vietnam news

Update news vietnam news

Revising criminal law to crack down on foreign swindlers

In recent years, more cases of foreign swindlers have been reported throughout the country and in almost all of economic, cultural and social fields, especially import and export, investment, loan provision, capital raising and e-commerce.

Can Vietnam retailers compete with the big chains?

VietNamNet Bridge – Over recent years, the government has allowed increasing numbers of foreign transnational companies to invest in property, plant and equipment and operate businesses that compete head-on in the domestic retail market. 

Performing traditional theater in Hanoi

Traditional theaters play an important role in Vietnamese culture. Despite the rapid development of contemporary art genres and the entertainment industry in Vietnam, traditional theaters continue to inspire both Vietnamese and foreign audience.

TPP to push VN firms to improve competitiveness

VietNamNet Bridge – The Trans-Pacific Partnership will push Viet Nam to complete its market orientation targets, and improve its business environment and competitive ability, delegates heard at a workshop held in HCM City.

Domestic competitiors falling out of ACV race

Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV), the country’s third-largest lender by assets, is seeking governmental permission to cooperate with France’s Aeroport de Paris to jointly invest in Airports Corporation of Vietnam.

Vietnam embraces new path of development

A new path of development began when Vietnam achieved a 6.68% GDP growth rate in 2015, signed a number of free trade agreements, and joined the ASEAN Economic Community. New opportunities and challenges await Vietnam in the new year. 

Ben Tre cycling tournament in Jan

The 18th National Men's Cycling Tournament-Ben Tre Television Cup is scheduled to begin in the southern Ben Tre Province on January 11.

From sea to sun, salt making takes sacrifice

Central Viet Nam is famous across the world for its magnificent beaches with vast pristine-white sandbanks and perfect summer temperatures the year round.

Stock market targets stability

The State Securities Commission has maintained a cautious view on the development of Viet Nam's stock market in 2016 and prefers to focus on stable performance over growth.

Monetary policies must pay attention to inflation rates

Experts have said any adjustments in monetary policies should be carefully considered with great attention being given to inflation, as low inflation will create room for interest rate cuts.

Insurance, wage policies to take effect

New policies on compulsory social insurance, region-based minimum wages and multidimensional poverty standards are among those that will take effect in January 2016.

Criteria set for high-tech agriculture areas

The Prime Minister has signed a decision regarding the criteria and procedures for recognition of high-tech agriculture zones.

VNA selects top 10 domestic events

Successful Party congresses at all levels: Party congresses at all levels across the country reaped success, setting out orientations, missions and measures for socio-economic development, and electing Party committees for the 2015 – 2020 tenure.

President urges effort with int'l integration

President Truong Tan Sang has called for greater effort in 2016 and the next five years to be able to take advantage of opportunities brought by the wider and deeper international economic integration.

General Secretary visits High Command of Ha Noi

Security defence tasks are of paramount importance for Ha Noi, which is a major political, economic and cultural hub and also the heart of the nation, Party General Secretary Nguyen PhuTrong said.

Prime Minister applauds ASEAN Community's historic milestone

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has hailed the formation of the ASEAN Community as a historic milestone in the regional connectivity process in Southeast Asia.

VNA selects top 10 world events of 2015

The Vietnam News Agency (VNA) has selected the top 10 world events for 2015 as follows:

Phuong Tram – an emerging star of Vietnamese swimming

 With rare qualities in terms of height and arm span, Nguyen Diep Phuong Tram, 14, has great potential to become a prominent athlete in Vietnamese swimming in the future with the right training.

More apartment disputes between residents, investors in Vietnam's major cities

A rapid rise of the number of apartments in big cities in Vietnam without fixes to legal loopholes in apartment management has resulted in an increase of disputes between investors and residents.

Foreign languages promoted as students adapt to global outlook

 VietNamNet Bridge – Nguyen Lan Dung, senior expert for the National Education System, spoke to Kinh te&Do thi about the challenges the project to bring foreign languages to students is facing.