
Released on February 9, 2022, "Theoretical and Practical Issues of Socialism and Vietnam’s Path to Socialism" by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is a valuable document summarizing the theories on the path of renewal and the unique developments of the Communist Party of Vietnam in implementing socialism. It creatively applies Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought to Vietnam’s context.

After its release, the book received positive reviews and widespread interest domestically and internationally. It was published in seven languages: English, Chinese, Lao, Russian, French, Spanish, and Dutch, helping international friends and overseas Vietnamese better understand Vietnam’s culture, people, and development.


Released on February 2, 2023, "Resolute Fight Against Corruption and Negative Behaviors, Contributing to Building a Clean and Strong Party and State" systematizes General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s directives as the head of the Party and Chairman of the Central Steering Committee on Anti-Corruption. It reflects the Party's consistent and thorough approach to fighting corruption and promoting integrity among its members.


On July 18, 2023, the book "Some Issues on Military Line and National Defense Strategy in Building and Defending the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the New Era" was released. This book is significant not only for the military but also for all levels of Party committees, organizations, sectors, officials, and Party members to deeply understand the national defense strategy, people’s warfare, and the duties of national defense in the new situation. It emphasizes the role and responsibility of the political system in building a strong national defense.


Released on October 20, 2023, "National Unity, Seizing Opportunities, Overcoming Challenges, Determined to Implement the 13th Party Congress Resolution" compiles 40 notable articles and speeches by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong during the first half of the 13th Party Congress. It focuses on leadership and direction in various strategic tasks outlined in the Congress Resolution.


On November 18, 2023, the book "Promoting the Tradition of National Unity, Building a Rich, Strong, Civilized, and Happy Country" was released. This long-term guide on theory and practice emphasizes the importance of national unity in the current phase.

On November 21, 2023, the book "Building and Developing a Comprehensive, Modern Vietnamese Diplomacy with the Identity of the 'Vietnamese Bamboo'" was released. It summarizes Vietnam’s core foreign policy ideas, tracing from the diplomacy of the Ho Chi Minh era to the present. The book illustrates the importance of diplomacy as a crucial task of the entire political system and highlights its significant contributions to national development and defense.


Two books, "Turning Challenges into Opportunities, Determined to Make Breakthroughs for Rapid and Sustainable Development" and "Building a Clean and Strong Party and Political System, Contributing to the Successful Implementation of the 13th Party Congress Resolution," released on February 2, 2024, compile Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong's prominent articles, speeches, letters, and telegrams from 2021 to 2023. They reflect his comprehensive leadership across various fields and levels.


Released on June 21, 2024, the book "Building and Developing an Advanced Vietnamese Culture Rich in National Identity" compiles 92 articles, speeches, interviews, and letters by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, with the earliest dating back to 1968. This valuable guide on culture is crucial for officials, Party members, and citizens in the cultural development and preservation of Vietnam’s national identity.


The book "The National Assembly in the Renewal Process, Meeting the Requirements of Building and Perfecting the Socialist Rule-of-Law State of Vietnam," released on July 16, 2024, compiles 95 articles, speeches, and interviews by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. It demonstrates his deep strategic vision for building a socialist rule-of-law state of the people, by the people, and for the people. It also reflects his thorough involvement in reforming the National Assembly to meet new challenges.

The enduring impact of his works

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s works, translated into multiple languages, are well-received by the public and highly regarded by scholars for their sharp thinking and political vision on major national issues.

Professor and Dr. Phung Huu Phu, former Standing Vice Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council, remarked on the book "Building and Developing an Advanced Vietnamese Culture Rich in National Identity": “The works of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong have a profound influence, guiding the actions of the entire Party, the people, and the army in the cultural development of our nation in the new development phase.”

Musician Do Hong Quan, Secretary of the Party Union and Chairman of the National Committee of the Vietnam Union of Literature and Arts Associations, appreciated the deep knowledge Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong demonstrated in his cultural works. He emphasized the valuable lessons of creativity, aspiration, and idealism for artists, inspired by Mr. Trong's belief in the cultural and artistic vitality of Vietnam.

Ambassador and Dr. Pham Lan Dung, Acting Director of the Vietnam Diplomatic Academy (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), praised the book "Building and Developing a Comprehensive, Modern Vietnamese Diplomacy with the Identity of the 'Vietnamese Bamboo'": “It encapsulates the core ideas of Vietnamese diplomacy, establishing a unique school of thought and serving as a valuable reference for understanding Vietnam’s foreign policy.”

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s books continue to provide insightful guidance and inspiration, cementing his legacy as a dedicated leader and cultural figure.

Tinh Le