To own an iPhone 14, they have to pay VND25-50 million. iPhone 14 Pro Max 1TB is one of the most expensive models. In Vietnam, Apple only sets ceiling prices and distributors can decide retail prices.

Shortly after the launch of iPhone14, Mobile World, the largest mobile phone distributor in Vietnam, quoted prices of VND24.99 million for iPhone 14 128GB, and VND27.99 for iPhone 14 Plus, while iPhone 14 Pro has prices starting from VND30.99 million.

iPhone 14 Pro Max has prices starting from VND33.99 million, while the version with the 1TB memory has a quoted price of VND49.9 million.

CellphoneS projected the starting prices of VND24 million and VND27 million for iPhone 14 Plus. iPhone 14 Pro/Pro Max has prices similar to Mobile World and FPT Shop.

Other authorized resellers have listed cheaper prices by VND1-2 million. Retailers have begun taking orders and depositing money.

iPhone 14s are expected to be available in Vietnam earlier by one month, while iPhone 14 Plus will be delivered later. It is expected that iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max will be on shelves in Vietnam from mid-October, and iPhone 14 Plus from mid-November.

Though prices are high, the number of orders is high. According to Mobile World, 5,000 customers placed orders for iPhone14 in the first two hours and the figure quickly exceeded the 10,000 threshold.

FPT Shop said the new iPhone series would continue to be hot in Vietnam after the product witnessed considerable growth rates in the last three consecutive years. The sales of iPhone this year are expected to increase by 50-100 percent.

The strong growth rate of iPhone sales in Vietnam shows that Vietnam is becoming an increasingly important market for Apple. The 2021 import-export report released by the Ministry of Industry and Trade showed that the import turnover of iPhone reached $1.234 billion, up 160 percent compared with 2020.

According to Counterpoint Research, Vietnam’s mobile phone market in 2021 grew by 7 percent over 2020 despite the impact from Covid-19. Most mobile phone manufacturers witnessed market growth, while the sharpest growth rate, 119 percent, belonged to Apple.

Mobile World now has TopZone chain operating as ARP (Apple Premium Reseller) and AAR (Apple Authorised Reseller). There are over 60 TopZones throughout the country. Meanwhile, FPT Retail has F.Studio at APR and AAR levels.

Trong Dat