VietNamNet Bridge – On Monday morning, many people in Hanoi went to lakes, ponds and the Red River to throw carp on the Day of the Kitchen Gods. People also threw ash, plastic bags and garbage into the lakes.

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A woman releases carp into the Red River on the Chuong Duong Bridge after making rituals to the Kitchen God.




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Many people release fish along with ashes and garbage.




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A carb with a plastic bag.




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This woman also throws ash and plastic bags into the Red River. She said that every year she went to the Chuong Duong Bridge to drop carp into the river.



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The worshipping objects on the altar are also thrown into the Red River on this occasion.




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Plastic bags left on the bridge after carbs were released.




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Plastic bags left on Chuong Duong Bridge.



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Rubbish floats on the surface of the West Lake.
