VietNamNet Bridge - Though Samsung has officially recalled Galaxy Note 7 due to the explosion risk, Vietnamese are still looking to buy the products. 


Launched on the New York market on August 2 and Vietnamese market on August 19, Samsung Galaxy Note 7 quickly became a hot product with impressive sales. 

However, the explosion caused by the battery flaw has reduced achievement to ash.

Though no fire case was reported in Vietnam, Samsung has still decided to recall all products, including in Vietnam.

However, many Vietnamese refused to give Note 7s back, though they had to spend big money to buy the products and are now facing technical risks. 

Good design, strong configuration and modern equipment are the reasons many users don’t want to part with Note 7. Those who couldn’t buy the first Note 7 before are now looking for them.

Though Samsung has officially recalled Galaxy Note 7 due to the explosion risk, Vietnamese are still looking to buy the products. 
“The demand for Note 7, especially the ones with Blue Coral color is still very high, especially after Samsung decided to recall the model,” a member of Nhat Tao Forum said.

Those who bought Note 7 from private shops, cannot return the products and reclaim their money unlike buyers who bought products from authorized resellers. 

There is still demand for Note 7 from users. “Galaxy Note 7 is the best smartphone model of Samsung so far. I still want a Note 7 for use and a souvenir,” Minh Hung 89 said. 

“The model may become rare and therefore, precious, in some years. By that time, people will hunt for products for collection purposes rather than the use value,” he said.

Blue Coral is the favorite Note 7 version on ad forums. The products carried to Vietnam across the border gates from South Korea and the US now can be sold for 16-19 million. Some genuine models are offered at VND19 million, which is equal to the amount of money Samsung has accepted to pay back to buyers.

A telecom expert warned that Note 7 users not only face an explosion risk, but also the possibility of Samsung neutralizing Note 7 to minimize risks. Though the information still has not been clarified, this is possible after the recall campaign finishes.

Air carriers now refuse to serve passengers who bring Galaxy Note 7 aboard. 

Samsung’s fans are now excited about the company’s new bendable phone model.

Kim Chi