particularly in UN peacekeeping operations.

Calling for Vietnam’s long-term collaboration in this field, the diplomat suggested the two sides further boost defence cooperation through delegation exchanges, training, and sharing of cybersecurity and peacekeeping experience.

Hai Phong exhibition displays antiques

More than 200 antiques, including stone artifacts from the Late Neolithic Era, are on display at Hai Phong Museum in the northern port city of Hai Phong from November 21.

Jointly organized by Hai Phong Museum in collaboration with the municipal antiques association, the exhibition is part of activities to mark the 78th anniversary of Vietnam Cultural Heritage Day (November 23, 1945 – 2023).

Director of Hai Phong Museum Bui Thi Nguyet Nga said the exhibition is hoped to bring interesting experiences to visitors and help them understand more about the precious cultural heritage left by the ancestors.

The exhibition features a variety of antiques from the stone age of the Late Neolithic Era, working tools of prehistoric people, bronze objects and artifacts of the Le - Nguyen dynasties, and ceramic antiquities, among other items that delineate tales of ancient heritage.

The diversity and uniqueness of each artifact clearly represents Vietnamese culture, affirming the identity of an independent and civilized country.

The event will last until the end of April 2024.

Hanoi, UK cities share experience in developing Creative City brand

A dialogue themed “Hanoi Creative City – City Branding and Sector Development” was held in Hanoi by the municipal Department of Culture and Sports and the British Council in Vietnam.

The workshop gave updates on Hanoi's development progress as a Creative City of Design, and analysed urban construction models that apply cultural identity and national heritage from the UK.

Director of the Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports Do Dinh Hong stated that Hanoi is the first locality in Vietnam to issue a resolution on cultural industry development, which emphasises the development of a Creative City. In addition, the draft Capital Law (amended) also has provisions on the development of the cultural industry and a Creative City.

Hanoi is gradually positioning the Creative City brand to realise the vision of building the capital as a creative centre of Southeast Asia in the field of design, he added.

Representatives from UK Creative Cities such as Belfast, Derry-Londonderry, and Dundee shared experiences in branding when joining the UNESCO Creative Cities Network.

Chris McCreery, Culture Development Manager at Belfast City Council, said that Belfast, as a Creative City of Music, places creativity and people at the centre of development of culture, tourism and music. The city has carried out many development programmes honouring culture and creativity.

Poppy Jarratt, Project Coordinator at UNESCO City of Design Dundee, said the city organises the Dundee Month of Design every May with design-related activities, bringing together a large number of designers and people.
Both delegates from Hanoi and the UK shared the view on the need to create spaces for creative activities, suggesting using abandoned shops in the immediate future. But in the long run, a land fund should be set up for this purpose, they said.  

Donna McGowan, Director of the British Council in Vietnam, affirmed that the British Council will actively cooperate with Hanoi in developing the cultural industry.

Vietnam-Germany University marks 15th anniversary

The establishment of the Vietnam-Germany University (VGU) is a fruit of the longstanding special relations between the two countries, stated Deputy Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Van Phuc at a November 21 ceremony marking the facility’s 15th founding anniversary.

Strong support from an association of nearly 40 German universities has helped the VGU expand international opportunities, following the German education model, Phuc noted in his remarks.

Founded on September 1, 2008, the university has attracted nearly 3,000 students enrolled in seven undergraduate and 10 master's programmes with a focus on high-tech engineering and economics.

The World Bank has provided a 200 million USD grant for the VGU to construct a new campus and facilitate training and research, serving the development of high-quality human resources in the southern province of Binh Duong and the southeastern region of Vietnam.

Looking ahead to 2030, the VGU has set a plan to extend its scale to 6,000 students and achieve new breakthroughs in academic partnerships between Asia and Europe.

Wartime objects, documents displayed in HCM City

The Ho Chi Minh City-based War Remnants Museum is hosting a special exhibition with 177 wartime photos, objects, and documents.

The display marks the 18th anniversary of Vietnam Cultural Heritage Day (November 23), and the 83rd anniversary of the Southern Uprising (November 23), towards the 79th anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army (December 22).

The exhibits are expected to give visitors an insight into the war against the US, promote patriotism among youths and raise their awareness of peace protection, and national construction, said Director of the museum Tran Xuan Thao.

The exhibition will run to the end of next March.

Photo exhibition to showcase colours of Vietnamese ethnic groups

A photo exhibition spotlighting colours of 54 Vietnamese ethnic communities is set to be held at the Vietnam National Village for Ethnic Culture and Tourism in Son Tay town's Dong Mo on the outskirts of Hanoi from November 22 to 26.

