Ministry of Public Security to deal with those who spread false economic news hinh anh 1

Lieut. Gen. To An Xo, Chief of the Office and Spokesman of the Ministry of Public Security, said on October 25 that the ministry will continue to verify, investigate and strictly punish those who spread false and inaccurate information causing public concern and hurting economic, financial, monetary and investment security.

Xo said under the regular and close direction of the central steering committee for anti-corruption and negative phenomena, law enforcement agencies have handled a number of economic violation cases like those at Viet A Company, FLC Group, Tan Hoang Minh Group and An Dong Investment Group Corporation.

Legal proceedings against these cases were due to legal violations without the criminalisation of economic and civil relations, helping to ensure the stable, healthy, transparent, safe and sustainable development of securities, corporate bond and financial-banking markets, thus protecting legitimate interests of citizens, investors and businesses, he stressed.

However, hostile forces posted and distributed many fake and untruthful news related to the economy, finance and currency with the aim of causing public concern and confusion in the market, which negatively affected the interests and normal lives of citizens, investors and businesses. In particular, they rumoured that the ministry will punish more major economic groups and corporations. The ministry confirms that it is fake, misleading and untruthful information, he said.

The officer added that the ministry suggests citizens not believe, listen to and spread false information while receiving official information from competent authorities./. VNA