Vietnam and Mongolia have issued a joint communiqué on the occasion of the State visit to Vietnam by Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh and his spouse from November 1-5 at the invitation of Vietnamese President Vo Van Thuong.

During the visit, President Khurelsuk held talks with President Vo Van Thuong, met with Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue.

He also paid tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum, attended the Vietnam-Mongolia Business Forum, visited the mobile calvary police force of the Mobile Police Force High Command under the Ministry of Public Security and toured several economic and cultural establishments in Hoa Binh province.

During the visit, the two sides engaged in practical discussions on measures to enhance bilateral cooperation in various fields, including politics, national defence, security, economy, education, sci-tech, transportation, logistics, culture, tourism and people-to-people exchange, as well as global and regional issues of shared interest, toward creating a more comprehensive and substantive framework for the bilateral relationship as the two countries will celebrate the 70th anniversary of diplomatic ties next year. 

President Khurelsukh and his spouse expressed their sincere thanks to President Thuong, his spouse, leaders and people of Vietnam for their warm and considerate reception of the Mongolian delegation.

The Mongolian President invited President Thuong and his spouse to pay a State visit to Mongolia on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties next year. President Thuong thanked and accepted the invitation with pleasure.

Dutch Prime Minister concludes Vietnam visit

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and his entourage left Hanoi on November 2 evening, concluding their official visit to Vietnam from November 1-2 at the invitation of PM Pham Minh Chinh.

While in Vietnam, PM Rutte attended an official welcome ceremony, and engaged in talks and a banquet with PM Chinh.

At talks, PM Chinh stressed that the visit holds significance as the two countries are celebrating the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties, contributing to further deepening the Vietnam-Netherlands comprehensive partnership.

He affirmed the two countries’ determination to collaborate and develop self-reliance and sustainability, thus making positive contributions to peace, stability and development in the region and the world.

The Dutch PM described Vietnam as a priority and important partner of the Netherlands in the Indo-Pacific, and expressed his delight at paying his third official visit to Vietnam and meeting with PM Chinh after almost a year since Chinh's official visit to the Netherlands in December 2022.

Both leaders pledged to further push for the framework of the Strategic Partnership on Climate Adaptation, Water Management, Sustainable Agriculture, and collectively contribute to addressing global challenges, particularly through cooperation in offshore sand mining, green economy, circular economy, climate-resilient urban development, and high-quality human resources training in climate change and water resource management, irrigation and disaster prevention.

Following their talks, the two PMs witnessed the exchange of four cooperation agreements between ministries, departments and associations of both countries in the fields of sustainable exploration and exploitation of key minerals, customs, investment and trade.

As part of the visit, they also rode bicycles together along streets in Hanoi.

They attended the Green Economy Forum 2023 with the theme "European-Vietnamese Collaboration Fuels Green Initiatives” organised by the European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (EuroCham).

The Dutch leader also visited the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, delivered a speech at a roundtable conference themed "International Law and Order at Sea", visited and talked with teachers and students of the Hanoi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted, a significant and iconic symbol of ties between the two countries.

On the sidelines of the visit, Rutte, along with his Vietnamese friends, enjoyed a tea tasting session at a renowned teahouse on Dien Bien Phu street on November 2 morning.

Ample room remains for EU-Vietnam cooperation: EC official

There remains an ample room for cooperation between the European Union (EU) and Vietnam in the fields of pharmaceuticals, food stuff and automobile industry, European Commission (EC) Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis, who is also the EU's Trade Commissioner, has said.

Received by Permanent Vice Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Tran Thanh Man in Hanoi on November 2, the official affirmed Vietnam is an important trade partner of the EU as well as its member countries. Therefore, his visit this time aims to continue promoting bilateral cooperation, particularly in trade.

According to him, the signing of the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) by Vietnam, the EU and partners is an important milestone in international collaboration in climate change response. The EC is drafting and developing a capital mobilisation plan to implement JETP expected to be announced at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference in mid-December in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Regarding the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, the official stated the EC recognises Vietnam’s huge efforts in perfecting the legal framework in this issue, adding that it will soon send another delegation to Vietnam to address related problems.

For his part, Man said that Vietnam welcomes positive results in the implementation of the EU - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), which makes an important contribution to promoting bilateral trade ties, especially in the context that the global economy, and supply chain are facing a lot of difficulties and uncertainties.

Over recent times, Vietnam has made efforts to handle issues of concern to the EU, especially that of market opening for pharmaceuticals, he stated.

He proposed the guest help push the ratification of the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) by parliaments of several EU members.

The official also suggested the EC and the EU Trade Commission encourage EU businesses to invest in Vietnam, especially in high-quality projects in processing, renewable energy and logistics; and support Vietnam in terms of capital, technology, legal affairs, human resources, green economic development, digital transformation, just energy transition, and climate change response.

Man expressed his hope that the EC will soon remove its "yellow card" warning against Vietnamese seafood exports, stressing that Vietnam is committed to maintaining close coordination with the EU to solve existing problems towards sustainable fisheries cooperation between the two sides. He suggested the EU continue to support the in sustainable fisheries exploitation projects and livelihood transformation for Vietnamese fishermen.

Party official pays working visit to Nicaragua to seek closer ties

A high-ranking delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), led by Phan Dinh Trac, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee and Chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Internal Affairs paid a working visit to Nicaragua from October 30- November 2. 

While in Nicaragua, Trac held talks with a high-ranking delegation of the Sandinista National Liberation Front Party (FSLN) of Nicaragua; met with President of the Nicaraguan National Assembly Dr. Gustavo Porras Cortés and Foreign Minister Denis Moncada, and had working sessions with leaders of several ministries and sectors. 

During the talks and meetings, the CPV official affirmed that the Vietnamese Party, State always value and aspire to further deepen the friendship and collaboration between Vietnam and Nicaragua as well as between the CPV and the FSLN on the basis of the traditional solidarity and friendship, closeness in views on international matters and common interests in the process of building and developing the country. 

The Nicaraguan National Assembly leader, Dr. Gustavo Porras reiterated the special solidarity with Vietnam and its people and praised the enormous achievements of the Southeast Asian country in its renewal cause under the leadership of the CPV over the past nearly four decades, saying that they are valuable experiences for Nicaragua and other Latin American countries to learn from and expand cooperation.

The two sides concurred to strengthen coordination and effectively implement the signed cooperation agreement in 2020 and raise the role of the two ruling parties in promoting high-level visits of their governments, ministries, sectors and localities; maintain the regular and flexible operation of the political consultation between the two foreign ministries, build and perfect legal frameworks in order to create favourable conditions for bilateral collaboration, and enhance exchanges between mass organisations and people of the two countries.

During the visit, the Vietnamese delegation engaged in a working session with the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity of Nicaragua with the participation of the ministers of Health, Agriculture, Finance and Credit, and General Director of Post and Telecommunications Academy to discuss specific proposals on bilateral cooperation in fields of the two countries' strength. They agreed to push ahead with cooperation agreements and proposals in health care, including traditional medicine, and seek effective models for partnership in agriculture and farm produce processing as well as possibilities for joint work in telecom, digital transformation and hi-tech industry.

Vietnam attaches importance to ties with Croatia

Vietnam always attaches importance to maintaining and strengthening its traditional friendship with countries in Eastern Europe, including Croatia, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Le Thi Thu Hang told Croatian Ambassador to Malaysia and Vietnam Ivan Velimir Starcevic during a reception on November 2.

During the meeting, the Deputy Minister and the Ambassador discussed ties between Vietnam and Croatia, as well as measures to step up bilateral ties in various fields in the coming time.

They welcomed the positive developments in political and diplomatic relations over the past years, particularly the Croatia visit by Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan in October 2022 and the political consultations between the two foreign ministries in March 2023, contributing to deepening substantive cooperation between the two nations.

