Warnings about ‘imported inflation’

The signs of “imported inflation” have appeared as prices of goods purchased from abroad in the first two months of 2022 rose to higher levels compared to the same period last year.

Lessons learnt from the Thu Thiem land auction case

A suitable auction form for each type of property and more stringent sanctions are needed to prevent auction winners from walking away without buying as happened recently in the Thu Thiem New Urban Area, experts said.


Industrial real estate market bouncing back with mega projects

VN-US sign MoU on strengthening commercial-investment alternative dispute resolution ecosystem

Vietnam and the US have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to improve Vietnam’s Commercial and Investment Alternative Dispute Resolution Ecosystem.

Gender stereotypes changing in Vietnam: UNFPA Representative

According to the UNFPA Representative, Vietnam is a signatory to international instruments on gender equality, women’s rights, and women’s empowerment.

FLC Group and Bamboo Airways establish strategic cooperation with major partners in Germany

Establishing strategic partnership with “big names” in Germany, FLC Group’s ecosystem has approached the European market.

Barriers build up to Russian exports

The Vietnamese economy as a whole is expected to face some immediate consequences from the Russia-Ukraine conflict, with disruptions occuring now in the export of some electronics and agricultural products to the largest country in the world by area.

Competition stiffens in cloud computing

While international technology giants are seeking fresh opportunities to expand further in the local cloud computing market, local players are planning for a new cooperation way to increase competitiveness, heralding stiffening competition ahead.

Nike's supply chain in South Vietnam fully recovers

Nike's supply chain in the South has fully recovered, while its supply chain in the North is trying to restore production and business.

Access narrowing to capital in agri-tech

Loan acquisition and the availability of government-sponsored incentives remain the biggest barriers in attracting capital inflows into high-tech agriculture as many companies already struggle with tedious applications.

The ‘bridge’ between EU and Vietnam: EVFTA

The EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) and the Investment Protection Agreement (IPA) are the most ambitious agreements in terms of market access, rules and values that the EU has ever signed with a developing country like Vietnam.

Omicron 'stealth' subvariant BA.2 spreads in Hanoi, HCM City

The BA.2 sub-variant of Omicron, or the stealth variant, is accounting for many coronavirus infections in HCM City and Hanoi, the department of health have revealed.

HCM City residents struggle as living costs rise, incomes stagnate

Many HCM City residents are suffering the double whammy of rising living costs and stagnant or falling incomes that is making it very difficult for them to make ends meet.

Local start-up launches Blockchain Meta Universe ecosystem

A group of products including an e-wallet, a launchpad and game projects is about to be launched by a Vietnamese startup.

Coronavirus cases likely to return to workplace in HCM City

Ho Chi Minh City is examining the possibility of allowing COVID-19 infected cases (F0) and close-contact cases (F1) to return to the workplace if their health is guaranteed.

Summit discusses telecommunications infrastructure, digital content services

The World Mobile Broadband and ICT Summit 2022 was held in Hanoi on March 9 to discuss the modernisation of telecommunications infrastructure and digital content services toward the promotion of a digital economy and society.

Universities warned to balance between admission target, training capacity

The Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) has just released a circular on determining enrolment quota for doctoral, master, bachelor degrees as well as college degree in preschool education (Circular No.3).

Taxi firms raise fares after petrol increases

E-riding firms have raised taxi fares, and traditional taxi firms are expected to follow the move.

Container train service from Danang to Europe suspended

A container train service linking Danang City of Vietnam and Europe has been suspended due to concerns over the Russia-Ukraine military conflict, according to the Vietnam Railway Corporation (VNR). 

Foreign, domestic tourists should be treated equally: think tanks

Some advisory bodies have pointed out the medical rules discouraging foreign tourists from coming to Vietnam, stressing that foreign and domestic travellers should receive the same treatment.

Farmer in Mekong Delta bottle-feeds fish

A man in Mekong Delta owns thousands of fish that can be bottle-fed and eat feed ashore.

Opportunities available for investment in Vietnam’s seaport system

Investors currently have many opportunities to participate in maritime projects worth more than 300,000 billion VND after Vietnam’s master plan on seaport system development is approved.

Petrol price may reach VND30,000 per liter

The crude oil price in the world market has reached a 14-year high and is nearing $140 per barrel. Experts predict the petrol price may rise to $30,000 per liter if there is no price intervention.

Finance Ministry's proposed property tax on houses sparks controversy

While some people support the Ministry of Finance’s (MOF) plan to tax houses, others warn that taxation is not feasible and this may bring the opposite effect.

Park Hang-seo commemorative medals released in Vietnam

A commemorative medal collection celebrating the various achievements of head coach of the Vietnamese men’s national football team Park Hang-seo are sold online in Vietnam from March 9.