
Update news China

China’s activities in East Sea violate int’l laws: Russian experts

China’s recent activities in the East Sea are contrary to international laws, including the UNCLOS 1982, experts highlighted at a conference held at the Russian Academy of Justice (RGUP) on November 1.

Five Chinese and Vietnamese jailed for involving in illegal surrogacy ring

Two Chinese and three Vietnamese have been sentenced to 15 – 36 months in jail for operating a surrogacy network for commercial purposes at a recent trial by the Hanoi People’s Court.

Paracel and Spratly Islands have never appeared in Chinese administrative maps

In China’s ancient maps, this country’s southernmost point is Hainan Island.


Chinese coastguard ships ‘deliberately visible' in the East Sea

Some Chinese coastguard vessels deployed in the East Sea have deliberately made themselves visible to rival claimants of the contested waters by turning on tracking signals – a move analysts described as an attempt to assert sovereignty.


Chinese illegal activities hinder COC negotiation process: Vietnamese diplomat

This is not the first time Vietnam expressed concerns about China’s violations in the East Sea.

China is resorting to new forms of bullying in the East Sea

Less is heard these days about China’s massive terraforming operations in the East Sea, which not long ago exercised neighbours as well as the United States.


China's low demand causes rice price to fall to 12-year low

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has attributed the lowest rice price in 12 years to low demand from China, as many Vietnamese exporters continue to fail to meet this market’s requirements.

VN cinema censors investigate illegal nine-dash line map shown in cartoon movie

The Cinema Department will check the censoring process of film Abominable which was pulled from Vietnamese cinemas for including a scene featuring a map showing China's "nine-dash line" in the East Sea.

VN Communist Party members asked to ponder East Sea situation

The analysis must be predictable about the global and regional situation and impact on the country.

Scheme to monopolize East Sea ignores international law

China’s survey vessel Haiyang Dizhi-8 and its escorts have conducted regular oil exploration activities and expanded operations in the Tu Chinh-Vung May or Vanguard Bank region of Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone.

Rule of law: Solution for peace in the East Sea

China, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines and Brunei all approved the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS). This Convention prohibits the use of and threat of using force in the settlement of disputes at sea.


Vietnam maritime strategy: Be careful with under-war-threshold actions

Tensions in the East Sea are still under control, without armed war, but the acts of using or threatening to use force have been recorded with many different forms.


Blocking research with China would 'hurt', Microsoft boss says

Microsoft does more research and development in China than it does anywhere else outside the United States.

China must stop violations, withdraw vessels from Vietnam’s waters

Once again, Vietnam demands China to immediately stop its violations, withdraw its survey vessel group Haiyang Dizhi 8 from Vietnam’s territorial waters and not to repeat similar actions.

Vietnam's strategic weapons defend its maritime sovereignty

The defense capacity to protect sovereignty over sea and islands has been gradually upgraded and modernized, helping Vietnam to strengthen its self-defense ability and firmly protect sea and island sovereignty.

Vietnam Offroad Cup quenches speed junkies’ thirst

If you want to practice the art of drifting or witness breathtaking off-road performances, the PVIOIL Offroad Cup 2019 which recently opened in Hanoi’s outskirts district of Son Tay has it all.

Special coin marks 50th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s testament

The Ho Chi Minh Museum and the Stamp Company have recently issued 50 gold coins of 20 VND in domination, used by President Ho Chi Minh as gift for ministers, senior officials and diplomatic guests.

Operations of Chinese vessels are against agreements between Chinese and Vietnamese leaders

The activities of Chinese vessels in Vietnam's waters have seriously violated international law and gone against agreements reached between senior leaders of the two countries.


China road crash: at least 36 killed as coach hits truck

State media report that at least 36 died and when a coach carrying 69 people crashed into a truck in Jiangsu province.

Unilateral actions risk escalating tensions in East Sea: Vietnamese FM

This is not the first time Vietnamese Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh protests China at an international forum.