The two sides agreed to jointly hold activities to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Vietnam – Croatia diplomatic ties next year.

Hang thanked Croatia for approving the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) and supporting the early ratification of the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) by the remaining EU member states as well as the lifting of the yellow card warning against Vietnamese aquatic products.

Starcevic briefed the host about Croatia's new policies after the country joined the Schengen area and Eurozone in January 2023, which he said, have opened up new opportunities for bilateral cooperation in areas of Vietnam’s demand and Croatia’s strength, such as labour, education-training, culture-sports-tourism.

He affirmed that the Croatian leaders and authorities always create favourable conditions for Vietnamese people to live, do business stably and legally in the country, thereby strengthening the friendly relations between the two nations.

Vietnam hopes for stronger cooperation with Mongolia: Party chief

The Party, State and people of Vietnam always want to practically promote bilateral comprehensive cooperation with Mongolia, a traditional friend, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong told visiting Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh in Hanoi on November 1.

The host leader affirmed that Vietnam always remembers the sentiments and valuable support of the Mongolian Government and people during its past struggle for national independence and reunification, as well as the present cause of national construction and development.

Trong expressed his belief that Khurelsukh's Vietnam visit will contribute to strengthening the traditional friendship between the two countries, especially when they are working towards the 70th anniversary of their diplomatic relations in 2024.
The Party chief briefed his guest on marked achievements Vietnam has recorded after nearly 40 years of Doi Moi (Reform), national development goals set out at the 13th National Party Congress, and the country’s foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, cooperation, development, and multilateralisation and diversification of relations.

He also spoke of major directions and measures to bring the bilateral relations to a new height in the new period, including exchanges and cooperation between the CPV and the Mongolian People's Party, and strengthening comprehensive cooperation for the sake of the two countries' people as well as for peace, stability and prosperity in the region and the world at large.

For his part, Khurelsukh congratulated Vietnam on its achievements in reform and socialism building, and expressed his belief that under the leadership of the CPV headed by Trong, the country will successfully materialise the resolution adopted at the 13th National Party Congress, and achieve targets set for 2030 and 2045.

Mongolia always cherishes the good traditional friendship between the two countries, and considers Vietnam a leading partner in Southeast Asia, he said, noting his hope for stronger relations between the two Parties, contributing to consolidating the political foundation of the bilateral relations.

Agreeing with Trong's views on major measures to foster the relationship, Khurelsukh emphasised his desire to work together Vietnam to elevate it to a new height.

Vietnam treasures traditional friendship with Mongolia: President

The Vietnamese Party and State treasure and wish to deepen the traditional friendship with Mongolia so as to elevate the bilateral ties to a new high in a substantive, effective, comprehensive fashion, President Vo Van Thuong said during his talks with Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh in Hanoi on November 1.

Welcoming the Mongolian guest, President Thuong highly valued President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh’s decision to choose Vietnam as the first country in Southeast Asia to make his bilateral visit, and congratulated Mongolia on its national construction and development achievements, especially initial success in the implementation of the New Revival Policy and the long-term development policy “Vision-2050”.

 The overview of the talks between President Vo Van Thuong and Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh (Photo: VNA)
At the talks, both leaders reached consensus on continuing to promote the bilateral relations across various fields and in accordance with the potential of each nation, join hands to carry out activities marking the 70th anniversary of the diplomatic relations in 2024, and accelerate the implementation of bilateral cooperation deals, thus contributing to consolidating political trust between the two nations, and setting up a new framework for the bilateral ties in the coming time.

Expressing their delight at the new progress in cooperation between the two countries, the two Presidents agreed to bolster collaboration in defence and security, and effectively implement existing cooperation mechanisms.

They described the establishment of the cavalry mobile police force under the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security’s Mobile Police Command a vivid illustration for the close and effective cooperation between the two sides.

As both economies have complementary strengths, the two leaders agreed to exert efforts to double the trade revenue in the future.

They spoke highly the role of the intergovernmental committee on economic, trade, science and technology cooperation, and concurred to enhance trade promotion and connection activities as well as step up collaboration in essential mining.

They also agreed to accelerate the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding on agricultural cooperation which was signed in 2022, while hailing competent authorities of both sides’ agreement on animal quarantine registration form, which, they said, will facilitate exports to each other.

They spoke highly of the efforts by both sides to open a direct flight between Vietnam and Mongolia on the outset of 2023, and voiced support for additional ones to meet travel demand of the two countries' people.

They said it is necessary to seek measures to remove bottlenecks in logistics as well as rail, sea and air transport between the two nations.

Besides, the two leaders agreed to boost collaboration across labour, education, healthcare, culture, tourism and citizen protection.

They also discussed global and regional situations, and concurred to step up close cooperation and support each other at international and regional forums of mutual interest, such as the UN, Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) ASEM, ARF, ASEAN and UNESCO.

They also affirmed the significance of guaranteeing peace, security, safety and freedom of navigation and overflight in the East Sea, maintaining an environment of peace, stability and legal order, and settling disputes at sea via peaceful means to ensure legitimate rights of nations in line with international law, including the UNCLOS 1982.

Following the talks, the two Presidents witnessed the signing of several cooperation deals in various fields, including security, economy-trade, immigration management and visa exemption for ordinary passport holders.

They also held a press conference after the talks, during which they laid stress on the sound friendship and traditional cooperation between the two countries.  

President Thuong expressed his belief that with the resolve from leaders and people of both sides, the Vietnam – Mongolia relations will be further consolidated, making contributions to the regional and global peace, stability, cooperation and development.

President Khurelsukh, meanwhile, expressed his delight at the time-tested relationship which has been intensified day by day, and hoped that his state visit to Vietnam will create an impetus to promote the traditional friendship in the future.

Vietnamese National Assembly treasures ties with Mongolia: Chairman

The Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) always values and wants to further develop the friendly and cooperative relations with Mongolia to a higher level through the Party, NA, Government, and people-to-people exchange channels, NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue told President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh at their meeting in Hanoi on November 2.

Chairman Hue said the Mongolian President’s selection of Vietnam as the first country in Southeast Asia to pay a State visit since he took office has demonstrated the importance that Mongolian leaders and the President personally place on the relationship with Vietnam.

He congratulated President Khurelsukh on his successful talks with Vietnamese President Vo Van Thuong with the signing of various cooperation agreements.

The host suggested that the Mongolian President direct the further facilitation of high-level delegation exchanges and bilateral meetings across various channels and holding joint celebrations for the 70th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties next year.

The NA Chairman proposed the two countries step up practical, effective, and comprehensive cooperation in such areas as economy, trade, investment, education and training, culture, tourism, people-to-people exchange, labour, national defence and security.

Chairman Hue also hoped that the guest will support increased bilateral cooperation and exchange of delegations between NA organs and deputies, close coordination at multilateral parliamentary forums such as the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF), and the Asia-Europe Parliamentary Partnership (ASEP), and mutual support on issues of shared interest.

On this occasion, he thanked and expected that the Mongolian President and Government would continue creating conditions and protecting the legitimate rights of the Vietnamese community living, working and studying in the country.

The Vietnamese NA and State will make every effort to provide favourable conditions for the Mongolian community in Vietnam, he said.

President Khurelsukh, for his part, informed the host that during his visit, the two countries’ leaders had agreed to upgrade the bilateral ties to a "comprehensive partnership" on the occasion of the 70th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties next year.

The two sides also signed an agreement on visa exemption for holders of diplomatic, official and ordinary passports. On this occasion, a ceremony was held to announce the opening of a direct flight route between Nha Trang (Khanh Hoa) and Mongolia’s capital city of Ulaanbaatar.

He expressed his wish to further promote the relationship with Vietnam in the next generations and in the next seven decades, adding that Vietnam is a very important partner of Mongolia.

