VietNamNet Bridge - The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment (MONRE) plans to submit to the PM a draft decree on ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). 


The government is about to set emission reduction targets

This will clearly define legal responsibilities of involved parties in implementing Vietnam’s commitments in the Paris Climate Accord.

Tang The Cuong, director of the Climate Change Agency, said in the first phase, from 2021-2030, the mandatory reduction would be implemented by ministries and branches while provinces/cities and production units would be encouraged to build voluntary emission reduction plans.

By 2030, industry and trade, transport, construction, agriculture and rural development sectors will have to reduce emissions by at least 8 percent compared to conventional emission scenarios, or 62.8 million tons of CO2. The maximum reduction is 25 percent, equivalent to 135.4 million tons of CO2, if there is international support.

Ministries, as state management agencies, will have to build detailed programs on reducing emissions for every year based on the tasks to be clarified in the decree. 

They will have to outline plans to reduce emissions in different industries, control emissions with carbon credits, and figure out the preferences and measures to reach the goals.

By 2030, industry and trade, transport, construction, agriculture and rural development sectors will have to reduce emissions by at least 8 percent compared to conventional emission scenarios, or 62.8 million tons of CO2. The maximum reduction is 25 percent, equivalent to 135.4 million tons of CO2, if there is international support.

As shown in the draft decree, the government will encourage ministries to cut emissions more sharply than they are requested to do so, allowing them to trade carbon credits and update periodic targets in NDCs (nationally determined contributions). 

Meanwhile, the national program on GHG reduction will be compiled by MONRE in cooperation with relevant ministries/branches and local authorities.

As for the agencies, organizations and individuals who carry out activities that cause emissions, they are encouraged to build up action plans to reduce emissions by shifting to more advanced technologies and applying a manufacturing process with lower emissions.

After 2030, Vietnam may consider increasing reduction in compulsory emissions production after analyzing the GHG reduction panorama.

The draft decree clearly stipulates that in 2030-2050, Vietnam will cut the emission volume by 1.5-2 percent annually and obtain the minimum reduction of 45 percent. 

It is striving to increase the proportion of renewable power of total energy consumption to 44 percent and obtain forest coverage of over 50 percent.

Reducing GHG is a new concept which has not been legalized in Vietnam. Therefore, the state management agencies, after considering international experience, have decided to apply a carbon credit-based management policy.

Under the draft decree, the major fields causing GHG in Vietnam include waste control, agriculture, land use, and forestry. 

The targeted emission reductions allocated to ministries are as follows: 2.3 percent for the Ministry of Industry & Trade, 0.6 percent for the Ministry of Transport, 1 percent for the Ministry of Construction, and 3.6 percent for the agriculture ministry. 


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Mai Nam