The Vietnamese Embassy in the UK and the Newhaven Town Council inaugurated the renovation of a bronze statue of President Ho Chi Minh at the Newhaven Museum on October 25 as part of activities to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the leader’s arrival in the UK (1913-2023) and the 50th founding anniversary of Vietnam-UK diplomatic relations.

The statue was a gift from the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Management Board to the Newhaven Museum via the Embassy of Vietnam in the UK in 2013 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s arrival in the UK. The renovation of the statue was implemented by the embassy with the support from the Newhaven Museum and the Vietnamese community in the European nation.

Addressing the ceremony, Ambassador Nguyen Hoang Long recalled President Ho Chi Minh’s 30-year journey around the world to find a path to liberate the country, including his 4-year stay in the UK, starting May 1913.

The ambassador stressed that even though the period President Ho Chi Minh lived and worked in the UK was not long, it was significant in shaping his political ideology, and laid the foundation for the present flourishing strategic partnership between the two countries.

He pointed to the special link between President Ho Chi Minh and Newhaven, the first stop of his arrival in the UK, expressing gratitude to the Mayor and the Council of Newhaven and the Vietnamese community in the UK for their wholehearted support over the past years to preserve relics related to President Ho Chi Minh as well as their help to the statue renovation.

The diplomat hoped in the future, the Newhaven council will continue to support the preservation of these relics as well as have new projects to build or renovate works honouring President Ho Chi Minh in Newhaven, contributing to further promoting the relationship between the two countries.

Mayor of Newhaven Julie Carr welcomed Vietnamese guests to the ceremony, expressing a hope that after this special event, Newhaven will receive more visitors from Vietnam, further tightening the relations between Newhaven and Vietnam.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Newhaven Museum Graham Amy said he was grateful to the people of Vietnam for the beautiful bronze statue of President Ho Chi Minh, which, according to him, now looks resplendent on the new stand after the renovation.

Amy said President Ho’s connection to Newhaven went back more than a century to 1913 when he worked as a pastry chef on a cross-channel ferry between the French town of Dieppe and Newhaven.

Peter Rhodes, a local resident who has lived in Newhaven since 1973, said it was special to him to be invited by the Vietnamese Ambassador to attend the ceremony and meet lovely Vietnamese people.

Rhodes stressed that as a young person in the 1960s, he admired Vietnam and its people for their resistance war and was proud of Newhaven’s links to President Ho Chi Minh and Vietnam.

Before the inaugural ceremony at the Newhaven Museum, the Embassy of Vietnam in the UK and the visiting Vietnamese delegations laid flowers at the foundation stone of the memorial of President Ho Chi Minh in West Quay of Newhaven Harbour.

Vietnam, Mongolia eye stronger defence ties

President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh hosted a reception in Ulaanbaatar on October 26 for Minister of National Defence Gen. Phan Van Giang and a high-ranking delegation of Vietnam who have been on an official visit to the country.

Khurelsukh stressed that Vietnam has a special position in Mongolia’s foreign policy and wished that in the near future, bilateral ties would reach a new height for the benefit of the people of both countries and contributing to the maintenance of peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

Giang affirmed that Vietnam always highly evaluates its traditional friendship with Mongolia and believed that the upcoming Vietnam visit in early November by the Mongolian President will be a success, especially at a time when the two countries will celebrate the 70th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties next year.

He also informed the host about the outcomes of his talks with Mongolian Minister of Defence Gursediin Saikhanbayar and cooperation between the two armies over the past years.

For his part, the President committed all possible support to deepen collaboration between the two defence ministries in a way that matches bilateral cooperation framework.

At the talks between the two defence ministers in the morning of the same day, both sides agreed to continue their efforts to effectively promote practical cooperation in various fields, such as facilitating the exchange of delegations at all levels, defence industry, training, military medicine, culture, arts, military sports, and sharing experience in United Nations peacekeeping operations.

Saikhanbayar stressed that Mongolia always treasures the development of its relationship with Vietnam and considers Vietnam a bridge to foster its relations with countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and a key partner of Mongolia in the region.

Meanwhile, Giang affirmed that Vietnam consistently pursues a national defence policy of "four nos" and foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralisation and diversification of international relations and giving the highest priority to developing friendship and cooperation ties with traditional friend nations, including Mongolia.

On global and regional issues of shared concern, the host and guest underscored the importance of maintaining an environment of peace, stability, cooperation and development in the East Sea, which is significant to not only coastal countries but also landlocked nations.

Following the talks, the two ministers witnessed the signing of a cooperation agreement on the exchange of delegations between the two defence ministries.

On October 26 afternoon, Giang and his entourage visited the National Defence University in Ulaanbaatar. Founded in 1921, it is the country's premier and oldest military educational institution.

Seminar on legal assistance for overseas Vietnamese held in Hanoi

The Foreign Ministry’s State Commission for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs (SCOV) in coordination with the Hanoi Bar Association held a seminar in the capital city on October 26 to discuss legal assistance for overseas Vietnamese (OV).

Speaking at the event, SCOV deputy head Nguyen Manh Dong said following the consistent policy of considering the OV an inseparable part and a resource of the Vietnamese national community, the Party and State have issued a number of policies, guidelines and legal documents.

Most recently, Conclusion 12-KL/TW dated August 2, 2021 of the Politburo on OVs work in the new situation set a task of helping OVs gain firm legal status, stabilise life, comply to the host country's laws and smoothly integrate into the host society.

According to Dong, many OVs have the need for guidance and information provision about Vietnam's policies and laws on OVs affairs.

The seminar was as an initial step towards issuing a mechanism to provide legal support for OVs, contributing to helping them settle down overseas as well as supporting them when they return to Vietnam for settlement, working and doing business.

Participants discussed the OV community's need for legal assistance in some specific aspects and proposed methods and forms of legal support that meet the requirements of the OV community and suit the available resources of the Hanoi Bar Association.

Party official pays working visit to RoK to seek closer ties

A high-ranking delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), led by Politburo member and Chairman of the CPV Central Committee’s Economic Commission Tran Tuan Anh paid a working visit to the Republic of Korea (RoK) from October 23-25.

While in the RoK, Anh held working sessions with Prime Minister Han Duck-soo, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Yoo In-chon, Mayor of Busan city Park Heong-joon, First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Chang Ho-jin, and First Vice Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Youngjin Jang.

PM Han said over the past three decades, ties between Vietnam and the RoK have been growing robustly, quickly and actively. The RoK is now the biggest investor and the third largest trading partner of Vietnam.

The RoK is a reliable companion of Vietnam, he said, adding that it supports Vietnam's goal to become a developed country by 2045. The RoK is ready to work closely with Vietnam in various fields and assist the country in improving sci-tech capability and human resources quality to achieve its development goals, the PM added.

The other RoK officials expressed their delight at the establishment of RoK-Vietnam comprehensive strategic partnership and said Vietnam has become an attractive investment destination for Korean enterprises and a preferred tourist destination for many Koreans. They expressed their desire to closely partner with the Vietnamese Party, Government, ministries, sectors and localities to further deepen and enhance the quality of cooperation and exchanges between the two countries.

For his part, Anh affirmed that the Vietnamese Party and Government always treasure and want to promote its comprehensive strategic partnership with the RoK.

On the foundation of the fine bilateral relationship, high political trust, extensive and close people-to-people ties and shared strategic goals, he wished that the RoK Government, ministries and big corporations would continue with close cooperation with and support for Vietnam to develop such key sectors as information technology, electronics, marine economy, shipbuilding, and maritime transport.

He suggested both sides enhance cultural and sports collaboration to further elevate the image and position of each country, spreading the positive values of each nation in the region and on the international stage.

The official asked the Vietnamese Embassy and business community continue building on their past achievements, helping to elevate the bilateral relationship to be commensurate with the framework of the Vietnam-RoK comprehensive strategic partnership.

International conference on East Sea wraps up

The 15th international conference on the East Sea wrapped up in Ho Chi Minh City on October 26, with four discussion sessions and a keynote speech on the second sitting.

The sessions focused discussions on the role of coast guards in enhancing cooperation in the East Sea; decisive time: traditional energy or renewable energy?; essential infrastructure: new strategic significance of technology; and the voice of the next generation.

In her online keynote speech, Acting Managing Director of Asia and Pacific of the European External Action Service (EEAS) Paola Pampaloni said peace, stability and cooperation in the East Sea play a crucial role for the EU.

The EU strongly opposes any actions that increase tensions and undermine the rule-based order, she said, affirming that the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is a "guiding light" and a "lodestar" to peacefully settle disputes in the region.

Additionally, the EU supports the negotiation process led by ASEAN towards an effective, practical and legally binding Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) which must respect the interests of third parties and conform with international law, she said.
The official also reaffirmed the EU's continued support for effective multilateralism and the central role of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

In his closing speech, Deputy Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam Dr. Nguyen Hong Son said the conference has highlighted the immense potential of the seas and oceans, and proposed various innovative cooperation mechanisms and ideas to realise their potential.

He highlighted the need to maintain a peaceful environment, enhance dialogue and cooperation to strengthen the effectiveness of international law and multilateral cooperation mechanisms, and reduce unilateral actions, thus "luminating the grey." 

Son also called for building a team of experts and young leaders in the region who are interested in, understand and have a habit of dialogue and cooperation.

Vietnamese, Lao public security ministries step up cooperation

Minister of Public Security General To Lam on October 26 hosted a reception for the out-going head and deputy head of the Representative Agency of the Lao Ministry of Public Security in Vietnam, Phayvanh Sitthi Chanh and Sakda Xayyasongkham.

Lam told the guests that the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam appreciates the contributions of the Lao agency and Phayvanh Sitthi Chanh in particular, in effectively implementing cooperation activities between the two ministries, contributing to strengthening and deepening the Vietnam – Laos special solidarity. 

He highlighted the special friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the two ministries, saying that during the 2020 - 2021 period when the COVID-19 pandemic broke out and developed complicatedly in Vietnam, the relations between the two sides were still maintained and grew even closer.

According to Lam, the two ministries have regularly maintained communication channels, while collaboration and information exchange have been implemented in various forms. Joint efforts in the fight against crime have yielded remarkable results, especially in combating drug crime.

As the situation in the world and the region continues to undergo complex developments with many unpredictable and instable factors that directly impact the national construction and defence in each country, the two ministries should further bolster their cooperation in order to firmly protect national security, and maintain social order and safety in each country, Minister Lam said.

As a bridge between the two ministries, their representative agencies play a vital role in communicating information and requests for coordination between the two sides' operational forces and providing timely recommendations to their leadership for the promotion and implementation of cooperative efforts in line with practical requirements, Lam stressed.

For his part, Phayvanh Sitthi Chanh affirmed that regardless of any position he may hold, he will continue to work to foster the traditional friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, States, and peoples in general, and between the law enforcement forces of the two countries in particular.

Vietnam ready to help connect EU with Southeast Asian region

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha held separate working sessions with High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell and EU Commissioner for Climate Action Wopke Hoekstra on the sidelines of the 2023 Global Gateway Forum in Belgium on October 26.

Meeting with Borrell, who is also Vice President of the European Commission (EC), Ha highlighted Vietnam's commitment to enhance and deepen the framework of its partnership and comprehensive cooperation with the EU.

He proposed that both sides fully and effectively implement existing cooperation mechanisms and strengthen the pillar of trade and investment through the implementation of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA). He also urged EU member countries to early ratify the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) and the EC to remove its yellow card warning imposed on Vietnam regarding illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

At the same time, the Deputy PM called for an expansion of the sides’ cooperation in potential areas such as climate change response and energy transition, particularly within the framework of the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP). Vietnam is willing to act as a bridge to help the EU connect with the Southeast Asian region, and closely coordinate with the EU in implementing the ASEAN-EU strategic partnership and addressing regional and global issues, he said.

For his part, Borrell affirmed that Vietnam is an important partner of the EU in the region. He lauded the relationship’s comprehensive development, particularly in economy and trade, with the effective EVFTA implementation resulting in a 20% increase in bilateral trade last year.

The High Representative said there is still untapped potential for bilateral cooperation, especially in the energy sector, and agreed to enhance the sides’ all-rounded collaboration for the full and efficient implementation of the EVFTA and other cooperation frameworks. 
Borrell went on pledging to support Vietnam within the JETP framework focusing on just energy transition and sustainable development.

He acknowledged Vietnam's efforts in tackling IUU fishing in recent times and suggested that the country closely coordinate with the EC and fully carry out its recommendations in order to get the yellow card removed early.

Both sides underscored the importance of maintaining peace, stability, freedom, and safety of maritime navigation and overflight, and resolving disputes peacefully based on international law and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

At his meeting with Commissioner Hoekstra, Ha highlighted Vietnam's determination to actively fulfill its commitments at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26). He proposed the EU continue close coordination with Vietnam to expedite the completion of the resource mobilisation plan for the implementation of JETP.

In response, the Commissioner for Climate Action stated that the EU consistently supports Vietnam in its green transition efforts, and asked Vietnam to support the EU's initiatives at the COP28.
Also in the framework of the forum, Deputy PM Ha had a meeting with CEO of John Cockerill Group François Michel, during which the two sides discussed the progress of the group's investment projects in Vietnam.

Vietnam strives towards doping-free sport: Ambassador

Vietnam commits strengthening cooperation with national, regional and global anti-doping organisations to develop a sport industry of honesty, fairness and cleanliness, and free of doping, Ambassador Le Thi Hong Van, head of the Vietnamese Permanent Delegation to UNESCO, has said.

At the ninth session of the Conference of Parties (COP) to the International Convention against Doping in Sport that took place at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on October 25-26, Van highlighted Vietnam hails the convention’s significance to the signatories to underpin their sport, and the country has maintained compliance to the convention by carrying out anti-doping programmes in sport activities, and promoting the coordination role of the Vietnam Anti-Doping Agency (VADA) under the Sports Authority of Vietnam.

Vietnam wants to continue collaboration with UNESCO’s member states to improve capacity and raise awareness of doping prevention in sports, she stressed.

In her opening remarks, Assistant Director General for the Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO Gabriela Ramos said the convention is one of the most successful in the history of UNESCO as it is now the second most ratified of all UNESCO treaties, with 191 state parties.

She described COP9 as a turning point in the implementation of the convention which helps harmonise regulations, instruction and principles on doping prevention at the international scale so as to create a fair and equal competing environment for all athletes.

At the session, participants discussed efforts to complete the monitoring tool of the convention, enhance the role and responsibilities of the convention in the Global Sport Ecosystem, effectively use the Fund for the Elimination of Doping in Sport, as well as strengthen the capacity for small island countries and less-developed ones to ensure that no one is left behind.

They said enhanced cooperation among countries during carrying out the convention will help honour the nobility of sport, while promoting UNESCO’s mission to advance peace and human values.

The 10th session will be held in October 2025 in Paris.

Quang Ninh: Binh Lieu tourism week, festival promise memorable experiences

Art programme kicks off the culture-tourism week and the harvest season festival of Bình Liêu District. 

A series of cultural and tourism events are taking place as part of the culture-tourism week and the harvest season festival of Bình Liêu, a border district in the northern province of Quảng Ninh.

The festival week also marks the province’s 60th founding anniversary (October 30, 1963 – 2023).

A wide range of interesting activities are being held in Lục Hồn Commune throughout October, including the new rice harvest rituals at Lục Nà Communal House, paragliding from Cao Xiêm Mountain over ripe rice fields, boat race on the Tiên Yên River, a fair of local agricultural and forestry products in Ngàn Pạt Hamlet, and mountaineering and camping on Cao Xiêm Mountain.

Folk sports and games like ném còn (cloth ball throwing), crossbow shooting, tug of war and pole pushing will be organised at terraced fields and cultural houses in Ngàn Pạt, Khe O, Cao Thắng, Bản Cáu, and Lục Nà hamlets.

Visitors can also take photos of the ripe rice terraces or experience new rice harvest rituals with families of Tày people.

October to November is the most beautiful season in Bình Liêu, giving tourists a great chance to explore a paradise of flowering pampas grass, to trek along the “dinosaur spine” (walking along high ridge).

Many other unique destinations include Lục Nà Communal House, Hoành Mô Border Gate, the Cao Sơn flower garden, Khe Vằn Waterfalls, Sông Moóc Waterfalls, Cao Ba Lanh Mountain, and Cao Ly Mountain. The “Dinosaur Spine - Marker 1305” running tournament also promises a one-of-a-kind experience.

