vietnam news

Update news vietnam news

Regulation on sale promotions might help foreign retailers crush smaller competitors

Experts have voiced their concern about the capability of Vietnamese retailers, wondering if they can compete with powerful foreign retail groups flocking to Vietnam.

Vietnamese spend billions of US dollars to buy properties overseas

A Vietnamese corporation has reportedly spent $14 million at an auction to buy a shopping mall in the suburbs of Marrickville in Sydney, Australia, taking the first step in its plan to penetrate overseas markets.

Scientist creates climate change-ready rice

 VietNamNet Bridge – Dr Tran Thi Cuc Hoa and her colleagues have researched and developed two rice varieties that have been widely planted by Vietnamese farmers.

Hanoi should show it cares for children – the country’s next generation

 VietNamNet Bridge – Like many other children living in Hanoi, Nguyen Ha Phuong, 11 years old, is often taken by her mother to the Children’s Palace in Ly Thai To Street to attend a dance class.

The heroes who risk their lives to rescue the suicidal

 VietNamNet Bridge – HCM City rescue officers have often found themselves trying to save people from suicide attempts.

ASIAD 2018: Vietnam wins 2 silvers, 2 bronzes on sixth competition day

 The Vietnamese delegation brought home two silver and two bronze medals on August 24 – the sixth competition day at the ongoing Asian Games (ASIAD) 2018 in Indonesia on August 23, ranking 16th in the medal tally.

Renewable energy development in VN faces challenges

 VietNamNet Bridge – Renewable energy projects are facing challenges in licensing, financing options, and agreements with local project owners, experts said at a seminar held in HCM City on Thursday.

Consumer credit: hundreds of lenders, thousands of debtors

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnamese are increasingly borrowing money to spend on consumer goods as consumer loans had reached $5 billion by the end of 2017.

Reduced class size a must to better education quality

 VietNamNet Bridge – After summer school one day my 12-year-old came home to me with a bit of an issue. He told me he wasn’t happy with his day in class because new children had arrived.

ASIAD 2018: Vietnam’s female squad fails to enter semifinals

 Vietnam’s female football team lost 3-4 to Taiwan in the penalty shootout after a 0-0 draw in the 120 minutes of the quarterfinal of the Asian Games (ASIAD) 2018 in Indonesia on August 24. 

ASIAD 2018: Vietnam wins more silver and bronze medals

 Vietnamese swimmer Nguyen Huy Hoang won a silver medal at the men’s 1,500m freestyle event on August 24 at the ongoing Asian Games (ASIAD) 2018 in Indonesia.

ASIAD 2018: Shooter Ngo Huu Vuong grabs bronze

 Vietnamese marksman Ngo Huu Vuong has won bronze after beating his Chinese rival 6-1 at the men’s 10m running target event at the ongoing Asian Games (ASIAD) 2018 in Indonesia. 

AAG cable suffers fourth breakdown this year

 The Asia America Gateway (AAG) undersea cable broke down on August 23, the fourth incident so far this year, affecting Vietnam’s international internet connections. 

Mekong Delta looks to promote tourism

 VietNamNet Bridge – Localities in the western cluster of Cuu Long (Mekong) Delta need to foster regional co-operation to create highly competitive tourism products in the Mekong River Delta region, 

ASIAD 18: Asian media spotlight Vietnam Olympic’s historic win

 Asian media run articles spotlighting the Vietnam Olympic team’s August 23 historic victory against the Bahrain team to earn a berth in the quarter-finals of the Asian Games (ASIAD) 2018 held in Indonesia.

Cai luong shows feature youngsters

 VietNamNet Bridge – The Tam Nho Cai Luong Club (reformed opera), a newly opened private art troupe in HCM City, will offer a new show featuring young artists this Saturday. 

Hanoi learns from Yokahama to fix sewage woes

 VietNamNet Bridge – Whenever it rains heavily, people in Hanoi think about flooding, and for good reason.

Information & Communication Ministry launches photo contest on VN-Japan youth

The Ministry of Information and Communications has launched the photo contest entitled "Vietnamese-Japanese young people join hands to build Vietnam – Japan friendship”.

Photo contests launched in Da Nang

Da Nang’s tourism promotion centre has launched a photo contest titled ‘Fantastic Da Nang’, which will run from August 20 to November 10. The competition is a chance for both Vietnamese and foreign photographers 

Vietnam’s stocks cheaper than the rest of the SE Asia region

Investors are in a market where the risks are higher than in 2017. However, this doesn’t mean there are no investment opportunities.