The National Assembly (NA) on October 25 afternoon adopted a resolution confirming the results of the vote of confidence on the persons holding the positions it elected or approved.

The resolution won support from 470 out of 472 votes, or 95.14%.

NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said the vote of confidence, part of the ongoing sixth session of the 15th NA, was held in a strict, democratic, objective, transparent, and serious manner in line with Resolution No. 96/2023/QH15 on the collection and casting of votes of confidence on persons holding positions elected or approved by the NA and People’s Councils.

Earlier, the vote counting committee announced the results for the 44 officials subject to the vote of confidence.

Vietnamese, Lithuanian FMs hold talks

Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son on October 25 held talks with his Lithuanian couterpart Gabrielius Landsbergis who is in Hanoi for an official visit to Vietnam and attendance at the OECD Southeast Asia Ministerial Forum.

FM Son spoke highly of the trip by Minister Landsbergis, the first foreign ministerial-level visit between the two countries since Vietnam and Lithuania established diplomatic relations in 1992, saying that this is an important milestone to create new momentum to further strengthen the bilateral relations.

Son affirmed that Vietnam always treasures and wishes to strengthen all-around cooperation with Lithuania.

For his part, Landsbergis expressed his impression of Vietnam's socio-economic development achievements and increasingly important role and position in the region and the world, while affirmed that Lithuania always attaches importance to and wants to expand relations with Vietnam - Lithuania's priority partner in Southeast Asia.

The two ministers talked about the situation of each country and cooperative relationship between the two countries.

They acknowledged positive progress in a number of important areas of the bilateral relations in recent times, but noted that those are not commensurate with their desires. They said that there is ample room for the two nations to further step up the relationship.

The FMs discussed solutions to strengthen multi-faceted cooperation in the coming time, including enhancing exchange of all-level delegations, maintaining the political consultation mechanism between the two foreign ministries, coordinating to effectively implement the newly-signed cooperation agreement between the two ministries, and closely coordinating and supporting each other at multilateral and international forums.

Regarding economics and trade cooperation, the two sides agreed to further boost cooperation in potential fields such as farm produce processing to diversify supply chains of both countries.

FM Son took the occassion to thank Lithuania for supporting Vietnam in the process of negotiation and signing of the EU - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), and being one of the first EU member states to ratify the EU- Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA).

He proposed Lithuania contribute its voice to recognise Vietnam's efforts in fully and seriously implementing the recommendations of the European Commission (EC) on sustainable fisheries development, and to urge the EC to soon remove its “yellow card” warning against Vietnamese seafood.

Minister Landsbergis assessed Vietnam as one of the potential markets in Southeast Asia, suggesting Vietnam create more favourable conditions for Lithuania’s agricultural products such as beef, poultry, eggs, and fertilizer to enter the Vietnamese market.

The two ministers also agreed to promote cooperation in high technology, information technology, education - training, agriculture, and culture - tourism.

FM Son suggested the Lithuanian government continue to create favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community to integrate into and live stably in the host country, thus contributing to local socio-economic development, and upholding their role as a bridge promoting friendly relations and multi-faceted cooperation between the two countries.

The two sides also discussed international and regional issues of mutual concern and emphasised the importance of resolving disputes by peaceful measures on the basis of international law, especially the United Nations Charter.

After their talks, they signed a cooperation agreement between the two foreign ministries.

Vietnam, Southeast Asian nations seek ways to address statelessness

Senior officials from Vietnam and seven other Southeast Asian nations, and representatives from United Nations agencies and international organisations looked into civil registration, legal identity documentation, and the prevention of statelessness at a roundtable in Hanoi on October 25.

The event was jointly held by the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) with the aim of enhancing efforts by countries in addressing statelessness.

In his remarks, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Minh Vu stressed the need for Southeast Asian nations to tighten their coordination in preventing and reducing statelessness nationally, regionally and globally, saying it will help to better manage the population and migration, as well as protect and promote human rights.

UNHCR Asia-Pacific Director Indrika Ratwatte lauded progress made by Southeast Asian nations in addressing statelessness over the past years, and noted his belief that such achievements, together with experience exchange, will encourage them to work harder in order to put an end to the problem.  
UN Resident Coordinator in Vietnam Pauline Tamesis stressed that stronger actions and objectives are needed to settle the issue more effectively in the region.

The participants discussed the connection between ending statelessness and poverty reduction and the full implementation of sustainable development goals.

According to the UNHCR, a stateless person is “a person who is not considered as a national by any State under the operation of its law”. Today, millions of people around the world are denied a nationality. As a result, they often aren't allowed to go to school, see a doctor, get a job, open a bank account, buy a house or even get married.

Prime Minister suggests advancing Vietnam-Thailand relationship to new high

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on October 25 suggested Vietnam and Thailand elevate their strategic partnership to a new height, at a reception for Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara, who is on an official visit to Vietnam from October 25-26.

Chinh acknowledged Parnpree's selection of Vietnam for his first overseas trip after his appointment as Deputy PM and FM of Thailand, saying he believes that the visit will contribute to deepening of the strategic partnership.

The PM conveyed regards from Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, President Vo Van Thuong, and National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue to the King, the PM and other senior leaders of Thailand.

Parnpree commended Vietnam’s socio-economic achievements and emphasised that ample room remains for the two countries to strengthen their cooperation. He also affirmed that Vietnam is one of Thailand's leading important partners in the region.

Chinh suggested the two countries increase delegation exchanges at all levels and in all the Party, State, Government and legislature channels, and effectively materialise bilateral cooperation mechanisms, especially joint cabinet meetings chaired by the two PMs.

In that spirit, the PM reiterated the invitation to his Thai counterpart to pay an official visit to Vietnam in 2024, during which they will co-chair the 4th Vietnam-Thailand Joint Cabinet Meeting.

He also suggested the two sides maintain meetings of the joint committee on bilateral cooperation, further materialise the action programme implementing the Vietnam - Thailand Enhanced Strategic Partnership for 2022 – 2027, promote trade development and investment expansion, effectively put in place the "Three Connections" initiative that covers supply chain, economies, businesses and localities, and cooperate in new fields such as digital transformation and green energy.

The PM noted that Thailand remains Vietnam's largest trade partner in ASEAN and the 9th largest foreign investor, saying the two countries should strive to soon bring bilateral trade turnover to 25 billion USD in a more balanced fashion, limit trade barriers and further facilitate goods import and export activities.

He called on the Thai government to create more favorable conditions for the Vietnamese community to work, live and study there, and lauded efforts in  increasing direct flights between the two countries to facilitate economic, cultural and tourism cooperation, and people-to-people exchange.

Shairng Chinh’s views, Parnpree said Thai businesses are confident in potential and investment environment in Vietnam, and want expand investment in the country.

He called on the Vietnamese government to further support Thai investors in implementing projects in Vietnamese localities, including those on energy, and pledged that the Thai Government will back foreign businesses, including Vietnamese firms, to expand investment in the country.

Thailand will maintain its close coordination with Vietnam at multilateral and regional mechanisms, including Mekong sub-region development cooperation, and the sustainable management and use of the Mekong River water resources, he said, adding that Thailand will also continue to work with Vietnam and other ASEAN countries to promote the grouping’s solidarity, centrality and viewpoints, particularly in important matters like the East Sea issue.

The same day, the Thai official was received by Chairman of the Party Central Committee's Commission for External Relations Le Hoai Trung, who affirmed that Vietnam always wishes to boost the friendship and the enhanced strategic partnership with Thailand.

The two sides concurred to consolidate political trust, maintain collaboration in national defence-security, and promote trade-investment ties, as well as people-to-people exchanges.

Local marksmen grab third bronze medal in regional championship

Nguyen Thuy Trang and Lai Cong Minh brought home the third bronze medal at the 15th Asian Shooting Championship which was held on October 25 in Changwon of the Republic of Korea (RoK).

In the 10m air pistol mixed team, the pair scored a total of 581 points and ranked fifth in the qualifying round.
The Vietnamese pair took on Iran as they competed for a third-placed position.

The local athletes won a bronze medal after earning a total of 16 points, two points higher than the Iranian players. This comes after Pham Quang Huy and his teammates Lai Cong Minh and Phan Cong Minh grabbed a bronze medal in the 10m air pistol mixed team.

Meanwhile, Trinh Thu Vinh won a bronze in the women’s 10m air pistol, duly winning a ticket to the 2024 Paris Olympics.

The 15th Asian Shooting Championship is currently taking place in Changwon, RoK, from October 22 to November 2, with the regional competition attracting the participation of 813 marksmen from 30 countries and territories.

Athletes are competing in various categories, including the 50m rifle in three positions for both men and women, the 10m air rifle for both men and women, and the 10m air pistol for both men and women.

This is along with the women’s 25m sports pistol, the men’s 25m rapid fire pistol, trap for both men and women, skeet for both men and women, the 10m air rifle mixed team, the 10m air pistol mixed team, the trap mixed team, and the skeet mixed team.  

Many contestants are keen to use the Asian championship as a means of qualifying for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Plastic waste reduction crucial for Phu Quoc’s sustainable tourism development

Plastic waste reduction crucial for Phu Quoc’s sustainable tourism development hinh anh 1
Reducing plastic waste is crucial for Phu Quoc island, a popular tourist destination in the Mekong Delta province of Kien Giang, to improve its environment quality and promote sustainable tourism, said experts.

According to Nguyen My Quynh, Project Manager at World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Vietnam, protecting the environment and improving the management of solid waste and ocean debris are the top important task of Phu Quoc to secure sustainable development, especially in tourism, a spearhead sector of Phu Quoc and Kien Giang as a whole.

Quynh held that it is necessary to mobilise resources to address hot issues related to the environment, while enhancing the responsibility of the local government, and calling for the joint efforts of organisations, individuals and the community, as well as businesses in the work.

She said that WWF Vietnam is implementing a project to reduce ocean debris in Vietnam, which is expected to benefit Phu Quoc. With this project, Phu Quoc aims to reduce 30% of plastic waste released to the environment by 2025 and no plastic waste in nature by 2030.
Quynh said that WWF Vietnam hopes that travel firms and tourism service suppliers in Phu Quoc will realise the need to strengthen their cooperation and connections in the supply chain to implement measures to reduce plastic waste.

This is also a way for businesses to enhance their competitiveness and win the support of customers amid a rising trend of responsible tourism.

Meanwhile, Huynh Thanh Trong, head of the Phu Quoc Culture and Information Division said that over the past four years, Phu Quoc has organised the annual Day for Phu Quoc environment, collecting about 816 tonnes of waste. In the first half of 2023, the island city collected 66 tonnes of waste, he noted.

The local official said that Phu Quoc hopes for support from travel firms and tourists in turning the island into a zero-plastic-waste destination in the future.

Diverse tours offered to entice visitors

As the peak summer travel season comes to a close, localities nationwide are launching standout cultural-historical tours to woo visitors.

A tour to explore Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam (Temple of Literature) in Hanoi at night was piloted on October 22 with the participation of many travel agencies.

The project aims to promote the unique value of the special national relic site Van Mieu - Quoc Tu Giam, towards attracting more visitors to the site at night, and diversifying tourism products in Hanoi.

This would be the fourth night tour in Hanoi. The first three are tours of the Hoa Lo Prison Relic Site, the Thang Long Imperial Citadel and the Vietnam Museum of Literature.

The tour's organiser wants to offer a unique and different experience for tourists by using modern 3D mapping technology, which displays vivid images to tell different stories about Confucianism and the country’s history and sages.

Iconic structures within the site, such as Khue Van Cac (the pavilion of the constellation of literature), Vuon bia Tien si (Garden of doctoral steles) and Thien Quang well are effectively utilised to express the value and significance of study.

Besides, a night tour of the Old Quarter will be launched by the municipal Department of Tourism on October 28-29, offering visitors an opportunity to enjoy a dazzling light feast, a stellar traditional musical performance, and a tea culture space.

According to Deputy Director of the department Tran Trung Hieu, the tour is expected to bring a new experience to visitors, helping improve the attractiveness of the capital city’s tourism.

In Ho Chi Minh City, the night tour “the moon above the resistance zone” has been recently introduced, giving visitors a deeper insight into the life in the resistance zone where locals dig the tunnels, knitted bamboo and rattan products and pound the rice grains, while the youth voluntarily registered for military service.

Meanwhile, the northern mountainous province of Son La organised its first coffee festival and set up a tour for coffee lovers with a view to branching out its coffee brand in tandem with tourism development.

While in Lao Cai, an array of tours have been developed to take visitors to the best places for cloud hunting, terrific terraced rice fields, and tranquil villages to discover diverse indigenous cultures.

The event created a playground for kite lovers across the nation, then drew the attention of locals and businesses.

Experts said although it is necessary for localities to develop their own tourism products, they should work together to form complete tours, helping increase regional tourism competitiveness.

A cooperation mechanism should be outlined, in which promotional pricing and time as well as measures to ensure service quality are clarified.

Besides capitalising on local resources, applying preferential policies is seen as a good measure to boost tourism during the off-peak time, they said.

HCM City to hold special friendship concert

A special friendship concert will be held at the Ho Chi Minh City Conservatory of Music on October 28, according to the Ho Chi Minh City Ballet Symphony Orchestra and Opera (HBSO).

Artists will perform a number of musical works by Vietnamese and American composers. The event is organised by the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations of Ho Chi Minh City, the Vietnam - America Friendship Association in Ho Chi Minh City and the Ho Chi Minh City Conservatory of Music.

The music night will begin with a six-chapter symphonic suite called " Bong trang qua them” by well-known musician Trong Dai who graduated from the famous Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Russia and has to date composed hundreds of solo and ensemble works for Western and Vietnamese traditional instruments.

The audience will enjoy "Romance for violin and chamber orchestra" by composer and pianist Amy Beach who was born in 1867 and considered the first important female composer in the US whose works mixed Romantic and Impressionistic styles, helping give personality to the early classical music scene in the country.

Violinist Chuong Vu will solo Romance in F minor for Violin and Orchestra, op.11 by Antonin Dvorak.

The music night will be wrapped up with "An American in Paris for Orchestra" by famous composers George Gershwin.

Orchestrator and conductor of the event is Meritorious Artist Tran Vuong Thach, former Director of the HBSO.

HCM City seeks to become regional healthcare hub

HCM City is taking steps to elevate its healthcare services to become a medical hub of ASEAN by offering a wide range of high-quality health services for locals and foreigners, health experts said.

“Promoting HCM City as a medical hub of ASEAN is vital to reduce the number of people travelling abroad for medical care and boost medical tourism,” said Assoc. Prof. Lương Ngọc Khuê, general director of the Administration of Medical Service under the Ministry of Health.

To accomplish this goal, the health sector must focus on training high-quality human resources, foster international cooperation in education and research and promote advanced medical technologies and digital transformation to improve the quality of healthcare services, Khuê said at a seminar held last week in HCM City.

Proper investment in medical facilities and modern equipment and devices are also needed to realise the goal, according to Khuê.

Vietnamese patients spend around US$2 billion a year travelling overseas for medical treatment.

According to Dr. Nguyễn Anh Dũng, deputy director of the city’s Department of Health, with around 130 hospitals, including 12 that are top-tier, fast-growing private healthcare and high adoption of advanced technologies in healthcare establishments, the city has huge potential to elevate its healthcare services.

The city’s health sector has implemented various measures to develop its healthcare system such as capacity improvement in disease prevention and control, investment in grassroots health networks, and fostering public health and emergency services.

It has also carried out seven major tasks to become a medical hub of ASEAN, including development of modern facilities, building high-tech medical zones under the hospital-university model, adoption of top-notch specialised technologies, and promoting a network of specialised healthcare facilities.

Research and development (R&D) and innovation in the healthcare sector have also been fostered.

The city is striving to provide a comprehensive range of healthcare services to meet the demand for examinations and treatment of locals and make it an attractive destination for medical tourism. 

Foreign media hails beauty of Bai Tu Long island

Charukesi Ramadurai, a journalist of Abu Dhabi based English-language daily newspaper The National, has released an article sharing her experiences when cruising on the beautiful Bai Tu Long Island in the northern province of Quang Ninh.

According to Ramadurai, she decided to choose the luxurious Dragon Legend for an overnight Bai Tu Long Bay cruise.

“As tempting as it was to plonk myself on the sun deck to watch the endless parade of limestone islands, the caves and kayaks beckoned. And so, we again clambered up the small boat towards Hon Co island to explore Thien Canh Son cave,” she said.

The authour shared that after a short hike from the shore, she found herself in a multi-chambered world filled with stalactites and stalagmites.

“Descending from the cave, we walked towards the other side of the island, for a spot of kayaking on the placid waters,” she noted.

Ramadurai also enjoyed an elaborate dinner whilst on the cruise, followed by games put on by the staff with great enthusiasm.

“I fell asleep to the soothing hum of the ship’s engines cutting through the inky darkness outside and woke up to clear sunshine that made the landscape seem even more captivating,” she stressed.

After enjoying a strong serving of Vietnamese coffee, the journalist visited Vung Vieng fishing village.

“We took a small boat to a pier where we got on bamboo boats rowed by women whose petite size belied their tremendous strength. And off we drifted, past craggy islets, under stone arches and along the floating homes of this community,” she wrote in the article.

Ramadurai revealed that the setting of the village was stunning, with homes nestled in the midst of towering limestone hills.

“And while floating in the midst of these magnificent karsts formed over millions of years of geological activity, it is easy to start believing in mythical creatures and magic,” she revealed.

Vietnam, Cambodia pledge to maintain coordination in search for martyrs’ remains

The Vietnamese and Cambodian governments on October 24 agreed to maintain their close coordination and increase efficiency of bilateral cooperation in the search for, gathering and repatriation of remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts who laid down their lives in Cambodia during the wartime.

The agreement was reached at the 22nd meeting of the Specialised Committees of the two Governments co-chaired by Deputy Defence Minister Sen. Lieut. Gen. Vo Minh Luong, Chairman of the Vietnamese Government’s Specialised Committee, and Senior Minister Gen. Pol Saroeun, Chairman of the Cambodian Government’s Specialised Committee.

Speaking at the meeting, Luong appreciated support by the Cambodian Government and its Specialised Committee for searching, gathering and repatriating remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts.

It was proposed that the Cambodian side screen a documentary about the process of coordination in searching, gathering and repatriating in the 2000-2022 period of remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts who died in Cambodia during the wartime.

A book on this work will be published in both Vietnam and Cambodia in the Vietnamese and Khmer languages.

In the 2022-2023 dry season, Vietnamese teams found and gathered remains of 640 martyrs, of whom one was identified.

The two sides signed the minutes of the 22nd meeting as a foundation to carry out coordination activities in the coming time.

On this occasion, the Vietnamese Government’s Specialised Committee handed over the Friendship Order and Friendship Medal of the State President, and Certificates of Merit of the Prime Minister and the Minister of National Defence to Cambodian collectives and individuals who have made important contributions to the work in the 2013-2020 period.

2023 NSW Premier’s Export Awards highlights Vietnam-Australia diplomatic ties

The theme of the 2023 New South Wales (NSW) Premier’s Export Awards focuses on the celebration of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Australia – an important milestone to acknowledge and a great way to promote the many opportunities for Australian and Vietnamese businesses, according to the Export Council of Australia.

An award ceremony was held by the council in Sydney on October 23, aiming to celebrate the success and resilience of NSW exporters and their achievements in the international market, showcasing businesses from every region across the state.

In his remarks, NSW Premier Chris Minns stressed that the diplomatic ties between Vietnam and Australia are significant to the future of Australia’s economy, saying the bilateral relations have been developing fruitfully and Vietnam has becomes an increasingly considerable market.

This is a great opportunity that not only reflects the achievements of both countries over the past five decades but also looks towards the future of their deep friendship and cooperation, he said.   
Nguyen Dang Thang, Vietnam’s Consul General in NSW, Queensland and South Australia, also highlighted the comprehensive cooperation between the two countries, from education, science-technology, and people-to-people exchange to economy.

Trade cooperation holds the most significant importance in the bilateral relationship, he said, adding that last year, the two-way trade turnover reached a record of nearly 16 billion USD, making them the top trade partners of each other - a goal set out in the 2021 Vietnam-Australia Enhanced Economic Engagement Strategy, he said.

Among the winners,, a company redefining AI in medical imaging founded by Tran Dang Minh Tri and Tran Dang Dinh Ang – brothers of the Vietnamese origin, won the Development Impact Award.

Lawmakers mull over solutions for Mekong Delta

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and lawmakers looked into issues related to investment, development, and climate change response in the Mekong Delta during a group discussion at the ongoing sixth session of the 15th National Assembly in Hanoi on October 24.

Chinh said the Mekong Delta is now facing several issues, including land subsidence, landslide, drought and saltwater intrusion. Therefore, the Government has decided to allocate 4 trillion VND (166.6 million USD) to address them.

He also took the occasion to ask the National Assembly delegations to oversee the use of this sum.

In the long term, PM Chinh stressed the importance of large-scale projects, especially in Bac Lieu, Vinh Long, and Ca Mau provinces which are particularly vulnerable to landslide and land loss due to climate change.

The Mekong Delta has many tasks to accomplish, but in both the short and long term, the focus is on addressing landslides, subsidence, saltwater intrusion and drought, he said.

According to the PM, the Government is directing the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to develop a process for cultivating 1 million ha of clean rice, promoting green and sustainable agriculture to ensure food security and sustainable exports.

He called for attention to dealing with other major issues, such as human resources training and development and sustainable transport infrastructure that leverage the region's water resources.

The Mekong Delta, with 13 cities and provinces, covers a natural area of nearly 4 million, or about 13% of the country's total land area and has a population of roughly 18 million, equivalent to 19% of the country's total.

Agoda announces Vietnam’s new outstanding destinations

Online travel platform Agoda on October 24 for the first time announced Vietnam’s New Horizons – a list of new emerging destinations in the country that few tourists have known.

This list is made based on the results of comparing search data for the same period in 2022 and 2023 about emerging destinations, increasing interest from both domestic and foreign tourists.

On the top of the list is Tam Dao resort in the northern mountainous of Vinh Phuc with search traffic increasing by 279% over the same period last year.

Other destinations are Bac Ninh - a spiritual city in the north with a 234% increase in search volume; Sam Son coastal city in the central province of Thanh Hoa, 228%; and Phu Quy - a small island off the coast of Binh Thuan province.

The coastal city of Quy Nhon with its romantic beaches and unique cuisine is also included in the list.

Vu Ngoc Lam, Director of Agoda in Vietnam, said that in addition to the most popular and famous destinations in Vietnam which many tourists visit regularly, Agoda found that some places with fewer visitors had a clear increase in searches.

Agoda wants to take advantage of this opportunity to introduce new places and find out what attracts those who love to explore destinations that few tourists have come to.

He said Vietnam has many interesting things to explore, in which second- and third-class destinations are increasingly sought after. Therefore. Agoda regularly introduces many incentives to help tourists have the best experiences when travelling to Vietnam.

A So airport cleared from dioxin contamination

The Chemical Command under the Ministry of Defence on October 24 announced the completion of dioxin cleanup at A So airport in A Luoi district, the central province of Thua Thien – Hue.

Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien, Deputy Minister of Defence and head of the National Steering Committee on the Settlement of Post-war Unexploded Ordnance and Toxic Chemical Consequences, said after three years of implementation, A So airport is now free of the toxic chemical which has damaging impact on people’s health and the environment.

He attributed the success to the Party and State’s resolve to handle post-war consequences as well as the Vietnam People’s Army’s capacity to master advanced science-technology.

The project on the work was approved by the Ministry of Defence in March 2020. At a cost of 74 billion VND (3 million USD) from the State budget, the project covered mine clearance on an area of more than 9 hectares, and collection and treatment of dioxin contaminated soil.

Almost 38,718 cubic meters of polluted soil were buried to contain the spread of the toxic chemical, while microbiologic technology was deployed to clear dioxin residue in another part of the airport.

During wartime, the US military used A So Valley in A Luoi district as an airfield to transport and store Agent Orange.

Thua Thien – Hue is home to nearly 16,000 people exposed to Agent Orange, including 5,000 in A Luoi district.

Upgrades almost complete on relic sites of historic Dien Bien Phu battle

A number of relic sites on the historic Dien Bien Phu battlefield are being upgraded as part of a project conducted by the northwestern province of Dien Bien's Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory (May 7, 1954-2024).

With a total investment of nearly 20 billion VND (810,194 USD), the project will repair the welcome gate, the fence system, the reception hall, bas-reliefs, signboards, and toilets, along with the installation of power supply lines for the tunnel and sound system, and outdoor lighting.

Other key relic sites are also being refurbished, including the command bunker of French General De Castries, the headquarters of the Dien Bien Phu campaign, and the Muong Thanh Bridge.

According to Nguyen Anh Dao, head of Dien Bien province Relics Management Board, about 65% of the project has been completed.

The project should be completed before December 31, 2023, to welcome tourists to the famous battlefield.

The Dien Bien Phu Campaign lasted from March to May 1954 under the command of General Vo Nguyen Giap. The victory on May 7, 1954, led to the signing of the 1954 Geneva Accords in which France agreed to withdraw forces from its colonies in Indochina.

The former battlefield has become a major tourist attraction in Dien Bien province.

The complex of Dien Bien Phu battlefield features 45 relic sites scattering in Dien Bien Phu city, Dien Bien and Tuan Giao districts.

New salary reforms take huge effort of political system: minister

The 15th National Assembly is scheduled to approve a salary reform policy in its ongoing sixth plenary session which will hold historical significance and bring about joy for officials and public servants, according to Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra.

Speaking at the group discussion on October 24 as part of the NA's sixth session on the outcomes of the implementation of socioeconomic development plan, Tra, who is an NA deputy of Yen Bai province, said that despite difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has earmarked 560 trillion VND (22.8 billion USD) for carrying out salary reforms in the 2024-2026 period.

This is a huge effort of the political system, she said, noting that if efforts aren't made now, it would be difficult to carry out the policy after 2026.

The minister also stressed the government's endeavours to overhaul the apparatus and streamline personnel to reduce the number of persons receiving salaries from the state budget.

Another highlight in the preparation for salary reform is improvements to the institutions related to public service by amending laws and resolutions of the National Assembly, to promulgating decrees to restructure and rebuild the public service sector in accordance with requirements of the new situation.

Salary reforms will not only improve the lives of officials, civil servants and public employees and their families, but also help increase labour productivity and national competitiveness, Tra said, adding that the reform is a driving force for economic growth, because a salary increase will affect supply and demand.

The minister stressed that the salary reform this time will be the most comprehensive and basic one so far, adding that it is inevitable to continue re-arrange and streamline the the apparatus to further reduce the number of employees paid by the State budget.

Vietnamese, Lao officials hold annual talks on border security

Lieutenant General Le Duc Thai, Commander of the Vietnam Border Guard force, held annual talks with Director General of the Lao Border Military Department Major General Siphan Phoutthavong in Luang Prabang on October 24.

Both sides agreed to continue on with the border guard cooperation agreement between the Vietnam Border Guard High Command and the Lao Border Military Department signed on October 16, 2018, as well as the legal border documents signed between Vietnam and Laos.

They will work together to enhance border management and protection, conduct mutual patrols to detect activities that aim at damaging national border markers, and monitor criminal activities.

The two sides vowed to jointly fight smuggling, trade fraud, drug trafficking, illegal weapons and explosive material transactions, human trafficking, cyber fraud, cross-border gambling, and terrorist attacks.

Additionally, they will coordinate to deal with issues related to sabotage attempts, illegal immigration, unauthorised residence, and illegal labour.

The two sides pledged to maintain regular or ad-hoc exchanges of information related to border management and protection, as well as incidents occurring along the border.

They will work together to raise public awareness of tactics used by hostile and reactionary forces, and law compliance among residents and adherence to legal border documents and relevant agreements signed by both sides.

Ministry to host conference on preserving documentary heritage

A national conference on protection and preservation of documentary heritage will be held by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in the central coastal city of Nha Trang in November.

The conference will serve as a venue for state management agencies, experts and localities to evaluate the management, protection and promotion work for documentary heritage and cultural heritage as a whole.

Also discussed at the event will be measures to preserve the value of documentary heritage items after they are recognised by the Memory of the World Committee for Asia and the Pacific.

The conference is expected to help local officials gain a deeper understanding about the preservation of document heritage, remove obstacles, as well as better prepare dossiers to seek documentary heritage recognition.

Documentary heritage is an important asset of a country as it keeps track on the nation or region’s history and socioeconomic development. Besides being protected by families, communal houses, temples and pagodas, a huge amount of heritage documents are being stored at the state archive centres.

UNESCO's Memory of the World Programme was established in 1992 as a global initiative to raise public awareness of the significance to preserving documentary heritage of humanity.

Vietnam has engaged in the programme since 2007, and had nine documentary heritage items on the UNESCO’s list, including three at the world level and six at the Asia-Pacific level.

Art programme to raise funds for the poor in HCM City

An art programme in response to the 2023 Month for The Poor will take place in Ho Chi Minh City on October 30 in a bid to mobilise resources to care for needy individuals and families, and those affected by epidemics and natural disasters.

As heard at an October 24 press conference, the programme, the 22nd of its kind, will stage outstanding cultural and artistic performances at the Ho Chi Minh City Television Theatre. It will introduce the fundraising efforts serving the city’s Fund for the Poor, exemplary models and successful practices in social welfare, and success stories of escaping poverty. Talk-shows with groups and individuals who have made significant contributions to social welfare will also be organised.

According to Pham Minh Tuan, Vice President of the municipal Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Committee, the programme is co-organised by the committee’s board for the mobilisation, management and use of the fund and HCM City Television.

The board aims to raise 40 billion VND (1.628 million USD) in the Month for The Poor in addition to more than 125 billion VND earmarked by all levels of the VFF chapters across the city. The funds raised will be utilised to care for the needy in the upcoming lunar New Year holiday, build charity houses, provide livelihoods, and grant scholarships, among activities.

The board raised more than 40.3 billion VND for the fund from last year’s edition of the programme.

Japanese firms take part in dialogue on social, health insurance

Vietnam Social Security (VSS) on October 24 held a dialogue on social insurance and health insurance policies with 130 Japanese-invested enterprises operating in the north of Vietnam.

The dialogue provided an opportunity for Japanese businesses to better grasp Vietnam's legal regulations on social security, social insurance, and health insurance, and a venue for Japanese investors to voice their opinions to help improve policies on social insurance, hence facilitating stable business, long-term investment, and workers' rights in Vietnam.

Speaking at the event, VSS Director General Nguyen The Manh said that as of September 2023, the agency is serving over 92 million health insurance participants and 17.5 million social insurance participants, accounting for nearly 40% of the workforce in Vietnam. 

Over 2,100 Japanese firms in Vietnam with 547,100 employees including about 1,600 foreigners participate in social insurance. Social insurance premiums paid by Japanese enterprises accounts for over 13% of the total collection from FDI enterprises in Vietnam.

Manh said that during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, despite difficulties, Japanese firms took measures to stabilise production and retain workers, which made important contributions to the country’s socioeconomic recovery and development.

“The majority of Japanese firms strictly follow Vietnam’s legal regulations, particularly those relating to social insurance and health insurance,” he said.

Vietnam and Japan are preparing negotiations toward a bilateral agreement on social insurance. "This is a milestone between the two countries for cooperation on social security", he said.

Japanese Ambassador to Vietnam Yamada Takio emphasized that the relationship between the two countries has developed better than ever in the fields of politics, culture and economics.

A recent JETRO survey of parent companies in Japan shows that Vietnam is the second country after the US that Japanese businesses want to invest more in. To large Japanese enterprises, Vietnam is the first destination they want to invest in, he said.

The ambassador said that with increasing investment in Vietnam, Japanese companies are required to understand and implement the host country's social insurance regulations and policies.

As Vietnam is amending its Social Insurance Law, changes to Vietnam's social insurance system will have a huge impact on investment trends from Japanese companies. Therefore, the ambassador said that he hopes those that compile the laws will listen to business opinions so the amended law will meet the needs of both employers and employees.

On this occasion, VSS launched the Japanese version of its app VssID which is expected to help Japanese employees in participating in social insurance and health insurance programmes.

Can Tho wishes to strengthen ties with Australia, US, Japan

Leaders of Can Tho had a meeting with the consulates general and attachés of Australia, the US, and Japan on October 24, highlighting the Mekong Delta city’s willingness to expand multi-faceted cooperation with the foreign partners.

At the event, participants expressed their hopes to tighten cooperation to help promote regional and international peace and prosperity, with a focus on the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals and climate change adaptation in the Mekong Delta.

Australian Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City Sarah Hooper said her country pays special attention to the development and prosperity of Asia-Pacific, including Vietnam, so as to achieve the sustainable goals.

Since 2000, the Australian Government has invested 650 million AUD (413.3 million USD) in the Mekong Delta to improve local infrastructure, boost investment attraction, develop human resources, and facilitate innovation.

She also underlined bilateral cooperation in developing climate-resilient plant varieties, implementing projects benefiting coastal areas, commercialising studies’ results, and carrying out the Mekong - Australia Partnership.

Consul General of the US in HCM City Susan Burns said the US prioritises cooperation with the Mekong Delta, including Can Tho, especially in the fields of climate change response, public health, and higher education. It will continue to carry out key activities in humanitarian assistance, war legacy settlement, and unexploded ordnance clearance.

Meanwhile, Japanese Consul General in HCM City Ono Masuo noted Japanese businesses are strong at biotechnology, clean energy, and the processing - manufacturing industry serving agriculture. Therefore, the Northeast Asian country hopes to enhance partnerships in these areas.

For his part, Secretary of the Can Tho Party Committee Nguyen Van Hieu said that as the centre of the Mekong Delta, his city is willing to expand multi-faceted ties with foreign partners, including Australia, the US, and Japan, which all have good relations with Vietnam.

Given the strengths of Australia, he expressed his hope that the two sides will step up collaboration in agriculture, health care, renewable energy, information technology, telecommunications, and real estate, among others.

To the US, Can Tho wishes to bolster ties in sharing experience in in-depth medical techniques, supporting disadvantaged patients, implementing the programmes and projects on climate change adaptation and impact mitigation, Hieu noted.

To Japan, the official added, Can Tho is proud to be one of the localities actively contributing to the Vietnam - Japan relations, especially amid the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties this year.

The city has built the Vietnam - Japan Friendship Industrial Park as part of the Hung Phu 1 Industrial Park in Cai Rang district, which is a favourable condition for potential investors from Japan to make investment, he went on, adding that it also looks forwards to stronger connections with Japan in labour, vocational training, supporting industries, the processing and manufacturing industry, high technology, and logistics.

Quang Ninh has two more special national relic sites

The Prime Minister on October 24 issued a decision accrediting the special national status of two more relic sites in the northern coastal province of Quang Ninh.

The sites consist of the historical and cultural complex of the Van Don port in Van Don district and the architectural and artistic relic of the Tra Co communal house in Mong Cai City.

The Prime Minister has requested the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the authorities of the localities where the relics are located to manage them in accordance with the law on cultural heritage.

The Tra Co communal house is one of Vietnam’s significant historical, cultural, architectural, and artistic relics. It was designated as a national heritage site by the Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports, and Tourism (now the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism) in 1974. So far, no historical or scientific evidence has been found to confirm its precise age. Various theories have been proposed, with the earliest dating back to the 15th century. Based on the architectural features that have been preserved, it can be inferred that the communal house was constructed between the late 17th and early 18th century. The site embodies a rich history and cultural significance, representing the architectural and artistic values of the Red River Delta region and inheriting the artistic essence of a historical period. In 2014, the provincial People's Committee recognised Tra Co as one of the 15 tourist attractions in Mong Cai city, which also included the Tra Co church, Tra Co temple, Xuan Lan pagoda, and Nam Tho pagoda.

The Van Don port, meanwhile, was once a major trading port of Dai Viet (ancient Vietnam). Existing from the mid-12th century to the late 18th century in the coastal region that now belongs to Quang Ninh, the port served as a significant and vital trading centre for Vietnam at that time. Myriad merchants and ships came here from across Asia and Europe to engage in the trade and exchange of goods.

Other special national relic sites in Quang Ninh include the sacred Buddhist land and historical site of Yen Tu in Uong Bi city and a memorial site dedicated to late President Ho Chi Minh on Co To island.

The Yen Tu relic site features many pagodas on Yen Tu Mountain. Here, King-Monk Tran Nhan Tong (1258-1308), the third king of the Tran dynasty, founded the Truc Lam Zen Buddhist sect.

On May 9, 1961, President Ho Chi Minh visited the Co To, the only destination he allowed to erect a statue of him when he was still alive. The memorial site was built in 1968, recognised as a national relic site in 1997, and received its latest accreditation in mid-January 2022.

In 2023, Quang Ninh – home to UNESCO-recognised Ha Long Bay – strives to become a "can't-miss" destination in Vietnam. It aims to attract 15 million visitors, 500,000 visitors higher than the figure in 2019 before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. During January – September, the locality hosted 13 million visitors, up more than 40% year-on-year.

Foreign Minister looks back on 50 years of Vietnam-Argentina ties

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son has penned an article looking back on the half-century cooperation and development toward the future between Vietnam and Argentina, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties.

Son wrote that starting from the 1970s when Vietnam was in the midst of the arduous struggle for independence and reunification, the country received tremendous solidarity, support and encouragement from Argentina, a South American nation with progressive ideals and a commitment to building a peaceful world without war.

On the basis of the shared aspirations for independence, democracy, freedom and the well-being of their people, the two governments officially established diplomatic relations on October 25, 1973, marking a significant milestone in the bilateral relationship and making Argentina one of the first three countries in the Latin America to establish diplomatic ties with Vietnam.

Alongside the inauguration of the Vietnamese Embassy in Argentina in 1995 and the Argentine Embassy in Vietnam in 1997, both sides have kept striving to create opportunities for bilateral cooperation and raise mutual understanding. Via sharing values, independence tradition, common development goals and aspiration to promote peace, cooperation and development, the two nations have nurtured a friendly and fruitful relationship over the past five decades, marked by significant milestones and outcomes.

He said through the ups and downs of history, both countries have been steadfast partners in the process of national construction and development. After nearly four decades of pursuing renewal policy, Vietnam has achieved significant and comprehensive accomplishments, continually elevating its global and regional standing, as Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong said: "Never has our country had such fortune, potential, international standing and prestige as it does today.”

The minister expressed his delight that the two countries have been working together to build and develop their political and diplomatic ties on the foundation of a strong and friendly solidarity, evidenced by high-level visits, including those by Argentine President Mauricio Macri in February 2019 and National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue in April 2023.

The historic visit by the top Vietnamese legislator after 18 years marked a new milestone in bilateral relationship, particularly as both countries are celebrating the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties and the 13th anniversary of comprehensive partnership, reaffirming Vietnam's high regard for Argentina as one of its top strategic partners in Latin America and expressing its wish for a substantive and effective collaboration, with breakthrough steps towards the establishment of a strategic partnership framework in various sectors in the near future.

During the global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic from 2020-2022, both countries supported each other by providing 500,000 doses of vaccines from Argentina and 20,000 masks from Vietnam.

Apart from cooperation mechanisms such as political consultations between the two foreign ministries, the Inter-Governmental Committee on Economic, Trade, and Investment Cooperation, and parliamentary cooperation, the two countries have been working closely and effectively at various multilateral forums and international organisations, such as the United Nations, the Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC), and the South-South cooperation.

The two sides agreed that territorial and sovereignty disputes should be resolved through peaceful means in accordance with international law.

Economically, with Argentina being Vietnam's third largest trade partner in Latin America and Vietnam ranking as Argentina's fifth largest export market, there remains huge potential to expand cooperation and business activities to boost two-way trade beyond the 4.8 billion USD recorded in 2022. The aim is to initiate negotiations on the Vietnam- Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) Free Trade Agreement soon.

With the determination of leaders and the support of the two countries’ people, Son expressed his full confidence that both sides will uphold the long-standing spirit of solidarity and the sacred values in the national development, they will together write even more meaningful chapters in the bilateral relationship.

Vietnam, RoK promote science-technology partnership

The ninth meeting of the Vietnam-the Republic of Korea (RoK) Joint Committee on Science and Technology Cooperation was held in Seoul on October 24 under the co-chair of Vietnamese Minister of Science and Technology Huynh Thanh Dat and Korean Minister of Science and ICT Lee Jong-ho.

The meeting was part of the activities to implement the action programme to realise the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries which was established during RoK President Yoon Suk Yeol’s visit to Vietnam in June.

Addressing the event, Lee underscored the increasingly strong impact of science and technology on life and socio-economic activities. He said that by promoting the policy coordination and cooperation in new areas, the two countries can optimise each other’s strengths and together cope with challenges they are facing.

He pointed to the considerable results of joint research between the two countries and the positive human resources exchange within typical cooperation projects, underlining that the Korean side hopes science-technology collaboration between the two countries will be further fostered through the joint committee mechanism.

For his part, Dat highlighted the great cooperation potential between the two countries in the field of science and technology.

The two sides can supplement each other in many areas, he said, affirming that the signing of the minute of the ninth meeting shows the commitment of the two countries in implementing cooperation contents within the mechanism, laying a foundation for the promotion of bilateral comprehensive partnership in the future.

The meeting aimed to share major policies in science and technology of the two countries, while seeking measures to expand bilateral collaboration in new areas.

During the meeting, the Korean side introduced three major strategies and 17 tasks of its 5th Basic Science and Technology Plan for the 2023-2027 period, while Vietnam briefed the Korean side on the country’s science-technology renovation policy, thus enhancing mutual understanding on each other’s science-technology policies.

Participants also evaluated their science-technology partnership over the years and discussed ways to continue beefing up their ties in the field, including expanding the scale of science-technology and innovation cooperation, diversifying collaboration forms, and supporting Vietnam to implement the second phase of the Vietnam- Korea Institute of Science and Technology (VKIST).

The RoK will share with Vietnam its database on artificial intelligence (AI), promote cooperation on AI, digital transformation and core technology as well as source technology of Fourth Industrial Revolution, and strengthen its support in capacity improvement training to Vietnam.

The two sides will work together to connect the startup ecosystems of the two countries. They agreed to continue to support the construction of the RoK’s research and development (R&D) centres in Vietnam.

The Vietnam-RoK Joint Committee on Science and Technology Cooperation meets annually following the bilateral science-technology cooperation agreement signed in April 1995. In the previous eight meetings, the committee discussed different ways of cooperation in the field of science and technology.

The two sides agreed to hold the 10th meeting of the committee in Vietnam.

Exhibition highlights Vietnamese sovereignty over seas and islands

An exhibition displaying maps and documentaries that assert Vietnam’s sovereignty over the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagos opened on October 24 in Nui Thanh district of the central province of Quang Nam.
Addressing the opening ceremony, Pham Hong Quang, director of the provincial Department of Information and Communication, recalled that in 2015 Quang Nam was the first locality nationwide that held mobile exhibitions of maps and materials testifying to the country’s sovereignty over the two groups of islands in the East Sea.

The three-day exhibition offers visitors an insight into solid evidence of the country’s sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa, thereby helping to refute history distortions and groundless sovereignty claims over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa in the East Sea.

To date, the Ministry of Information and Communications has organised a total of 101 exhibitions affirming national sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa in 63 provinces and cities, 11 island districts, 23 armed force units, five universities, and 61 high schools nationwide.

The Ministry also hosted three such exhibitions abroad, in Prague (Czech Republic) in July, 2017; Paris (France) in October, 2017; and Moscow (Russia) in November, 2018.

Oanh wins gold at National Athletics Championship in Hà Nội

Star runner Nguyễn Thị Oanh secured a remarkable gold medal at the National Athletics Championships held in Hà Nội yesterday.

Representing Bắc Giang, Oanh emerged victorious in the women's 1,500m category, crossing the finish line with a time of 4:21.07. Bùi Thị Ngân from Nam Định claimed the silver medal with a time of 4:26.15, and Ngô Thị Khánh Ny from Thái Bình took bronze finishing in 4:32.29.

Oanh's performance at this year's national event surpassed her achievement at the recent ASIAD 19, where she recorded a time of 4:24.19. However, it fell short of her personal best of 4:12.28, achieved at the 2023 World Athletics Championships in August. In the 32nd SEA Games held in May in Cambodia, Oanh had also won the gold medal in the same category, clocking in at 4:16.85.

"I am extremely delighted to successfully defend the women's 1,500m gold medal at the national championship. I will give my utmost effort to focus and achieve the best possible results in the remaining events in which I am competing, including the 5,000m, 10,000m, and 3,000m steeplechase," Oanh said.

In the women's shot put event, Kim Thị Huyền from Trà Vinh was outstanding, clinching the gold medal with a distance of 15.27m. This achievement also broke the previous national record of 14.75m set by Ka Hoa from Ninh Thuận in 2019.

"I couldn't believe I could achieve such a remarkable result," Huyền said.

"That's why I shouted in celebration out of excitement. All my opponents performed exceptionally well today. During practice, I could only manage to reach my limit at 14.87m."

Hailing from a farming family in Càng Long District, Trà Vinh Province, Huyền initially participated in the long jump at the provincial sports event. However, she was later encouraged to join the shot put team.

"In late 2018, I began training in shot put. Two years later, I was promoted to the national youth team and have been part of the national senior team since 2021," she added.

In other news, Hoàng Thanh Giang from Hải Phòng secured the gold medal in the women's long jump with a leap of 6.39m. Bùi Thị Thu Thảo of Hà Nội and Trần Thị Loan from Đà Nẵng claimed the silver and bronze medals, respectively. 

Vietnam – Argentina ties increasingly intensified

The friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Argentina have been intensified and developed robustly over the past 50 years, Chairwoman of the Argentina – Vietnam Culture Institute (ICAV) Poldi Sosa Schmidt has told the Vietnam News Agency.

Highlighting the milestones in the bilateral cooperation, she said Argentina was the third Latin American country setting up diplomatic relations with Vietnam (October 25, 1973), following Cuba and Chile.

In the 1990s, both sides opened their embassies in each other’s capital city, helping elevate the bilateral ties to a new high, she said, adding both sides inked two agreements on economic and trade cooperation, and promotion and reciprocal protection of investments.

Another milestone in their relations that helps spur two-way trade over years is the establishment of the Comprehensive Partnership in 2010, the official stressed.

Argentina has seen Vietnam among its top partners in the Southeast Asian region, she said, adding together with the sound political- diplomatic ties, the collaboration across economy as well as trade and investment between the two nations has continued to bear fruits, providing a basis for their time-tested relations.

However, there is ample room for both sides to enhance cooperation in culture and people-to-people exchange, she said, expressing her hope that academic exchanges will be further promoted, and the celebration of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations serve as a good opportunity for the two countries to bolster collaboration in the fields.

Julia Perie, an Argentine parliamentarian at the Mercosur Parliament (Parlasur) and former Chairwoman of the Argentina-Vietnam Friendship Association, also said both countries should pay due heed to enhancing academic and cultural exchanges so as to promote cooperation potential.

She highlighted the Vietnam-Argentina relations have been developed based on the solidarity between the two peoples and the support that they have given each other over the past five decades.

Describing economic-trade cooperation as a bright spot in the comprehensive partnership, with Vietnam being the 6th largest trade partner of the Latin American nation, Parie stressed that both sides hold huge potential to step up collaboration, and it is necessary to enhance activities within their cooperation mechanisms on the basis of the two economies’ complementary strengths.

She added that both nations have enjoyed close cooperation at international organisations and multilateral forums, especially at the UN, the Non-Aligned Movement, the World Trade Organisation, and the  Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation, helping bring practical benefits to people of each country while contributing to building a world of peace, stability, cooperation, and development.

Vietnam condemns attacks on civilians, civilian infrastructure

Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the United Nations (UN), has condemned all attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, saying that Vietnam is deeply concerned about the current tense situation in the Middle East, especially losses to civilians.    

Speaking at an open debate on the Middle East situation with a focus on the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Hamas movement at the UN General Assembly on October 24, the Ambassador called on all sides to immediately cease fire, exercise maximum restraint, respect international humanitarian law and apply all necessary measures to protect people's lives, including ensuring the safety of and immediate release of all hostages, minimising damage to essential civilian infrastructure in line with the UN Security Council’s Resolution 2573.

The Vietnamese diplomat called on the international community, especially all relevant parties, to create favourable conditions to end the fighting, resume dialogue and negotiations, allow humanitarian access and deploy timely and unhindered humanitarian relief operations to reach people in need of assistance, while ensuring the safety of humanitarian aid workers.

Giang expressed his support for mediation efforts of the UN, UN member countries as well as international and regional organisations, emphasising that in the long term, it is necessary to stop activities that incite more violence and hatred between the two sides, stop the expansion of settlements in the West Bank, the destruction of homes and the expulsion of Palestinians, and respect the status quo of holy sites in Jerusalem.  

The Vietnamese representative proposed resuming activities of the Middle East Quartet, urged parties to return to negotiations to resolve the root causes, aiming to achieve a two-state solution in accordance with international law and relevant UN resolutions, including the establishment of a Palestine state with East Jerusalem as its capital, peacefully coexisting alongside the state of Israel, with internationally recognised borders based on pre-1967 borders. He also called on the UN and UNSC to strive for a unified and constructive message, helping to promote efforts to reduce tensions, end fighting, protect civilians and support the resumption of dialogue and negotiations. 

At the open debates, many countries expressed concern about increasing tension and the risk of it spreading to the region, protested against attacks causing large casualties for civilians, and serious humanitarian situations as the Gaza Strip was completely locked down without electricity, water, medicine and other necessities for days. Most countries called for an immediate ceasefire and the establishment of a humanitarian corridor, allowing the transport of essential aid from outside into the Gaza Strip.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres urged all parties to respect their obligations under international humanitarian law, protecting civilians and civil works.

Seminar delves into innovation roles in Vietnam's digital transformation

The Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics (HCMA) and the Paris-headquartered Association of Vietnamese Scientists and Experts (AVSE Global) on October 25 co-organised a seminar on the driving force of innovation in the digital transformation context.

The biennial scientific event serves as a platform for the discussion of issues related to leadership, management, and new development methods that have profound impact on the world, the region, and Vietnam.

Politburo member and HCMA President Nguyen Xuan Thang shared Vietnam's vision for development based on innovation and creativity, which highlights a people-centred model of stability, innovation, rapid growth, and sustainability.

Thang, who is also Chairman of the Central Theory Council, noted that to achieve the goal of rapid and sustainable development, the Southeast Asian nation has placed significant emphasis on investment in education, training, and science and technology. However, it is still facing a considerable lag behind some regional and developed countries in terms of innovation and of making innovation a primary driver of economic growth.

He went on identifying pillars of the innovation-based development driving locomotives, which include accelerating the national digital transformation, enhancing the role of enterprises, and establishing a favourable institutional environment. Above all, he stressed the human factor must play a decisive role, with creative thinking linked to the development of the nation's future generations.

Participating managers, experts, and scientists engaged in comprehensive discussions and evaluations of the results achieved in implementing relevant policies, laws, and regulations. They analysed and assessed current legal provisions, mechanisms, and policies to help enterprises innovate to improve productivity and drive economic growth.

The seminar put forward suggestions to enhance the national sci-tech capacity and innovation system, with the aim of making them a true push for Vietnam's development in the near future.

Hanoi seeks World Bank support on wastewater management, urban railway routes

 Hanoi hopes for the World Bank's continued support to and collaboration with Hanoi in the implementation of projects across various fields, including wastewater management and the establishment of ten urban railway routes as well as tackling water and air pollution to enhance the quality of life for its residents, Chairman of the municipal People's Committee Tran Sy Thanh has said.

He made the statement at a reception for Carolyn Turk, World Bank Country Director to Vietnam on October 25.

Expressing appreciation for the World Bank's proactive and effective support to Hanoi throughout the preceding years, Thanh noted that the World Bank has to date sponsored 11 projects in the capital with a loan capital of 270 million USD.

These projects have spanned various sectors, from providing clean water to suburban areas, wastewater treatment to constructing some public transportation routes.

He briefed the guest on its future perspectives, saying that Hanoi is in the process of formulating the capital planning until 2030, with a vision for 2045, adjustments to the Capital's General Planning until 2045, and a vision for 2065 that outlines the city's primary objectives and meet global trends in energy conversion and smart transportation.

He went on to say that it is amending the Capital Law to establish policy mechanisms that align with its evolving development goals, adding that the city is ready to share information with the World Bank to facilitate their participation in initiatives relating to green and sustainable development.

Referring to a recent meeting between Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and World Bank President Ajay Banga, during which the Vietnamese government leader proposed the World Bank increase its support for the country, particularly in the field of urban transportation, Turk said that it is currently engaged in discussions with a number of Vietnamese localities, including Hanoi, to execute specific projects.

She expressed her interest in understanding Hanoi's specific development goals to explore cooperation plans in the future.

Heavy rains hit Quảng Trị, flooding many areas

Heavy rain has caused water levels at many rivers in the Quảng Trị central province to rise sharply.

The provincial Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and Search and Rescue reported that on early Tuesday morning, the province experienced heavy rainfall, with the common rainfall from 30-65mm. 

Rain was measured at 74-114mm per hour in Gio Linh, Đakrông and Vĩnh Linh districts. 

The heavy rain has caused water levels in several rivers, including Ô Lâu, Hiếu, Thạch Hãn, Bến Hải to rise rapidly. 

It also led to flooding in low-lying areas, submerging sections of mountainous roads, temporarily disrupting transportation.

Some roads are submerged in water, with depths ranging from 0.5 to 1m.

The province has instructed localities to implement measures to protect agricultural production, ensuring safety for aquaculture to minimise the damage caused by heavy rain and flooding. 

The province still has nearly 7,000ha of rice, cassava, and vegetables, along with 2,900ha of ponds and lakes, as well as numerous cages of aquaculture that have not been harvested, mostly in the mountainous districts of Đakrông, Hướng Hóa and the lowland areas.

To ensure the safety of reservoirs, dams and dykes, authorities have conducted inspections and assessments of the current conditions of structures. They have been developing, reviewing, and updating disaster response plans.

The province will continue to experience heavy rain in the coming hours, with common rainfall ranging from 30 to 80mm.

The provincial People's Committee has issued an official telegram regarding the concentration of efforts to respond to the rain and floods.

PM orders thorough investigation into deaths of four tourists

Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính has called for a thorough investigation into the deaths of four people who were in a vehicle caught up in flash floods.

The tourists, from the Republic of Korea, died after their 4x4 jeep was swept away as they were driven across a stream in Lạc Dương District, the Central Highlands province of Lâm Đồng, on Tuesday.

Their Vietnamese driver survived the crash but suffered some injuries.

In his dispatch to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, the Government leader offered condolences to the bereaved families and ordered authorities to identify who was responsible for the tragic accident. 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will work with the People’s Committee of Lâm Đồng Province, the Korean Embassy, and others to deal with related issues and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism have been ordered to give timely directions to localities regarding measures to ensure security and safety for tourists. 

Meanwhile, the National Steering Committee on Natural Disaster Prevention and Control is tasked to keep a close watch on weather developments and direct localities to carry out measures in response to natural disasters. 

The tourists who died, two men and two women, had paid for the jeep experience in Cù Lần Village Tourist Area.

Around 4.30pm on Tuesday, the bodies of three people were found around 2km from the location where the flash floods hit.

The other tourist, who had managed to get out of the vehicle, died on the way to hospital.

On Tuesday afternoon, the Lâm Đồng Province’s Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism issued a document recommending the temporary suspension of tourism and service activities at the Cù Lần Village Tourist Area. 

The provincial People's Committee is actively engaged in the recovery efforts, while the police are collaborating with relevant agencies to investigate and clarify the causes of the accident. 

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes