The international internet connection in Vietnam is working at normal speed once again after the cable connecting Southeast Asia to the US was rewired on Saturday.


Repairs to the cable were completed on April 6, and the pending work was done on Saturday, the Viet Nam Post and Telecommunications Corporation (VNPT), which uses the Asia-America Gateway, said.

The VNPT confirmed that internet connection between Viet Nam and overseas has resumed normal speed.

The cable is reported to have broken on February 18 at a section between Việt Nam and Hong Kong, which slowed down internet speeds in the country. 

Since the damage, the VNPT had been using alternative cables to provide service.

The cable, which runs along 20,000 kilometres between Malaysia and the US, has faced many issues since it became operational in November 2009. 

With a design capacity of 2 terabit per second, the cable accounts for more than 60 per cent of data transmission between Viet Nam and other countries.