Update news EVFTA

Agri-trade to blossom through EVFTA

Agricultural businesses are amplifying investment to make use of opportunities provided by the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, which promises to increase Vietnam’s export of agricultural products.

Germany supports early ratification of EVFTA, EVIPA

Germany backs the promotion of Vietnam-EU relations as well as the early ratification of the EVFTA and the EVIPA has said State Secretary of the German Federal Foreign Office Andreas Michaelis.

EVFTA to advance German activity across the board

German businesses are looking at Vietnam to grasp new opportunities ahead of enforcement of EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, scheduled for next year.

VN garment export target of $40 billion a long shot

The domestic textile and garment industry was still striving to reach its export revenue target of US$40 billion this year despite facing many difficulties, said Vu Duc Giang, chairman of the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS).

​Farmers: Opportunities and challenges in global integration

In recent years, Vietnam has signed several important trade agreements with major economic partners, notably the CPTPP and the EVFTA.

Vietnam’s average annual growth seen at 7%

The Vietnamese economy is likely to grow at an annual average pace of 7% during the 2021-2015 period, according to a projection by the National Centre for Socio-economic Information and Forecast.

Vietnamese economy forecast to grow 7 percent during 2021-2025

Vietnam’s GDP is forecast to expand 7 percent during 2021-2025 on the back of new-generation free trade agreements, according to the Ministry of Planning and Investment’s National Centre for Socio-Economic Information and Forecast (NCEIF).

Interest on all fronts as nation takes centre stage

Driven by growth momentum on the back of the ASEAN Economic Community, Vietnam’s investment picture in the region is expected to reach brighter prospects next year when the country takes over the role of the bloc’s chair. 

EVFTA expected to be ratified in 2020

The European Union and Vietnam are completing procedures related to the EVFTA and expect to ratify the deal next year, opening up new opportunities for both sides, according to Giorgio Aliberti, new ambassador of the EU to Vietnam.


Vietnamese textile and garment firms aggressively seeking more orders

Thirty-eight Vietnam’s textile and garment companies recently attended ‘Global Sources Fashion and Global Sources Lifestyle’, the biggest fashion exhibition in Hong Kong, to seek buyers.

Cross-border developments advance logistics

Vietnamese logistics is taking flight with new movements among international investors. 

Opening finance, telecom markets under EVFTA has opportunities, risks

With the newEU-Vietnam FTA (EVFTA), the insurance sector is expected to continue to see strong growth, while the telecom sector will be more difficult to join.

EVFTA gains in Vietnam's telecoms and banking

Even though a bigger lift in foreign ownership cap could become a driving force to lure further European investment in banking and telecommunications, the funding picture in these sectors remains a question.

Tackling labor shortage

The EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) is poised to help Vietnam both create more job opportunities and improve the quality of her labor force. However, the road ahead is really tough.

EVFTA to bring Vietnamese logistics firms both opportunities and challenges

Vietnamese logistics companies need to improve their competitiveness to stay afloat when the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) comes into effect, according to experts.

EP official discuss lifting ‘yellow card’, lorry deaths

Visiting Chairman of the European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade (INTA) Bernd Lange spoke to reporters in Hanoi on October 31 about the European Commission (EC)’s ‘yellow card’ to Vietnam’s fisheries sector.

Vietnamese finance market braced for remarkable EVFTA impacts

The EU has a strong financial services market and the EVFTA will have a significant impact on the Vietnamese economy and finance market.

Vietnamese catfish exporters struggle to compete with rivals

The domestic catfish price has fallen to a 2-year low, while Vietnam’s shrimp now has to compete fiercely in prices with rivals, including Thailand and India.

Finding a place in international markets

Dr Tran Cong Thang, director of the Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development, speaks to Countryside Today newspaper about Vietnam's efforts to promote local products in international markets.

Industrial real estate thrives on FDI increase

Existing factors in the market, especially strong FDI inflow, all are supporting the prosperity of the industrial real estate market.