Many sections of the dyke along Hoi An Town’s Cua Dai Beach have been seriously damaged.



Damaged dyke section in Hoi An

Two dyke sections between Fusion Alya and Sunrise resorts that are 10 metres long have been destroyed and swept away to the sea while the rest of the dyke is being attacked by waves and deteriorating away. 

The local people and authorities have to use sandbags to temporarily reinforce the dyke.

On April 11, Hoi An Town Vice Chairman Nguyen The Hung said about 50 metres of the dyke had been destroyed by the wave. 

Even though residential areas and resorts are not affected after the dyke was damaged, the power cable to Cham Island has been affected.

"We've asked the consultancy firm to check on the damage and the dyke management board also reported to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. We'll fix the dyke immediately after receiving directives. The repair work will cost about VND14bn (USD614,000)," Hung said. 

The 7,600-metre dyke in Cam An Ward was built in 2011 to prevent erosion at the cost of VND300bn (USD13.15m). 

Grass and coconut trees have also been built to protect the town from sand and wind.

Cua Dai Beach has been under the onslaught of waves and erosion for a long time. There has been severe erosion in Hoi An since 2013 with 20 hectares of Cua Dai beach having been washed away. 

A 300m section of the beach was eroded by late 2015. Last year, Hoi An authorities had to seek government help to protect Cua Dai Beach after Storm Damrey. Many restaurants had to close as severe erosion threatened their safety.