On display will be 160 works by 67 individuals, who are amateur and professional photographers, journalists, and researchers from across the country.

The photos capture typical culture of the groups regarding their traditions, religions, lifestyles, costumes, and festivals, among many other features.

According to a representative of the Department of Fine Arts, Photography and Exhibition the displayed works depict vivid, authentic, and precious moments. The exhibition once again affirms the attention of the Party, State and people to preserving and promoting the ethnic groups’ cultural values.

The exhibition can be attended virtually at http://ape.gov.vn.

Vietnam finish second at HYX 16th World Wushu Championships

Vietnam won five gold, three silver and three bronze medals at the HYX 16th World Wushu Championships in Texas, the US.

With this result, Vietnam ranked second in the medal tally, after China. This is also the best achievement Vietnam have gained at the world championships.

On the last competition day on early November 21 (Hanoi time), Vietnam’s Huynh Do Dat, Nguyen Thi Lan, and Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy grabbed gold medals in the men’s and women’s Sanda (fighting) events.

Held from November 17-21 in Fort Worth, the tournament attracted over 500 athletes from 72 countries and territories competing in 22 men's and women's categories.

Vietnam sent 13 athletes to this year’s championships. In the previous edition in 2019, the Vietnamese team won one gold, four silver and four bronze medals.

NA deputies touch upon corruption fight

Legislators opined on the fight against corruption and other negative phenomena as part of the ongoing sixth session of the 15th National Assembly in Hanoi on November 21.

Inspector General of the Government Inspectorate (GI) Doan Hong Phong reported that the fight has been stepped up and made progress in 2023, helping reinforce public trust and fulfill socio-economic tasks set for the year.

However, it has remained complex and serious in certain areas, especially land, bidding, securities, corporate bonds, banking, registration, and health care, causing severe consequences and stirring public outrage, he pointed out.

The official also noted loopholes and limitations in relevant legal regulations, along with drawbacks in the self-inspection work, and asset evaluation and recovery.

Delivering a verification report, Chairwoman of the NA’s Committee for Judicial Affairs Le Thi Nga said the Government, ministries, agencies and localities have enhanced anti-corruption measures, streamlined administrative procedures, enhanced scientific application in management, promoted cashless payment, and increased inspections and supervisions.

More attention has been paid to combating corruption in non-State businesses and agencies, she added.

The committee asked concerned agencies to work harder to trace causes of crimes and draw lessons to intensify State and socio-economic management in order to prevent similar cases in the time ahead.

Bo Thi Xuan Linh, a deputy from Binh Thuan province, suggested some solutions to raise the efficiency of anti-corruption work in 2024 and beyond such as promoting the role of leaders of agencies, organisations and localities in the work; rolling out mechanisms and sanctions to better supervisions and social criticism; improving the capacity and operational efficiency of competent agencies; and classifying violators.

Earlier, Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy Le Minh Tri presented a report on the operation of the procuracy sector, in which he proposed reforming regulations on handling economic and corruption-related crimes.

Vice President meets head of Denmark-Vietnam Friendship Organisation

Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan hosted a reception for the Denmark-Vietnam Friendship Organisation (DAVIFO) right after she arrived in Copenhagen on November 20 (local time) for an official visit to the European country.

She affirmed that the Vietnamese State highly values the organisation’s contributions to the comprehensive partnership between the two countries over the past more than 45 years.

DAVIFO has also played a role in promoting the land and people of Vietnam in Denmark, and enhancing the friendship between the two peoples, Xuan continued.

She noted her hope that the organisation will continue its support to Vietnam, and mobilise more resources for projects in disadvantaged areas in the Southeast Asian nation.

DAVIFO President Trine Glue Doan told her guest that the organisation has held many community events annually to share information about Vietnam, and raised funds for and supported development projects in the country.

DAVIFO will work harder to better assist Vietnamese people, while enhancing cooperation with the Sweden – Vietnam, Norway - Vietnam friendship organisations to promote Vietnam’s image in the three Scandinavian countries, she pledged.

The two sides agreed to foster cooperation between DAVIFO and the Vietnam-Denmark Friendship Association, thus enhancing exchanges between residents of the two countries, especially their youths.

The Vice President also called at the Vietnamese Embassy in Denmark, and engaged in a meeting with the embassy's staff and representatives of the Vietnamese community in the country.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes