vietnam news

Update news vietnam news

Female boxer ready to face challenges in life

 VietNamNet Bridge – Nguyen Thi Tam, 23, is a slim young woman with a pretty face. At first glance, no one would guess she is a strong boxer on the Hanoi and national teams. 

Vietnam to set emission reduction targets for industry

VietNamNet Bridge - The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment (MONRE) plans to submit to the PM a draft decree on ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). 

University students ghostwrite theses to earn money

VietNamNet Bridge - Students who work as thesis ghostwriters are making several million dong per thesis. 

Chu Dinh Nghiem on verge of setting new record with Hanoi FC

 Manager Chu Dinh Nghiem is on the brink of establishing a new home record with Hanoi FC, as they host Saigon FC at Hang Day Stadium in the sixth round of the 2018 Nuti Café V.League on April 22.

Myanmar State Counsellor concludes Vietnam visit

 Myanmar State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi on April 20 wrapped up a two-day official visit to Vietnam at the invitation of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc.

Vietnamese banks seek support from foreign capital

VietNamNet Bridge - In bankers’ eyes, 2018 is the time to try to attract foreign capital to boost growth. However, they will have to scramble and compete for investors.

Vietnam pharmaceutical market lures investors

 The Vietnamese medicine market awash with potential and opportunities has recently lured a host of domestic and foreign investors.

Flower Farm, a brand of elegant products

Pham Anh Cuong started up his paper flower business with the brand name Flower Farm to keep the everlasting beauty of colorful flowers.

Will QR code stores become the new craze in Hanoi?

 After the launch of Vietnam’s first QR code store in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi is also planning to pilot similar stores in 2018, aiming to boost the development of e-commerce in the capital. 

Co-working builds office of the future

Co-working spaces, initially seen as purely a fad, have proven themselves to be a worthwhile strategy to boost productivity and attract the best talent through meaningful office designs and unique working experiences.

Many shoppers now heading online

 A vibrant e-commerce market is well and truly taking shape in Vietnam.

Carina Plaza’s investor arrested for fire safety violations

 Ho Chi Minh City’s Investigation Police Agency on April 20 started criminal proceedings against Nguyen Van Tung, Director of Hung Thanh Co. Ltd., for his alleged violations in fire safety regulations.

20 individuals presented with UNESCO Vietnam insignia

 A ceremony was held in Hanoi on April 20 to present  “For the cause of UNESCO Vietnam” insignia to 20 individuals in Hanoi in recognition of their contributions to the development of UNESCO Vietnam as well as the culture of the capital.

Vietnam tie Morocco 1-1 at Suwon JS Cup U-19 tournament

Vietnam and Morocco tied 1-1 in their second round match at the U-19 Suwon JS Cup in the Republic of Korea on April 20. 

Spring in Moc Chau is about as good as it gets

 VietNamNet Bridge – Nothing conjures up a perfect spring afternoon more than a beautiful field of canola flowers shining as bright as the sunshine above.

Is $40 billion worth of farm exports beyond reach?

VietNamNet Bridge - The high agricultural production growth rate in Q1 2018 has prompted government to set a target of exporting $40 billion worth of farm produce this year. 

Local seafood traders told to brace for China’s stringent standards

 The Vietnam Catfish Association has called on local seafood processors and traders to brace for China’s more stringent quality standards for tra fish imports from Vietnam as shipments to the neighboring market are rising.

Over 40 red-crowned cranes return Kien Giang province

 A herd of red-crowned cranes returned to the Phu My Reserve in the Mekong Delta province of Kien Giang, said reserve director Nguyen Phong Van yesterday.

Warning over poisonous Hoan Kiem Lake water

 The water of Hoan Kiem Lake has turned a strange colour in recent days due to the impact of a kind of poisonous algae.

Unlicensed US ‘ghost’ school lacks right to co-operate with Hanoi school

Newton Grammar School (NGS) in Hanoi has asked George Washington International School (GWIS) to prove its right to legally operate in Vietnam so that the two sides can continue the training co-operation.