VietNamNet Bridge - All data including articles, photos and research works would be stored on a blockchain platform, providing evidence to prove the authors’ ownership of the works, under a project developed by Dam Thi Thien Nhi, a student at FPT University. 


Dam Thien Nhi presents her idea

FPT University is an arm of FPT, the Vietnamese largest information technology group.

Nhi’s research work won first prize for IT students at the FPT University HCM City’s Science Research Conference.

Nhi uses blockchain for intellectual property protection and ownership transfer.

Creating and accessing digital content has been growing rapidly, but content can be copied and shared among people easily, while the real authors may find it difficult to prove ownership of the works.

The outstanding features of her research on blockchain in intellectual property protection and ownership transfer are the protection of authors’ benefits, and confidentiality and transparency. 

Nhi found that transferring ownership of articles and research works is a complicated and time-consuming process which badly affects authors’ creativity. 

Nhi’s project is to build a ‘ledger’ to store data for articles, photos and research works. The data cannot be changed once it is stored, thus providing evidence to prove the ownership of authors.

She uses a smart contract for ownership transfer procedure. The procedure will be simplified, automated, time saving and convenient to both authors and ownership recipients.

Nhi admitted that she felt ‘daring’ when choosing the topic as her knowledge about the technology and copyright remains limited. She had difficulties in implementing her research because her knowledge about blockchain was from relatives and friends, and reading on the internet.

After three months of working hard, she was able to implement the idea.

The outstanding features of her research on blockchain in intellectual property protection and ownership transfer are the protection of authors’ benefits, and confidentiality and transparency. 

It also saves time and money, while helping users administer their articles and conduct ownership transfer in a safe way.

In related news, experts in Vietnam have suggested using blockchain technology to prevent exam cheating. Data in any given block cannot be altered retroactively, so it is impossible to change exam papers and exam scores.

Vietnamese experts strongly believe that Vietnam will become a leading blockchain center in the world, if the government creates reasonable policies to stimulate the development of science & technology and blockchain.

Meanwhile, others don’t think the solution is feasible, saying that there are technological, managerial and legal challenges in using blockchain. Blockchain can fight against data modification, but not everything that needs to prevent modification will require blockchain.


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