vietnam news

Update news vietnam news

Vietnam’s retail market cutthroat, big player falls

VietNamNet Bridge - Parkson recently shut down its shopping center at Cantavil An Phu in district 2, HCM City. To date, the big retailer from Malaysia has closed five malls in Vietnam.

VN goes from ’hell’ to second home

 VietNamNet Bridge – Before moving to Vietnam five years ago, Jovana Benoit – wife of the current Haitian Ambassador to Vietnam Jean Lesly Benoit, surfed the Internet to learn about the country. 

Exhibition honours female Vietnamese scientists

 VietNamNet Bridge – The talent and efforts of female Vietnamese scientists are depicted at an exhibition held at the Vietnamese Women’s Museum in Hanoi.

Calendar on Truong Sa published

 VietNamNet Bridge – A calendar for 2019 named ‘Trường Sa in My Heart’ was recently launched at HCM City’s Book Street.

Hanoi to conduct 2019 census

 VietNamNet Bridge – The Ha Noi People’s Committee will conduct the 2019 census of all Vietnamese living in the capital city starting on the morning of April 1 next year.

Informal workers wary of opt-in social insurance

 VietNamNet Bridge – Farmers and workers in the informal sector are often reluctant to buy voluntary social insurance because they do not understand its benefits and lack knowledge about the programme, 

Mass fish death has farmers worried

 VietNamNet Bridge – Fish have died en mass in Binh Thanh Commune because farmers were forced to move their raising cages to avoid typhoon, causing a sudden and fatal shock.

EC pushes for approval of FTA with Vietnam

 The European Commission (EC) on October 17 submitted for approval a free trade agreement (FTA) with Vietnam, the first comprehensive open market deal between the EU and a developing Asian country. 

Belgian lower house backs expanded ties with Vietnam

 Belgium’s lower house of parliament backs expanding cooperation with Vietnam at all levels, said President of the Chamber of Representatives Siegfried Bracke when meeting with Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc in Brussels on October 17.

Export turnover to top $239 billion this year

 The country’s export turnover this year could reach 239 billion USD, increasing 11.2 percent from last year, said Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Do Thang Hai.

Vietnam falls in Global Competitiveness Index

 Vietnam ranked 77th out of 140 countries in the latest Global Competitiveness Report, released by the World Economic Forum (WEF) on October 17.

Sci-tech key to enhancing Vietnam-US partnership

 The 10th Vietnam-US Joint Committee Meeting on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (JCM10) took place in Washington DC from October 15-17.

Vietnam, EU show efforts to soon put EVFTA in place

Vietnam and the EU demonstrated their efforts to push the early signing, ratification and implementation of their free trade agreement and IPA during Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s ongoing visit to Europe. 

National standards for chilled meat issued

 The Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) has issued national standards on chilled meat and technical requirements to meet expectations of markets at home and abroad.

Kids to be prioritised for kidney transplant

Child patients will be given priority in kidney transplants when there is a brain-dead or non-heart-beating donor under a new agreement on organ transplantation between three major hospitals in HCM City.

Government leader meets Vietnamese people in Belgium

 Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc visited the Vietnamese Embassy in Brussels on the evening of October 17, where he met with embassy staff, representatives from the overseas Vietnamese community and Vietnamese students in Belgium.

Vietnam shares experiences in poverty reduction at UNGA 73

A member of the Vietnamese mission to the UN delivered a speech on poverty reduction during a debate held by the UN Economic and Financial Committee on “Eradication of poverty and other development issues” in New York on October 17.

Transport ministry ordered inspection into pothole-riddled central expressway as repairs finished

 VietNamNet Bridge – After three days, the repairs of defects on a key highway in the central region have been finished and are awaiting final assessment, according to the project’s investor.

VN makes strides in poverty reduction: experts

 VietNamNet Bridge – Six million people in Vietnam managed to climb up the poverty ladder according to statistics released on Wednesday.

Will flow of FDI capital lead to a real estate bubble?

VietNamNet Bridge - FDI capital flow to the real estate sector soared to $5.5 billion in the first half of 2018.