The Ministry of Industry and Trade has supported the relocation of a textile factory in Hanoi city centre over environmental concerns.


The smoke from Dong Xuan Textile Factory 

Many people at Minh Khai and Vinh Tuy wards in Hai Ba Trung District have complained about the serious pollution caused by Dong Xuan Textile Factory which is situated in a heavily-populated area.     

According to local residents, the factory discharges smoke every day. They have informed the authorities of this problem; however, nothing has been done to deal with the situation.

Following public concern over the problem published in Lao Dong Newspaper, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Do Thang Hai said that management agencies have received local people’s petitions about the factory.

“We support the relocation of factories and companies which pollute the environment. We should not exchange the environment for economic value,” Hai added.

He said that Dong Xuan Textile Factory, an affiliate of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group (Vinatex), employs a large number of people and has good business results.

He, however, noted that the Ministry of Industry and Trade requested the factory to strictly conform to operation regulations, including those related to the environment.

Hanoi authorities have planned to move polluting facilities from the city centre, however, the process has been delayed, with many companies reluctant to give up their land to authorities and relocate.

According to existing regulations, the land from polluting facilities in inner-city areas will be reused for social utilities. As many as 117 facilities in 12 districts in the city are on the list for urgent relocation by 2020. However, only 32 facilities have compiled plans to move.
