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Vietnam aims to have 40 percent of adult population using online public services (Photo: M. Tuan)

Online public service is key in the e-government development period. After 20 years of deployment, the government and the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) has been aware of the necessity to make online public services accessible.

End-to-end service and high quality are two basic factors for a breakthrough in providing online public services.

According to the National Agency for Digital Transformation, in the first two quarters of 2024, the number of end-to-end online dossiers accounted for 42 percent, increasing by 2.5 times compared with the end of 2023, while the number of administrative procedures provided under end-to-end online public services nationwide accounted for 55.5 percent (59.68 percent for ministries and 55.38 percent for localities).

A report of the agency showed that in 2010, there were only four online public services provided at the highest level, which accounted for 0.004 percent of total public services, while the growth rate was very slow in the next 10-year period.

After June 2020, when the national digital transformation program started, Vietnam witnessed groundbreaking growth with an annual growth rate equal to the previous 10-year period. 

Currently, the proportion of end-to-end online public service providing of the whole country is 55 percent, increasing by five times over the previous 10-year period.

In 2019, the number of online dossiers at the highest level just accounted for 5 percent of total administrative procedures. By mid-July 2024, the figure had risen to 43 percent.

In 2019, people had to create an account where they used online public services. Now, 100 percent of people and businesses have been identified and authenticated throughout all systems of the central and local government.

However, MIC and the National Committee on Digital Transformation pointed out that the quality of online public services is still low.

Many factors affecting the quality have been cited, including technological problems. MIC has recently assessed and announced the quality of information systems for handling administrative procedures at ministerial and provincial levels in 2024. This aims to help ministries, branches and localities become aware of their conditions and improve the situation.

The system that monitors and measures the levels of providing and using digital government services (EMC system) run by MIC has connected with all information systems handling administrative procedures.

Van Anh