The Mongolian leader affirmed that, in his capacity, he will reinforce cooperation between the two legislative bodies and between the two friendship parliamentarians’ groups, saying that it is an important cooperation mechanism that contributes to strengthening political trust between the two countries.

The two leaders agreed to continue close cooperation and mutual support at global and regional forums such as the United Nations, the Non-Aligned Movement, the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).

They underscored the importance of ensuring peace, security, safety and freedom of navigation and overflight in the East Sea, as well as complying with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

At the meeting, Vice Chairwoman of the Mongolian Parliament Tsevegdorj Tuvaan expressed her wish to acquire Vietnam’s experience in building policies and laws related to poverty reduction, tax policies, and other relevant areas, so as to revitalise the Mongolian textile and garment industry, attract investment, and generate jobs for women.

Prime Minister meets Mongolian President

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on November 2 met with President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh who is paying a State visit to Vietnam from November 1 - 5 at the invitation of President Vo Van Thuong.

At the meeting, PM Chinh hailed the significance of the visit of the Mongolian President to Vietnam when the two countries are to mark the 70th anniversary of the establishment of their diplomatic relations in 2024, stressing that it will take the bilateral traditional friendship to a new, practical and effective stage of development.

For his part, President Khurelsukh emphasised that the Mongolian Government always values the traditional friendship between Mongolia and Vietnam, considering Vietnam its most important cooperation partner in Southeast Asia.

Host and guest expressed their pleasure about the substantial developments in cooperative relations between the two countries in recent years, especially in the fields of politics, diplomacy, economy, defence, security, and agriculture. 

Discussing specific measures to enhance cooperation across the fields, PM Chinh suggested further promoting the role of the Vietnam - Mongolia Intergovernmental Committee mechanism; and result-oriented cooperation between businesses, localities, and people of the two countries.

He said the two countries should continue to boost two-way trade by opening the market to each other's goods. He asked Mongolia to create favourable conditions for Vietnam's key agricultural and aquatic products to enter the Mongolian market, towards the goal of doubling bilateral trade turnover to 200 million USD in the coming years.

The PM also urged the two sides to increase trade and investment promotion activities, expand cooperation in the field of strategic minerals and organise business connection activities. 

Chinh welcomed the opening of direct flights between the two countries and the signing of an agreement on visa exemption for ordinary passport holders between the two countries, which create favourable conditions to promote their tourism and trade cooperation and increase people-to-people exchanges.

Agreeing with Chinh, President Khurelsukh affirmed that strengthening comprehensive and extensive cooperation with Vietnam is a top priority in Mongolia's foreign policy in the region.

He said Mongolia wishes to further strengthen and expand cooperation with Vietnam in the fields of politics, defence, security, economy - trade, education, science and technology, transportation, logistics, culture, sports, tourism, and people-to-people exchanges, as well as at multilateral forums and mechanisms.

Mongolia hopes the two countries will establish a new relationship framework commensurate with the good relationship between the two countries on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations in 2024, he said.

In the context of the rapid, complex and unpredictable developments in the world and the region, the two sides agreed to continue to cooperate closely and support each other at international and regional forums of mutual interest. They shared a common perspective on ensuring security, safety, and freedom of navigation and aviation in the East Sea; maintaining a peaceful, stable environment and legal order; and resolving maritime disputes by peaceful means in compliance with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982).

President receives Hungarian Prosecutor General

President Vo Van Thuong on November 2 received a delegation from the Prosecution Service of Hungary led by Prosecutor General Péter Polt who is on a working visit to Vietnam.

Welcoming the guests, President Thuong said that their visit was taking place at a very meaningful time when Vietnam and Hungary are celebrating the 5th founding anniversary of comprehensive partnership.

The President he believed the visit will help deepen the cooperative relationship between the Supreme People's Procuracy of Vietnam and the Prosecution Service of Hungary and nurture the friendship and traditional relationship between the two nations' people.

For his part, Polt expressed his pleasure to visit Vietnam and work with the Supreme People's Procuracy of Vietnam. He informed the host about the good results of cooperation between the two countries' procuracy agencies.

He said that Hungarian President Katalin Novak wants to visit Vietnam soon and that the Government and people of Hungary are also looking forward to welcoming President Thuong to visit Hungary soon.

Polt emphasised that the two countries’ procuracy agencies still have a lot of potential for cooperation and will deploy measures to further improve the effectiveness of their cooperation.

Noting that Hungary is promoting its "Eastern opening" policy in politics, economy, and law, the Hungarian official stated that the Prosecution Service of Hungary will continue to promote cooperation with the Supreme People's Procuracy of Vietnam, particularly in protecting the business investment environment, supporting socio-economic development in each country as crimes such as money laundering, cyber security and corruption are getting more and more complicated. In addition, the two agencies will actively coordinate internationally and multilaterally.

President Thuong said that Vietnam appreciates Hungary's prioritisation of Vietnam in its "Eastern opening" policy. He added that in the two countries’ cooperation, the cooperative relationship between the two procuracy agencies has produced positive results.

He urged relevant agencies of Vietnam and Hungary to further promote cooperation, especially in economy, trade, and investment because the two countries still have a lot of potential and room for it.

The President said that Vietnam looks forward to soon welcoming Hungarian President Katalin Novak to visit Vietnam. The President said he is ready to visit Hungary at an appropriate time to promote comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

Businesses an important force to boost Vietnam – Mongolia ties: Deputy PM

The business communities of Vietnam and Mongolia have an important role to play in strengthening the ties between the two nations in the coming time, especially in the fields of economy, investment and tourism, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang said on November 2.

Attending the Mongolia – Vietnam Business Forum in Hanoi, Quang laid a stress on the sound traditional friendship and multi-faceted cooperation between the two nations in past years.

As Vietnam is stepping up economic restructuring and accelerating its industrialisation and modernisation based on science, technology, and innovation, the country welcomes the engagement of foreign firm in the process, including those from Mongolia, he said.

Quang recommended both sides to coordinate and support each other to improve the efficiency of regional and global economic integration, capitalise on existing cooperation mechanisms including the Vietnam – Mongolia intergovernmental committee, and facilitate import-export activities so as to raise the two-way trade revenue to 200 million USD in the coming time.

Expressing his delight at attending the forum, visiting Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh described it as important to diversify cooperative fields, and expand economic collaboration between the two countries in the future.

He stressed that the elevation of the bilateral ties to a comprehensive partnership on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic relations in 2024 and the signing of an agreement on visa exemption during his State visit to Vietnam will help promote people-to-people exchanges, and facilitate cooperation between enterprises of both sides.

Mongolia has signed agreements on double taxation avoidance with 26 countries, and bilateral agreements on encouragement and protection of investment with 43 nations, he said. Goods produced in Mongolia are subject to tax incentives in many countries, with 7,200 products eligible for duty-free preferential access under the EU’s Generalised System of Preferences (GSP).

He said with Mongolian Ministry of Economic Development was recently established with a view to strengthening foreign investment and the operation of foreign trade agencies. Mongolia will continue to create a stable working environment and sound legal climate for foreign firms, including those from Vietnam.

At the forum, Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh and Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang witnessed the announcement ceremony of a new direct flight service between Nha Trang city and Ulaanbaatar.

Vietnam, RoK promote strategic dialogue mechanism

Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son on November 1 hosted First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea (RoK) Chang Ho-jin on the occasion of his visit to Vietnam to co-chair the 5th deputy foreign ministerial level strategic dialogue on diplomacy, security and defence between the two countries.

Son highlighted the fruitful development of bilateral relations, especially in politics, diplomacy, trade, and investment since the two countries upgraded their ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2022.

