
Update news investors

In attracting FDI, Vietnam puts high hopes on Japan, US

VietNamNet Bridge – Analysts have forecast a boom of the Japanese investment in Vietnam. The bilateral trade between Vietnam and the US has also been on the rise.

Trillions of dong ready to be pumped into stock market

Stocks are now the choice of many investors in the context of the gloomy stock market, unclear gold market and stable dollar price. Trillions of dong are believed to be pumped into the stock market.

Foreign investors hunting for Vietnamese stocks

Accepting to pay 30-50 percent higher than the market prices, foreign investors have shown their strong determination to buy the stocks of Vietnamese enterprises now, when the stock prices are at the deepest low.

In crisis, multi-million dollar villas attract Vietnamese millionaires

VietNamNet Bridge – While the real estate market gets frozen, multi-million dollar villas still can be sold well. It’s now the right time for the “big guys” to buy luxurious villas, as they have become cheaper than ever.

Vietnam still puzzled with excess of steel imports over exports

Though the demand and consumption level dropped dramatically in 2012, Vietnam still witnessed a big gap between steel imports and exports in the context of the domestic oversupply.

Vietnam’s garments & software competent enough in Japanese eyes

Vietnam now absolutely can replace Japan in making garments and software. However, it’s still unclear if Vietnam can grab the opportunities.

Vietnamese IT firms keep indifferent to PPP scheme

Most Vietnamese IT firms say they would not be foolish enough to get involved in the projects under the mode of private public partnership (PPP) until the legal framework on PPP is set up.

Hydropower plant investors report big profits

While enterprises in nearly all business fields of the national economy have gone bankrupted or reported losses, hydropower plants have reported big profits. This explains why investors rush to inject money in hydropower plants.

Depository fee cuts intended to make life easier for brokerages, investors

 VietNamNet Bridge – The State Securities Commission will consider reducing depository fees by 20 per cent to lessen difficulties for securities companies and investors.

Report says oligopoly exists in 6 business fields

The Competition Administration Department (CAD), an arm of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT), which conducted a survey on 10 business fields, has found out that oligopoly exists in six of them.

Vietnam has 290 stock millionaires

The total stock assets of the 500 richest stock millionaires in 2012 reach VND75 trillion. More than a half of the 500 millionaires have the assets of over one million dollars.

The 10 ICT most outstanding events in 2012 in the eyes of journalists

The Vietnam ICT Press Club on December 27 released the 10 information and communication technology (ICT) events in 2012 selected by 40 journalists.


Mai Linh to sell assets to clear VND500 billion debts; Many firms fail to pay social insurance; Power price hike hits steel, cement producers; Logistics needs 20,000 more laborers; 2013: good time for business startups

The major characteristics of the real estate market in 2012

The real estate price in 2012 dropped by 30 percent if compared with 2011.

Big guys rush to withdraw capital from property projects

A lot of the big guys in the real estate sector have offered to sell stakes in real estate projects. It seems that they have run out of patience in the long spell of cold market.