The mass fish deaths reported in Linh Dam Lake in Hanoi’s Hoang Mai District are not related to its water quality, Hanoi Environment Protection Branch officials said.

A workers collect dead fish. 

Sample testing of water taken from the lake showed it wasn’t polluted, the branch said yesterday.

They claimed no dead fish had been reported since Thursday afternoon  

Hanoi Sewage and Drainage Company No 4, which is in charge of managing the lake, said no waste water had been discharged into the lake.

Hanoi Veterinary Branch had also taken samples of dead fish for testing.

Earlier, a large number of dead fish were seen floating in Linh Dam Lake on Wednesday night, with locals claiming polluted water was the main reason.

Thousands of fish including white promfret, tilapia and carp were found dead, stretching along 2km-long lake dyke area. Many of the fish had decomposed badly, exuding a bad odour.

On receiving information about the mass fish deaths, the People’s Committee of Hoang Mai District mobilised forces to collect the dead fish, weighing over 400kg, and clean up the lake.

The district authorities asked relevant agencies to monitor the incident and warned locals not to use the dead fish as animal feed.

This is the second time fish have died en mass in Linh Dam Lake. Previously, in March 2009, nearly five tonnes of dead fish were found in the north of the lake.

The investigation is underway.