He emphasised the need to foster the role of this dialogue mechanism, suggesting orientations to effectively implement agreements between high-ranking leaders in general, and the two ministries in particular.

Regarding future cooperation orientations, Son suggested the two ministries promote delegation exchanges and work together to realise an action plan on the implementation of the Vietnam-RoK comprehensive strategic partnership.

He called on the RoK to support Vietnam in improving its maritime law enforcement capability, contribute to programmes to overcome post-war consequences, promote balanced and stable trade cooperation between the two nations, and enhance people-to-people and youth exchange and education cooperation.

Son urged the RoK side to expand investment in Vietnam, particularly in priority areas such as infrastructure development, high-tech electronics and semiconductor manufacturing, and biotechnology.

For his part, the RoK official affirmed commitments to effectively implementing the agreements reached between high-ranking leaders of the two countries, as well as cooperation in important areas such as politics, defence - security, trade, and investment. He stated that Vietnam plays a vital role in his country’s foreign policy and the ASEAN-RoK relations.

The two sides should further expand substantive cooperation in areas of economic security, high technology, and other potential areas of cooperation, he said.

The same day, Permanent Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Minh Vu and Chang Ho-jin co-chaired the 5th deputy-ministerial level strategic dialogue on diplomacy, security and defence between Vietnam and the RoK, during which the two sides discussed strategic issues in the bilateral relationship as well as international and regional matters of common concern.

They acknowledged with pleasure that the bilateral relationship has recorded breakthrough developments over the last 30 years, the political trust been strengthened, cooperation in various areas become more substantial, and the friendship and understanding between the two countries’ people been growing deeper.

The two sides agreed to further boost delegation exchanges and high-level meetings, and cooperation in the Party, Government, and parliament channels; intensify defence-security cooperation in line with the potential and framework of the upgraded relationship between the two countries; and launch a maritime dialogue mechanism at the general director level between the two foreign ministries.

The RoK side pledged to further open its market to Vietnam's key export products and their entry into the supply chains of the Asian nation, towards achieving the goal of lifting two-way trade to 100 billion USD, even 150 billion USD in 2030.
The two sides agreed to continue their effective cooperation in implementing the Korea Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF) and the Economic Development Promotion Facility (EDPF) to perform large-scale investment projects in Vietnam's transportation and urban infrastructure sectors.

Regarding global and regional issues, both officials affirmed their commitment to enhancing cooperation to realise a vision of building an international system based on the rule of the law with the UN Charter at its centre. The two side also agreed to boost collaboration at international and regional forums, especially at the UN and within the ASEAN – RoK relations.

Chang Ho-jin affirmed that the RoK Foreign Ministry will closely collaborate with its Vietnamese counterpart to seek breakthrough and strategic solutions to promote the development of each country, and strongly and substantively intensify the RoK – Vietnam comprehensive strategic partnership in the future, thus contributing to peace, stability, and development in the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean.

President receives delegates to 27th ASEAN Federation of Cardiology Congress

President Vo Van Thuong hosted a reception in Hanoi on November 2 for a delegation of 50 leading cardiac experts and scientists from nations worldwide and ASEAN who will attend the 27th ASEAN Federation of Cardiology Congress (AFCC 2023) in the capital city.

AFFCC 2023 will be hosted by the Vietnam National Heart Association (VNHA), with over 2,000 domestic and foreign delegates expected to attend the event.

President Thuong praised the contributions and dedication of cardiac professors, doctors and specialists who in their silent efforts, have propelled significant and impressive advancements in the field of cardiology in Vietnam over the past years.

He noted that Vietnam, like other countries, is facing changing disease patterns, with non-communicable diseases, including heart diseases, on the rise. Therefore, the Vietnamese cardiology sector needs to make greater efforts in early screening and timely detection of diseases for intervention. Doctors and specialists should serve as role models in health education, increasing public awareness of self-care, disease prevention, lifestyle change, physical exercise and healthy eating.

He suggested that the VNHA should continue to be a gathering place for leading experts and intellectuals in the field and play its role as a professional social organisation in public health care. It should also continue providing effective policy counselling, strengthening the grassroots health care system and building an extensive and accessible medical network.

Delegates said the Vietnamese cardiology sector owes its success to the Party and State's support, and a contingent of dedicated doctors, specialists and scientists.

Foreign delegates emphasised the importance of the Cardiology Federation, which brings together cardiology associations from different countries to work on cardiac health care for the public, with active and important contributions made by the VNHA.

In their views, countries need to collaborate more closely to prevent and manage cardiac diseases in their populations. Cardiologists should continue improving the quality of cardiac health care services for patients and promoting cardiac health for healthy people, which will help to reinforce the achievements made over the years.

Deputy PM receives Managing Director of Rosen Partners LLC

Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai hosted a reception in Hanoi on November 2 for Managing Director of the US-based Rosen Partners LLC Daniel Rosen.

Khai described the US as the biggest importer of Vietnam over the past years while Vietnam has been the seventh biggest trade partner of the US in the world and the largest trade partner in ASEAN. Two-way trade exceeded 123 billion USD last year, up 11% year on year.

The US has always been the top investment partner of Vietnam, with 1,306 valid projects worth 11.8 billion USD, ranking 11th out of 143 countries and territories investing in the Southeast Asian country.

Vietnam always welcomes foreign groups, including Rosen Partners LLC, to invest in the construction and real estate market, he said, adding that Vietnam prioritises investments in new and trending sectors, such as hi-tech application, green transformation and commercial infrastructure. The Vietnamese Government will create favourable conditions for Rosen Partners LLC's project in Hanoi, he added.

The Deputy PM suggested Rosen Partners LLC continue working closely with the Hanoi People's Committee, ministries and agencies to materialise investment opportunities and begin its project as soon as possible.

Khai hoped that Rosen would call on firms worldwide to invest in Vietnam in the spirit of harmonising interests and sharing risks and the group's investment ideas would soon become a reality and a success.

Rosen, for his part, said Rosen Partners LLC plans to build a world-class amusement park in Hanoi, bringing its globally renowned brand to the capital of Vietnam.

He believed that its renowned brand will make a positive contribution to attracting more tourists to Vietnam in the near future.

The guest also expressed wish to receive support from the Vietnamese Government to do long-term business in Vietnam.

From these initial steps, along with its relations, Rosen Partners LLC will call on more businesses to invest in Vietnam, he added.

Foreign Ministry holds Meet Japan 2023 conference

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in coordination with the Embassy of Japan in Vietnam, the Organising Committee for the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Japan-Vietnam diplomatic relations, and Japanese agencies and organisations, organised the Meet Japan 2023 conference in Hanoi on November 2. 

Meet Japan is part of events held annually by the Foreign Ministry to assist localities in promoting international integration and attract external resources for socio-economic development.

The conference, held annually since 2017, was attended by 900 delegates from both countries. 

Addressing the conference, Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son highlighted that Vietnam-Japan cooperation is at its best stage of development in the history of the two countries’ relations, with economic, trade, and investment cooperation being bright spots in the ties.

He said Japan is always one of Vietnam's most important economic partners, the number one partner in official development assistance (ODA), second in labour, third in investment and tourism, and fourth in trade. 

According to research results of the Japan Trade Promotion Organisation (JETRO), 70% of surveyed Japanese businesses investing in Vietnam intend to continue and expand operations in Vietnam, and 88% of them expect their revenue in Vietnam will increase in the future.

The FM noted that along with the development trend of bilateral ties, the exchange and cooperation between localities of the two countries have also developed strongly and substantially. He said about 100 pairs of localities establishing cooperation relations with over 110 cooperative documents signed in diverse fields, from investment, trade, labour to cultural and people-to-people exchanges. 

The minister affirmed that the Foreign Ministry and Vietnamese diplomatic representative agencies in Japan consider supporting Vietnamese localities to connect with Japanese partners as an important task.

