While traveling through Ninh Binh on a rented motorbike, Korean tourist Sunny Jasmin encountered an unexpected accident that left her with bruises and abrasions on her hands and shoulders. Fortunately, the kindness of local residents quickly turned a distressing situation into a touching memory.

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Sunny rides a bike around Ninh Binh.

Sunny, who had already explored Hanoi, Ha Giang, and Quang Binh, was enjoying her time in Vietnam by experiencing local culture and traveling on a motorbike. After completing a thrilling loop tour in Ha Giang, she decided to take her new skills to the roads of Ninh Binh, renting a scooter for her exploration.

Despite her enthusiasm, an unfortunate accident occurred when Sunny lost control of her bike near Khe Dau Ha Bridge in Hoa Lu, Ninh Binh. The fall left her with several scrapes and bruises, but she managed to stay calm as her travel companion, Sophie, helped disinfect her wounds.

Sunny and Sophie spent time enjoying various delicious dishes while traveling in Ninh Binh.

As the two travelers assessed the situation, a few local construction workers passing by noticed the accident. Without hesitation, they helped push Sunny’s motorbike to the side of the road and one of them ran to buy cold drinks to replenish the tourists’ energy. This unexpected act of kindness left Sunny emotional.

"I was overwhelmed and even cried because I didn't expect such kindness," Sunny said. "I felt silly for letting this accident happen, but I also learned how to adapt to challenges like these."

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She was unexpectedly involved in an accident while traveling by motorbike.

One older worker returned with cold drinks for Sunny and Sophie. When Sunny tried to offer money for the drinks, the worker refused, instead showing concern for her injuries and asking if they needed more supplies like bandages or disinfectant. Despite the language barrier, the locals' warmth and generosity shone through.

"He even showed us a video of himself singing and playing the guitar. It was such a lovely moment," Sunny shared.

Later, when the travelers stopped at a nearby restaurant in Ninh Thang, the restaurant owner noticed Sunny’s injuries and immediately rushed to help. She gently cleaned Sunny's wounds with disinfectant, without causing any pain.

"I was so touched. She treated me as if I were her own daughter," Sunny said, fighting back tears.

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An elderly worker nearby assisted the two guests who encountered the incident.

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The two foreign guests were touched and delighted by the kindness and enthusiasm of the local person.

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A woman kindly treated and bandaged Sunny's injury.
Photo credit: Sunny Jasmin

After the accident, Sunny decided to stay in Ninh Binh for a week to recover. Thankfully, her wounds healed quickly, and within a week she felt back to normal.

Reflecting on her stay, Sunny expressed her gratitude for the kindness she experienced: “Although the accident kept me from fully exploring Ninh Binh, I fell in love with this peaceful place and the wonderful people here.”

Thao Trinh