The Department of Police Investigation of Drug Crimes (C04, Ministry of Public Security) has reported the preparation of a synthetic drug in the form of fentanyl, which is 50 times more addictive than heroin and 100 times more addictive than morphine.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Vien, Director of the Department of Police Investigation of Drug Crimes.

On June 18, the Department of Police Investigation of Drug Crimes held a press conference to mark the month of action against drug abuse. Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Vien, Director of the Department, highlighted the increasing complexity and severity of the global drug threat. Criminal organizations are employing sophisticated, cunning, and aggressive methods.

"The drug market is diversifying. Alongside synthetic drugs like crystal meth and ketamine, there is now fentanyl, which is a leading cause of overdose deaths in the United States," said Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Vien.

Fentanyl is often illicitly synthesized and mixed with other drugs such as heroin, cocaine, or synthetic substances to enhance their effects. Non-medical use of fentanyl and its derivatives can lead to severe health consequences.

In Vietnam, fentanyl is classified under category II, restricting its use to analysis, testing, scientific research, criminal investigation, or medical purposes as regulated by competent authorities. To date, no fentanyl or its derivatives have been detected in Vietnam through appraisal work.

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Drugs disguised as food. Photo: CACC

The "Golden Triangle" region, historically known for producing traditional drugs like opium and heroin, has become one of the world's largest synthetic drug production areas, significantly impacting Vietnam. This poses numerous challenges for the country's drug prevention and control efforts.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Vien noted that domestically, drug crimes remain complex across key routes: Northeast, Northwest, North Central-Central Highlands, Southwest, sea routes, air routes, and post offices.

"The organization, harboring, and gathering for illegal drug use continue to be problematic, especially in business establishments with sensitive security conditions. Prolonged use of synthetic drugs leads to loss of behavioral control, causing tragic incidents and serious traffic accidents, which severely affect social order and safety," he added.

Dinh Hieu