Some 81.4 per cent of 4G consumers have discussed Viettel’s 4G on social media, according to Buzzmetrics’ 4G Market Overview report, which analyzed the opinions of consumers on social media from November 1, 2016 to April 30, 2017.


The number of posts and discussions about Viettel’s 4G totaled 365,650, which overwhelmed the number about Vinaphone and MobiFone’s 4G, at 51,146, or 11.4 per cent, and 32,503, or 7.2 per cent, respectively.

Viettel also received the most positive opinions from consumers, at 25 per cent, and the most negative opinions, at 44 per cent. 

The remaining opinions, or 31 per cent, were neutral. The majority of positive comments about Viettel’s 4G were about fast access, which accounted for 21 per cent of all opinions. 

Sixteen per cent, however, complained about the transmission speed.

Nineteen per cent of consumers’ opinions about MobiFone were positive, but negative opinions were double that, at 38 per cent, while 43 per cent were neutral. 

About 13 per cent of opinions about Vinaphone’s 4G were positive about fast access. 

Twenty-one per cent complained about low 4G coverage and 11 per cent were annoyed about the transmission speed.

Only 8 per cent of opinions regarding Vinaphone’s 4G quality were positive, while 31 per cent were negative and 61 per cent neutral. 

Five per cent of opinions appreciated its fast access, while 17 per cent were complaints about its slow transmission speed and 9 per cent about its low 4G coverage.

Buzzmetrics figures also revealed that 25 per cent of opinions on social media were about considering whether to use 4G, while 8 per cent decided not to use it, 35 per cent had used it but weren’t satisfied, and 32 per cent had used it and were satisfied.

Regarding people considering whether to use 4G, the major concerns were about how to switch from 3G to 4G, which accounted for 13 per cent of all opinions, and 6 per cent were asking about 4G packages.

With people who decided not to use 4G, 4 per cent said that they would not use it at this time because they are satisfied with 3G.

4G is advertised as being ten-times faster than 3G, the report noted. While 28 per cent of discussions were about 4G being faster, 12 per cent of opinions said there was no difference.

VN Economic Times