According to him, over the past five years, the ministry helped with the arrangement for 15-20 delegations of leaders of provinces and centrally-run cities to pay working visit to Japan each year. It also held the Meet Japan conference annually from 2017 to help connect 34 cities and provinces in the central, central highlands and southwestern regions with the Japanese Embassy and important agencies of Japan. 

Japanese Ambassador to Vietnam Yamada Takio emphasised that 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Vietnam, which is a new milestone in the cooperative relations between the two countries.

The two countries are cooperating extensively in ensuring political security, economics, culture, education, and human exchange and are truly becoming each other's comprehensive strategic partner.

The Ambassador hopes that cooperation between Japanese and Vietnamese localities will be promoted more strongly.

Within the framework of the conference, three thematic sessions took place on the topics of strengthening trade and investment; education - training and human resource cooperation, and cooperation in developing culture and tourism.

Vietnam seeded in Pot 2 at 2024 AFC Futsal Asian Cup finals

The Vietnamese national futsal team has been seeded in Pot 2, alongside Tajikistan, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia in the final round of the 2024 AFC Futsal Asian Cup, as announced by the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) on November 2.

Pot 1 consists of hosts Thailand, Japan, Iran, and Uzbekistan. Meanwhile, Pot 3 brings together Bahrain, the Republic of Korea, and Myanmar. Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Australia, and China make up Pot 4.

The 16 teams participating in the 2024 AFC Futsal Asian Cup finals are to be divided into four groups, with the draw for the tournament scheduled to take place on December 14 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The final round will take place from April 17 to April 28, 2024 in Thailand.

The teams will compete in a round-robin format where they will play each other once, earning points to determine their rankings within each group. The two first and second teams in four groups (8 teams) will advance to the quarter-finals.

The four semi-finalists will win the right to compete in FIFA futsal World Cup 2024.

The 2024 AFC Futsal Asian Cup finals serves as the qualifying round of the 2024 FIFA Futsal World Cup.

The Vietnamese team has played in two Futsal World Cups in 2016 and 2020, reaching the knockout stage in both tournaments. At the most recent Futsal World Cup, they ended their campaign in the round of 16.

Seminar to discuss putting ESG commitments into action

Seminar to discuss putting ESG commitments into action hinh anh 1
A seminar is scheduled to take place in Hanoi on November 9 to discuss the implementation of commitments on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) components and putting them into action.

The event, to be held by English language daily Viet Nam News, will see the participation of representatives of ministries, sectors and international organisations, economists, and domestic and foreign businesses.

The event will be an occasion for organisations and individuals to be updated with ESG policies, share knowledge about ESG practices, and help build partnerships to contribute to the realisation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The seminar will feature two panel sessions focusing on difficulties and challenges in the practice of ESG in Vietnam. It will also focus on international experiences and recommendations for businesses to better practice ESGs and how to integrate ESG standards into the State policies.

To achieve net zero emissions by 2050 as the Vietnamese Prime Minister committed at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in 2021, the country has been implementing various measures and policies to promote economic development. This has to be completed with the efficient use of natural resources and environmental protection, including the encouragement of ESG practices among businesses.

The increasingly popular ESG standards are used to evaluate the efficiency and sustainability of a business or organisation. Not only are businesses paying more attention to ESG to attract foreign investment but users are also selecting products and services of a brand based on that brand’s ESG achievements.

However, businesses are still facing difficulties in integrating ESG policies and criteria into their brand development strategies.

Workshop promotes digital school management

Digital transformation has been and will be a mandatory requirement for educational institutions to ensure progress, training quality, and all training organisation and management activities towards sustainable development, contributing to training quality human resources serving economic development.

Acknowledging the role of digital transformation in education, the Horizon International Bilingual School successfully organized a digital school management workshop on October 28, with the participation of nearly 100 leaders of general educational institutions in Hanoi, Ha Tinh and Lai Chau.  The event brings together leaders of general educational institutions in Hanoi, Ha Tinh and Lai Chau.

Speaking at the event, Noah Park, general director of Envision Group, said that digital transformation is identified as a breakthrough and an important task that education needs to focus on implementing in the coming years. Good digital transformation not only helps improve the quality of education but more importantly contributes to improving labour productivity, creating great opportunities for international integration.

In recent years, the Horizon International Bilingual School has been one of the educational institutions taking the lead in implementing synchronous digital transformation from management to teaching and learning. The recent information technology application and digital transformation results at the school show that applying digital technology to education will bring in great efficiency, contributing to comprehensively improving the quality of training to meet new trends.

At the workshop, participants discussed issues such as digital transformation in teaching and management; digital transformation in the management of revenues and cashless payments, electronic school records; other systems at all educational levels: nutrition and equipment management; creating a digital timetable; electronic receipt and payment; learning material digitalisation and electronic lectures; models and solutions for digital transformation in education and training...

Many platforms were shared at the workshop, including an enrollment and email account creation system Digit.platform, an orientation programme for students and parents, and intranet system; surveying methods; and how to use Class Dojo, Atlas Next and Google spaces apps; developing curriculum and teaching plans; assessment method; attendance monitoring; student welfare; ways to build and implement a professional development plan for teachers in accordance with the roadmap to adapt to digital transformation: aSc timetable and CISCO security network; how to use interactive screens; management of school buses and learning support software, and out-of-class research by students and teachers. These platforms were shared and demonstrated by Principal Rovshan Zeynalov and other school leaders with the interactions of the school's Student Council.

The success of the workshop is an important commitment for all parties to join hands to ensure the digital transformation goal set by the education sector.

Hanoi, Da Nang film lovers to be treated to free film week ​

Twenty-eight outstanding films will be screened for free in Hanoi and the central city of Da Nang from November 13-19 to celebrate the 23rd Vietnam Film Festival, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has announced.

Among the list of films to be screened are "578", "9", To Tan Ruc Ro, Co Gai Tu Qua Khu, Con Nhot Mot Chong, Dao, Pho và Piano, Em va Trinh, FANTI, Hoa Nhai, Hong Ha Nu Si, and Ke an Danh.

Film lovers in Hanoi can enjoy the films at National Cinema Centre, while those in Da Nang can go to the Da Nang Centre of Culture and Cinema.

The 23rd Vietnam Film Festival will take place in Da Lat city, the Central Highlands province of Lam Dong Province from November 21 to 25.

Themed ‘Developing the Vietnamese Film Industry Imbued within National Identity, Modern and Humane”, the 23rd Film Festival aims to promote the development of the Vietnamese film landscape, towards successfully building a vibrant cinema industry.

Party leader meets role models emulating President Ho Chi Minh

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong met in Hanoi on November 2 with role models that are studying and following late President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality, and lifestyle.

The 67 individuals and collectives have been honoured for their efforts and initiatives in the implementation of the campaign this year, bringing practical benefits in various areas, from economy to culture, social affairs, national defence and security, external relations, social welfare, and the fight against negative phenomena.  

In his remarks, Trong called President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality, and lifestyle an invaluable spiritual treasure, and stressed the need for generations of Vietnamese to study, follow, preserve, and promote it.

Words should be put into actions, he said, emphasising the role and responsibility of officials and Party members, especially heads of agencies, in setting examples. Emulation will promote national construction and development among the public.

According to the top leader, studying and following the beloved President’s example remains a strategic and long-term policy in Party building and rectification.

However, communications surrounding the role models need to be advanced to further promote the campaign both at home and abroad, he said. The honourees will work harder to spread the message, and this will boost the cause of national reform, defence, construction and development as desired by President Ho Chi Minh, the leader said. 

RoK, Vietnam coast guard forces strengthen ties

Representatives of the Korea Coast Guard (KCG) visited Vietnam Coast Guard Region 1 Command on November 1 within the framework of its ongoing trip to Hai Phong city.

Major General Tran Van Tho, Commander of the region, stressed that the trip holds great significance and is part of a series of the cooperation activities to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the KCG and 25 years since the founding of the Vietnam Coast Guard.

The trip affirms the friendly relationship and sound cooperation between the two forces, and also creates an opportunity for officers and soldiers of the two sides to exchange experiences to enhance cooperation and mutual understanding, Tho noted.

For his part, Kim Young Chul, head of the KCG Academy’s Office, expressed his hope that the trip will contribute to further strengthening cooperation between the two forces, thereby contributing to further deepening the diplomatic relationship between the two governments.

The same day, officers, crew members, and soldiers of the two sides joined a friendly volleyball match.

The  KCG’s training ship BADARO (3011HAM), manned by a crew of 100, arrived at the port in Hai Phong on October 30, beginning a five-day visit to the northern city and offering an opportunity for officers and soldiers of the sides to share experiences and exchange knowledge to strengthen their joint works and mutual understanding.

State President, Mongolian guest visit Mobile Police High Command

State President Vo Van Thuong and Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh visited the Mobile Police High Command on November 2, as part of the latter’s ongoing State visit to Vietnam.

The two leaders witnessed the technical – tactical performances of the special police, mobile police, and mobile cavalry police.

Featuring complex techniques such as shootings on back of galloping horses and riding through complicated terrains, mobile cavalry police’s technical performances impressed the two leaders and many others.

 The mobile cavalry police’s technical performances impress the two leaders and many others. (Photo: VNA)
The force, established under the Mobile Police Force High Command in 2020, is responsible for training and utilising horses to fight crimes, as well as organising training for police officers to manage, train and use horses.

With support from the Ministry of Public Security and Mongolian experts, it has gained many achievements in training and combat.

HCM City night concert to honour world’s most famous composers

A concert featuring works by Beethoven, Chopin and Grieg, the three most beloved 19th century European composers in the history of world music, will be held at the Ho Chi Minh City Ballet Symphony Orchestra and Opera (HBSO) on November 11, HBSO announced on November 1.

The event will be held in cooperation with the Mickiewicz Institute and the Warsaw Music Foundation - Poland.

Poland's leading pianist Joanna Marcinkowska will perform with the Vietnamese orchestra under the baton of conductor Wojciech Czepiel.

Works to be performed include Beethoven’s Symphony No.1, Chopin’s Polish Fantasy for Piano and Orchestra, and Grieg’s Piano Concerto in A Minor.

Vietnam, RoK seek to advance environmental cooperation

Minister of Environment of the RoK Han Wha-jin is visiting Vietnam from October 31 to November 2 for the 15th annual Korea-Vietnam Environment Ministers Meeting (KVEMM) and related events.
According to a press release published by the RoK Ministry of Environment (MOE) on November 1, key environmental issues between the two countries will be discussed during the visit. 

KVEMM is a regular ministerial-level meeting that began in 2000 to discuss the development of environmental cooperation between the two countries and promote friendship. The 15th meeting is held after a five-year hiatus since the 14th edition in Seoul in 2018.

In the framework of the visit, Minister Han will meet with Vietnamese Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Dang Quoc Khanh to review the progress of cooperation between the two countries since the previous meeting, particularly in the field of environmental education and training. They will also discuss the enhancement of future environmental cooperation, including green official development assistance (Green ODA) and biodiversity.

According to the press release, the RoK supports the Vietnamese side's proposals regarding environmental laws, national environmental master plans, producer responsibility and recycling systems, green finance, and other policy exchanges.

The RoK will focus on the activities of support teams to facilitate the entry of Korean green industry companies into the promising Vietnamese green market in the context of Vietnam's significant demand in this area.

The MOE will host a Korea-Vietnam Green Technology Presentation to promote the Asian nation’s excellent green technologies.

Party official visits Sweden to seek closer cooperation

Truong Thi Mai, Politburo member, permanent member of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee’s Secretariat, and head of the committee’s Organisation Commission paid a working visit to Sweden from October 28 – November 1.  

During meetings and working sessions with leaders of the Swedish government, parliament and political parties, the Vietnamese official expressed her joy at the fruitful development of bilateral relations.

Mai briefed the hosts on Vietnam’s socio-economic development and international integration achievements after nearly 40 years of renewal, as well as its future goals and development strategies. She thanked Sweden for its support for Vietnam during the country’s struggle for independence and unification in the past and for national construction and development at present.

Mai suggested the two sides continue to promote high-level exchanges and cooperation in the Party, State, and people-to-people channels, and advance economic-trade-investment cooperation. She also suggested to strengthen cooperation in fields where Sweden has strengths such as green technology, innovation, clean energy transition, and green energy, thus contributing to stepping up bilateral relations in a practical and effective manner.

She called on the Swedish side to create favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community to live, study and work stably in the North European country.

The Swedish leaders expressed their pleasure at the increasing cooperative relationship between the two countries, affirming that Vietnam is an important partner of Sweden in the Asia-Pacific region. They agreed to expand cooperation between the two countries.

They affirmed that Mai’s visit contributed significantly to deepening bilateral relations.

The Swedish side shared experience in organising the public administrative apparatus, and anti-corruption measures, as well as efforts to promote the green transition process in the country.

The two sides also discussed international and regional issues of mutual concern, affirming the principle of respecting international law and the UN Charter in resolving international disagreements and disputes to ensure peace and security in the world, including the East Sea.

Lao Party delegation visits Hung Yen

A delegation of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP) Central Committee’s Organisation Commission led by its deputy head Boutsady Thanameuang paid a working visit to the northern province of Hung Yen on November 1.

Secretary of the Hung Yen provincial Party Committee Nguyen Huu Nghia expressed his delight at rapid changes in Laos, and encouraged local enterprises and their Lao counterparts to explore cooperation opportunities, contributing to development in the neighbouring country and the province.

Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Council Tran Quoc Toan briefed the guests on socioeconomic development and Party and political system building in Hung Yen, saying between 2021 and September 2023 the locality’s economy grew some 9.3% annually and was among the top ten cities and provinces nationwide in this regard.

Attention has paid to infrastructure construction at industrial parks and clusters, investment attraction and business development, he said, adding that Hung Yen ranks third nationwide in implementing the national target programme on new-style rural area building.

For her part, the Lao official congratulated Hung Yen on its achievements in socioeconomic development and party and political system building, and noted her impressions on the province’s performance in new rural area building, foreign investment attraction, and especially party building, which, she said, would be valuable experience for Lao localities to follow and cooperate.

She suggested Hung Yen carry out more practical activities to step up cooperation with Lao localities across spheres, thus contributing to diversifying the solidarity the two countries.

Later the same day, the Lao delegation visited Phu Cu district, Hung Yen province.

Vietnam, Japan promote IT, transformation cooperation

Vietnam is the second largest partner and is prioritised by Japan in the field of information technology, therefore opening opportunity for cooperation between the two countries in IT human resources, said Nguyen Thanh Tuyen,  Deputy Director of the Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC)’s Information Technology Department.

He made the statement at Japan ICT Day 2023 which ended in Hanoi on November 1.

The two-day event featured workshops and business-matching events, aiming to further promote collaboration between Vietnam and Japan in the fields of IT and digital transformation.

There are currently more than 10 Vietnamese technology enterprises cooperating with Japan, attracting about 1,000 labourers. About 500 Vietnamese enterprises have been providing IT services for Japanese partners.

Le Quang Luong, President of Vietnam-Japan IT Cooperation Committee said that in the coming time, businesses of the two countries will focus on digital transformation, research, and human resource development projects. Cooperation areas are expected to grow quickly include industrial production, automobile industry, finance and insurance, information security and semiconductor industry.

