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Belgian teacher uses theatre workshops to teach French

 VietNamNet Bridge – Every Thursday, the theatre workshop that Céline Mariage offers Francophone students at the Ha Noi University attracts the most motivated French-learning students.

Autism in Vietnam through eye of US photographer

 “Nhin | Picturing Autism Vietnam”, a photo exhibition by US photographer Debbie Rasiel, opened in Hanoi on March 26.

Newly-approved laws introduced to Cuba conference

 Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy Nguyen Hoa Binh introduced nine laws on judicial matters, recently approved by the Vietnam National Assembly to the eighth international conference on penal sciences in Cuba.

Crafty farmer fashions bike, bomb shell into plough

 VietNamNet Bridge – Luong Minh Dong of the central Quang Nam Province has reduced his work load by inventing a more effective, multi-functional plough using old machinery parts.

Smart farming a bright future for Vietnam

 VietNamNet Bridge – Ready-to-eat tomatoes, and lettuce, grown without soil, and consumed unwashed, are the future in Viet Nam and people will soon have the chance to experience this form of ‘smart agriculture’.

Universities lure learners with attractive scholarships

VietNamNet Bridge - Both State-owned and private schools are trying to attract students with scholarships. 

HCM City still looking for flood-prevention solutions

VietNamNet Bridge - The HCM City Anti-flood Program’s Management Board plans to buy 63 specific vehicles to pump water in floods, but scientists say the solution is ‘anti-scientific’ and not feasible. 

Vietnam’s textile & garment industry feared to fall into foreign hands

VietNamNet Bridge - Textile & garment companies reject the opinion that textiles & garments would be the biggest beneficiary of the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) Agreement.

Recreating memories on a canvas - with food

With a strong passion for art, businesswomen Hoang Yen in Nha Trang City in the central province of Khanh Hoa has come up with a creative and unique way to preserve those sweet memories – by creating lovely pictures entirely made from food.

Vietnam industries encounter TPP barriers

 The Trans Pacific Partnership will bring opportunities to Vietnam's businesses, especially those in the textile, garment and footwear sectors, but also barriers that they need to navigate to benefit.

A trip to Hon Tre Island

 VietNamNet Bridge – The Mekong Delta province of Kien Giang has a number of islands worth visiting. One of the islands which visitors should explore is Hon Tre, where tourists can see a picturesque view of sea and mountain,

More public awareness needed as highway accidents increase

 VietNamNet Bridge – Khuat Viet Hung, vice chairman of the National Traffic Safety Committee, recently spoke to the Thoi Bao Kinh Te (the Economic Times) newspaper about vehicle accidents on highways.

EU imports most phones and electronics from Vietnam

 The EU was the largest phone and accessories importer from Vietnam in the first two months of the year, according to Vietnam Customs.

Mountainous areas confound cost of living ranking

 Life in the country’s northernmost mountainous areas is the most expensive in the country because of transportation costs according to a report from the General Statistics Office published on March 24.

Apricot Hotel to exhibit Bui Xuan Phai paintings

 VietNamNet Bridge – A collection of works by late artist Bui Xuan Phai, seen as one of Vietnam’s most remarkable and charismatic artists, will be showcased at “The Streets Without Phai, Phai Without the Streets” exhibition

Many bridges in HCM City face risks of collision

 Many bridges in HCM City could collapse at any time because of deterioration and low clearance levels.

Long way to go before VN firms can succeed in int’l market

 VietNamNet Bridge – Tran Du Lich, a member of the Economic Commission of the Viet Nam National Assembly, spoke to the news site Hai quan about how Vietnamese enterprises can utilise advantages and eliminate disadvantages

Vietnamese investors optimistic for 2016

 Vietnamese investors are expecting more transactions from State-owned enterprises’ (SOE) equitisation rather than by private/family firm owners, Grant Thornton Vietnam’s latest survey said.

Party-building sector sets to better personnel preparations

 The Party-building organisation sector should further uphold its role as a think-tank on personnel arrangements and management for the country’s political system.

Last Cabinet meeting heated up with natural disaster-related issues

 How to ease losses caused by drought and saltwater intrusion that are afflicting the Mekong Delta, south-central and Central Highlands regions dominated the Government’s monthly meeting in Hanoi on March 26.