Russia’s National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI) has granted graduation certificates to 28 Vietnamese students, who completed a six-year course on nuclear technology. 


At the graduation ceremony

Of those, five students received honourary (distinctive) certificates and the others were conferred good certificates.

They were the first international students to graduate under a programme supported by Russia’s State Nuclear Energy Corporation (Rosatom).

Speaking at the event, Sklyar Gennady Ivanovich, a representative from the State Duma, spoke highly of Vietnam’s sending of students to Russia for nuclear power training, adding that this demonstrated the prestige of Rosatom and Russia in this field.

Meanwhile, director for educational projects of the Rosatom Personnel Programme Valery Karezin said that the knowledge acquired through the course will help Vietnamese graduates contribute to the country’s socio-economic development.

He said that some 1,400 foreign students are pursuing Rosatom’s programmes in Russia.

Vietnam and Russia have enjoyed long-lasting cooperation in nuclear power. Russian experts helped Vietnam repair Da Lat nuclear reactor in the 1980s. 

In addition, with Rosatom’s support, the Information Centre on Nuclear Energy (ICONE) was set up at Hanoi University of Science and Technology to provide the public with nuclear technology information.