According to a survey on cross-border trade by the Japan Information Technology Services Industry Association (JISA), four key areas in the field of information technology are the provision of providing global products, outsourcing resources, human resources development, and foreign investment.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region and Vietnam are considered the focus of the global strategy of Japanese IT enterprises, it said, adding that Japanese businesses wish to cooperate deeply and widely in all areas of IT industry with Vietnam.

Vietnam, Australia share experience in engaging men in women, peace, security agenda

Vietnam and Australia have successfully co-organised four experience exchange activities on women, peace and security with important and practical results in an effort to promote the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda of the UN Security Council as well as women’s participation in and contributions to UN peacekeeping operations.

The Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations and Defence Attaché Office of the Australian Embassy in Vietnam have jointly held the fourth experience sharing session on enhancing men’s role in promoting the WPS across peacekeeping operations.

Senior Lieutenant Colonel Pham Tan Phong, Deputy Director of the department, said the activity has contributed to raising gender awareness and promoting the WPS, strengthening Vietnam-Australia cooperation in peacekeeping and the WPS, and building and maintaining a network of Australian and Vietnamese experts in this field.

The delegates also looked into challenges and gender stereotypes facing female peacekeepers, along with solutions for men to coordinate closely with women at UN peacekeeping missions to maximise the capacity and contributions of female peacekeepers.

The Security Council adopted resolution (S/RES/1325) on women and peace and security on October 31, 2000. The resolution reaffirms the important role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, peace negotiations, peace-building, peacekeeping, humanitarian response and in post-conflict reconstruction and stresses the importance of their equal participation and full involvement in all efforts for the maintenance and promotion of peace and security.

Resolution 1325 urges all actors to increase the participation of women and incorporate gender perspectives in all UN peace and security efforts. It also calls on all parties to conflict to take special measures to protect women and girls from gender-based violence, rape and other forms of sexual abuse, in situations of armed conflict.

The WPS is a policy framework that recognises that women must be critical actors in all efforts to achieve sustainable international peace and security. It promotes a gendered perspective and women’s equal and meaningful participation in peace processes, peacebuilding and security. The WPS Agenda evolved from Resolution 1325.

Vietnam, Canada cooperate in peacekeeping operations

Vietnam and Canada have recently co-organised the UN logistics officer course within the framework of the latter’s Military Training & Cooperation Programme (MTCP).

This is the second time Vietnam and Canada have co-hosted the course at the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations. It is also the second international intensive training course on UN peacekeeping held in the country with the coordination of Vietnam and Canada in the context of Vietnam's increasingly extensive participation in UN peacekeeping activities.

Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan, Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army, said that the course, from October 27 to November 10, is a good chance for lecturers and trainees of Vietnam and partner countries of the MTCP to meet and exchange experience in ensuring logistics at UN peacekeeping missions.

It sees the participation of six lecturers from Canada, and around 40 trainees from Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

Canada is one of the countries with many practical contributions to UN peacekeeping operations, with over 125,000 soldiers and police deployed.

In late 2017, Vietnam, Canada and the Republic of Korea (RoK) successfully co-chaired an international conference on UN peacekeeping within the framework of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) for the first time at the Vietnamese department. In December 2017, Vietnam became a member of Canada's MTCP.

Vietnam hosts ASEAN-RoK Strategic Forum

The Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in coordination with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea (RoK) organised the ASEAN-RoK Strategic Forum in Hanoi on November 1.

Themed “Towards an ASEAN-RoK Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for Peace, Security and Prosperity”, the event brought together representatives from Government agencies, scholars and researchers from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the RoK.

In his remarks, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Do Hung Viet stressed in the rapidly changing and complex world situation, ASEAN and the RoK are bound together by a shared vision - which is one of a peaceful, secure and prosperous region based on international law, and an open, inclusive and transparent regional structure with ASEAN at the centre.

This shared vision has continuously deepened the ASEAN-RoK relations, and they have become reliable and important partners for each other.

Deputy Minister Viet remarked that ASEAN appreciates the RoK's strong and consistent support for ASEAN's centrality and its contributions to ASEAN-led mechanisms such as ASEAN 3 (ASEAN with China, Japan, the RoK), East Asia Summit (EAS), ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), and ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting Plus (ADMM ).

"We are pleased to see both sides continue their efforts to expand and bolster the ASEAN-RoK strategic partnership. I believe that with the impetus of the growth in ASEAN-RoK relations in the past decades, the shared vision and strong connectivity between RoK and ASEAN member countries, including Vietnam, ASEAN and the RoK will succeed in elevating our partnership and dialogue to a higher level," Viet noted.

First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Chang Ho-jin, addressing the forum, said that over the past three decades, significant achievements have been made in ASEAN-RoK relations.

Chang Ho-jin affirmed that the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Initiative (KASI), announced by the RoK last year, demonstrates the RoK's respect and strong commitment to supporting ASEAN's central role as well as the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP).

The RoK appreciates ASEAN's welcoming and supportive attitude towards KASI.

The Korean diplomat underscored that the RoK's top priority is to elevate the relationship with ASEAN to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

Mongolian President’s spouse visits Chu Van An Primary School

Phan Thi Thanh Tam, spouse of President Vo Van Thuong, and Bolortsetseg Luvsandorj, spouse of Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, visited Chu Van An Primary School in Hanoi on November 1.

They expressed their delight at visiting Chu Van An Primary School, with rich history and achievements, and congratulated the school on what it has carved out in teaching and learning.

Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh said she is impressed by the school where students are able to develop themselves in a good learning environment.

She hoped that the students will try their best to become excellent citizens who can make contributions to the development of Vietnam, while delivering the best wishes to the teachers.  
The two first ladies visited the school’s library, smart classroom and art classroom, and were presented two paintings that feature the images of Vietnamese and Mongolian students in their traditional costumes.

Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, his spouse and a high-ranking delegation of Mongolia arrived in Hanoi at noon on November 1, beginning their five-day State visit to Vietnam at the invitation of President Vo Van Thuong.

The trip takes place in the context that the two countries will celebrate the 70th founding anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2024.

Over the past nearly seven decades, the Vietnam-Mongolia friendship has been continuously strengthened and developed strongly. Although the bilateral trade has remained modest, statistics showed that it has made progress, increasing from 81 million USD in 2021 to 85 million USD last year, and the value stood at 65 million USD in the first seven months of this year.

The two countries have maintained mutual support at international forums as well as the exchange of visits by their high-ranking leaders.

The Mongolian leader’s visit is expected to contribute to promoting the friendship, solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

Vietnam wins big at ASEAN Student Contest on Information Security 2023

Vietnam’s teams have secured an absolute victory at the ASEAN Student Contest on Information Security (ASCIS) 2023 after overcoming teams from other ASEAN nations. 

The contest’s primary round was held online, attracting 233 teams with nearly 1,000 students from 63 universities and colleges of ASEAN member nations. Vietnam was represented by 157 teams from 33 higher education institutions nationwide. The final round took place at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology.

Analysing and reversing binary files or software to discover flags, exploiting software vulnerabilities (Exploit/PWN), and exploiting web application vulnerabilities were some of the challenges that teams needed to overcome.

The team from the Academy of Cryptography Techniques (ACT) of Vietnam won the first prize. Meanwhile, the runner-ups were teams from the Military Technical Academy, the Duy Tan University, and the ACT in HCM City.

The third prizes also went to Vietnamese teams, including those from the ACT in HCM City, the FPT University in Hanoi and HCM City, the University of Information and Communication Technology, the Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), and the University of Science and Technology, HCM City National University.

Hosted by the the Vietnam Information Security Association (VNISA) under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, the competition aims to popularise and raise awareness and responsibility for information security at higher education and training institutions.

