The central province of Quang Tri has set up a mobile team to patrol the province and prevent illegal logging of timber.


The central province of Quang Tri has set up a mobile team to patrol the province and prevent illegal logging of timber. — Photo

The move is an effort by local authorities to cope with the increasing cases of illegal logging in the province in recent times.

According to the decision of the province’s People’s Committee, the team comprises 14 forest rangers and policemen.

The team will patrol in the mountainous districts of Huong Hoa and Dakrong, hotspots of illegal logging and transport of timber in the province.

The team members have also been allocated a muster site in Vung Kho village in Đakrong, which serves as an outlet for timber transport before reaching other areas in the province.

The local Department of Agriculture and Rural Development will monitor the operation of the team and will allocate more personnel if needed.

The team will work for four months, starting on May 15, and assessment during its operational period will determine whether the team will be continued or not.

The department’s director, Vo Van Hung, said setting up of the team reflected the determination of the local authorities in combating illegal forest logging while assisting local rangers in their fight against loggers.

The team has been requested to block suspects involved in illegal logging before they enter the Hướng Hóa-Đakrông forest. It has also been instructed to patrol frequently in and around the forest to stop any logging activity.

On May 10, local rangers found a truck carrying 10cu.m of rare timber from the forest. The rangers also found 13 forest trees and 20cu.m of timber illegally logged at the site.

The Huong Hoa-Đakrong forest has preventive significance as it reduces and blocks flood to the lower urban areas in the province. — VNS