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Update news ATM cards

Security experts warn about spread of new ransomware virus ‘Locky’

VietNamNet Bridge - ‘Locky’, a new virus that encrypts victims’ files and demands ransom for decryption, has been spreading at an alarming rate, according to FPT, Vietnam’s largest information technology group.

HCM City dreams of building advanced schools

VietNamNet Bridge - HCM City local authorities have decided that there must be at least 24 schools that meet standards to approach regional and international education.

Low-cost carrier ‘great war’ begins

VietNamNet Bridge - Behind the current sales promotion campaigns for zero-dong and super-cheap fares is stiff competition among low-cost air carriers (LCC).

‘Barefoot engineer’ invents automatic watering system

VietNamNet Bridge - Cao Phat Trien, a farmer in Mekong River Delta, has created a system which sprays and waters his orchard automatically, thus helping cut production cost and get higher profit.

More Vietnamese goods enter US market

Many investment cooperation contracts have been signed in recent days between Vietnamese businesses and partners from the US, which is expected to pave the way for Vietnamese goods to penetrate more deeply into the US market.

Gaur killed in sanctuary placed under strict control

VietNamNet Bridge - A gaur found killed in the Dong Nai Natural Reserve which has been placed under strict control.

What are domestic retailers doing upon foreigners’ massive arrival?

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnamese retail chains are hurrying to expand their networks in anticipation of stiff competition with foreign giants.

16 listed companies report profits of VND1 trillion and more in 2015

VietNamNet Bridge - Sixteen out of 600 listed companies which have released financial reports reported  huge pretax profits of VND1 trillion and more.

Rice exports: Vietnam’s low-price advantage won’t help

VietNamNet Bridge - Despite difficulties, Vietnam’s rice exports have remained stable over the last few years thanks to low prices. However, this advantage may not help in the future as the world market has seen major changes.

Vietnamese-born billionaires respected by American

VietNamNet Bridge - The billionaires all have huge assets in the US, and their names are well known in the US, which has the highest number of billionaires.

Road building threatening special-use forests

VietNamNet Bridge - Following hydropower plants and water reservoirs, road projects now threaten natural sanctuaries and special-use forests (SUF).

Education Ministry plans to teach students about island, border wars

Historians and textbook compilers have applauded the Ministry of Education and Training’s (MOET) decision to add lessons about the island and border wars into the history curriculum designed for general education.

The ‘Indian unknown’ in Vietnam’s smartphone market

VietNamNet Bridge - Will smartphones from India be able to find a position in the Vietnamese market?

Restaurant chains: Burger King encounters problems, others leaving market

VietNamNet Bridge - A series of restaurant chains, including Burger King, Golden Gate, Red Sun-ITI and Mesa Group have shut down one or many restaurants recently.

Water shortages affect land, residents, businesses

VietNamNet Bridge - The saltwater intrusion and widespread drought have left millions of people of the south, central region and the Central Highlands in danger because of serious water shortages.

Vietnam’s leading university applies ‘western method’ in enrolling students

VietNamNet Bridge - HCM City National University has announced that it will admit students from 82 high schools for the gifted throughout the country based on letters of recommendation and student essays. 

New government decision empowers scientists to conduct research

VietNamNet Bridge - The inter-ministerial circular No 27 which took effect on February 15 is expected to make a breakthrough in scientific research as it allows scientists to take initiative in their work.

Vietnamese rank high in beer consumption, spend more money than Japanese

VietNamNet Bridge - In Vietnam, local officials drink bottles of liquor worth of thousands of dollars that Japanese dare not drink.

Tragic end for brands boycotted by consumers

VietNamNet Bridge - Consumers have enormous power, so much so that they can drive strong brands to death.

Why are many Thai buyers in the VN retail market?

VietNamNet Bridge - Thai businesses are not as strong and financially capable as Japanese or South Korean but they act often more promptly and professionally.