vietnam news

Update news vietnam news

Boat repairman passionate for antiques

 The Luc Nam river is well-known for endless alluvium that makes up the soil in Luc Nam and Luc Ngan district, the two biggest fruit granarys in Bac Giang province. However, the river also has its own story that few people know about.

Cool weather likely to hit the north thrice in May

 Cool weather is likely to hit northern Vietnam thrice in the first half of May, only able to cause heavy rain, according to National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecast.

US starts antidumping probe into tool chests from Vietnam, China

 The US Department of Commerce on May 2 launched anti-dumping duty and countervail duty investigations against tool chests and cabinets imported from Vietnam and China.

VN banks report high profits in first quarter

 Many commercial banks posted positive business performance for the first quarter of the year with high profits.

Smart parking service piloted in Hanoi

 Smart parking using the iParking application, which allows drivers to find parking lots and pay fares with their smart phones, will be piloted in Hanoi for three months from May 1.

Vietnam, Thailand – Indonesia’s competitors in FDI attraction

 Vietnam and Thailand have become Indonesia’s competitors in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) into the Southeast Asian region, Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla said on May 2.

Pacific trade negotiators explore TPP deal without US

 Negotiators from 11 member countries of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement gathered for a meeting in Toronto, Canada on May 2 to explore the possibility of putting the trade pact into force without the US. 

Speaker of Japanese House of Representatives begins visit

 Speaker of the House of Representatives of Japan Oshima Tadamori began a three-day official visit to Vietnam on May 4.

Teen talent wants young folk to like folk music

 VietNamNet Bridge – Cao Ba Hung, in his teens, can play more musical instruments than the number of years he’s been on this earth.

Millions of USD lost every month from unlicensed OTT apps

VietNamNet Bridge - About 50,000 people use unlicensed OTT apps on Android box a month, according to some estimates. Collecting fees through scratch cards, the unlicensed apps may earn billions of dong of illicit profits.

Vietnamese company claims it has made a safe herbicide

Phung Thi Hung, chair of the Hanoi-based Cat Tuong Technology and Import/Export Company, has announced that her company has successfully made safe herbicides from natural herbs.

Vietnam fruit exports have to meet high standards in foreign markets

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnam is well known for its tropical fruits, but it has to meet many strict requirements by importing countries in order to export its fruit. 

Provincial Competitiveness Index - Setting the standard

 The Provincial Competitiveness Index guides localities on what to do and what not to do in improving their business and investment environment.

Professor raises controversy, gives lecture in T-shirt and shorts

Professor Truong Nguyen Thanh, vice rector of the Hoa Sen University in HCMC, has given lectures in a t-shirt and shorts in an aim to teach about creative thought. But his efforts have stirred controversy.

Vietnam’s life insurance market faces challenges

 Growth in Vietnam’s life insurance market looks impressive at first glance but is coming off a low base while a host of issues linger for insurers.

Cabin pressure: coping with unruly passengers

While the case of the Vietnamese-American passenger dragged off a United Airlines flight last month resonated around the world, another incident of physical violence at a VN airport highlighted complex relationships between air passengers and crew.

Festival honours traditional musicians

Traditional artists from the Thang Long Puppetry Theatre won gold and silver medals at the Traditional Musical Instrumentalist and Ensemble Festival 2017 which was held from April 15 -23 in the central province of Thanh Hoa. 

Children’s House of HCM City reopens

After three years of renovation, the Children’s House of HCM City reopened last weekend to celebrate the 42nd anniversary of the country’s Reunification Day on April 30.

How cheap will cars be once tariffs are cut to zero percent?

VietNamNet Bridge - The tariff cut to zero percent will pave the way for imports from ASEAN to flood Vietnam, but analysts do not think low-cost cars will be available by 2018. 

Japanese manufacturers view Vietnam as key destination

 Japanese manufacturers eye Vietnam as export base, Nikkei reports.