In December, the opening ceremony of the sở (oil-seed camellia) flower season will take place at the sở forest in Đồng Long Hamlet of Đồng Tâm Commune. Various cultural and sports activities will also be held on this occasion such as a cycling race, a display of literature and art works about the land of oil-seed camellia flowers, musical and sports exchanges, folk games, and a fair of local farm produce.

Bình Liêu is blessed with a mild climate all year round, beautiful mountain landscapes, many historical heritage sites, and cultural diversity with numerous ethnic groups.

More than 90 per cent of locals are ethnic minorities such as Tày, Sán Chỉ and Dao. The area is also home to special cultural festivities like the Sọong Cô and Sán Cố folksong festivals and Lục Na Festival.

The district hopes to welcome 150,000 tourists in 2023, the fourth edition of the culture-tourism week. 

Coast Guard seizes 80,000 litres of smuggled diesel

The Coast Guard Region No. 3 Command has seized about 80,000 litres of smuggled diesel oil from a fishing vessel 120 nautical miles east of Côn Đảo Island in the southern coastal province of Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu.

It said on Monday that its working team stopped the fishing vessel TG 90297 TS registered in the Cửu Long (Mekong) Delta province of Tiền Giang and found the oil of unknown origin.

The vessel’s captain, Nguyễn Văn Bường, 51, of Tiền Giang Province, and four crew members were on board.

Bường failed to furnish documents proving the origin of the oil, and none of the crew had the qualifications or certification required to be a sailor.

On October 24, the working team brought the vessel ashore and handed the case over to the Coast Guard Region No. 3 Command based in Vũng Tàu city for further investigation. 

Nghệ An doctors and nurses dedicated to medically challenged infants

For female doctors and nurses in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Nghệ An Paediatric Hospital, the normal development of newborns brings joy and serves as their daily motivation.

Many of these newborns are premature or have health issues, but they gradually grow stronger and are discharged into the loving embrace of their parents, which is a priceless reward for these medical professionals.

Dr Trương Lệ Thi, a specialist in Neonatology and head of the hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, says that seeing every baby discharged healthy after receiving care and treatment in the unit provides her with the extra motivation needed to overcome the challenges and pressures of her job.

With bright eyes and a constant smile, Thi makes a strong first impression on everyone she encounters. Her nimble hands flip through each patient's medical records, providing guidance to the nursing staff on the care of newly admitted infants.

Although Thi initially studied general medicine at Thái Bình Medical University, she eventually found herself drawn to the field of neonatology. She tirelessly pursued professional development, completing a residency programme and earning a specialisation in neonatology at Hà Nội Medical University. After finishing her training, she was entrusted by the leadership of the Nghệ An Paediatric Hospital to work in the neonatal unit.

Thi recalls that at that time, the unit was understaffed and only able to care for 50 per cent of the infants born in the hospital, specifically those with health issues. Due to the growing demand and the increasing number of newborns, the hospital established the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Over nearly a decade, this unit has provided care to all the babies born at the hospital and has extended its services to infants from central Hà Tĩnh and Quảng Bình provinces, many of whom face severe respiratory distress, neonatal infections, sepsis, jaundice, congenital heart defects and metabolic disorders.

The Neonatal Unit has successfully nurtured premature babies with weights as low as 600 grammes. It has also conducted screening to detect postnatal disorders in newborns, such as hearing loss, congenital heart defects using echocardiography, and metabolic screening through heel blood samples.

The field of medicine is demanding and requires sacrifice. Providing care and treatment to sick or premature newborns is a battle that demands dedication, patience and resilience from doctors and nurses. Simultaneously, they must monitor and care for the lives of hundreds of babies, including those born prematurely or with various severe medical conditions.

"We not only monitor every breath and heartbeat on the machines, but we also have to continuously observe the babies, sometimes even sitting next to their incubators, closely watching every expression, every movement or sign of distress to ensure timely adjustments. It's an around-the-clock commitment," she says.

Thi recalls an incident two years ago when a child from central Quảng Bình Province, who had just been born a few hours earlier, showed signs of severe heart and respiratory failure. The child was in transfer to the National Children's Hospital in Vinh City for treatment, but on the way, the child's heart stopped beating, prompting the family to rush back to the Nghệ An Paediatric Hospital. Thanks to the immediate interventions in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, the baby was successfully brought back to life.

A few hours later, the child experienced a second cardiac arrest. Thi and her colleagues held a consultation and sought the expertise of specialists from other hospitals to develop a timely and effective emergency care protocol.

Fortunately, with the correct resuscitation techniques and the combined efforts of the entire medical team, the child's health gradually improved, and the patient was eventually discharged from the hospital.

Thi also mentions the recent case of a premature baby girl. The baby was born at 24 weeks and 5 days and weighed only 700 grammes. After more than three months of intensive care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, the baby was discharged with a weight of 2.4 kilogrammes, having the ability to breastfeed independently. This is the most premature baby to be successfully nurtured at the Nghệ An Paediatric Hospital.

With nearly 20 years of experience in the medical field, Thi cannot recall all the sleepless nights spent treating patients. Being both a doctor and a mother, she understands better than anyone that newborns need warm hands and the love of their loved ones to develop both physically and mentally.

With this simple thought in mind, she has strived to overcome the challenges, pouring her heart and responsibility into the care of paediatric patients.

Thi says caring for and treating premature and extremely premature infants is always a significant challenge. Due to the high rate of complications and mortality, these infants face various risks such as respiratory issues, infections and life-threatening conditions.

It requires doctors and nurses at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to closely monitor the health and provide nurturing care to these babies. Moreover, strict control is maintained over factors like lighting, noise and infection, she says.

As a result, each developmental milestone of these infants will be a source of joy and happiness for the unit and their families, she adds.

Speaking of her colleagues, who have also been mentors in her work, Trần Thị Loan, head nurse of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, says that aside from being proficient in her field, Dr Thi is always dedicated and responsible in her work. Every morning, everyone is accustomed to seeing her check the health of each premature baby in their incubators.

Despite her busy schedule, Thi makes an effort to devote her limited spare time to passing on knowledge and providing hands-on guidance to the younger staff in the unit. This helps them not only develop professionally, but also cope with the pressures of their work.

"We often tell each other that the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is a place where day and night blur together. There, the lights never go out, and neither do the doctors, nurses or staff find a moment of respite. Every day, as we see these fragile infants lying in their incubators, vulnerable, and with the worried eyes of their families, we all know that we carry the weight of our profession, and the trust and expectations of these families."

Dr Trần Văn Cương, Deputy Director of the Nghệ An Paediatric Hospital, says that the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit consistently provides comprehensive care for 50-60 infants, with the number rising to nearly 80 at peak times.

Taking care of and treating premature or sick infants is a battle, demanding the effort, patience and perseverance of doctors and nurses. Thanks to the dedication and sacrifices of these doctors and nurses, hundreds of premature and medically challenged infants have been saved and returned to their families in good health, he says. 

Xuyen Tam Canal cleanup project to start work in 2024

The project of dredging, environmental improvement, infrastructure construction and land exploitation along the section of Xuyen Tam Canal in Go Vap District is set to start work in August 2024.
The information was released by Nguyen Hoang Anh, Deputy Director of the Urban Infrastructure Construction Investment Projects Management Unit (the main investor of the project) on October 24 morning.

According to him, the Urban Infrastructure Construction Investment Projects Management Unit had signed an advance cost contract and handed over the project boundary for the two districts of Go Vap and Binh Thanh to perform surveys and prepare for the compensation plan for affected households.

The Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee has assigned Go Vap District and Binh Thanh District to calculate the compensation plan and issue the unit price.

The project of dredging, environmental clearance, infrastructure construction and land exploitation along Xuyen Tam canal was approved by the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Council following the investment policy approval in Resolution No.64 of the city People's Council in December 2022.

The project has a total investment of VND9,664 billion (US$392 million) from the city budget, including VND6,372 billion (US$259 million) dedicated to site clearance, VND2,710 billion (US$110 million) for construction works and the rest for other costs.

It is expected that the project will start work in Go Vap District in August 2024 and in Binh Thanh District in April 2025. It is scheduled to complete in April 2028.

The Xuyen Tam Canal has a total length of 8,865 meters with its main route stretching from Nhieu Loc – Thi Nghe Canal to Vam Thuan River having a total length of 6,628 meters and three branches with a total length of 2,237 meters, comprising Cau Son Canal, Binh Loi, Binh Trieu.

The canal through Go Vap and Binh Thanh has a total area of land revocation of 158,800 square meters with 1,880 affected cases.

Schools can’t throw books at violating lecturers

University lecturers funded by school budget to study abroad refuse to return home to work. Schools find it difficult to throw the book on them despite regulations.

Many universities send lecturers to study abroad for master's and doctoral degrees but then they didn’t return to Vietnam to work for their schools as commitment and schools couldn’t contact them after graduation. Worse, although there are many binding commitments and regulations between schools and lecturers, schools are unable to impose any punishments on these lecturers who have breached the contracts.

From 2000 to the present, the Government has had 5 projects to train and improve the qualifications of scientific and technical staff, lecturers studying for doctorates, masters, and universities at training and research establishments or coordinate with foreign countries to provide training to meet the requirements of implementing the country’s innovation process.

Specifically, in 2000, the Government approved the Project 322 during the period from 2000 to 2005. The government allocated VND100 billion (US$4,039,858) for the project in 2000 while the government allocated VND260 billion each year for implementing the Project 356 carried out between 2006 and 2010 to send 400 lecturers to study abroad each year. While the Project 356 has not ended, the government continued to allocate VND14,000 billion to embark on the Project 911 ‘Training lecturers with doctoral degrees for universities and colleges in the period 2010-2020’ with the goal of training about 10,000 lecturers with doctorates degrees in prestigious universities in the world.

Some 2,050 domestic graduate students, 2,900 foreign graduate students, and 27 joint training graduate students enrolled in the Project 911 by 2016. however, by 2017, the Project 911 stopped enrolling students. While the Project 911 has not ended, the government also set up the Project 599 ‘Training officials abroad with the state budget for the period 2013-2020’ with a budget of VND2,070 billion to train 1,800 doctorates and masters, bachelor's degree. By 2019, the Government again approved the Project 89 which was implemented from 2019 to 2030.

According to the Ministry of Education and Training’s project implementation plan, in 10 years, approximately 7,300 PhDs were trained domestically and internationally and over 300 lecturers in the fields of culture, arts, physical education and sports have master's degrees.

According to the evaluation of universities, a highlight in the implementation plan of the Ministry of Education and Training’s Project 89 is that lecturers who are sent for training must reimburse scholarships and training costs according to current regulations if they drop out of schools without good reason; do not complete the training program and do not receive a diploma. The regulation also states that lecturers must repay training costs if they completed and received a diploma but did not return to work at the sending institutions or unilaterally terminated the working contract without working enough time as a commitment.

Acting Principal of Ho Chi Minh City Nong Lam University (Agriculture and Forestry University) Associate Professor Huynh Thanh Hung said: The Government's projects are a very good policy of the State to improve the capacity of lecturers for higher education institutions. However, there are some hiccups in the implementation process and they are insolvable.

He cited that previously, the Nong Lam University also had lecturers sent to study under the Project 322 and the Project 911. However, many people when studying for a doctorate abroad sought to apply for an extension to do post-doctoral research or try to stay and not return while others returned to work after graduating, but because their salary was too low, they always wanted to leave for other schools with higher salaries and income. The school had no punishment for those trying to stay abroad after graduation.

According to Associate Professor Huynh Thanh Hung, only when the government should have an approach to impose penalties on those who tried to stay in foreign countries after graduation, the projects are effective.

Regarding the processing of compensation and recovery of training costs, recently, Can Tho University was asked to issue a list of schools that must have financial reimbursements according to regulations for a number of research studies. Can Tho University currently has 12 officials studying doctoral degrees abroad. From January 2022 to March 2023, the school compensated for training costs with four lecturers including one person studying abroad under the Project 599 and 3 others under the Project 911. Of these, one lecturer did not require compensation due to transfer to another public training facility. Can Tho University has notified the remaining three lecturers about compensation for training costs, but as of June 2023, all three people have not yet repaid the costs.

According to the school representative, the school is bumping into difficulties in recovering training funds as it is not able to directly contact these three lecturers though the school sent text messages many times but got no response. Lecturers have health problems or financial difficulties and are unlikely to be able to repay. The school has requested the Vietnamese embassy in the host country to assist in resolving the issue but received no reply.

PM asks for drastic solutions for sustainable development of real estate market

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh yesterday signed a formal dispatch on continuing drastic measures to develop the real estate market safely and sustainably.

Accordingly, the Prime Minister highly appreciates all efforts for positive signs in the real estate market lately, especially reductions in loan and credit interest rates.

Since the beginning of this year,10 social housing projects have been started, expected to offer about 20,000 apartments to those in need. 20 provinces have announced the list of 52 eligible projects for loan amounts of VND25.9 trillion (US$1.05 billion) under the VND120-trillion credit program.

To further boost the healthy and sustainable growth of the real estate market, the Prime Minister requests that related ministries, state agencies, and localities must consider this growth as an urgent and key mission. Any arisen issues should be addressed by corresponding state units in accordance with their authority without the sense of fear of responsibility or pushing away.

The Construction Minister must effectively play the leading role of the Prime Minister’s task force in this matter, urging this team to work more determinedly in order to timely tackle any problems so that real estate projects can be carried out more quickly. Those for accommodation, new urban areas, large-scale industrial parks should receive special attention.

The Construction Ministry should promptly propose necessary adjustments and supplementation for current policies and mechanisms to better promote decentralization, authorization, administrative procedure reform. Any barriers to the launch of real estate projects nationwide must be eliminated.

This ministry is asked to urge localities to review their own land planning and allocate sufficient land resource for the growth of social housing, worker housing in urban areas in compliance with the applicable law. The local authorities must ensure a sensible balance between social and commercial accommodation in their area.

Finally, the Prime Minister assigns the Governor of the Vietnam State Bank to direct commercial banks to continue fostering credit loans in the real estate field and to devise suitable measures to reduce loan interest rates.

Japanese business delegation finds opportunities for cooperation with HCMC

Vice Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Duong Anh Duc yesterday had a meeting with a Japanese business delegation that wanted to find potential opportunities for cooperation with Ho Chi Minh City.  

Addressing the meeting, Vice Chairman Duong Anh Duc welcomed the Japanese business delegation to explore cooperation opportunities in Ho Chi Minh City on the occasion of the two countries’ 50th anniversary celebration of establishing diplomatic relations; moreover, Japan and Vietnam are also discussing improving bilateral relations to the highest level.

Mr. Duc appreciated the interest of the Japanese business delegation in Ho Chi Minh City. He affirmed the southern metropolis is a destination where Japanese businesses can pour investment and city leaders are always interested in strengthening relations with Japan.

Vice Chairman Duong Anh Duc said that the city wants to develop the economy based on science and technology; therefore, the city has implemented many projects such as a highly interactive science and technology center, supporting the innovative start-up ecosystem. The city also established a supporting technology park and is going to build an international financial center.

He revealed that the city always creates all favorable conditions for Japanese businesses to invest in projects, especially in the field of technology, and digital transformation.

Representative of the business delegation, Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Director of Hybrid Technologies Company Tran Van Minh informed about the Japanese businesses’ strengths in the delegation that businesses can provide software development services, consultation on digital transformation, software quality, and consultation on information technology solutions

2023 Vietnam Golden Ball Awards kicked off

The 2023 Vietnam Golden Ball Awards press conference was held at the head office of the Sai Gon Giai Phong (SGGP) Newspaper in HCMC on October 24.

The event was attended by representatives of the HCMC Department of Information and Communications, the municipal Department of Culture and Sports, the Vietnam Football Federation (VFF), the HCMC Football Federation, Vietnam Professional Football Joint-stock Company (VPF), experts, football coaches, footballers, and news agencies.

The Vietnam Golden Ball Awards 2023 gala will be held in January 2024. The gala night will reveal Vietnam Golden Ball 2023 winners for the men's and women’s categories of the Golden, Silver, and Bronze Ball Awards; the Futsal's Golden, Silver, and Bronze Ball Awards; Male and Female Young Player of the Year and Foreign Player of the Year and Devotion Awards.

The organizer will send ballots to voters, including football coaches; footballers of national men and female football teams of Vietnam, national futsal male and female teams; team captains of football clubs of the V-League competition, Women's National Football Championship and futsal clubs; experts and journalists in the middle of November. The deadline to register to vote is December 28, 2023.

Launched in 1995 by the Sai Gon Giai Phong Newspaper, the annual Vietnamese Golden Ball Awards aims to honor and recognize the contributions and achievements of Vietnamese football players during the year.

The Sai Gon Giai Phong Newspaper organizes the event in coordination with the Vietnam Football Federation (VFF), Vietnam Professional Football Joint-stock Company (VPF), Thai Son Nam Trading Company, VinGroup, SunGroup, Binh Dien Fertilizer Joint Stock Company, Van Hien University, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, SEA Holdings, Vietnam Airlines, Tran Anh Group, Rex Hotel, GB Steel Group, Horizon Media, Mang Den Coffee Joint Stock Company, Ocany Viet Nam Company Limited, Thien Tan Company.

Hanoi strives to ensure traffic safety for students

Hanoi authorities have taken many strong measures to ensure the safety of students on the road, according to Nguyen Phi Thuong, Director of the city's Department of Transportation.

"Driving motorbikes is rampant among students, even though the Road Traffic Law prohibits minors under 18 from doing so. This violation has many potential risks of causing traffic accidents and endangering passersby and the students themselves," Thuong said.

In recent days, Traffic Police Team No.10 of the Hanoi Public Security has been conducting a campaign to strictly deal with violations committed by students. In the first few days of the campaign, the team stopped a number of students who were riding motorcycles larger than 50cc to school, some without helmets, and drove recklessly. 

In the first nine months of 2023, Hanoi police processed 1,814 violations, revoked 42 driver's licenses, and temporarily impounded nearly 800 motorcycles, totaling VND1 billion (US$41,172) in fines.

"Ensuring road safety for students is important. Currently, there are 152 schools in Hanoi prone to traffic jams and risks. To reduce traffic accidents for students, the Hanoi Traffic Safety Committee Office has conducted 15 communication programs on traffic law and traffic behavior for more than 28,500 teachers, students, and parents in the city," Thuong said.

In addition, the Hanoi Traffic Police Department organized 138 direct communication sessions at educational institutions for nearly 134,000 students and 9,700 teachers during the peak traffic safety month for students. About 50 teams of volunteers regulated traffic flow at school gates and distributed about 700 helmets and 50 life jackets to students in the city.

The Hanoi People's Committee has also approved the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety Initiative project, which involves international organizations in providing technology, training, and resources to ensure road safety and reduce traffic-related deaths and injuries in Hanoi, especially among students.

The fact that students drive without licenses and knowledge of traffic laws has led to unfortunate accidents and even loss of life.

According to the Hanoi Traffic Police Department, in the first nine months of 2023, there were 17 traffic accidents involving students in the capital, killing 9 children and injuring 13. Since the beginning of the year, there have been 563 accidents directly related to school-age students nationwide, claiming the lives of 329 children and injuring 528.

"These figures are extremely painful when these children are the future of the country. We will join hands with departments and agencies to take more drastic measures to ensure road safety," Thuong stressed.

The Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) is a multi-partner effort to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries in low- and middle-income countries.

Launched in the United States, BIGRS is a 12-year, $259 million effort to help other countries reduce road traffic deaths and injuries through technical assistance and training in the areas of promotion, law enforcement, traffic infrastructure, traffic information, monitoring, and statistics.

Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Danang are among 28 cities worldwide participating in the BIGRS project, forming a global network with a shared commitment to reducing road traffic deaths and injuries.

Dien Bien airport to reopen in December after expansion project completes

The Ministry of Transport planned to reopen Dien Bien airport located in the northern upland province of Dien Bien from December 2, 2023.

The airport was closed from mid-April last year for an upgrade and expansion, making it capable of handling modern Airbus A320 and A321 aircraft and the equivalent airliners.

Dien Bien airport, previously known as Muong Thanh airport, was built by the French. It has a ranway which is 1,830 meters in length and 30 meters in width, three aprons, and a passenger terminal that was built in 2004 with an annual capacity of 300,000 passengers a year.

Due to short runway and simple landing systems, Dien Bien airport can only accommodate ATR 72 turboprops and Embraer 190 jets which can transport a maximum 114 passengers.

Work on the airport expansion project started on January 22 last year, with total investment capital of nearly VND1.47 trillion (US$62.3 million).

In addition, Dien Bien province set aside VND1.56 trillion (US$66.1 million) from its budget for site clearance.

The expansion project involves lengthening the runway to 2.400 meters and widening it to 45 meters, rebuilding runway turn pads, building more taxiways, installing light systems, and developing supporting components.

After expansion, the two-storey terminal can serve 500,000 passengers per year.

Vietnam willing to become centre for international dispute settlement: diplomat

Vietnam wishes to become a new venue chosen by parties to solve international disputes in the region and the world, Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the United Nations (UN), has said.

Giang made the statement on October 24 while addressing the Side Event named “Preparation of the 125th Anniversary of the Permanent Court of Arbitration: Reflections on the Timor-Leste/Australia Conciliation, five years after the first-ever UNCLOS Conciliation”, on the occasion of the UN International Law Week with the sponsorship of the Members of the Core Group – the Permanent Missions to the UN of the Philippines, Australia, Egypt, Guatemala, Hungary, Thailand, Singapore, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam.

Giang affirmed that the success of the first-ever Conciliation under the provisions of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in 1982 has demonstrated the important role of the convention in international peace and security, and provided reliable means for the peaceful settlement of disputes between nations, even in complex issues involving maritime borders.  

Vietnam recognises the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)'s significant contribution to peaceful dispute solutions over the past 125 years and believes that the strong development of the PCA is also demonstrated through the opening of representative offices outside The Hague, including the one in Hanoi in November 2022.    

The diplomat also reaffirmed Vietnam’s stance that disputes must be handled by peaceful means, on the basis of international law, including the approval of international legal mechanisms.

In 2018, based on recommendations of the Compulsory Conciliation under UNCLOS, Australia and Timor-Leste reached an agreement on putting an end to the long and complex process of solving maritime delimitation disputes.

Created in 1899, the PCA is the oldest universal intergovernmental organisation dedicated to international dispute settlement. It is the precursor to modern international courts and tribunals, and most of what is now considered the international legal order.

Nam Dinh seeks cooperation opportunities with German partners

A delegation of the northern province of Nam Dinh led by Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Pham Gia Tuc on October 24 had a working session with the German Association for Small- and Medium-sized Businesses (BVMW) as part of their investment promotion trip to the European country, with the aim of exploring possibilities in connection and cooperation with German firms.

Speaking at the session, Andreas Jahn, member of the BVMW Federal Executive Board in charge of politics and foreign trade, said he has high expectations for cooperation between German enterprises and Nam Dinh, which is among the 10 localities with highest per capita income in Vietnam. 

He noted that BVMW already has a rep office in Vietnam and asked Nam Dinh authorities to consider the opening of the association's second office in Nam Dinh city to facilitate exchange and cooperation of the two sides.

For his part, Secretary Tuc introduced the province’s potential, advantages and investment incentives, noting that the province has attracted many investors in renewable energy, manufacturing, electronics and computer.

He said the province wants to boost win-win cooperation with German SMEs in promoting hi-tech industries, green economy and circular economy. 

The official asked BVMW to help with promoting investment opportunities in Nam Dinh to its member firms, for example publishing information about Nam Dinh on its official website. He invited the association's leaders to visit the province for more discussion on bilateral cooperation. 

Previously, the delegation visited some high-tech manufacturing facilities and the Vietnamese Embassy in Germany.

In the first eight months of 2023, Nam Dinh welcomed several big investments including a 120 million USD computer production project from Qanta Computer Group (China’s Taiwan) with a planned capacity of 4.5 million units a year, a 100 million USD project to build a high-tech polymer coating factory by Sunrise Material Group (Singapore); and a 100 million USD project of JiaWei Group (China’s Taiwan) to make high-tech household appliances.

Da Lat to host Vietnam Film Festival for the first time

The 23rd version of the Vietnam Film Festival is scheduled to take place in Da Lat City in the Central Highland Province of Lam Dong between November 21 and November 25, with the event featuring the best local movies released over the past two years.

This marks the first time that Da Lat City will organise the biennial festival, with the ultimate aim of honouring cinematographic works and artists across various cinematographic activities.
The entries submitted to the festival must be in the forms of feature films, documentaries, science films, and cartoons.

They are in the Vietnamese language and produced by local film production establishments or in collaboration with foreign organisations or individuals without copyright disputes. The organisers will be open for applications through to October 30.

A wide range of activities are set to be held during the course of the occasion, including film screenings in major cities such as Hanoi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh City in celebration of the event. 

Furthermore, numerous outdoor film screenings are expected to provide a fresh experience for participants during the festival. In addition, seminars on the cinema industry and an exchange between artists and audiences will also get underway.

The festival is held biennially with the purpose of honouring outstanding cinematographic works and artists for their contributions to the development of local cinema. 

This year’s version of the event is being jointly organised by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, along with the administration of Da Lat City.

Tran Van Thao to compete at WBO Global Title Match

Vietnamese boxer Tran Van Thao will compete at the WBO Global Title Match, which is scheduled to take place at The Grand Ho Tram Strip in southern Ba Ria - Vang Tau province in mid-November.

Thao has been dubbed as “Mayweather Vietnam” and will face off against Kenbun Torres of Mexico in the bantamweight category.
The event will mark the long awaited return of the Vietnamese boxer after overcoming Andrew Laurio of the Philippines to win the International Boxing Association (IBA) belt. Indeed, that bout was a significant milestone in his career and for Vietnamese boxing as a whole as he became the nation’s first IBA champion.

Previously, Thao also claimed the World Boxing Council (WBC) Asian Boxing Council Super Fly title in 2017 after knocking out George Lumoly of Indonesia in Bangkok, Thailand.

Furthermore, another local boxer Thai Hoang Huy will also take part in the competition, with Huy taking on strong rival Maobi Ngaka of Botswana, who is dubbed “The Eagle”.

HCM City forge cooperation with UK

Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Duong Anh Duc hosted a reception for visiting Minister of State in the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office Anne-Marie Trevelyan on October 25.

Duc said the Vietnam-UK relationship is developing fruitfully, and that between HCM City and the UK has also made progress in various spheres.

Briefing the guest on HCM City’s development vision, the official said the city needs both domestic and foreign resources, adding the southern metropolis wants to learn from the UK’s experience in international financial centre building.

He thanked British partners for their collaboration in studying a roadmap to build an innovation centre in health care, and called on the UK to continue its support in high-quality personnel training and share technologies in disease treatment and management models in the medical sector, grant more scholarships to Vietnamese students in high-tech and finance, and help the city with English language teaching.

Trevelyan spoke highly of HCM City’s vision in health care, finance and renewable energy, and expressed her interest in its international financial centre project, stressing that the UK is willing to share its experience in this field.

Besides, the UK is very interested in and ready to promote cooperation in renewable energy, and support HCM City in urban flood prevention, she said.

Hanoi exchange promotes Vietnam - Czech Republic friendship

An exchange programme on the Vietnam - Czech Republic friendship was held on October 25 on the occasion of the 105th anniversary of the Czech National Day (October 28, 1918 – 2023).

The event, organised by the Vietnam - Czech Republic Friendship Association's  chapter in Hanoi (VCFA Hanoi),  aims to strengthen and deepen the traditional and extensive cooperation between the two countries, especially in foreign affairs and people-to-people diplomacy.

Addressing the event, Chairman of the VCFA Hanoi Banh Tien Long highlighted the fine development of the bilateral relations across fields, saying that the two countries signed many cooperation agreements in various areas.

According to Long, tens of thousands of Vietnamese students and citizens have studied and worked in the Czech Republic. The bilateral economic and trade cooperation has also recorded remarkable progress with two-way trade in 2022 reaching 828 million USD, up nearly 12% from the previous year.

With a series of specific activities to promote people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two countries, the VCFA Hanoi has contributed to bolstering the bilateral relations, Long stressed.

Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Vietnam Hynek Kmoníček expressed his joy at the fruitful relations between the two countries, saying that his country will implement many important projects in Vietnam in the time to come such as opening an automobile assembly plant in Quang Ninh province, launching flights between the Czech Republic and Phu Quoc island in Kien Giang province, and opening a Czech cultural centre in Vietnam.

A photo exhibition spotlighting the development of the Vietnam - Czech relations was arranged in the framework of the programme.

Vietnam, eyes stronger cooperation with US

Vietnam and the US should further promote the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in a more effective and substantive manner, focusing cooperation in economics - trade - investment, science - technology, innovation, digital transformation, semiconductor chip production, and high quality human resources training, said Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh.

The PM made the statement at a reception in Hanoi on October 25 for Chief Economist at the US Department of State Emily Blanchard, who is on a working visit to Vietnam.

The two sides reviewed outstanding achievements in the bilateral ties, agreeing that the Vietnam - US relationship has witnessed comprehensive, stable and substantive developments, bringing practical benefits to both countries and contributing to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

They emphasised the significance of the upgrading of the Vietnam - US relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership in September, saying that this will bring opportunities and practical benefits to both countries.

PM Chinh suggested the US side continue cooperation with Vietnam in energy transition, climate change response, tourism and people-to-people exchange, handling of post-war consequences, and enhancement of national governance capacity, and increase scholarships to Vietnamese students.

He highly valued the US government's decision to consider recognising Vietnam's market economy status, urging the US side to complete this process soon.

The two sides need to continue efforts to promote connection between their economies, and promote harmonious and sustainable trade exchange, and facilitate investment cooperation between the two sides' businesses, he said.

The PM proposed the US continue to open the market to Vietnamese goods such as textiles, footwear and electronics, and limit anti-dumping and anti-subsidy tax measures and other unnecessary measures on Vietnamese exports, especially farm produce, wooden products and items that directly impact jobs and livelihoods of people.

He affirmed that the Vietnamese Government will always accompany, support and create an open, transparent, safe and healthy business and investment climate for US businesses to operate effectively in the country.

Blanchard agreed with the PM's proposal on the need to concretise and effectively implement the new relationship framework between the two countries, especially promoting above-mentioned key areas.

She highly valued of Vietnam's outstanding achievements in economic growth, macroeconomic management, and inflation control, expressing her belief that with the increasingly improved investment and business environment in Vietnam, the country will attract more US investors in the time to come.

There remains room for the two sides to further expand cooperation, she said, promising to continue to contribute to promoting and deepening the Vietnam-US relations.

The US is willing to share its experience in economic policy as well as how to coordinate to effectively respond to fluctuations in the global economy, she stated.

Congratulations on 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Argentina diplomatic ties

Vietnamese President Vo Van Thuong and his Argentinian counterpart Alberto Angel Fernandez on October 25 exchanged letters of congratulations on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic ties (October 25, 1973-2023).

The same day, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son also exchanged congratulations with his Argentinian counterpart Santiago Andres Cafiero.

Also on October 25, the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) in coordination with the Embassy of Argentina in Vietnam organised a meeting to celebrate the event.

In his remarks, VUFO President Phan Anh Son emphasised the continuous development of the bilateral ties with regular high-level delegation exchanges, adding relations between residents of the two countries have also been promoted.

Son expressed his belief that the friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries will grow more strongly, substantially and effectively in the coming time for the sake of their people, and for peace and stability in the region and the world.

Argentinian Ambassador Luis Pablo Maria Beltramino also highlighted the good, dynamic relations between the two Governments and nations, with two-way trade reaching about 5 billion USD last year, and more than 40 bilateral agreements signed.

Mai Thi Phuong Hoa, President of the Vietnam-Argentina Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group, suggested the two countries focus on promoting collaboration in three pillars namely politics-diplomacy, economy-trade, and culture-education-tourism.

Vietnam, Southeast Asian nations seek ways to address statelessness

Senior officials from Vietnam and seven other Southeast Asian nations, and representatives from United Nations agencies and international organisations looked into civil registration, legal identity documentation, and the prevention of statelessness at a roundtable in Hanoi on October 25.

The event was jointly held by the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) with the aim of enhancing efforts by countries in addressing statelessness.

In his remarks, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Minh Vu stressed the need for Southeast Asian nations to tighten their coordination in preventing and reducing statelessness nationally, regionally and globally, saying it will help to better manage the population and migration, as well as protect and promote human rights.

UNHCR Asia-Pacific Director Indrika Ratwatte lauded progress made by Southeast Asian nations in addressing statelessness over the past years, and noted his belief that such achievements, together with experience exchange, will encourage them to work harder in order to put an end to the problem.  

UN Resident Coordinator in Vietnam Pauline Tamesis stressed that stronger actions and objectives are needed to settle the issue more effectively in the region.

The participants discussed the connection between ending statelessness and poverty reduction and the full implementation of sustainable development goals.

According to the UNHCR, a stateless person is “a person who is not considered as a national by any State under the operation of its law”. Today, millions of people around the world are denied a nationality. As a result, they often aren't allowed to go to school, see a doctor, get a job, open a bank account, buy a house or even get married.

Hanoi named world’s Best Golf City Destination 2023

World Golf Awards, the leading authority that recognises and rewards excellence in golf tourism, has named Hanoi “World’s Best Golf City Destination 2023” at its 10th annual Gala Ceremony in Abu Dhabi, the Hanoi Department of Tourism announced on October 25.

This is the result of a year-long vote among hundreds of experts, media units, golf tour companies, golf course owners, hotels, and golf associations of countries around the world. Nominated cities must pass many strict selection criteria such as golf infrastructure system, auxiliary services for golf activities, and accommodation system.

The winning city is the one that receives the most votes. Winning the award, Hanoi surpassed other cities that are famous for golf tourism such as Paris or New York.

Hanoi has an ideal geographical location and flight distance, unique and attractive natural and cultural tourism, rich and special cuisine, and weather conditions that allow golf tourism to operate all year round. Golf tourism is considered a potential tourism product, making an important contribution to attracting international tourists to Vietnam in general and Hanoi in particular, especially those from key markets like the Republic of Korea, Japan, America, and Europe.

Currently, the city has six golf course clusters with 10 courses meeting international standards with diverse natural landscapes and satisfing the diverse needs of players. The infrastructure, technical, and transportation systems have been invested fundamentally to ensure convenient travel. The current accommodation system is very diverse and professional, especially 4-5 star hotels and resorts.

The city’s tourism industry plans to take measures to promote golf tourism with a focus on building golf tourism products and organising tournaments, conferences and seminars.

In November 2023, the Tourism Department coordinates with relevant agencies and 15 provinces and cities in the northern region to organise a programme to connect golf tourism products between Hanoi and northern localities.

Vietnam’s northwestern region, HCM City culture, tourism week opens in Laos

The first culture and tourism week of Vietnam’s northwestern region and Ho Chi Minh City kicked off in the Lao province of Luang Prabang on October 25.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Deputy Chairman of the Dien Bien provincial People’s Committee Vu A Bang affirmed that the event contributes to realise guidelines, policies of the two countries on promoting diplomatic relations, culture and tourism while marking the 61st anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic relations (September 5, 1962-2023).

Bang emphasised that the festival is also an opportunity for Vietnam and Laos to assert the special friendship and solidarity between their people of the two countries in general and those in northwestern provinces, Ho Chi Minh City and northern provinces of Laos in particular.

Bounleuam Manivong, Deputy Governor of Luang Prabang province, stressed that the event not only aims to promote cultural exchange and tourism, but also creates an opportunity to further strengthen the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Laos and Vietnam.

The three-day festival features a wide range of cultural, sport and tourism activities introducing typical cultural identities and tourism products of the northwestern region, HCM City, and Luang Prabang, including exhibitions of tourism photos of the Vietnamese and Lao localities; displays of tourism and agricultural products; and experience of cultural, sport and tourism activities of the localities.

Farmiliarisation trips, a workshop promoting tourism of the northwest and HCM City, and a cultural exchange programme between northwestern provinces and Luang Prabang will also be held.

The week is part of the 2023 cooperation plan under the agreement on tourism development cooperation between HCM City and eight northwestern provinces for 2020 - 2025. It is expected to help foster the cooperation, friendship, and cultural, economic, trade and tourism ties between the Vietnamese localities and Luang Prabang, as well as other northern Lao provinces.

Vietnam a great example of cooperation with EU: EC President

Vietnam has set a great example of cooperation with the European Union (EU), President of the European Commission (EC) Ursula von der Leyen told Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha in Brussels on October 25.

At the meeting, which took place on the sidelines of the Global Gateway Forum organised by the EU, Leyen affirmed that Vietnam is an important partner in implementing cooperation strategies and initiatives in the region.

For his part, Ha affirmed that Vietnam values the partnership and comprehensive cooperation with the EU, hailing its new strategies and initiatives on strengthening cooperation with the Asia-Pacific.

He expressed his hope that the EU and its member countries will further support Vietnam in finance, technology, and personnel training to serve climate change response and energy transition.

Ha also called on the countries to soon ratify the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA), and fully implement the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) to promote trade and investment ties between the two sides.

The official suggested the EC consider lifting its “yellow card” warning on Vietnamese seafood exports to spur the country’s recovery and sustainable development.

Leyen commended Vietnam’s close cooperation in climate change response, especially in the implementation of the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), and thanked the country for its efforts in materialising EC recommendations against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, saying she hopes that the issue will be resolved in the time ahead.

Regarding the implementation of the Global Gateway Strategy, the EC President pledged to further prioritise cooperation with Vietnam in renewable energy, digital transformation, and green growth.

They shared the view that the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Vietnamese Ministry of Finance and the European Investment Bank (EIB) will create a foundation and favourable conditions for the two sides to step up collaboration in coping with global issues.

Both held that private enterprises and capital play a crucial role in realising the JETP.

Earlier, Ha and EIB President Werner Hoyer witnessed the signing of the MoU on financial support worth 500 million EUR (527.77 million USD) which aims to contribute to the rollout of the JETP.

The Global Gateway Forum is bringing together representatives of governments from the EU and around the world with the private sector, civil society, leading thinkers, financing institutions, and international organisations in a two-day, invitation-only event in Brussels on October 25-26.
Addressing a session green energy transition and green hydrogen, Ha stressed that Vietnam is ready to work together with other countries for sustainable development.  

He appealed to developed countries and the private sector to increase the supply of technology and green finance, support in personnel training, and management experience so that the whole world can achieve the same goal of net emissions by 2050.

Vietnam’s northwestern region, HCM City culture, tourism week opens in Laos

The first culture and tourism week of Vietnam’s northwestern region and Ho Chi Minh City kicked off in the Lao province of Luang Prabang on October 25.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Deputy Chairman of the Dien Bien provincial People’s Committee Vu A Bang affirmed that the event contributes to realise guidelines, policies of the two countries on promoting diplomatic relations, culture and tourism while marking the 61st anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic relations (September 5, 1962-2023).
Bang emphasised that the festival is also an opportunity for Vietnam and Laos to assert the special friendship and solidarity between their people of the two countries in general and those in northwestern provinces, Ho Chi Minh City and northern provinces of Laos in particular.

Bounleuam Manivong, Deputy Governor of Luang Prabang province, stressed that the event not only aims to promote cultural exchange and tourism, but also creates an opportunity to further strengthen the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Laos and Vietnam.

The three-day festival features a wide range of cultural, sport and tourism activities introducing typical cultural identities and tourism products of the northwestern region, HCM City, and Luang Prabang, including exhibitions of tourism photos of the Vietnamese and Lao localities; displays of tourism and agricultural products; and experience of cultural, sport and tourism activities of the localities.

Farmiliarisation trips, a workshop promoting tourism of the northwest and HCM City, and a cultural exchange programme between northwestern provinces and Luang Prabang will also be held.

The week is part of the 2023 cooperation plan under the agreement on tourism development cooperation between HCM City and eight northwestern provinces for 2020 - 2025. It is expected to help foster the cooperation, friendship, and cultural, economic, trade and tourism ties between the Vietnamese localities and Luang Prabang, as well as other northern Lao provinces.

Vietnam affirms parliamentary role in achieving sustainable development goals

Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) Nguyen Khac Dinh on October 25 delivered a speech at a plenary session of the 147th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and related meetings held in Luanda from October 23 to 27.

In his remarks, Dinh emphasised that Vietnam's NA plays an important role in reforming the country's institutions, supervising the rule of the law, and ensuring the implementation of sustainable development strategies.

He stated that the Vietnamese law-making body welcomes the active role of the IPU and always works closely with it in promoting dialogue, cooperation, and support among member parliaments to enhance connectivity, exchange experiences, and provide practical solutions to contribute to building a sustainable peace worldwide.

Lauding the event’s theme of “Parliamentary action for peace, justice and strong institutions (SDG 16)”, Dinh recommended member parliaments work together and concert efforts to accelerate the progress towards achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the remaining half of the journey. It is necessary to make these goals a priority in national target programmes, socio-economic development master plans, and parliamentary activities.

The legislator also stressed the importance of promoting solidarity and cooperation among countries to enable developing nations to access international financial, technological, and technical resources offered by international organisations and developed countries to achieve the SDGs by 2030.

On the same day, the NA Deputy Chairman engaged in bilateral meetings with Permanent Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly of Angola Americo Antonio Cuononoca, Speaker of the Tanzanian National Assembly Tulia Ackson, and Speaker of the Parliament of Malta’s House of Representatives Angelo Farrugia.

Dinh also visited the Vietnamese Embassy in Angola, meeting its personnel and representatives of the Vietnamese expatriate community there.

Shooters win third bronze at Asian Championship

Vietnamese marksmen took one more bronze at the Asian Shooting Championship on October 25 in Chamgwon City, South Korea.

Duo Nguyễn Thùy Trang and Lại Công Minh finished fifth with 581 points in the 10m air pistol mixed team event.

They advanced to the third-place playoff 1 and won 16-14 against Iran.

In playoff 2, South Korea 2's Kim Bomi and Lee Wonho defeated Pakistan Talat Kishmala and Joseph Gulfam for bronze too.

Later, China 2's representatives Li Xue and Liu Jinyao beat Indian shooters Rao Surbhi and Singh Sarabjot 16-4 to take the gold medal.

Việt Nam has earned three bronze medals at the continental competition which will wrap up on November 2.

Earlier, Trịnh Thu Vinh in the women's 10m air pistol individual and Phạm Quang Huy, Phan Công Minh and Lại Công Minh in the men's 10m air pistol team won bronze medals. 

Twenty three Vietnamese top shooters are taking part in the tournament. More than 800 rivals from across Asia will challenge for 24 Olympic places.

Athletes will take part in events for pistol, rifle and skeet. 

Vietnam and Switzerland broaden bilateral education cooperation

Vietnam wishes to strengthen education cooperation with Switzerland, especially in developing high quality education and increasing the exchange of education institutions between the two countries.

Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai was speaking at a reception in Hanoi on October 26 for State Secretary of the Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research Dominique Paravicini, who is in Hanoi for the second OECD Southeast Asia Ministerial Forum.

He expected that Switzerland would help to deploy joint training programmes in industries of its strengths, especially in pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, precision mechanics, tourism, finance-banking and insurance. He also proposed that Switzerland increase the number of scholarships granted to Vietnamese students to study in its institutions.

Khai said political and diplomatic relations between the two countries have been strengthened in recent times that should be maintained to increase political trust and expand cooperation.

He thanked Switzerland for providing development aid, especially ODA, for Vietnam’s poverty reduction and urban development. He proposed that both countries work closely to effectively implement Switzerland’s US$76 million grant for the development of the private economic sector for 2021-2024.

He assured his guest that the government of Vietnam will create the best possible conditions for Swiss firms to do business effectively and expand operations in the long term in the country, especially in the areas of finance-banking, insurance, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and high technology.

According to Khai, Vietnam wishes to end negotiations on a free trade agreement between Vietnam and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). It therefore expects that Switzerland, an important member of the EFTA, will help speed up negotiations towards signing the deal soon.

Paravicini for his part briefed his host on the results of his working sessions with relevant Vietnamese agencies, and affirmed that in its foreign policy Switzerland wants to befriend all countries and develop economic-trade relations as a good foundation for building political cooperation.

He valued Vietnam’s improved investment environment and said Swiss businesses are keen to invest in the Southeast Asian nation. He expressed belief that more Swiss businesses would come to Vietnam and more high-end products from Vietnam would make inroads into the Swiss market.

Both Switzerland and Vietnam still have a lot of room to further enhance their cooperation in the coming time, he said.

Art programme fosters Vietnam-Laos special relationship

A cultural and art exchange programme was held in Pakse city, the southern Lao province of Champasak on October 25 to honour President Ho Chi Minh and the special friendship between Vietnam and Laos.

The event, jointly organised by the Vietnamese Cultural Centre in Laos, the Vietnamese Consulate General in Pakse city, the Lao Front for National Construction's branch in Champasak province and the Vietnamese Association in the province, contributed to connecting the Vietnamese community with the homeland and fostering the Vietnam-Laos special relationship, according to organisers.

At the event, artists from Vietnam National Drama Theatre and Champasak province’s Department of Information, Culture and Tourism gave art performances praising President Ho Chi Minh, the country and people of Vietnam as well as the friendship between the two countries.

Deputy PM hosts Swiss State Secretary

Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai met visiting State Secretary of the Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research Dominique Paravicini in Hanoi on October 26.

Paravicini is in Vietnam to attend the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)’s Southeast Asia Ministerial Forum 2023 in Hanoi on October 26 and 27. Vietnam is hosting the forum in her capacity as Co-Chair of the OECD Southeast Asia Regional Programme (SEARP) along with Australia.

Welcoming the Swiss official, Khai expressed confidence that the participation of Paravicini and the Swiss delegation will greatly contribute to the overall success of the forum.

Recently, the Vietnam-Switzerland political and diplomatic relations have been dynamic, marked by high-level exchanges that have enhanced mutual understanding, Khai said, stressing a need to maintain and strengthen the ties serving the deepening of the bilateral political trust and cooperation.

The Deputy PM spoke highly of Switzerland's support for Vietnam in times of hardship, especially in terms of ODA funding for poverty reduction, urban development, and investment.

He affirmed that the Vietnamese Government is committed to providing favourable conditions for Swiss companies to expand their long-term investment and business operations in the country, particularly in areas of Switzerland’s strengths and Vietnam’s demand such as finance-banking, insurance, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and high-tech agriculture.

Khai stressed Vietnam's eagerness to conclude negotiations for and sign a free trade agreement between Vietnam and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and expressed his hope that Switzerland, a member with an important voice in the bloc, will work with other member countries and Vietnam to narrow the remaining gaps and expedite the negotiation process as soon as possible.

He also said he hopes Switzerland will share its experience and support Vietnam in developing a high-quality education system, proposed promoting educational cooperation between the two countries and implementing joint training programmes, and suggested that Switzerland increase scholarships to Vietnamese students.

For his part, Paravicini highlighted that Swiss businesses currently operating and trading in Vietnam are highly optimistic about the market’s potential.

Expressing his hope and confidence that Swiss firms will increase their presence in Vietnam, he said he looks forward to seeing more high-quality Vietnamese products in the Swiss market, and stressed that with a strong foundation in various established fields, Vietnam and Switzerland have ample space to propel forward their cooperation in the time to come.

Vietnam lose 0-1 to Uzbekistan in Paris 2024 Summer Olympics qualifier

Visitors Vietnam lost 0-1 to hosts Uzbekistan in their opener of the second qualifying round of the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics on October 26, putting them at a disadvantage in competing for a ticket to the next round.

Vietnamese players (in red Jersey) lose 0-1 to their hosts Uzbekistan in their opener of the second qualifying round of the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics on October 26.

Uzbek players have achieved remarkable progress after they finished fourth at the recent 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, China, while Vietnamese players are not in good form.
Striker Huynh Nhu’s return also did not help the Vietnamese team improve their performance. Coach Mai Duc Chung and his team could not get good results against their hosts 16 places lower on the FIFA rankings.

The visitors entered the game slowly but gradually sped up the tempo, hoping to control the game. When they could not carve out scoring chances, they suddenly conceded a goal due to distraction in the defensive line in the 30th minute.  Khabibullaeva Diyorakhon took advantage of the opportunity and lifted the ball past goalkeeper Tran Thi Kim Thanh to open the score.

After the goal, Chung’s players applied high press tactics, trying to bring to bear pressure on their hosts. However, Huynh Nhu and her teammates could not turn their scoring chances into reality due to poor coordination.

Meanwhile, the hosts almost extended their lead in the close-rang shots in the penalty box. It was goalkeeper Kim Thanh who successfully repelled the shots.

After the break, the Vietnamese players continued to take control of the game, pushing their hosts into their home turf. My Anh and Thanh Nha were sent in to support left wing attacks, while striker Huynh Nhu made fans regretful with her free kick hitting the post.

The hosts did not dare to launch an attack, and instead they retreated to consolidate the defensive line and preserve the score.

The 0-1 loss to Uzbekistan has jeopardized Vietnam’s chance to enter the next qualifying round as they are to face off powerhouses Japan and India in the coming matches.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes