Update news MONRE

Sorting waste at household level is key to waste treatment in Vietnam

VietNamNet Bridge - As a country with a high waste disposal rate, Vietnam is facing environmental dangers due to lack of professional waste treatment.

Goldman Prize winner promotes progressive environmental policies

VietNamNet Bridge - The 2018 Goldman Prize for the first time has honored a woman from Vietnam.

Vietnam vows to prevent waste imports, salvage domestic scrap sources

VietNamNet Bridge - The government is controlling illegal waste imports with a heavy hand, forcing the re-export of substandard scrap imports.

Laos’ hydropower policy puts Vietnam in a dilemma

VietNamNet Bridge - The proposal to buy electricity from Lao hydropower plants has been facing opposition from many researchers, who say that benefits are small compared with the costs.

Hanoi tries to recycle construction waste

It is estimated that about 2,000 tons of solid construction waste are discharged each day, not including waste from transport projects and household construction works.

Vietnam's coastal areas in danger of serious pollution

Scientists attending a workshop on the management of marine environmental resources held several days ago warned that coastal areas are becoming more polluted because of poor control over waste sources from the mainland.

Registration agency to lift vehicle emission standards

VietNamNet Bridge - Higher standards on vehicle emissions will have an impact on the automobile market, especially used cars. However, lifting the standards is a must to control pollution.

VN Steel Association insists on importing scrap steel, raising concerns about environment risks

VietNamNet Bridge - Experts have warned about scrap imports heading for Vietnam as China has stopped importing some types of scrap. 

Slight sanctions encourage businesses to import prohibited scrap

Some enterprises had several repeated offences in importing prohibited scrap, but they only had to pay a fine of between tens and hundreds of million of dong. 

Waste: key raw material for recycling industry

VietNamNet Bridge - The demand for waste as the input material for the recycling industry in Vietnam has increased by 10-20 percent per annum. 

Woodwork exporters told to adapt to changes from US market

VietNamNet Bridge - Analysts have advised wooden furniture manufacturers to focus on developing certified woodwork with clear origin and to diversify import sources.

Environment risks prompt authorities to reject textile & dyeing projects

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnam has lured big investments into the textile & garment industry, but the projects are unwelcome in localities for fear for pollution.

Vietnam plastic waste among highest in world

Two years ago, Emily Strady, a French researcher, visited Vietnam to conduct research on metal pollution in the river network. 

The ‘billionaires’ waste recycling village is seriously polluted

VietNamNet Bridge - Scrap piles up right at the entrance gate to the village, and covers all canals, alleys and heaps up at houses. Schools are ‘attacked’ by waste and thick black smoke. 

Enterprises find it difficult to observe laws on environmental protection

VietNamNet Bridge - Enterprises understand that fulfilling environmental protection tasks will improve competitiveness, enter international markets and ensure sustainable development. However, there are many obstacles.

How does waste and scrap enter Vietnam?

VietNamNet Bridge - Most of the scrap stuck at ports is imported by Vietnamese companies for re-export to China. However, if the re-exports fail, importers will refuse to receive the scrap.

Vietnam commits to take action to control plastic waste in the sea

VietNamNet Bridge - Plastic waste accounts for 50-80 percent of ocean waste, and more than 80 percent of plastics waste originates from the mainland, while the rest is discharged directly in the sea.

Vietnam building roadmap on greenhouse gas emissions mitigation

The draft decree stipulating the schedule and modalities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has been opened for public opinion by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment (MONRE).

Vietnam to set emission reduction targets for industry

VietNamNet Bridge - The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment (MONRE) plans to submit to the PM a draft decree on ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). 

Vietnam urged to control ocean plastic waste

A survey found that plastic waste, including domestic land litter and marine waste, is polluting the marine environment.