Vietnam attends AICESIS General Assembly in Russia

A delegation from the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, led by its Vice Chairman Nguyen Huu Dung, attended the General Assembly of the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS) held in Moscow on November 1.

The event, organised in both online and offline format, drew the attention of more than 70 national social organisations, and regional associations.

Participants reviewed two-year AICESIS chairmanship of Russia, and agreed to adopt AICESIS’s updated regulations, which, President of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation Lidiya Mikheeva said, will help engage more people in social activities, and become a foundation for the association’s development.  

Taking over AICESIS chairmanship from Russia, President of the Economic and Social Council (ESC) of Curacao, highlighted that besides attracting more members, the updated regulations also optimise the current work of existing members.

Under the AICESIS’s regulations, members will promote experience sharing, enhance dialogue based on the values of peace, security, human rights and democracy, and support the establishment of social and economic communities across the globe in accordance with the UN’s principles and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Earlier, the Vietnamese delegation held talks with leaders from the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, during which Dung stressed that Vietnam has treasured the time-tested traditional friendship with Russia, and suggested both sides sign a Memorandum of Understanding to bolster cooperation during the 2023-2028 period.

He invited a delegation of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation to visit Vietnam soon, and recommended the chamber step up collaboration with Vietnam across fields, and join hands with competent sides to create favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community so that they are able to consolidate their legal status and run long-term and stable business in the host nation in line with Russia’s regulations.

Mikheeva, for her part, said both nations hold huge potential for cooperation, especially within the framework of AICESIS, and suggested Vietnam exchange business experience, join e-commerce coordination committee, and set up a working group on social supervision.

She also invited the delegation to attend the World Youth Festival, and Russian presidential election in March next year.

On October 31, the delegation had a working session with Vietnamese Ambassador Dang Minh Khoi, during which the Vietnam – Russia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, as well as efforts to intensify the bilateral ties were highlighted.

Vietnam, RoK promote environment cooperation

Vietnamese Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Dang Quoc Khanh has asked the Republic of Korea (RoK)’s Minister of Environment Han Whajin to strengthen cooperation with Vietnam in the field of environment for sustainable development and the improvement of environment quality for the present and future generations.

During his talks with Han in Hanoi on November 1, Khanh hailed the RoK’s green ODA programme, adding it will be a great help for Vietnam in implementing its net-zero emission commitment by 2050.

He also asked for support from the RoK, the host of the Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 (P4G) Summit in 2021, in organising the P4G Summit in Vietnam in 2025.

Regarding the extended producer responsibility (EPR), the minister said he hopes the RoK Ministry of Environment will continue to assist Vietnam in completing and implementing EPR regulations, including providing EPR implementation consultations, supporting the building and management of EPR implementation monitoring database, and sharing experience in EPR realisation.

For issues related to circular economy, Khanh proposed that the RoK support Vietnam in building and issuing guidance on the application of Best Available Techniques (BAT), reviewing, updating and supplementing the BAT list to ensure compatibility with reality and the level of development of science and technology in Vietnam, and guiding the application of BAT in particular type of production, business, and service with a risk of causing environmental pollution.

For her part, Han underlined the significance of this year’s talks after five years of disruption due to COVID-19 impacts.

Noting that the RoK has announced the goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050 and setting the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030 compared to 2018, while Vietnam is also making efforts to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, Han expressed confidence that the two countries will continue to make joint efforts on many fronts to cut carbon emissions through expanding cooperation in global emissions reduction projects.

She said she hopes that Vietnam will have greater attention and stronger coordination on projects in waste-to-energy and, biofuel converting areas.

The RoK will provide Vietnam with assistance in experts, technology and experience so that both sides can implement international commitments in the fields of environmental protection and climate change response towards sustainable development together.

At the talks, the two ministers signed a memorandum of understanding on comprehensive cooperation in the field of environment between the two ministries, which is expected to become a new motivation for the growth of collaboration between the two ministries in particular and the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries in general.

HBSO to hold concert for Poland’s independence day celebration

A Night of Beethoven, Chopin and Grieg concert is scheduled to take place on November 11 at the Ho Chi Minh City Opera House to mark the occasion of the National Independence Day of Poland. 

The event is to be jointly organised by the Ho Chi Minh City Ballet Symphony Orchestra and Opera (HBSO), the Mickiewicz Institute, and the Warsaw Music Foundation of Poland.

The concert will bring together an array of international musical talents under the baton of conductor Wojciech Czepiel.

Czepiel is a prominent Polish conductor, composer, and violinist. He has conducted more than 400 compositions with many orchestras, including the Polish National Radio Symphony in Katowice, the Moscow Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra, the National Opera in Warsaw, the Hanoi Philharmonic, and the Vietnam National Symphony and Orchestra.

Most notably, received the "Gloria Artist" medal from the Polish Minister of Culture for his artistic achievements in 2012.

Furthermore, leading Polish pianist Joanna Marcinkowska will perform at the function. She has won prizes at many international piano competitions such as first prize at the International Piano Competition “Artur Rubinstein In Memoriam” in Bydgoszcz in 1996, first prize at the 7th European Chopin Competition in Darmstadt in 2002, as well as second prize and a special award for the best performance of pieces by Szymanowski at the fifth International Karol Szymanowski Competition in Łódź in 2001.

HCM City launches check-in model and tourism symbol design contest

The Ho Chi Minh City Department of Tourism has kicked off a check-in model and fun tourism symbol design contest, with the ultimate aim of promoting the quality of and diversity local tourism products.

The contest is running with the theme of “My Beloved City" and will see the most unique design idea selected that carries a message of introducing the city’s culture, history, and people.

Nguyen Thi Anh Hoa, director of the city's Tourism Department, shared that the competition will contribute to helping domestic and foreign visitors gain a better understanding of the southern city’s destinations, as well as creating opportunities for local residents to show off their creativity and express their love for the southern city.

The contest is to be open to all Vietnamese citizens and will receive entries from November 2 to November 26.

Contestants whose entries reach the final round will have the chance to attend the Creative Camp.

The winning works will then be used as part of communications and promotion activities which will serve economic, cultural, and social development and the external relations of the city.

Vietnam – Canada diplomatic ties marked in Hanoi

The Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) and the Canadian Embassy in Vietnam jointly held a friendship get-together in Hanoi on November 2 to celebrate the 50th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries (1973 -2023).

Addressing the event, VUFO President Phan Anh Son highlighted the development of the Vietnam-Canada ties, saying that the relationship has been strengthened across fields, including politics, diplomacy, economics, trade, investment, education – training and tourism.

He emphasised the significance of the comprehensive partnership established in November 2017 on the occasion of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, which he said has provided an important foundation for expanding economic and trade relations.

Son expressed the belief that the people-to-people relations will be intensified in the coming time thanks to the attention of the Party and the State to people-to-people diplomacy and proactive and close cooperation between the Vietnam-Canada and Canada-Vietnam friendship associations, the Vietnam-Canada Business Association (VCB Association) and other organisations.

Canadian Ambassador to Vietnam Shawn Perry Steil said that the core of the Vietnam-Canada relationship is the people, and through fostering strong ties between the people of the two nations, the two countries building consensus, seek common values, and maintain cooperation in all circumstances.

The diplomat stated that Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy will promote cooperation activities, thus further strengthening the trusted partnership between the two countries.

Canada sees Vietnam as an important partner in building a more secure, prosperous, harmonious, and sustainable Indo-Pacific region, he went on.

In his speech, Deputy Foreign Minister Ha Kim Ngoc said Vietnam always values its relationship with Canada and desires that the bilateral relations will continue to develop in a friendly, cooperative, and mutually beneficial manner for peace, stability, and development in the region and the world.

He underlined the crucial role played by the 300,000-strong Vietnamese community in Canada, saying that they serve as bridges promoting friendship and mutual understanding between the two peoples.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes